Water Margin Survival

Chapter 253 Wang Shu

"Brother Gongming, what you have done is causing the little brothers to suffer!" Looking at the scene where the corpses were strewn all over the field, Zhu Ting and Lei Heng complained bitterly to their best brother Song Jiang.

When Song Jiang saw that, he turned his face black, looked at the leaders of the cottage and said, "I have told you many times that there are two chiefs in Yuncheng County, Zhu Dian and Lei Heng, who are friends of Song Jiang's eight worshippers. How can you be like this?" Abrupt, go to war with them!?"

According to the script that had been rehearsed long ago, Nuonuo, the leader of the crowd, retreated, and no one came forward to question him. Hua Rong sighed, and also retreated to the side.Song Jiang put on a smiling face and said to Zhu Dian and Lei Heng: "The brothers under my command don't know the importance. Because I got the general order of Chao Gai brother, I was afraid that someone would harm Song, so I overdid the matter. Unexpectedly, the two virtuous brothers couldn't go back to the business! So Song Jiang will never make things difficult for the two brothers, the two virtuous brothers think this is good, Xiao Ke will agree to let the two of you sit in the small village, and share the wind and rain and share the wealth in this life!"

Zhu Tong and Lei Heng looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to make a sound.Seeing this, Mu Hong loosened the rope on one of the survivors who had been intentionally left behind, kicked him, and shouted: "Both of you are my brother's old friends, now you will follow my brother up the mountain to enjoy the blessings! For the sake of the two of them, spare your life, get out!"

The yamen servant saw that his brothers were all slaughtered by these strong men, and he was the only one left. He was panicked and disturbed.Seeing that he forgot to thank him, Sa Yazi ran towards the county seat.When Lei Heng saw this person leave, he was very anxious. If he arrived in front of the magistrate, he and Zhu Dian would be considered as seeing him off. Don’t you want to kill him to silence him? Just let him live!”

This person was already flustered, but when he heard this kind of words, he ran for his life with all his might.Lei Heng and Zhu Dian stumbled when they saw this, and Song Jiang stepped forward to persuade him: "On Erlong Mountain are all my brothers. Chao Baozheng is now the head of the village, and Wu Xuexue is a military adviser and in charge of military aircraft. The two of them talk to me from time to time. Talking about the benefits of the two, if the two virtuous brothers can go up the mountain with me this time, it will also fulfill Baozheng's wish, and it will be good for everyone to get together and have fun in the future?"

Seeing that the two looked at each other silently, Song Jiang said again: "At this time, the county magistrate was promoted, and in exchange for a new husband, he didn't know the benefits of the two. I heard from my brother that the county magistrate had long wanted to ask the two to move and replace them with his cronies. The two of you couldn't get me, Song Jiang, and went back empty-handed, and lost so many policemen under him, but didn't they just happen to be sent to him? In the future, it will be easy to lose the errand, and when the time comes, who will go to prison? Come to give prison meals to the two of you?"

Seeing that the two of them still didn't make a statement, Song Jiang sighed and said: "Come on, let's go back, if you really let that guy go to prison, I will give up this life, and I will lead someone to break the prison and save the two of you." Get out and make up for my mistake!"

When Song Jiang talked about this, it would be difficult for the two of them to go back and be good people. They both heaved a long sigh and had no choice but to follow Song Jiang.Song Jiang was overjoyed, and held the hands of the two of them to reminisce about the past. The three of them talked for a while. Lei Heng and Zhu Dian wanted to go back to fetch their family members. Over there, I will ask Brother Mu Hong to bring someone to go with the two of you, hurry up and go back!"

Lei Heng and Zhu Dian left with a sad face. Song Jiang was full of ambition, so he wanted to send someone back to the village to pick up his old father and brother, who knew that Song Qing and Song Taigong drove over in an ox cart. Song Jiang was taken aback when he saw this, and went up to meet him and asked, "Why is that all!?"

Song Qing said heartbroken: "A few days ago, I collected all the cash at home for food, and now all the valuables are here!"

Song Jiang scolded: "You prodigal son, you said that you have nothing to buy and even bought food! Now it's all over, all the belongings are on the food, how can it be transported along the way!"

Seeing this, Song Taigong didn't get angry, and shouted at Song Jiang: "Nizi, don't scold him! It's not what you said. Now the price of grain only goes up but not down. When did our family buy low and sell high? Wrong!?"

Seeing that his father was angry, Song Jiang didn't dare to speak out, and asked Song Qing nicely, "How much food did you buy?"

"Originally, I saved [-] shi, but after negotiating with a businessman from the east of the river, I boldly increased it by [-] shi. Not only did I use up my family's living money, but I also dug out... dug out..."

"You...you...you...you...you dare to touch the gold left by the ancestors!?" Song Jiang was trembling with anger, and broke out in cold sweat.There is only one voice left in my mind: It's over, it's all over, this time all the belongings are smashed.

Song Qing lowered his head and didn't dare to answer. Song Taigong lost such a huge family business this time, and he was very distressed, so he couldn't care about Song Jiang.Seeing this, Huarong hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him. Song Jiang looked at Huarong and complained: "This 11 shi of grain weighs tens of millions of catties. Even if my eight hundred minions are all turned into cows and horses, they can move it again." A lot? What's more, they have to pass through several state capitals along the way, where can they be safely transported back to the cottage? But it's not all in vain, but there's not even a sound!"

