Water Margin Survival

Chapter 239 Disposal

When the three generals Tang Bin, Qin Ming, and Lin Chong arrived with nearly [-] or [-] prisoners, they saw Wang Lun solemnly collecting the bodies of his brothers who died in battle outside the village.Seeing this, Lin Chong and the other four quickly got off their horses. The cavalry behind them also followed the example of the commander, dismounted and stood silently in front of the body of their comrades.

The three chief generals and one deputy general are all veterans in the army. Looking at the fatal wounds on the brothers who died in battle, you can tell what weapon caused it.Lin Chong sighed and said, "God Arm Bow!"

When Qin Ming saw dozens of brothers' corpses left in front of the village, he was furious, and asked, "Where did the officers and soldiers come from? They sneaked around, why didn't there be any news at all!?"

This should be classified as a major mistake in intelligence work.Wang Lun said nothing.

The fourth battalion of infantry, with nearly 2000 troops, plus a lieutenant general Gong Wang, just disappeared from the Yunzhou city, and there was no news from his own eyeliner. It seems that the troops stationed in Yunzhou city are still Not enough heat.

"Brother, when did this army come? They are from Yunzhou? How many people are there?" Lin Chong stepped forward and asked.

Wang Lun nodded towards Lin Chong, and the two walked towards the village side by side. Wang Lun said in a low voice, "They are all Yunzhou Forbidden Army, four battalions of infantry, nearly 2000 people! The leader is Hua Xianghu Gong Wang!"

"Brother Zhu Gui, alas!" Lin Chong sighed, and said immediately, "Brother Zhu Fu, do you have any news?"

"I have suffered a lot of flesh and blood, but it's okay, I didn't hurt my muscles and bones! When I saw me, I was able to speak, and I was still awake. Doctor An is currently treating me, so I should be fine!" Zhu said that he was safe and sound. Fu, Wang Lun's face turned pale.

Seeing that Zhu Fu was safe, Lin Chong was also relieved, and walked to the village with Wang Lun, introducing along the way: "Zhu Long and Zhu Biao called Brother Tang's followers to find out. The servants have already told Brother Tang to surrender, and they are all thrown away! Fearing that there may be leaks, envoy Yang Zhi is leading his troops to patrol outside the forest, and my younger brother will go to replace him at night!"

Wang Lun nodded and said: "Everyone has worked hard! The remaining enemies in the city have basically been wiped out. Let's go in and rest for a while, so that we can feed our horses and rest our feet!"

As soon as Lin Chong and Wang Lun entered the village gate, they suddenly saw hundreds of crossbows and countless small arrows piled up on a flat ground at the gate of the city. He asked, "Brother Hao smashed the city broken by the fourth infantry battalion?"

"But there is only one battalion of infantry, why did you say that?" Wang Lun asked suspiciously.

"There are hundreds of perfect bows here..." Lin Chongjian said in disbelief. Looking at the pile of crossbows, Shi Jin, who was cleaning the battlefield at the front door, came over and added: "There are more than 120, and there are 150 more. Several were destroyed!"

Lin Chong sighed when he heard the words, and said: "I don't know, this god arm bow is very precious. It was made by a special person in Tokyo. It is not allowed to be built, practiced or destroyed. In addition, the military law is strict. When carrying it, it is better to destroy it than to fall into the enemy's hands, so as to prevent the opponent from copying it! How can such a rare and rare item be issued with more than 270 pieces in an ordinary infantry commander in Yunzhou? If the four battalions here add up , and barely make sense!"

Wang Lun nodded, at this time Xiao Jiasui stepped forward and said, "Just now the three battalions of Li Kui, Li Kui, and Wu Song have received good news, and many of these magic arm bows have been seized. The damaged and captured magic arm bows of each battalion , the total is almost two hundred and seventy-eight! Could it be that the infantry in Yunzhou is different from the infantry in other state capitals?"

No wonder Zhu Chaofeng dared to use his body as bait!These thousands of divine arm bows can wear heavy armor within the shooting range. If they are operated properly and shoot in three stages, wouldn't that be a nightmare for all opponents?Of course, this god arm bow is too slow to load arrows, and it may take four or five stages to connect seamlessly, but no matter what, this kind of long-distance weapon for individual soldiers must be tightly held in the hands of the Liangshan Army.

"Take all the damaged ones and bring them back to the cottage, and hand them over to Tang Long for imitation and restoration! The undamaged ones will be distributed to the Fifth Battalion of the Infantry Army, and let them get acquainted with the surname Neng as soon as possible!" Wang Lun ordered.The god-armed archers and horses cannot be used, so they can only be used by infantry.In Wang Lun's heart, he only wanted to quickly form combat power. Anyway, it was covering shooting, and the accuracy was not considered for the time being.

"Brother, have you ever used this crossbow?" Wang Lun asked Lin Chong, looking at Lin Chong.

"I used to use it when I was in Tokyo in the past, but I haven't forgotten it! This time Brother Tang is also able to use it. It seems that he has a lot of experience!" Lin Chong replied with a chuckle.

"In the past few days, I have worked so hard for you two, and I don't ask you to shoot accurately. As long as you know how to shoot and where to shoot, it will be considered a success. Maybe it will come in handy in the next few days! Tonight will be Yang Zhi's envoy." Leave the night watch to General Qin!" Wang Lun said.

