
Wang Lun gave an order, and dozens of fire points instantly ignited billowing thick smoke. Amidst the endless cheers of the people around, the sparks turned into pieces, swallowing weeds and shrubs continuously, slowly move forward.

For the tenants gathered here for generations who have rented out their fields for a living, today is undoubtedly the most memorable day in the hard journey of half-life wandering.

Because once the fire is extinguished, they will also have a family and a land, and they will no longer have to look at other people's faces, rely on others, and live a precarious life.

That's a whole hundred acres of land!

This kind of thing that I dare not even dream about has become a reality today, so how can everyone not be excited?At this time, some elderly people could not help but have tears in their eyes. Amid the good-natured laughter from the young people around them, they stretched out their hands to wipe them again and again. Someone covered it up and said: "Smoke is smoked, and smoke is smoked..."

I don't know which family started it. I saw the people, the old and the young, kowtow to their benefactor one after another. It was the white-clothed scholar in front of him who gave his family the hope and guarantee to survive.The folks in the Song Dynasty are simple and honest, and they are most fond of others. At present, they express and express their excitement with the most solemn etiquette in their minds.

Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang were caught off guard, and quickly bowed to help each other.With Wang Lun taking the lead, Jiao Ting and the guards would naturally not be idle. Li Jun and Tong Wei looked at each other, nodded at each other, and joined in, gratefully comforting the people who had been unwilling to get up for a long time.

Only Han Shizhong stood silently, thoughtful.

It was because of the relationship between his master Guanghui and Lu Zhishen that he made up his mind to go to Liangshan.If it weren't for these two people, according to his surname, going up the mountain and falling into the grass would definitely make him scoff.Unexpectedly, after this period of contact, he found it extremely incredible that he gradually fell in love with the life in front of him.

In this cottage, there is no intrigue, only brotherhood; no oppression of soldiers, only one mind, no harassment of the people, only justice for the sky.In this atmosphere full of loyalty, unity, and support, Han Shizhong found that if he asked himself to leave and go back to the old life, he really didn't have the confidence to endure it peacefully.

As the saying goes: Once the sea was too difficult for water.Now that we have come into contact with the sea, if other "water" is compared with "sea water", how can it be considered "water"?

No one noticed Han Shizhong's abnormal state at this time, let alone when Han Shizhong joined the ranks of helping the common people.

I don't know how long it took before Wang Lun and the leaders persuaded all the people. At this time, Wang Lun said loudly: "Everyone, elders, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, Xiao Ke will return to the village tomorrow! Here Xiao Ke has entrusted all matters to Master Wen! If you have any inconvenience in your life in the future, please let Mr. Wen know, and we will do our best to make it convenient for the villagers!"

"Stay for two days!"

"The owner of the village will stay for two more days!"

Seeing that Wang Lun was about to leave, all the people were reluctant to let go, and only heard voices of persuading him to stay.

Wang Lun was very pleased when he saw that everyone's words and demeanor had unconsciously become more of a master. He felt that it was worthwhile to ask everyone to leave their homes and come here to open up wasteland.I saw him smiling all over his face at this time, and said to everyone:

"All of us have settled down, but there are still a lot of folks in the cottage who have not been found. Xiao Ke has to go back and make arrangements, and try to get everyone to move here as soon as possible. When the time comes, the island will be full of my Song accent, won't it be lively? "

When the common people heard the words, although they felt a burst of regret, everyone could understand the burden on Wang Lun, and they stopped speaking to persuade them at this time. Some old people were already crying, and they were all whispered by "living Bodhisattva" and "great kindness with.

"Okay, just like what the village master said, if you have anything to do in the future, you can come to me directly! Now please ask the folks to help put out the fire, don't let it burn to other places, it will be bad if you burn the forest Already!" Wen Huanzhang bowed to the villagers.

There was a sudden burst of laughter in the crowd, seeing and hearing Huanzhang's "begging" | Yuji, I only felt that I could also help the cottage, and suddenly saw that everyone came forward enthusiastically, among them, the younger generations and children were like a festival , turned around and went to get the branches prepared in advance, and ran to the front line.On the way, when they encountered an unextinguished open flame on the ruins, they suddenly pounced.There were also half-grown children who unbuttoned their trousers and urinated according to the sparks, making everyone laugh non-stop.In the end, the people rushed to the edge of the line of fire, followed the fire, and slowly advanced.

