Water Margin Survival

Chapter 252 Delong

Chao Gai's mood has never been so comfortable as it is now, even when he laughs, it is extraordinarily hearty.Standing in front of Wang Lun at this moment, he finally felt that he could straighten his back.

"Brother, you can come as soon as you say you want, but you are always so polite, it makes the brothers feel dry!" Looking at the continuous unloading of grain and grass from the ship, Gongsun Sheng sighed.

"The Taoist leader is on the mend! That's not what he said! If King Chao Tian and his brothers hadn't worked hard this time, if Wang Tianshun brought people to Yunzhou smoothly, I'm afraid there would be a hard fight. How can I make Liangshan so easy today! Brothers, don't be polite, a little courtesy is not a respect!" Wang Lun smiled and looked at Gongsun Sheng and said.

Wang Lun has already known Wang Ting's ability.This person was able to defend the isolated city and resist the great general Yan Zonghan who destroyed the Liao Dynasty for more than 200 days.This general asked Erlong Shan to be dragged in Xiqing Mansion this time, and he couldn't move his nest. For the newly rising Liangshan, it was really a blessing.

During the battle of Zhujiazhuang, Liangshan seized countless money, food and goods.Adhering to the life creed of not letting brothers around him suffer, Wang Lun asked Du Qian to prepare [-] shi of grain, and took all the weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds seized from Dong Ping today, and selected another hundred pairs of yellow birches. Bow, to reward a confidant.

While everyone was talking, Hua Rong stepped forward to take a pair of bows and arrows, opened them with force, let go of them immediately, and heard Hua Rong praise: "Good bows!" After speaking, he put down the bows and arrows, He smiled at everyone and said, "Dong Ping went to Yunzhou without hesitation and delivered a complete set of equipment to his brother. He is really the most hardworking person in the world! It's okay to let this guy run away, and wait for him to deliver it next time!"

Liu Tang laughed loudly, and said: "But why not? This guy is so generous, but he made us Erlongshan also have his glory!" Everyone laughed when they heard this.Wen Zhongrong sighed and said: "I heard the name of the white-clothed scholar earlier, and I know that my brother is not an ordinary person, but he smashed such a big Zhujiazhuang with one shot, and wiped out five or six thousand officers and soldiers, which surprised me a lot! My brother is here! I have an unfeeling request, brother Cui Ye and I want to go to Liangshan to ask for advice on how to practice Ma Jun, I wonder what brother Wang Lun thinks?"

"It's a great honor to hear Chao Tianwang talk about the two heroes, and if they don't give up, they are willing to move to Xiaozhai!" Wang Lun said with a smile, looking at Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye who looked forward to it.I don't know if these two younger brothers who followed Tang Bin in the original trajectory will spark a spark of sympathy when they meet the real master in the future.

Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye saw Wang Lun for the first time, and they had a very good first impression of him. They just felt that it was no different from the rumors. They were all gearing up now, hoping to go to Liangshan to learn the real skills. At this time, they were all looking at Wang Lun. Len couldn't stop laughing.

"Congratulations, Chief Wang, for winning the flag!" At this time, Song Jiang squeezed out a bright face and stepped forward to say hello.It was the first time Lu Fang and Guo Sheng saw the well-known timely rain in Jianghu, and they both snorted coldly.Song Jiang didn't mind either, he just looked at Wang Lun's two handsome attendants, reminding him of the two precious apprentices beside him.

Wang Lun saw that when he turned around, he looked at Song Jiang and said, "The Yasi seems to have lost a lot of weight. He must have devoted himself to helping the King of Heaven, so that he lost weight!"

Song Jiang chuckled, and was waiting for a few words of modesty, but Wang Lun had already turned his attention to Wu Yong, and said with a smile, "Mr. Wu is here all right?"

