Water Margin Survival

Chapter 230 Borrow 2 of your dog heads for 1 use

"Boss, you can't just leave him alone! What kind of military regulations does the villain's brother violate, and he wants to beat him with thirty military sticks! If he continues to beat him, will he still take his life?"

In the meeting hall of Shi Jin's barracks, a military leader of the battalion was kneeling in front of Jiu Wenlong and crying loudly, while two lieutenants, Tiaojianhu Chen Da and White Flower Snake Yang Chun, stood aside angrily, staring at him with tiger faces. This person.

"What are you in charge of? We are now the Liangshan troops, and you are also the commander of the third battalion of the Liangshan Infantry. You are in charge of fifty people. Why are you so out of tune?" Shi Jin originally tilted his head, looking black Face ignored this person, Jian Shuo couldn't help turning his head at this moment, and shouted:

"How dare you come to me and beg for mercy after you have done such a shameful thing? If you are still in charge, you will lose all the face of our Shaohuashan heroes!"

"Brother just promulgated a new military law a few days ago, and you didn't know how to restrain yourself. Now that you've bumped into Chief Pei's hands, who do you think is to blame! You can't live up to your expectations, what's the use of begging brother at this time!" Yang Chun said the first pass of the army.At this moment, he was still puzzled, and continued to teach:

"I've been training all day long, but you still have time to harass the common people! Do you think the cottage is short for you to eat, or short for you to wear? Have you ever been short of the reward you captured every time? You said The cottage is waiting for you so much, but you gave me three long faces!"

The army leader was trained to be bloody, and he lowered his head. At this moment, Chen Da, who had been holding his face and not speaking, unexpectedly stepped forward and kicked this person, and immediately kicked the army leader to the ground. He kicked Chen Da on the head, but he looked happy instead.

I saw Yang Chun hurried forward and dragged Chen Da back, saying: "Brother confused, his brother violated the military law and disgraced our Shaohuashan old man, now you are beating him, but you are also violating the military law! "

"They're all here! What's causing the trouble here!" Shi Jin shouted, seeing that the commotion was in full swing.

Seeing Shi Jin speak, Chen Da stopped, just stood there and scolded the soldier for a while, then slowed down, then turned to Shi Jin and said, "Brother, even if this guy's brother is too ineffective, he can No, why not hit him with a military stick just for the sake of a commoner? Isn’t that what the Iron Face is doing to turn your elbow?”

When Shi Jin heard this, he looked at Chen Da in amazement and said, "For the past month, brother and I have been lecturing for an hour every night for a long time. Are you going in one ear and out the other?"

Hearing this, Chen Da's ears turned red immediately, and he was about to confess, when a person came in from outside the house, and said, "I knew you'd have to stand out by jumping into the ravine!"

Everyone heard the words and saw that it was Zhu Wu, the military strategist of Shenji, who came in from the door, and Chen Da said hello, "Brother!"

"Confused! What are you doing here? You must be rewarded for meritorious deeds, and punished for mistakes. Is this wrong? When my brother issued the military order, I didn't see what you said. How come when the punishment fell on me now, I was punished." No more?" As soon as Zhu Wu opened his mouth, the room fell silent, and the army leader didn't dare to cry and beg, and knelt there with his head bowed, not daring to move.

Having said that, in the original Shaohua Mountain, the person with the highest prestige was not Jiuzhilong Shijin who joined halfway, but Zhu Wu, the divine military strategist who voluntarily gave up the position of village master.Shaohua cottage was built from scratch, and he built it all by himself. The other two leaders, Chen Da and Yang Chun, also went up the mountain because of him. Although Shi Jin later took the top spot, Zhu Wu's prestige and influence , has never diminished.

"You still think it's a small village like it was back then, and you never spend a day? My brother strictly enforces military discipline, why? Isn't it to train an iron army and make a future for all the brothers in the future?" Zhu Wu said one sentence at a time. , earnestly.

Seeing that Chen Da lowered his head and didn't speak, Zhu Wu had been with him for many years, so he didn't know his temperament, but he could tell from his appearance that he was still angry. Juntou said: "It's also my fault that I pampered you too much that day, but I actually hurt you! I told you all to develop a rebellious spirit. It seems that you are not very capable, but your temper is not small!"

Although Chen Da made Zhu Wuxun speechless for a while, but he still couldn't figure it out in his heart, why would he have to deal with his capable generals for the sake of an irrelevant common people, and he still felt aggrieved in his heart.

"Is my Liangshanbo popular or not?" Zhu Wu finished scolding the military leader, suddenly said something off topic, and looked at Chen Dadao.

Chen Da immediately said: "I didn't say anything bad about the cottage, this Liang Shanbo is many times stronger than our original village! But what does it have to do with beating my brothers?"