Wang Lun looked back at the crowd and smiled, then asked Jiao Ting to lead his soldiers to patrol the [-]-mu border to prevent the wildfire from burning across the border.Unexpectedly, at this time Han Shizhong took the initiative to step forward and said: "Brother Shu..., brother Jiao, please rest for a while, then ask my younger brother to take someone there!"

This was the first time that Han Shizhong took the initiative to invite Ying, and Wang Lun was a little surprised.It's just that at this time, he will definitely not dampen his enthusiasm. He nodded with a smile and said, "Go! Take all the brothers who are not on duty!"

Han Shizhong was meticulous and bowed to lead. At this time, he showed the military temperament of orders and prohibitions. He bowed his hands to Wen Huanzhang and Li Jun again, and then galloped away.Wen Huanzhang looked at his back in surprise and said, "When did this man understand etiquette? Changed his surname?"

To be honest, Wen Huanzhang really didn't see what was so special about this person.When it comes to martial arts, the cottage is like a cloud of masters, and when it comes to strategy, the cottage is still like a cloud of masters, no matter how you look at it, you can't show him.

On the contrary, this person's bad temper can be described as one of the best in the cottage.It's not that the village master valued something about him and treated him with all kinds of courtesy.But because Wang Lun's vision of seeing people has always been very accurate, he didn't say much on weekdays, but just let this person go.I believe that the other leaders of the cottage are just like him. Although they are polite to Han Shizhong on the face, they are not without complaints in their hearts.

Although Wang Lun didn't know what journey Han Shizhong had gone through and what touched him to make such a change, it was a good thing that he was able to take the initiative.I saw Wang Lun shook his head and smiled, and didn't say much, but told Wen Huanzhang: "Elect the villager from the people as soon as possible, so it will be easier to manage, and the husband's affairs will be greatly reduced! Take this as an example, with one hundred households as one village, choose a field on the island, build a homestead, and let the immigrants come here, and they can settle down immediately!"

Wen Huanzhang also expressed his feelings just now, and didn't mean to get to the bottom of it. Hearing Wang Lun talk about civil affairs, he nodded immediately and said, "I'll start to do it now!"

"For the other five passenger boats, I will keep one here for emergencies!" Wang Lun said again.

"No, no! Now there are only five passenger boats in the cottage, which are already in short supply. How can one be wasted here? Brother, let's bring them all back. I have four Korean boats here, which is enough!" Wen Huanzhang hurriedly excused.Yesterday Han Shizhong successfully brought back the three Goryeo small boats, and captured all the people watching the boats, and detained them together with the original captives.

"What's the use of those four small boats? If you go a little farther out to sea, you may capsize. What can you do? At this time, there are thousands of sailors on the island, and more than 600 people on the island. My husband is stationed on the island again, so there is no one left." I don’t worry about big ships! Sir, don’t refuse any more, let me think of a solution to the shortage of sea ships!” Wang Lun stopped Wen Huanzhang, who wanted to speak again.

Wen Huanzhang was moved when he saw the words, but couldn't resist Wang Lun's kindness, so he nodded with great emotion.Seeing this, Wang Lun had a smile on his face, and said to Li Jun: "Tong Wei and Tong Meng still stay here temporarily, and bring people to protect the safety of Mr. and the people. When I go back, I will ask Brother Ou Peng to bring the headquarters over, and then pick up After taking over the responsibility of defending the island, let the two brothers return to their subordinates!"

"Brother, don't worry, I know the abilities of these two brothers, and I will definitely not let the army and the common people suffer!" Of course Li Jun would not refuse, and he agreed with a smile.

Wang Lun nodded, thinking in his heart that he would start to expand Ou Peng's marine corps this time when he went back, and planned to expand it to 3000 in the form of one veteran and two recruits.

In fact, these new recruits are not too new, they are all well-established soldiers in the navy reserve army, as long as the battalion leaders lead them a little bit, they can become an army.On the contrary, their combat power still needs to be spent on Ou Peng.After all, Wang Dingliu was not as good as the two Forbidden Army teachers of the Horse and Infantry Reserve Army.It's a pity that the sailors in my cottage are still short of an expert from Lin Chong and Xu Ning to teach them.Just looking at the Song Dynasty, not to mention the establishment of the navy, and the outstanding talents are even rarer. Is it possible that I have to dig out the feet of Gao Qi's men, and invite Liu Menglong, Niu Bangxi, Dang Shixiong, Dang Shiying and the like to go up the mountain?

