Water Margin Survival

Chapter 229 You Forge Your Body, I Carve Your Soul

For 5000 years, in the vast history, which powerful army can be called the model and model of an army with faith?It has been a year and a half since Wang Lun bid farewell to that era. At this time, when he copied the outline of this powerful team, he was still vivid and lifelike.

The speaker has the intention, the listener has the intention.

The more Wang Jin on the wheelchair listened to the back, the more horrified he felt.He is No. 80 among the 1 imperial army coaches. He has all kinds of famous military training methods in his chest from ancient times to the present, but he has never heard of them, similar to the anecdotes that Wang Lun said tonight.

It's just that he suddenly felt as if he had caught something in his heart, but he didn't enjoy it very much. He just wished to hear more from this village owner who was always full of confidence.

Taking advantage of the time when Wang Lun lowered his head to drink the water, Wang Jin's thoughts gradually diverged: The essence of what Wang Lun said just now is basically to focus on every ordinary soldier and bring out their greatest potential.

It's just that in the past thousands of years, it's not that no famous general has tried this method. For example, Wu Qi sucked pus for the soldiers back then, and all the soldiers were willing to die for him.There are many generals like this, such as Li Guang, the parachutist general of the former Han Dynasty, and Feng Yi, the big tree general of the later Han Dynasty, both of whom are known for their love for soldiers.Finally, such famous generals are often dubbed as loving soldiers like sons.

As a "father", he cared about the food, clothing and health of his "son". If he hadn't heard Wang Lun's high-level remarks before tonight, Wang Jin would undoubtedly think that they had achieved perfection.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Wang Lun's words, Wang Jin was a little shaken at this time.It is obvious that Wang Lun is not satisfied with the existing old rules, but proposes to care for them spiritually, enlighten them, and inspire them. Based on this alone, Wang Jin believes that Wang Lun has surpassed his predecessors. On the road, a new road has been explored, which can be said to be a precedent.

After Wang Lun drank the water, he continued to talk. Wang Jin subconsciously withdrew his thoughts, for fear of missing the key content.As a professional coach, he only felt that he was in a treasure mountain at this time, and he refused to return empty-handed.

Unknowingly, the gaze he looked at the speaker became softer, and the unnaturalness of his previous body has also quietly faded away.

Wang Lun talked for more than half an hour, basically introducing all the proven and effective methods such as the "complaint conference" in detail. I saw that the leaders present at this time had different expressions, which can basically be divided into three categories.

Or, like Li Kui, who opened his eyes wide and looked at Wang Lun, who was making witty remarks in front of him, but put on an expression that didn't understand what you were talking about.Or it would be like Yuan Lang, Huang Xin and others, sitting there with a look of enlightenment and enlightenment, and couldn't help but laugh.Wen Huanzhang, Xiao Jiasui, Zhu Wu and others closed their eyes and pondered deeply, pondering the essence of Wang Lun's words.

Wang Lun was not in a hurry at this time, he knew that Liangshan Army should become an army with faith.It is not something that can be accomplished overnight, but he firmly believes that as long as the fire is sown, one day it will be able to start a prairie fire.

"From tomorrow onwards, the three military advisers and I will communicate with you in this thatched hut. Leaders with troops, I hope you can spend an hour after dinner to listen to the lecture. Other leaders who don't lead troops will just watch I have made my own arrangements! But I very much welcome everyone to come and chat!"

"When everyone can understand it, each battalion, from the commander to the head, then to the head of the army, ten generals, and even the guards, will come here in turn to listen to the lectures! After all, they are the ones who directly face the soldiers, so it is important for them Their training is even more important!"

Wang Lun talked a lot in one breath, so he asked everyone to speak independently, so that we could discuss together, but the thatched hut was extremely quiet, and it took a long time before someone sighed: "Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books..."

When everyone went to look, they found that it was Wang Jin who was sitting in a wheelchair sighing. Wang Lun saw that he smiled and asked Wang Jin to say a few words. Wang Jin shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't do it today. There are too many emotions and shocks here, so I'd better ask the village master to say more!"

Seeing this, everyone also opened their mouths to invite, and seeing the three military advisers looking at him expectantly, Wang Lun thought for a while and said, "Since that's the case, let's talk casually. Let's see if there is anything to add!"

Everyone applauded and listened to Wang Lun: "Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, forces like ours have had two endings. The first is to be recruited by the court, and the second is to be wiped out by the court. In the first case, it is impossible for Shanzhai to accept it, and I, Wang Lun, would not trade my brothers’ wealth and family names for a laughing stock called JI Chen Hunjun, who is making fun of the world! The second case, needless to say, is even more impossible accept!""

In fact, there is a third ending, that is, "he can be replaced." Unfortunately, the hero who uttered this clear statement did not sit still, and asked another person to replace him.Therefore, Wang Lun did not assume this possibility for the time being.There are some things that you can just do. You don’t have to say it every day. Over time, it will make people around you uneasy.

"Since it's impossible to recruit security, we can't let them be wiped out. The imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty has millions of soldiers, and my cottage has only [-] soldiers. How can I fight with them?!"

"I think the first point is not to fight unprepared battles, not to fight unsure battles, and strive to be prepared for each battle, and strive to be sure of victory under the conditions of the enemy and ourselves. In each battle, concentrate the absolute superior force and surround the enemy on all sides. The enemy should strive for complete annihilation without any leakage. In special cases, the method of annihilating the enemy should be adopted, that is, the method of concentrating all efforts on the enemy's front and one or both wings, in an attempt to annihilate one part and defeat the other. The purpose of this is so that our army can quickly transfer our troops back to the defense, or wipe out other enemy troops. Try to avoid fighting the kind of attrition war that is not worth the loss, or that the gain is equal to the loss.”

"When choosing an enemy, we generally fight scattered and isolated enemies first, and then attack concentrated and powerful enemies. The main goal is to annihilate the enemy's vital forces, not to preserve or seize state capitals and localities. After all, things are dead things. He can't run away even if he is put there, but the person is a living person, and if he escapes at this time, you still have to prevent him from reappearing, so when attacking the enemy, you should pay attention to the person first and the person second!"

"Basically, that's all!" Wang Lun nodded downwards, and at this moment he winked at Xiao Rang. Seeing this, Xiao Rang took out the "Actual Records of Military Training" written in his seal script and distributed them among the leaders.As for why this name was chosen, only Wang Lun understood.Because I haven't read many military books, the only one I have read is this book on military affairs written by Qi Jiguang, a general of the Ming Dynasty.However, in the original book, because the formation of muskets is useless at this time, many contents have been filtered by Wang Lun.

Xiao Rang has been working nonstop for three days just to make this booklet. When everyone took the booklet and read it, they felt that there were so many categories. The boring Li Kui turned the booklet over and over just because he couldn't read. At this time, I inadvertently transferred to the back, and saw ten large characters written on it. Li Kui scratched his ears and gills, not knowing what it meant. Fan Rui on the side saw it and read it out: "You forge the body, I carve the soul". (To be continued.)

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