"Okay, I'll go and settle the team now!" Lin Chong nodded and agreed.

Shi Jin didn't have much impression of the God Arm Bow. He came late this time, and he didn't encounter such a dangerous situation as Hao Siwen. Therefore, when Wang Lun and Lin Chong discussed this matter, they just listened quietly. When Lin Chong left, Shi Jin Jin stepped forward and reported: "Yunzhou Deputy General Hua Xianghu, Gong Wang, the brother and sister from Hujiazhuang who I met at the foot of Niutou Mountain last time, and a leader named Du from Lijiazhuang are all detained here. Do you want to see me?" !"

Wang Lun nodded. Seeing this, Shi Jin whistled to the top of the city tower, and Yang Chun, the white snake, responded, and came downstairs with a few prisoners.

At this time, Gong Wang's complexion was pale, without a trace of blood. At this time, there was still an arrow stuck in his shoulder, but it was simply bandaged.Wang Lun secretly thought that this Hua Xianghu was hit by a catastrophe, so he wouldn't die here because of his arrival?

"Brother Yang Chun, hurry up and send General Gong Wang back to Tianying, and ask Doctor An to treat him!" Wang Lun hurriedly ordered.Hearing this, Yang Chun took orders in a loud voice, and called two soldiers to help Gong Wang to find An Daoquan.

Gong Wang was bleeding profusely. Although he was weak at this time, his mind was still relatively clear. Seeing that the Liangshan bandits saw him for the first time, he didn't say anything, but ordered him to be treated. People are right, they really don't look like idle bandits.

"Thank you!" Gong Wang pursed his pale lips, spit out two words, bowed to Wang Lun, and followed Yang Chun staggeringly.

Among the remaining three people, Hu Cheng and Hu Sanniang were acquaintances once, but it was the first time to see Du Xing, the grimace. Wang Lun looked him up and down, and saw that this man had a broad face, square cheeks, and bright eyes. Big ears, ugly appearance, the clothes on his body are either stained with dust or blood, and he looks like he fled back before the gate of hell.

"Your family Li Yingsu and I don't know each other, let alone have any grievances. This time he sent you to bring people here to help Zhujiazhuang against me. Should there be an explanation?" Wang Lun said looking at Du Xing.

"Your Majesty offended me this time, please forgive me! It's just because the three Zhuangzi on Dulonggang had vowed to help each other through life and death earlier, so the master of the villain really can't get rid of it!" Du Xing apologized with a smile.

"I also heard about your three villages' joint defense, but the problem is that Zhujiazhuang provoked first, and it wasn't me who raised the army for no reason, bullying you and so on? He wished Jiazhuang to beg for death, and your family's officials also followed? You said, if I let Li Jiazhuang go today, wouldn’t I tell others that it’s harmless to oppose me, Liangshan?” Wang Lun said slowly.

When Du Xing heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He also knew that he was wrong. Liang Shan never provoked his family. When people were implicated by him, they couldn't stop apologizing immediately, and bluntly said that they would like to atone for their sins with generous gifts.

Wang Lun waved his hand and said, "I won't talk about generous gifts. Since Li Daguan, the owner of your family, dares to send troops to fight against me in Liangshan, he will naturally suffer the consequences of failure!" Although he was not interested in disturbing Li It should be a comfortable life, but it does not mean that this person can fight against Liang Shan unscrupulously.

At this time, Wang Lun didn't wait for Du Xing to explain, and asked Shi Jin, "How many people from Lijiazhuang have been captured?"

After Shi Jin went to confirm the number, he rushed back and said, "250 four people!"

Wang Lun nodded, and said to Du Xing who was frightened and frightened: "Your master is in business, so naturally he has a wide range of ways. In this way, within a month, ask him to exchange two horses for one farmer, and we will raise a total of five hundred and eight. If you don’t take it seriously, or take the second best, I don’t need to talk about the consequences!”

Du Xing felt extremely complicated when he heard this.2 standard good horses need more than 500 yuan. Just because of Zhu Chaofeng's face, not to mention the loss of more than [-] lives, and more than [-] good horses. Fold soldiers.

But after thinking about it, the person I offended in front of me is completely capable of breaking Li Family Village like this Zhu Family Village, and he is still discussing with himself here at this time, obviously he has no intention of attacking Zhuangzi. Thinking of this, Du Xing thought in his heart I'm a little lucky again.

Forget it, spend a small amount of money to buy peace, who told you to offend others first?Du Xing clasped his fists and said: "The villain will definitely persuade the master, and please don't treat my master and these villagers badly!"

"Since you are worried, take them all away! And remember the deadline, counting from today!" Wang Lun said, for Liang Shanbo today, there is no need to keep hostages at all, and he is afraid that he will dare to rely on them. never.

Hearing this, Du Xing had mixed feelings in his heart, and bowed to Wang Lun.Wang Lun waved his hand and asked Shi Jin to send him and the dealer away through the back door.

"Boss Wang, Xiaorenzhuang is also willing to raise horses to make atonement!" Seeing Wang Lun looking over, before he could speak, Hu Cheng said first.

"It's the first time for Li Jiazhuang to deal with me, Liangshan, so it's a misunderstanding! But this is the second time for you, Hu Jiazhuang, to deal with me, Liangshan! Or is it a misunderstanding?" Seeing this "old friend", Wang Lun was very confused. "Conscious", couldn't help laughing. (To be continued.)

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