The divine arm bow is the number one sharp weapon among the long-range standard weapons for individual soldiers in the Song Dynasty. Although it is called a bow, it is actually a crossbow.

When the crossbow is stretched, you need to step on the ankle ring with your feet, then use your waist to open it, and then match it with a special small arrow (about 240 to 370 centimeters). It takes a lot of time to complete a set of procedures.But its power is astonishing, with a range of more than [-] steps, which is more than [-] meters in later generations. ), after the arrow hits the target, "still pierces through the elm wood, without half a stick", which shows its strength.

Later, Wanyan Wushu, who suffered from the invasion of the Song Dynasty, once said: "The weapons used in the Song Dynasty are no more than the magic arm bow, and the second is the heavy axe, which is fearless outside!"

How could Hao Siwen, who practiced martial arts diligently since childhood and was familiar with military books, not know how powerful this crossbow is?Subconsciously, he made an action to avoid dodge immediately, and at the same time shouted to everyone under his command to avoid the crossbow.Although his reaction is extremely fast, how can there be such a fast crossbow with an initial speed of more than a hundred meters per second?

At this time, a crossbow arrow passed by a few inches above his helmet, and directly hit the horse of a soldier riding beside him, shooting out a blood hole, and blood splattered everywhere.And this just happened in the blink of an eye, and the buzzing sound was still lingering in his ears, which made Hao Siwen break out in a cold sweat.

At this time, other people were not as lucky as Hao Siwen.But seeing dozens of cavalry soldiers being hit by arrows, the arrows pierced through the leather armor, and all those who were hit by the arrows died, and fell straight from their horses to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Hao Siwen was very anxious. If these crossbowmen were to entangle him at this time, let alone snatch the door, he would suffer heavy casualties.A few days ago, Wang Lun also ordered to preserve the vitality, if at this time all the troops were killed here, wouldn't it be a breach of elder brother's trust?

The grim situation was imminent, and when Hao Siwen was extremely anxious, he suddenly saw an ugly man looking at the tower and yelling sharply: "Are you waiting to kill the thief or shoot the friendly army, do it!"

It turned out that when the Liangshan horse army was shot by arrows one after another, many folks also suffered from the disaster.I don't know whether it was because of the powerful bow of the divine arm that caused the secondary damage, or whether there were unsightly officers and soldiers shooting indiscriminately on it.

Seeing this scene, Hao Siwen mobilized his wits, and while the crossbowman upstairs was drawing his bow, he shouted: "Everyone will lose their lives here. If you don't go into the village together, I, Liangshan, will only get rid of the leader and the followers." whether!"

The people blocking Zhuangzi's gate were originally guest soldiers, and they were from the Zhuang family. They were scared out of their wits at this time, so how could they be willing to work hard for Zhujiazhuang?Hearing the promise of the leader of Liangshan, they couldn't help being unmoved.

Du Xingjian said that he immediately summoned the village guests and rushed to the village. Hu Sanniang wanted to gather troops to fight again, but was dragged by Hu Cheng desperately, and followed the crowd into the village to escape.

In front of the front gate of Zhujiazhuang, a strange scene suddenly appeared: the two groups of people who fought you to death just now are now working together to rush into the village together.As the saying goes, if one person works hard, ten people should not be taken care of. There is only one battalion of officers and soldiers at the door. Most of them have already climbed the wall or are on the way to the wall. And enter.

In such a situation, a general in the city was furious, and secretly cursed that the infantry in Yunzhou was really a jerk, how could there be any integrity of the forbidden army, and they would collapse at the touch of a touch! ?Immediately shouted: "Knife and gunmen guard the city ladder, don't panic, let's fight against the city!"

Hao Siwen had already rushed into the village at this time, leading everyone to shout, "Abandon weapons and don't kill!"

Suddenly seeing this general who didn't know where to break the city, Hao Siwen was surprised, and immediately ordered the only people in the camp with bows to raise their arrows to fight back. He also bent his bow and set his arrows, aiming at the general The officer shot an arrow, but the general was still hissing and yelling to restrain the troops, but when Hao Siwen's arrow came over, he fell to the ground with his shoulders on his shoulders.Some crossbowmen wanted to shoot down, so they heard the officers around them scold: "Zhuangzi has already been broken, and he is going to make a death feud. You are all pigs!"

At this time, there was a scuffle in front of the village gate. At that moment, Hua Monk Lu Zhishen from the [-]st Battalion of the Infantry came with his troops. When he saw the body of his brother in Zhuangqian, he was furious and waved his Zen stick to kill him. Hao Siwen thought that since Lu Zhishen has arrived, and the follow-up team should not be far away, so he immediately said: "I will leave this place to the master, and I will take people to the back door!"

When Lu Zhi saw Hao Siwen's blood-stained Zheng robe, he immediately shouted: "Brother Hao, be careful, when the brothers from behind come over, the Sa family will come to help you!"