It was the first time that Wu Yong was called a military advisor by Wang Lun. Remembering that in the past, Wang Lun either called himself Professor or Master. At this time, he couldn't help feeling overwhelmed. Seeing that Wang Lun recognized his position in Erlong Mountain, he hurriedly bowed his hands and said , "Thanks to the village master, everything is fine!" Seeing that Wang Lun and Wu Yong were talking, Song Jiang had no choice but to take back the words on his lips, stepped aside embarrassingly, and stood together with his confidants.

Seeing that Wang Lun didn't care about Wu Yong anymore, Chao Gai was also happy, and stepped forward to endorse him, saying: "Mr. Wu is in the village, and he has taken care of everything. He has shared a lot of burdens for me. It is thanks to him during this time! "

Gongsun Sheng also stepped forward with a smile and said, "Thanks to Mr. Jia Liang's plan for attacking the Qing Mansion this time!"

Wang Lun said with a smile, stepped forward and patted Wu Yong on the shoulder and said, "It's not easy to meet a big brother like Tianwang who lives up to his brothers, follow Baozheng and work hard!"

Wu Yong patted Wang Lun on the shoulder a few times to appease him. He was immediately overwhelmed by flattery, wishing that his bones would lighten up a little.

Song Jiang was silent on the sidelines, embarrassed but had nowhere to relax, he could only stare in a daze at the minions who were very motivated to carry the grain and grass.

Some time ago he worked so hard to "borrow" [-] shi of grain to go up the mountain. He thought that since then he had opened up the situation in the cottage, but the "siege" during the banquet today made him deeply aware of his shortcomings.At this time, Chao Gai got another [-] shi of grain, which will inevitably increase his power and influence, and his position in the hearts of the minions will become more and more stable.

It seems that his future road is getting more and more bumpy.

When everyone was happy, who noticed Song Jiang's expressionless black face?At this time, Xu Ning saw Wang Lun and the outsiders face to face, and then he came forward to meet each other with a smile. Wang Lun smiled and said, "Brother, you have worked hard. I haven't seen my sister-in-law and Xu Sheng'er for some time. I'm afraid it's why?" Forget it!"

Xu Ning laughed and said, "But I miss my brother and all the brothers even more!"

Lu Fang and Guo Sheng laughed out loud, and even Jiao Ting grinned unknowingly. Wang Lun said with a smile, "It just so happens that two heroes, Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye, are going to visit my village. Ships, return to the village together tomorrow!"

When Chao Gai heard this, he insisted on asking Wang Lun to stay for a few more days, but Wang Lun finally agreed to stay for two days.After all, there are many affairs in the cottage, so it's not a problem if I don't go home for a long time.Chao Gai also knew the truth, so he didn't persuade them much. They made an appointment to meet for two days, and saw Chao Gai leading the distinguished guests to Erlong Mountain together.Liu Tang, who stayed happily, led his people here to receive Wang Lun's generous gift.


For the next two days, Erlong Mountain was like a festival, and the whole mountain was filled with a kind of joy.Originally, this harassing attack on the Qing Mansion was fruitless, and some people were unavoidably a little pissed in their hearts without saying anything.Who would have thought that Liangshan was so authentic in his work, that without saying a word, he sent enough grain and grass for the cottage to last for a year, as well as a hundred high-quality bows and arrows.Contributing to such a person, who still has complaints in their hearts?Even when everyone looked at Chao Gai, they were in awe, after all, it was all because of the village owner.

Still by the Beiqing River, Chao Gai took all the leaders of the village, and bid farewell to Wang Lun and others here reluctantly.Seeing the boat going far away, Song Jiang saw many leaders talking and laughing around Chao Gai, Song Jiang was depressed, and when he was walking back, suddenly a flash of inspiration suddenly occurred to him, and he said to himself, "Why did you forget these two heroes?"

I saw him walking all the way, thinking all the way, and when he reached the gate of Sanchongguan, he said to Chao Gai: "Little brother is enjoying himself in the cottage alone, but he left old father and younger brother behind, and I hope elder brother will allow me to ask younger brother to go pick them up." Reunion up the mountain!"