"The relationship is getting bigger! Brother, in good conscience, when Brother Wang Lun fell into the grass, there were only a few people under his command. It is not as good as our Shaohua Mountain. But now, is there any cottage in this world that can compare with Liangshan? What do you say? If Brother Wang Lun didn't love the people and make them support him, how can Liangshan be so large!" Zhu Wu said loudly.

Wang Lun didn't say some things directly to his brothers in the thatched hut, but he said a lot to the three military advisers.

As soon as he talked about the future of the cottage, this elder brother opened his heart and treated each other frankly. It could be seen that he was really heartbroken for the future of this group of brothers.There is a passage about the foundation of Liangshanbo, which tells Zhu Wu to think about it when he has something to do during this period.

Yes, throughout the ages, what do heroes who can stand firm rely on?Mencius once said, "It's not difficult to govern, and you don't offend the rich!" What was the rich in Mencius' time?noble!But what is the rich family of Song Dynasty today?Isn't it the most educated scholar and the largest number of peasants?

Heroes in the world, as long as they can get the support of these two kinds of people, they will surely achieve great things!

But because of Liang Shanbo's congenital defects, if he hadn't been desperate, who would have come to vote for you?But farmers are different, as long as you can make decisions for them and save them from suffering, they will support and respect you sincerely.

Although there are people from all walks of life in the cottage today, the people who can be called the foundation are the people who voted with their families. Without them, would Liangshanbo have the momentum it has today?Such a simple fact, how could some people fail to understand it!

Zhu Wu sighed bitterly, and couldn't help but look at Chen Da. His brother is upright and loyal, but he has a bad temper and only protects his weaknesses.I was afraid that he would not be able to figure it out, so I came here to take a look, but I really made myself guess.

Chen Da was unhappy, he couldn't say enough about Zhu Wu, he felt aggrieved and had nowhere to go, so he sat down at the table all at once, only knocking down the jug and wine glass on the table, the army leader saw that the atmosphere was not right, and the four There were three leaders who refused to stand up for themselves, so they had to say: "All brothers, calm down, and the younger ones just turn around! Don't hurt your temper!"

"What are you going to do? Follow me to the Military Jurisdiction!" Zhu Wu shouted, Shi Jin was taken aback when he heard this, and said, "What are you going to the Military Jurisdiction for?"

Seeing that it was Shi Jin who spoke, Zhu Wu's tone softened, and he explained: "As the chief officer, he has no way to control his subordinates. When the military law is enforced, the chief general will also be present to be punished!"

Shi Jin and others looked at each other when they heard the words, Yang Chun couldn't help asking: "What is the punishment?"

"What else can you punish, you just stand there, do you still have face!" Zhu Wu stomped and said, this military law has been promulgated, why don't everyone know to look at it!But in the end, we are all old brothers, and there is no need to talk about it at this time.

When Shi Jin heard this, he went out with a dark face, and Yang Chun immediately followed after seeing this.At this time Chen Da was still sullen, Zhu Wu stepped forward and said: "Let's go, sit still!" Chen Da snorted, got up and went out, Zhu Wu shook his head and followed.

When everyone came to the Juyi Hall's military judiciary, they only heard two begging voices from inside: "Village Master! Brother! We know we are wrong! There are a lot of bosses, so please forgive us this time." !"

I saw Wang Lun sitting on the main hall, with the iron-faced judge Pei Xuan and Sun Fo'er Sun Ding sitting on the left and right respectively, and two leaders who looked like leaders kneeling below, crying miserably and sobbing.

"Which two are these?" Chen Da asked Zhu Wudao in a low voice when he saw this.

Seeing that this reckless man still cared about others despite his rage, Zhu Wu replied angrily: "It's under trial, silence!"

When Chen Da saw that he said it, he stopped talking. Seeing that brothers in other camps were being punished, his unhappiness suddenly eased a lot.People are weird too. When I see other people in the same situation as me, or even worse than me, I feel much calmer.

"Yan Qi, Jia San! How long have you two been with me!" Wang Lun asked while sitting in the lobby, looking at the two former confidantes of the "Village Lord".

"That day when the cottage was first established, the villains followed the village owner!" Seeing Wang Lun's question, the two were overjoyed, they saw a glimmer of hope, and rushed to answer.

"Since you have been with me for so long, and you still can't straighten your mind, it seems that I really can't discipline you well!" Wang Lun said, looking at the two still innocent pustules.

These two dog heads, when they had just crossed the water that day, they thought about waiting for "Wang Lun" to die, and planned to retreat.In the original trajectory, when Lin Chonghuo merged with Wang Lun, the two confidantes stood by the side as if they were watching a play, never farting.