Hao Siwen didn't care about being polite, he nodded at Lu Zhishen, gathered his men and horses, and went straight to kill.

Lu Zhishen was a member of the Western Army, and he knew the power of the divine arm bow, so he immediately ordered the archers in the battalion to shoot at the top of the tower.The people on the tower had lost their fighting spirit and the restraint of the general, and fled to the tower one after another. Seeing this, Lu Zhishen yelled and asked his archers to cover him, while he brought hundreds of big men who wielded Zen sticks like him to the city wall and killed them. .

At this time, the two farmers at the gate either squatted down and hugged their heads, or broke up and fled. At this time, the city was in chaos, and Shi Jin, Wu Song and others led a team to catch up. When Siwen went, Wu Song, Yuan Lang and Li Kui and Fan Rui heard that there were three battalions of officers and soldiers in the city, and each took their own soldiers to kill them.

Seeing the flames of war everywhere, this Zhujiazhuang is already broken.

Holding a cup of good tea, Zhu Chaofeng was still waiting in the courtyard for the good news of his three sons' triumphant return.Suddenly, I heard the shouts of killing in the village, and when I was surprised, I saw a servant who was not young rushed in in panic, and reported mourning with a sad face: "Master, Zhuangzi has been broken by the Liangshan bandits at this time!"

When Zhu Chaofeng heard the news, he accidentally smashed the teacup in his hand, and saw that he looked like a concubine, his face was pale, and he couldn't help stammering: "What... what, where is General Gong?"

"I'm with the thieves who entered the city, and I seem to be seriously injured!" The servant was about the same age as Zhu Chaofeng, and he was an extremely stable person, but the situation in front of him was so shocking that he was so frightened that he had two rows of teeth Catch and fight.

Zhu Chaofeng was devastated, slumped on the seat, and muttered: " three sons..." The ingenious plan that was originally planned to be foolproof, why did it go wrong?He had thought about the ending of this time thousands of times in his heart, but he didn't count the destruction of the city.

Seeing the master's appearance at this time, the servant was very anxious, thinking that the grief in his heart was lighter than that of the person involved, and he still had some reason left, so he immediately called a few servants and dragged Zhu Chaofeng away.

Now that things have happened, it is useless to say anything, and the truth is to escape with your life.


"What? Zhuangzi broke!?"

Wang Lun was very surprised when he saw that Song Jiang had beaten Zhujiazhuang three times, and he suffered a lot of losses, and he was still unable to fight for a long time.In the end, he relied on Sun Li's deceit and raped his brother from the same school. The only broken Zhuangzi who cooperated with the inside and the outside, unexpectedly asked Hao Siwen to take down the Zhuangmen in one go.

Xiao Jiasui who was standing next to him sighed, "Brother's vision of seeing people is really inferior to that of ordinary people! General Hao stood out when he encountered a war opportunity, which can be regarded as a credit for himself!" At this point, he only heard him laugh, and said: "Brother There is only one battalion of cavalry in the city, and I am afraid that the pressure will not be strong enough, it is better to withdraw the troops of Coach Lin and rush into the village!"

"There are no less than 3000 people in the forest, and there are two scourges, Zhu Long and Zhu Biao. If they are asked to run out, there may be another disaster! In this case, you and I can rush there with the guards!" Wang Lun thought thought.Most of the officers and soldiers from the Fourth Battalion who entered the village at some time have already been captured, and Zhujiazhuang's elite have all left the village. At this time, it is expected that the rest of him will not be able to make any trouble.

Xiao Jiasui nodded when he saw that, five thousand infantry had already entered the village, plus two battalions of cavalry, it should be safe.The forest is vast, and there are not enough people. Maybe Zhu Long and Zhu Biao, who were born and bred and familiar with the terrain, escaped.

Wang Lun and Xiao Jiasui were thinking about the eldest and third child of Zhu's family, and the two people in the woods were a little unsteady, only to hear Zhu Long's face was disturbed, and he said anxiously: "Why have you guys been dawdling for so long? Haven't arrived yet?! Could it be that I'm waiting to show a flaw?"

Zhu Biao's face was extremely painful, and his arm was swollen all around. He gritted his teeth and said a few words from the gap between his teeth: "Wait a minute! If these guys want to attack Zhuangzi, they always have to enter Come in the woods, no matter whether he is a dragon or a tiger, I will be stunned! When the time comes, I will fight out together, and I will take Wang Lun's head to avenge my second brother!"

At this time, Zhu Long was also looking like he was gnashing his teeth and hating his heart, and said bitterly: "I also said that I captured these guys and went to the state to ask for merit, but now I catch and kill each of them, and I will not leave a single one alive. Avenged this second child!"

