Looking around, the ship shape of the fleet coming from the south is similar to that of Liangshan passenger boats. From the shape of the hull to the distribution of the masts on the ship, it seems to be carved out of the same mold as the standard passenger boats.It's just that the first big ship is about twice the size of the passenger boat of [-] materials, but the size of the next five big ships is almost the same as the passenger boat.

Li Jun was secretly startled when he saw this, and said to Wang Lun, "I heard that merchant ships are prohibited from passing through here. They belong to smugglers, and the size of two or three ships at most! Brother, we are in the waters of Dengzhou at this time. Could it be that we have encountered the Great Song Navy?" ?”

Wang Lun also had such a premonition in his heart, thought for a while and said, "Go invite the hired leader to go up to the deck to identify it!"

Hearing this, Li Jun didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly got off the cabin.Wang Lun sent an order to the sailors to change the direction of travel, to see if the other party came for his fleet.

At this time, Wang Lun's flagship moved, and the other three ships in the fleet naturally followed suit.Unexpectedly, as soon as the Liangshan fleet changed its direction, the six big ships also adjusted their direction immediately, and they were still rushing towards this side.When Wang Lun saw this, he immediately understood, slapped his palm on the railing, and said to himself: "The one who comes is not kind, and the one who is kind will not come!"

Jiao Ting saw that, his face changed suddenly, and he said: "You dare to make up my mind about Liangshan, you guys are getting impatient!" As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and went down the cabin.The fleet is equipped with a hundred divine arm bows dispatched by Wang Lun, Jiao Ting is not willing to swallow this breath, and goes down to get the crossbow.Han Shizhong, who was standing beside him, glanced at the back of Jiao Ting getting out of the cabin, with a serious expression on his face.

Wang Lun had a serious face. If he really met the Great Song Navy at this time, then the people on the four boats of his family would be in bad luck.When he came back from Jeju Island, he only brought his own [-] guards and [-] boatmen. No matter in terms of numbers or experience in water warfare, his family did not have the upper hand this time.I'm afraid that there is a danger of annihilation of the whole army.

When Wang Lun was contemplating, Li Jun came up with a dark-skinned man in his fifties. The man didn't have time to salute. He just looked to the south and said in surprise, "Why is life so hard!"

Li Jun hurriedly asked him what he meant, and the old leader almost burst into tears, saying: "The big ship with [-] materials is the first ship of the Dengzhou Navy! The imperial court has issued a strict order that Denglai is not allowed to go east , trade with other countries in the north, if we let them catch us this time, a lawsuit would be the best result! I'm afraid they will silence us and seize the ship!"

"You guys are bold!" At this time, Jiao Ting had just come up from below, and when he heard Lao Gang's words, he was furious, and immediately raised the magic arm bow, saying: "Let them take an arrow from me first!"

Seeing this, the old gang leader didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Your Majesty, what is the use of this bow and crossbow? He has a bed crossbow on his boat, which can be shot through dozens of hulls! The arrow is as big as a chisel, and it shoots at everyone. Damn, shoot the boat and wear it!"

"Bah!" Jiao Ting spit, just bent over and stretched his feet.Arrows on the crossbow.Wang Lun waved his hand to stop Jiao Ting, and asked Lao Gangshou, "What does Mr. Ye mean by what he said just now?"

The old Gangshou sighed, and said: "Your Majesty, you don't know, if we run into private businessmen, we are afraid of encountering the Dengzhou Navy. These guys do things according to the old style. When we meet private businessmen, we catch up with the boat Pick up the goods. The old boats were sold to the southeast, and the goods were kept by themselves. Therefore, most private traders paid the goods secretly, and they had their taps every time, so these guys just turned a blind eye Eyes, but for those who ignore them, they never show mercy!"

"Then why didn't you tell us earlier?" Li Jun asked.

Lao Gangshou smiled wryly, glanced at Wang Lun, and said in a low voice, "According to the identities of the kings, even if they dare to give it away, they may not dare to accept it..."

Seeing that he was in a hurry, Han Shizhong slapped his leg and said, "The world is so black! When I was in the west, there were also smugglers who brought goods from Xixia. After buying off the officers, they swaggered and felt confident If there are no private traders who 'respect' the frontier army, they will die without knowing how!"

"Is there any way to get rid of them?" Wang Lun thought for a while and asked Lao Gangshou.

"Although everyone's boats are average in size, when it comes to sailing and steering, we are all newcomers on board. How can we compare with these veteran sailors? We..."

Lao Gang hadn't finished his first words when he suddenly heard someone yelling "Hurry up and hide!" Before he felt overwhelmed, he was immediately thrown down by someone, and suddenly he fell completely. When he regained consciousness, he could only Hear the humming sound drumming the eardrums.