Seeing that Song Jiang was really interested, Hua Rong hurriedly persuaded him gently. After a long time of persuasion, Song Jiang was still going to die. Hua Rong sighed and said, "Brother, little brother, there is another way!"

Song Jiang was overjoyed when he heard that, and quickly said: "Brother, what can you do, please tell me!"

"Although our cottage is far away, Brother Wang Lun's Liangshan Po is close by. My little brother put away his face and begged Brother Wang Lun to accept the food from his family. How about it?" Hua Rong asked.

When Song Jiang saw it, he felt joy falling from the sky, and he took Hua Rong's hand and said, "My brother is still thoughtful, thoughtful!" Hundreds of thousands of treasures were lost only because of Hua Rong's words. How could he be displeased? Instructed Huarong: "It's nothing for my family to lose money, as long as my brother is willing to open his mouth, I'm willing to sell it for a stone!"

Song Qing hurriedly said: "Brother, I can't even get back the capital!"

"Shut up!" Song Jiang yelled, he knew better than anyone else the relationship between Wang Lun and himself.At this time, I just hope that Wang Lun can accept the food, so how dare I ask for anything else.

In addition, exchanging this food for money has another advantage, that is, it does not need to be confiscated.The grain looked conspicuous, but if he hoarded it after moving back to the cottage, it would be hard to stop everyone's mouths, and it would be much more concealed if he replaced it with gold and silver. Moreover, Chao Gai is a righteous person, so he doesn't care about these things at all.

Hua Rong sighed, and was entrusted by Song Jiang, and went to Liangshan.Song Jiang's mood improved a lot, he joined Lei Heng and Zhu Dian, and rushed to Erlong Mountain with a large group of people.After walking like this for two days, the army passed by a hill, and Song Jiang asked Zhu Dian, "Is this the one called Dulonggang?"

"It's exactly here, after several battles a few days ago!" Zhu Dian replied.Immediately, he glanced into the woods and shook his head with emotion.

Lei Hengjian said, and also said: "Liangshan broke Zhujiazhuang, and the officers and soldiers seized Hujiazhuang. At this time, there is still one Lijiazhuang that is safe and sound. It seems that Li Ying, the sky-beating eagle, is really capable. Tell the bandits and the government not to bother him!"

Seeing this, Song Jiang clapped his hands and laughed, and said: "Our neighbor, Xiao Ke, has heard of his name in the past. He is good at martial arts, and he has a supervisor under him, who is also a good guy, named Grimace Du Xing. Now that our cottage is expanding, why not invite this member to go up the mountain together to have fun?"

Lei Heng and Zhu Dian saw that they were silent about the sad things that aroused their families, but Wang Daoren and others surrounded him and asked Song Jiang about his plans.

Song Jiang didn't rush, and he came up with a clever plan. This time, the soldiers were bloodless, but he asked another person to break his house and go up the mountain to make his cycloid puppet.


That day, Li Ying and Du Xing were discussing major issues in the village. Li Ying sneezed a few times for no reason. Say something else?"

"I haven't seen Wang Lun himself a few times before. I just ran into him when the villain passed by the other day. I sent over a dozen fine horses that the master bought from Hebei. Wang Lun was very happy and said that the master You're too polite!" Du Xing replied respectfully.

Li Yingchang sighed, and said: "At first he was capable of breaking my Zhuangzi, but in the end he didn't come, and we were saved from the disaster of destroying the family. From this point of view, Wang Lun is still a man of good manners. It's just that This person is not something we can offend, so don't disturb him in the future, just keep him at a respectful distance!"

Du Xing nodded quickly, and Li Ying said again: "In the future, I will be more lenient to the tenants. If anyone can't pay back the interest, he can be more lenient. Don't force people to death! Then Wang Lun is in the water. There is a private court on the side, don't tell the people in my village to go and sue me for mercenary, forcing people to die, and then causing his army to come, you and I can't afford it!"

"If you want me to tell you, they are actually rich landowners who are short-sighted and force people to die without paying for their lives! If the tenants can't live with it, who would have trouble with the owner? The master doesn't have to worry, as the master is so benevolent and righteous, who would not Thank you! I don’t have time to go to Liangshan to file a complaint!” Du Xing hurriedly reassured Dong Ren.

"Not afraid of [-], just in case! This time, Wang Lun was merciful and only took [-] horses. Although [-] to [-] guan is a lot of money, it didn't hurt my vitality. If I provoke Liang Shanxing again , when the time comes, new and old hatred will be added together, I'm afraid there will be no way out!" Li Ying sighed.

"The Dong people are so brave, you can't underestimate them!" Du Xing has read two books, and he seems to be eloquent.

Li Yingjian said, with a helpless smile, he said, "No matter how brave I am, I will be able to surpass Zhang Dujian and the two lieutenants Gong and Ding to go? In short, don't mess with Liangshan!"

Du Xing didn't say any more when he heard the words, he just nodded in response, Li Ying thought for a while, and then said: "This time I have to work hard for you, I will go to Dengzhou in the next few days, sell some seafood and come back, so I can make up for it The loss this time!"

Du Xing was about to nod his head when he suddenly heard that a farmer came up to the hall in a hurry and said: "A senior official from Benzhou sent an official to Dezhuang with thirty or fifty Han, and asked about Zhujiazhuang! "(To be continued.)

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