Water Margin Survival

Chapter 231 Ning sin scholar, don't mess with Kongmu

On this day, the eight chiefs lead the army sticks together;

On this day, the souls of the two leaders returned to the west;

On this day, after being hit with [-] army sticks, a certain pawn walked down the hall in an extremely powerful manner without anyone's support.It is said that the soldiers in charge of law enforcement weakened their arms during the execution of the military sticks against the eight chiefs in front of them, so that the guy who was finally punished took a big advantage.

So many shocking news spread across the island as if they had grown wings, and caused extremely huge repercussions.In less than half a day, it had spread throughout the island.Even the fifth battalion of horse troops who had gone to the Lijiadaokou for training early in the morning, everyone sighed and sighed before returning to the village.

You must know that, except for the last unknown soldier, the other characters who received the military law are not ordinary characters.

Not to mention Du Qian, the leader of the village, when the village owner was still wandering in the rivers and lakes alone, he followed the village owner. There is really no other person who is older than him in Liangshanbo. Of course, he has to leave the village. Lord himself.

Needless to say, the leader of the 縻粹縻, for him, the village owner led an army of [-] horses to run amok for half of the Song Dynasty, and he did not hesitate to tear his face with Wang Qing, the leader of the Eighteen Villages in Jingxi and Jinghu, which is already very illustrative.

Leader Yuan Lang, the sworn brother of Leader Su, one of the only seven regular generals in the Buying, it is said that when he got on the horse, even when Dahu Wusong wanted to defeat him, he sighed.

Zhu Wujun, one of the three military divisions, has a detached status.Because of his resignation, he could have been exempted from the military law, but he was infected by the village owner and was willing to accept the punishment.

Shi Jin, the leader of Shi Jin, the sole leader of Buying, the former head of Shaohua Mountain, and the disciple of Wang Jin, the chief coach of Liangshan, have so many prominent identities, if one of them is randomly assigned, it is enough for an ordinary soldier to be proud for half a lifetime.

Chen Da, leader Chen, heard that he has a very violent temper. In the infantry battalion under his command, he has scolded all those who have positions.It's just that when the man received the military stick today, not only did he not say a word, but he also showed a willing attitude, which is really puzzling.

Leader Yang Chunyang, although he is the deputy general of Buying, is also a serious leader of the cottage. For [-]% of the people on this island, he is out of reach.

There are also the two hanged leaders, Dutou Yan Qi and Juntou Jia San, both of whom have the same identity: the village master used to be a close follower, but today he is called the iron-faced head of the military justice department. Hanged! ?And still in front of the village master!It's incredible!

Who doesn't know that the village master is a good man with great benevolence and righteousness, at least nine out of ten leaders of this mountain have received his favor, at this time his followers have committed a crime worthy of death, how can they watch them go to death?But even so, the lives of these two followers were not saved!

Pei Xuan is really courageous, he really deserves the nickname "Iron Face".He still insisted on the death penalty of the two people around him, the village master.In the end, it was the benevolent village owner who allowed them to hang themselves to death.If the head is beheaded, the head will be separated from the body, and I don't know if it will become a lonely ghost, and there will be no peace forever.

It's really better to mess with scholars than contaminate Kongmu!This is a person who doesn't even give face to the village owner.If everyone doesn't restrain themselves in the future and accidentally violates military discipline, then Yan Qi and Jia San will be taught a bloody lesson!

When everyone was discussing, they tacitly hid the news of the village master's punishment. Eight leaders led the army, but only seven names were active in everyone's voices, and the last one, when asked about the elder, Most of them shook their heads and laughed, talking about him from left to right.

In their hearts, how could this leader who built this paradise for everyone suffer from such flesh and blood?It doesn't fit his identity, nor does it fit his kind image in everyone's mind.

"Grandpa was born between heaven and earth, he was not afraid of the imperial court or officials, the water pool spreads down to the sky, and the tortoise king's eight hoods..."

Xiaoqi, who was singing the fisherman's song, also returned to the village with the sailors who had practiced all day.The navy is a relatively special type of military. They go out early in the morning by rowing their boats. If there is no urgent need to find them, no one will drive a small boat alone for more than ten miles to gossip about them.

Ruan Xiaoqi was in a good mood.

Today, the battalion under his command was very upbeat. In the competition with the navy under Fifth Brother's command, the limelight completely overwhelmed them. He told Little Seventh Brother to be so proud that he made an appointment to meet Zhang Shun's men tomorrow. Help the water ghosts compete!

"Brother Seven, Brother Seven! Something has happened!" Wang Dingliu was circling around in a hurry on the pier, and finally saw Ruan Xiaoqi's boat, and shouted loudly.

"Look at you, what's the rush? Now... By the way, they are all independent people, can they make progress a bit? It's not like the sky is falling!" Ruan Xiaoqi shouted from the bow of the boat.It can be said that this brother was brought into the cottage by himself, and the tone of reproach at this time was full of kindness.

"Brother Seven, the sky is really falling! You don't know yet, something happened to my brother!" Wang Dingliu said anxiously, and he was not in the mood for joking at this time, so he went straight to the point.

As soon as Ruan Xiaoqi heard this, he didn't say anything, and didn't wait for the boat to dock, he jumped directly from the boat several feet high, only heard a "plop", his whole body submerged in the water, and suddenly saw a dragon in the water cut through On the surface of the lake, he swam towards the shore like an arrow.