At that time, I wanted to dispose of these two people who were not successful enough but more than failed. It was only because of their personal identities and the fact that the abandonment of the master did not happen that I put them down as a leader without seeing anything. .

Unexpectedly, these two people would pull the tiger skin as a banner. One of them got into the position of the head of the capital in the Lijiao camp, and the other was under Du Qian's subordinates. He was also doing well, and he was still in charge of more than 50 people.

Originally, Wang Lun had forgotten about these two, but they wanted to come up with something else, and it was impossible for you to ignore them, which aroused Wang Lun's disgust for them again.

"Don't dare, it's just a villain with bad conduct, no wonder brother! I beg brother to forgive our surname, we will never dare in the future! Even if we are oxen and horses for brother, we are willing to do it!" The two He knelt down and cried loudly.I know what I have done, if Wang Lun does not protect them at this time, he will definitely die this time.

Wang Lun didn't speak, but nodded towards Pei Xuan and Sun Ding.After all, these two were chosen by the former village head as his followers. They had some discernment. Seeing that Wang Lun didn't look like he wanted to protect them, he was shocked. At this critical juncture, they all turned around and looked at Zhiguan The leader yelled for help.

Yuan Lang, Yuan Lang, and Du Qian were all here. Yuan Lang didn't express his opinion, but Du Qian and Xuan Yuan couldn't bear it, so they stepped forward to plead for mercy and said, "Brother (brother of the military division), these two deserve death, but at any rate, they have fought with each other." By my brother's side, there is no credit but hard work, I hope you forgive them this time!"

Seeing this, Chen Da stared at the stage with a pair of bull eyes, waiting for Wang Lun to express his opinion. He stood here and listened this time, thinking to himself, if these two are spared, then he will go up no matter what he says. I beg!

Wang Lun sighed as he looked at Yan Ji and Du Qian. These two brothers probably took good care of Yan Qi and Jia San because of their own face, but unexpectedly, it actually fueled the evil spirit in these two people. .Wang Lun shook his head, got up and said:

"Who is not my brother in this cottage? This one is forgiven for violating the military law, and the other is forgiven for violating the military law. Two brothers, why does the cottage need this military judge?"

Du Qian and Yan Yu looked at each other, Yuan Lang was silent, just quietly observing the development of the situation, at this time Wang Lun nodded to the two leaders of our division, and then heard Pei Xuan get up and say: "When Yan Qi went down the mountain with the camp, he left the team privately. , Seeing the color, I wiped out the woman from a good family. Now the family of the victim is suing Liangshan. After investigation, it is true. According to the military law, Jia San, as the head of the Shanzhai money and food army, has concealed more than 270 public funds in half a year. After investigation If it is true, it should be executed according to military law!"

When the two of them heard this, they immediately fell limp to the ground, their upper and lower rows of teeth were chattering, and they couldn't utter a word, only tears and snot flowed out together.When the law enforcement soldiers came forward to drag the two people, Yan Qi became ruthless and shouted: "Wang... Wang Lun, you really don't miss the old love!"

"Read!" Wang Lun said loudly, "You two have been by my side for a long time, and I can be regarded as your chief officer, guilty of negligence! Two chiefs, I would like to receive the sentence together!"

Pei Xuan and Sun Dingjian said that their eyes met, and they were both surprised.Pei Xuan pursed his lips, remembering the words Wang Lun had said to himself that day: "You can do it with confidence and boldness, and I will support you in everything!" Immediately, a warm feeling rose from the dantian and melted into the limbs , Strictly enforce the law, this is his lifelong pursuit, if he is willing to compromise with this secular world, he will not let the magistrate harm the Salmonella Island.

Sun Ding sighed, and said: "The village master has sent them out for more than a year, according to military law, they should not be implicated!"

Wang Lun shook his head and said: "I am willing to accept the military law today, not because of these two useless things! I am for the sake of the thousands of brothers in the Shanzhai. I hope they will take today's incident as a warning, be able to clean themselves, and be willing to defend the army." Fa! I don’t want to meet any other brothers here!”

As soon as Wang Lun finished speaking, Du Qian quickly knelt down and said, "I am incapable of discipline, and I am willing to be punished with my brother!" Seeing this, he came to his senses, and also knelt down and said, "I am willing to be punished! Just let me do it!"

At this time, Yuan Lang, who had been silent all this time, also bent his legs, knelt on the ground, and said decisively: "My brother has set an example, and my younger brother admires it very much. At this time, I am also willing to be punished together!"

In the cries of Yan Qi and Jia San before they died, they saw military sticks beating the four leaders including the head of the village in front of the hall. Zhu Wu looked back at the violent Chen Da with a shocked expression on his face, and said: "Are you still upset?"

This chapter has [-] words, fill in the missing [-] words in this chapter! (To be continued.)

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