At this time, a big arrow was nailed to the mast at the stern of the ship. Fortunately, the mast was very strong, so it was not broken by it.It's just that the arrow sank extremely deep into the mast, and the tail end was still swaying non-stop.When looking at Wang Lun and others, they all just got up and squatted on the ground.

"Donkey said, dare to shoot an arrow in the back!" Han Shizhong cursed angrily. He was the one who heard the sound of the crossbow on the bed just now, and subconsciously yelled a warning, telling everyone to escape.Li Jun and Lao Gangshou repeatedly bowed to Han Shizhong, they were standing next to Han Shizhong, if he hadn't reacted quickly, their lives might be in danger.

Wang Lun was also squatting on the deck at this time, and nodded slightly to Jiao Ting, but Jiao Ting's face was not happy, and he said with lingering fear: "If it wasn't for Han Shizhong just now, I almost fell into brother!"

Seeing this, Wang Lun sighed in his heart. Among himself, only Han Shizhong was from the frontier army. He had seen the power of the bed crossbow and was familiar with the sound of the bed crossbow. If it wasn't for him just now, he would have suffered a big loss this time!

I saw Han Shizhong, who was opposite Wang Lunchao, cupped his hands and said: "Good minister, thank you for your kindness, I have recorded this matter!"

"I, Han Shizhong, are also from Liangshan. Why is my brother saying these things? Did you forget that I also follow the leader?" Han Shizhong smiled and winked at Jiao Ting. I just said something human!" After thinking for a while, he said: "If anyone in the cottage has trouble with you in the future, just come to me!"

Han Shizhong laughed loudly, looked at Jiao Ting and said, "If that's the case, then thank Brother Jiao!"

Jiao Ting responded with a snort, and returned to his reticent state.Han Shizhong didn't care, bowed his body slightly, looked to the south, and said immediately: "The bow of the ship is narrow, and I can't put a few bed crossbows, I'm afraid they will wait sideways for me!"

Every move of Han Shizhong reflected his current state of mind. Wang Lun was very happy to see that he began to consciously integrate into the cottage.It's just that at this critical moment, he is not allowed to think about other things, and immediately asked the old gang leader who was still in shock: "I can't get rid of these guys like this! What else can I say, but it's okay!"

Lao Gangshou wiped the cold sweat from his brow, hesitated for a while.Fang Cai stammered: "They are nothing more than robbing the ship to grab the goods. Apart from food, we have nothing valuable on board. If the king is willing..."

"No! There are still people in my cottage on Jeju Island. These four boats are all the property of the cottage now! If there is no boat, wouldn't it be trapping the brothers and the people of the family?" How could Li Jun accept this result, and gave birth After a while, seeing Lao Gangshou being frightened by himself, he smiled and said to him, "Is there any other way, old man?"

The old gang leader helplessly shook his head.He lowered his head and stopped looking at Li Jun.

"With the green hills here, we don't have to worry about running out of firewood! As long as all of us are here, are we still afraid of running out of boats?" Han Shizhong pondered for a long time, and said to Wang Lun, who had never expressed his opinion.

Normally, when Li Jun heard this, he would definitely refute Han Shizhong a few words, but his life was saved by this person just now, and his opinion of Han Shizhong has long been written off in his heart.

Seeing that Han Shizhong agreed to abandon the ship at this time, Li Jun didn't make a sound.Just heartbroken.After all, Wang Lun handed over the boat to him with his own hands, but now he wanted to abandon it all, and it was hard for him to accept what he said.

"Old leader and Liang Chen are both right! People are the most important thing, we are in this predicament. The first thing to save is people!" Wang Lun said suddenly.Seeing that Li Jun wanted to speak again, Wang Lun stopped him, and said to Lao Gang: "If you follow what you want, how should you do it?"

The old gang first saw that Wang Lun was not trying to be brave at this critical moment.Instead, he asked his own opinion, and was immediately overjoyed, saying: "Let's go ashore at Dengzhou nearby. The boat ran aground on purpose, and we all swam ashore! They don't know the identity of the king, and they are greedy for property. They must save the boat first, so we can take advantage of the chaos. Go ashore!"

Hearing this, Wang Lun thought for a while, then decided, "That's all we need to do, please be more considerate, Mr. Gang!" At this time, none of the people in the fleet knew how to swim.They were one hundred personal guards of his own, and because they were going to go to sea, they all chose men who knew the surname of Shui.As for the boatmen, they were all directly drawn from the navy.In addition, the hired sailors have been wandering at sea for many years. If they say they can't swim, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

Lao Gangshou did not decline at this time, and nodded in agreement. This time, his surname has been closely linked with everyone in Liangshan, so if he falls into the hands of the Dengzhou Navy, will he have a good end?Immediately bowed his body and went down to the deck to find someone.