When he thought about it, he felt unreliable, Wang Lun shook his head secretly, put the matter aside for a while, and said to Wen Huanzhang: "At this time, the mountain pass road card in the cottage is almost done, and it's okay to put Brother Tao Zongwang at home. Waste, in my opinion, Li Ye was asked to bring more than a thousand people to stay in the village, and the remaining four or five thousand brothers were all brought here by Tao Zongwang, just as there is a need for large-scale construction here, and there are places for employing people everywhere!"

Wen Huanzhang nodded again and again, not to mention building a village, even building a city on the island, it will be a matter of time.Wen Huanzhang also felt that this matter should be put on the agenda, so he immediately asked, "I don't know what kind of specifications my brother plans to build the city? My younger brother can go and select the city foundation."

"Let's build it according to the scale of our Jeju Juye County (where Jeju's prefecture is located)!" Wang Lun thought for a while, and there will be more than one city on Jeju Island in later generations, but based on the current situation, it is enough to temporarily build one city.The size of Juye County, Wang Lun heard from Zhu Fu, was larger than Yuncheng County, and could be considered a moderately large county.

Since the city is going to be built, this time Wen Huanzhang's men are short of heads to maintain the daily order.This candidate gave Wang Lun a bit of a headache.Wu Song was the only leader who was born in the capital of the Shanzhai, not to mention whether he had served as the capital long enough, and it was impossible for me to ask him to leave Fuhuying and come here to resume his old position.So who should we send?

In addition, the construction of medical facilities on the island is imminent. After all, there are 600 people on the island at this time, and there will be more and more people in the future. It is absolutely wrong to have no good doctors.However, Wang Lun has already thought about this candidate, and he can call Jeju Shuangli to stay here permanently.The two of them have studied art with An Daoquan and Mou Jie for a long time, and now they are stationed on the island with more than a dozen apprentices, which should be able to meet the needs of the island.

As for the contact with the islanders, both Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang felt that it would be better to make plans after they stabilized.After all, I haven't settled down well at this time, how to drive and absorb the other party's three or four thousand people, if the desire is too hasty, it will not be beautiful.

How to do it, Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang had already discussed it and made two-handed preparations.

If the former Tamra Lord is enlightened, the islanders can be mobilized through him.If he is obsessed with obsession and stubbornness, the cottage will directly pass over his level and get in touch with the people under his hands.Speaking of dealing with the people at the bottom, it is Liang Shanbo's strong point, and there are countless mature methods that can be used for reference.

Standing here and discussing with Wen Huanzhang for a long time, seeing that all the instructions that should be ordered are almost done, Wang Lun felt relieved and led everyone back to the camp.In the afternoon, Han Shizhong also rushed back with his people.Everyone rested overnight, and at dawn the next day, they boarded the boat and returned to the village, and wept farewell to Wen Huanzhang on the pier.

Seeing that the fleet was about to leave the shore, Wang Lun was filled with emotion.For him, this trip to Jeju Island has joys and sorrows. There are too many happy events, so I won’t talk about them.The only thing to worry about is that when he came here himself, he had a purpose in mind. He originally planned to rely on this island to do a major event with long-term and stable income.He didn't want to think about the main island and dozens of small islands around it, because the rain was too abundant, it was not suitable for the thing he had been thinking about all the time, so Wang Lun felt that there was a fly in the ointment.

It seems that the heart is endless.Fortunately, there is a happy event in front of you.

On the way back, everyone felt that Han Shizhong was much more active. He was no longer bored in the cabin than when he first came, and he went up to the deck from time to time to talk freely with Wang Lun and Li Jun.Seeing that he was much more cheerful, Wang Lun was also happy in his heart. Everyone laughed and talked all the way, and the boring journey became much better.

These four passenger boats have been sailing on the sea for five or seven days, and they are about to enter the Bohai Sea. Everyone who is eager to return home is leisurely watching the sea on the deck at the stern. A large sea-going ship approached the Liangshan fleet. (To be continued.)

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