"What's the matter, brother!? Why did something happen? Has Miraculous Doctor An passed by?" Ruan Xiaoqi broke out of the water, too late to calm down, only spat out the water in his mouth, and asked repeatedly.

Seeing that he had misunderstood, Wang Dingliu was afraid that he would be anxious, so he directly told about Wang Lun's voluntary acceptance of the military stick. What happened to Liangshan’s heroes! My brother was severely punished, my lord, I can’t wait to sink them to the bottom of this lake and feed them to bastards!"

Wang Dingliu agreed and scolded the two people a few words, then suggested: "Brother Seven, let's go and see Brother together!"

Ruan Xiaoqi was a fast man, immediately grabbed Wang Dingliu and rushed up the mountain barefoot.When the two came to the family courtyard, they saw hundreds of people crowded in front of Wang Lun's house, and from time to time some people stuck their heads out to visit inside.Even Hun Jianglong Li Jun was pushed violently in his wheelchair by Tong Weitong, and came to visit Wang Lun.

"Brother Li Jun, why are you here?" Ruan Xiaoqi greeted directly upon seeing this.According to Zhang Shun, this person's kung fu in water is also excellent, but it's a pity that he is injured, otherwise he can compete.

"I heard that my brother was hit by a military stick, and I couldn't lie down comfortably. I thought about coming here to have a look. I didn't want so many brothers to be here!" Li Jun sighed.

Ruan Xiaoqi laughed, and said: "You have seen the leader of the cottage, the others are my brother's former bodyguards, they were originally assigned to be the bosses, now seeing that my brother is injured, how can I come over to take a look !"

"What's going on?" Li Jun asked with concern.

Ruan Xiaoqi didn't know the details, so he just looked at Wang Dingliu, and Wang Dingliu told the story of today's military judiciary. Li Jun was also a person who led a team to smuggle salt, and he knew the importance of distinguishing rewards and punishments. Listen to it He sighed and said: "Brother has a good intention! The military stick he endured today is for the brothers in the whole village, so as to prevent the brothers from trying their own way in the future!"

Ruan Xiaoqi heard the words and reported it, but it wasn't true! ?When this military law is enforced, my brother will still be punished, so how dare the other brothers take chances?Immediately, he slapped his chest and said: "That's the way it is, it's just that my brother suffers... Sigh! Don't talk about it, let's go in and have a look before we talk about it!"

After Ruan Xiaoqi finished speaking, he took the lead and squeezed inside, not wanting the black man standing at the front to refuse, and shouted: "Brother Seven, we have been standing here for a long time, and we haven't entered yet, so you just squeeze!"

"Tie Niu, is it okay to tell Brother Seven to go in first?" Ruan Xiaoqi saw that everyone was queuing up, and immediately cupped his hands.

"No!" Li Kui pulled his face and said, "I used to beg for help like this before, but how could they let me go, and now I won't let me go!" The three rough men around Li Kui also nodded their heads in a serious manner when they heard the words .

Ruan Xiaoqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she saw that other leaders were looking at her, she was a little embarrassed for a while, she walked towards the end of the line, but her mouth was not forgiving, and said: "Tie Niu, how late are you black fellow?" Riding a horse in the back mountain, this army stick should hit you!"

"You think I'm not at a disadvantage? A brother in my battalion has just been subjected to military law, and Brother Bao Xu did it himself!" Li Kui yelled.After speaking, he looked at Bao Xu and asked him to prove it.Bao Xu understood, waved his hand and said: "These boys have completely embarrassed us Kushushan. If everyone didn't stop him, I wish I could break his legs!"

Ruan Xiaoqi was left speechless by these two, and only held out a thumb and said, "Okay, okay! You guys are ruthless!"

Let's say that Wang Lun was discussing today's affairs with the two military advisers in the house, only to hear Xiao Jiasui say: "Brother has really worked so hard for the stronghold! I don't hesitate to lead the way, my younger brother bows down!"

Wen Huanzhang also nodded and sighed: "The soldiers in this mountain are not bad. Most of them are from common people with simple surnames. I also feel the kindness of my brother's rebuilding, so they are very easy to control! But recently, Shaohua Mountain, Mangdang Mountain, Huangmen Mountain, Kumen Mountain, etc. The four great strongholds of Shushan belonged to Liangshan. In a short period of time, our strength has indeed greatly increased, but there are also many problems. Keep military discipline in mind, and it will be much easier to discipline in the future!"

Wang Lun supported his waist and walked slowly in the house: "If there are orders and prohibitions, my Liangshan is bound to be reduced to a mess. What are you talking about, grand plans and lofty ambitions! As long as the brothers can get some inspiration from this, I will be here today." It’s worth it! I’m afraid I won’t be able to go to the thatched cottage for a few days to give a speech, so I’ll have to ask two military advisers to do it for me, it’s going to be a lot of trouble!”

Wen Huanzhang and Xiao Jiasui looked at each other with a smile, and said, "Satisfy all day long, dare you not work hard?" To be honest, what else can these two ambitious military advisers say when they meet such a stronghold leader who leads by example What about?Immediately, without prevarication, they took the lead in unison.

The three looked at each other and smiled, at this time Zhu Gui rushed in from the door and said, "Brother, King Chao Tian came from Qingzhou, and he is here to visit you!"

Wang Lun heard the words and looked out, only to hear a slightly apologetic voice: "My dear brother, Brother Yu is here to apologize!" (To be continued.)

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