Wang Lun pulled Li Jun, who was crying blood in his heart, and said, "The situation is urgent now, so you and I can't help it! This time they are brave in the water, so let him go! But in the future, are you afraid that they won't go ashore?"

Speaking of this, Wang Lun's tone changed, and he said: "These guys are lying between my water park and Jeju Island. Sooner or later they will be a disaster! We can't just let them run amok like this!"

Li Jun heard some meaning in Wang Lun's words, and his complexion improved a lot. He caressed the deck under his feet very lovingly, and sighed: "You guys should know how to cherish!"

Seeing that Li Jun loved the boat under his feet from the bottom of his heart, Wang Lun persuaded him, "Don't worry, brother, let me say something here, your nickname of Hun Hailong is definitely not for nothing!"

As soon as Wang Lun's words fell, the Dengzhou navy suddenly started to shoot arrows again, probably because they sensed the other party's intention to escape.Seeing this, Wang Lun yelled and told the sailors on the deck to avoid it.At this time, Jiao Ting was so angry that his teeth were itching, it was the first time he encountered such a battle where he couldn't fight back, and he unconsciously clenched his hands into fists and said: "Master, wait on the ground!"

In such a tense atmosphere, the fleet turned around and drove forward for about half an hour, and finally the outline of the land could be seen.I saw that Wang Lun's flagship was running towards the sea without hesitation, and was not afraid of the danger of being stranded.The other three passenger boats followed closely behind the flagship.

Seeing this, the Dengzhou navy who was chasing after the Liangshan fleet didn't shoot any more arrows, probably because they felt that the four passenger boats in front were already in their pocket, and it was not worth destroying them any more.

The huge impact arrived as expected, but fortunately, everyone on the boat was already prepared and held fast to the fixed objects around them.After the initial shock, everyone got on the deck and climbed up and down the slings of the ship in an orderly manner. The originally hired sailors were still a little flustered. Seeing that Wang Lun and several kings were staying at the end to hold the battle, The Liangshan sailors were methodical again, and then they calmed down a little, joined the team and slid down.

On the deck, Wang Lun saw that the chasing ships had all lowered their sails, and he did not dare to get too close. Wang Lun had confidence in his mind, and he glanced at the passenger boat under his feet, feeling a complex emotion in his heart.

He now fully understands what it feels like when a captain orders to abandon the ship.

"Brother, don't let this bird get wet!" Wang Lun mentioned a birdcage, which was the only pigeon that Qu San had with him. A rainy day.At this moment, Wang Lun handed it over to Li Jun, the leader with the best surname in Zhongshui. Li Jun squeezed out a smile that was worse than crying, and nodded: "Brother, don't worry! My little brother is this bird's boat! An unsinkable ship!"

Wang Lun sighed with emotion, patted Li Jun on the shoulder, and urged everyone to get off the boat.Fortunately, because of the space on the ship, neither I nor my personal guards brought horses, otherwise they would have asked these people to resell them.

After everyone swam to shore, the Dengzhou navy did not chase after them. At this time, they were eager to receive their spoils. How could they have time to pay attention to these "private businessmen", maybe in their hearts, they were still counting on this group of people Going to sea again, fortunately, in the future, I will give myself a rich harvest.

The wet Wang Lun didn't bother to tidy up his outfit, so he asked Han Shizhong to assemble the team, waved to two guards, and said, "Take 100 taels of silver with you, buy your outfit, buy a good horse, and rush back to the village to report." News! If when you go back, Junshi Xiao is in the village, ask him to send the fourth battalion of horse troops to Dengzhou Dengyun Mountain to meet up. If Junshi Xiao has not returned yet, ask Teacher Lin, Teacher Xu, Lu Fang, and Guo Sheng to lead the army. My personal guards will come over and meet up with Zou's uncle and nephew!"

The two took orders and went.Wang Lun didn't stop there either, and after Han Shizhong finished gathering, he led his people to the inland.

We walked for a long time, hungry, looking for a market, Wang Lun asked everyone to go to various hotels to eat in groups, while he looked for a shop for a pen and inkstone, and wrote on a piece of silk cloth: "Xiao Zai, leader four From Maying to Dengyun Mountain, Xiao is not here, and Lin, Xu, Lu, and Guo led the headquarters to meet here. Lun Bi."

After the ink was dry, Wang Lun rolled the silk cloth into a ball, asked Li Jun to fetch the birdcage, took out the white pigeon from it, tied the silk cloth he had just written on the bird's leg, and sent it into the air with force. Said: "Ruyizi, don't mistake me!". )

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