The two brothers looked at each other, and nodded with resentment, when they suddenly heard an untimely report, "You two masters, a fight broke out at the gate of Qianzhuang, and the villain saw Liangshan troops entering the village! "

Zhu Long was startled, jumped up and said, "You see it right!?"

Then Zhu Biao was also yelling, saying: "Where can he get in!? Could it be that he flew over! If it weren't for the people in my village, who would know the secrets of this forest! You disturb the morale of the army, come, come with me Bind it up, and punish you when you return to the village!"

Seeing this, the man cried and said: "You two masters, the villain really saw the villains of the Hu family and the Li family treacherously and led the Liangshan thieves into the village together. It is useless for you to kill the villain at this time! "

Zhu Biao saw that what he said was convincing, the three souls went to the second soul, and he lost his voice: "Impossible, I won't do it! The third lady will definitely not be like this!"

"Li Ying is a dead boy, what good did he take from Liangshan, and he dared to turn against the water and trap my Zhuangzi! Then Hu Cheng is not a good guy, I have already seen something wrong with him! Third brother, when I go back, I can't call him daddy There are gains and losses!" Zhu Long shouted.

"There are still two thousand officers and soldiers in the village. Daddy will be fine! I said that the bandits in Liangshan acted secretly. It turned out that this guy had made a secret! Why don't you go to Li's village and take the dog's head of Li Ying! He took refuge in the bandits, we waited There is a reason to kill him!" Zhu Biao's eyes were burning, and at this point, in his heart, internal suppression is more hateful than external.The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and suddenly he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that his younger brother was blinded by hatred, Zhu Long cursed and shouted: "Help the third master back, and the others will follow me back to the village for rescue!"

Everyone has family members, wives and children in the village, so they don't want to follow Zhu Biao to Li's Village at this time. Hearing Zhu Long's shout, thousands of people rushed to Zhuangzi. Zhu Biao was wrapped up and kept cursing.

Zhu Long rushed for a while with his subordinates, only to see a man in ragged clothes limping and running towards the woods in a panic. When Zhu Long saw this man, he stopped him quickly and said, "I wish you, old man. What are you running for?"

As soon as Zhu Laoba saw Zhu Long, he cried loudly: "Master, Zhuangzi has already been broken by thieves, and I escaped over the wall!"

Zhu Long was furious, and said: "Where are the officers and soldiers of Zhuangshang, where is Gong Wang? Where's the old man?"

"The chaos on the street is full of Liangshan soldiers and horses. I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of people? The officers and troops have already surrendered. Where can I see Deputy General Dao Gong? I'm afraid he has surrendered now! Also, I heard that the steward led the master to the back door, sir. Don't panic! The villain has no family members, so he sneaked out over the wall while they were not paying attention!" Zhu Lao Ba cried.

Hearing this, Zhu Long put down half of his heart, and felt that at this time it was a blessing in misfortune, at least his father ran out.It's just that he suddenly lost his mind, and now his team is neither advancing nor retreating.Afraid that there will be no return when going forward, and no destination when going back, he hesitates.

"Brother, since daddy is fine, I'll go to Lijiazhuang, cut off the guy's dog's head, and then lend him money and food to make a comeback. When the army comes in the future, I can avenge my second brother!" Zhu Biao pushed Said the farmer who held him hostage.

Zhu Long thought about it for a while, but he didn't have any other good ideas. He still had more than 3000 dealers around him. Although there was no way to deal with Liangshan bandits, it was more than enough to beat him in Lijiazhuang!Well, since this guy is a thief, and apart from this rebellious person, he has a lot of money and food, which is just to solve his urgent needs.

The two discussed for a while, but they didn't dare to take the main road, so they searched for a small road and went to Lijiazhuang. Everyone rushed for a while, and when they were about to leave the forest, there was a scream from the front team, Zhu Long was in a hurry, and stepped forward During the investigation, all thirty or twenty bankers were shot to death with bows and arrows.

Zhu Long was furious, seeing that there were no more than a hundred people on the other side, and they were all riding horses. According to his common sense, horse archers don't use swords and guns, and now he has no way to retreat. He asked the Liangshan bandits to come and catch him, and all his people starved for two days, and everything was over. Immediately, he asked the farmer to lead the horse, get on the horse, and shouted back: "If you can't get out, you will be hungry and die. I want to live." Yes, follow me!"

The small group of horsemen saw that there were about two to three thousand people in the woods, maybe they were Zhujiazhuang's previous ambushes?The military envoy immediately gave an order, and suddenly heard three sounds of arrows hitting the sky.

Zhu Biao was furious, and asked the farmer to help himself on the horse, and rushed out first with a gun in his hand. Seeing that Zhu Long was in a hurry, he hurriedly called all the dealers to come forward together. The military envoy sneered and said: "Everyone Run for me, let these guys see what riding and shooting is!" (To be continued.)

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