When Chao Gai saw this, he hurriedly said, "It's because I didn't think carefully enough, and I caused my brother to suffer from the separation of father and son! Don't worry, brother. I will gather people and horses tomorrow, and go to Yuncheng County in person to pick up my father and younger brother Song Qing to meet up on the mountain. !"

Hearing the words, Song Jiang thanked him quickly, and replied: "When my dear brother went, I was afraid that my father would have a bad temper, and good things would turn into bad things! I still need to go there in person, but I just need to invite some leaders to go with me!"

Seeing that Chao Gai thought about it for a while, he thought the same thing, Song Qing is fine, everything is up to Song Jiang, but Du Song Taigong is not so easy to persuade, he immediately made a decision: "The leader of the village, follow the virtuous younger brother! "

"Mu Hong, Yan Shun, Wang Daoren, Zheng Tianshou, Xue Yong, and Kong Ming can go with me!" Song Jiang said.At this time, Huarong saw that Song Jiang was not close to himself, and looked at Song Jiang in surprise, but at this time Song Jiang said again: "Please also invite Brother Huarong to go with me, my father has long wanted to see this brother!"

Seeing that Huarong felt relieved, he immediately bowed his hand and agreed. Song Jiang looked at him and smiled, and said to Chao Gai: "It's just that the state capital along the road has just suffered a war. I'm afraid the road will not be peaceful. I hope my brother will ask my younger brother to send some troops to go with us!"

"Brother, why are you asking for some trivial matters? Just go back to the village and order troops!" Chao Gai waved his hand.

Song Jiang immediately thanked him and said, "Just order eight hundred children to go with me!"

Wu Yongjian said that he was puzzled at the side: "He wants to go back to fetch his old father, why did he bring so many people?" Song Jiang's intention was unclear at the moment, but Song Jiang's reason was aboveboard, and Wu Yong couldn't doubt it, but was silent.

Song Jiang wanted to leave as soon as he said he would, and he refused to stay with Chao Gai for one night. He only asked for someone to go with him after he entered the checkpoint.Chao Gai couldn't stop him, and sighed, "Younger brother Wang Xian was just driving back to the mountain by boat. If you had told me earlier, taking his boat would not have saved you some time!"

Song Jiang laughed and didn't explain, Chao Gai couldn't help it, so he had to go down the mountain himself and send Song Jiang twenty miles away before turning back.

It is said that Song Jiang took seven leaders and led eight hundred minions, and walked on the road for a few days. When he was about to reach Songjiazhuang, Song Jiang asked several leaders to tell them all the thoughts in their hearts. Everyone was overjoyed, saying that Song Jiang thought well, Only Huarong heard the last, and said: "Brother, they are all from the village, do you really want to kill them all?"

Song Jiang sighed, and said to Hua Rong: "My dear brother, you don't know the surnames of these two brothers of mine, even if the knife rests on their necks, they won't fall into the grass. Otherwise, how could they follow me up the mountain? You don't know, Chao Tianwang and I have been favored by them many times, and now I am waiting to be happy on the mountain, but leave them here, so I can't bear it! Taking this opportunity of returning home, invite them to go up the mountain together, each sitting in a top chair, It's not good to talk about righteousness!"

Hua Rong was silent when he heard the words, Song Jiang just looked at Hua Rong expectantly, Hua Rong sighed, and finally nodded.Song Jiang was overjoyed, and told everyone some details, and then he took his two companions to the villa and left.

After that, I saw Song Jiang walking into the village swaggeringly, greeting everyone as soon as he saw him, as if he was returning home, for fear that others would not know that he was back.

After laughing and chatting with the villagers for a while, Song Jiang stepped into the house with a smile on his face, but just as soon as he entered the door, he was slapped on the ear by the boss. With the support of his son, he was trembling with anger, pointing at Song Jiang and cursing: "You are an unfilial son, and you dare to come back in a big way. Do you think your life is too long, or are you mad? Are you not afraid of officers and soldiers coming to arrest you?" (To be continued.)

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