Water Margin Survival

Chapter 275 Imprisoned father and son

Gusts of cool sea breeze penetrated through the window from time to time. Although it emptied the scorching heat in the room, it could not clear the inexplicable and inexplicable emotion in Wang Lun's heart at this time.

Zongze, Zongze!

I really didn't expect to meet this famous anti-gold official who has been passed down through the ages here.

Regarding Zong Ze's life trajectory, Wang Lun only has a general outline in his impression: from the mediocre in the Northern Song Dynasty to the vigorous and vigorous in the Southern Song Dynasty.Therefore, in many historical biographies of later generations, this person is recorded as a famous official who resisted the Jin Dynasty in the Southern Song Dynasty.

The detail that Wang Lun is not clear about is that Dengzhou City is actually the last stop of the old man before his official career.A few years later, he wrote a letter against the national policy of uniting the Jin Dynasty and destroying the Liao Dynasty. He was demoted and promoted to the Hongqing Palace, so he retired and lived in seclusion with his family in the mountains until he came back again.

But at that time, the court of the Northern Song Dynasty was already on the eve of a storm, and it had not been a few years since the two emperors of Huiqin were plundered to the north to sit and watch the sky.And Zong Ze's most brilliant poem in his life was written with his own blood when the building was about to collapse.This national hero who crossed the river three times and died, exhausted the last remaining light of his life in trying to turn the tide, but lit up the rather bleak and humiliating history between the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.

Died before leaving the apprenticeship, the hero of the long envoy is full of tears...

What happened to this person reminded Wang Lun of this poem by Du Fu.He stared at the glass of wine in his hand, feeling a little sad.

As a time traveler, he feels confident that he can change the fate of heroes such as Lin Chong and the Ruan family, and he can also invite Zaiye Huanzhang and Xiao Jiasui to Liangshan for a great cause.Shan Shan was in trouble in front of this old man who was unswervingly loyal to the Song court.

What is meant by "more than enough heart but not enough strength", Wang Lun can be said to have a deep understanding at this time.

"Dong dong dong..."

At this time, there was a very rhythmic knock on the door. Wang Lun calmed down, put down the wine glass in his hand, and shouted: "Please come in!"

The door of the room opened in response to the sound, and a handsome young man in red stepped into the room, closed the door carefully, and said to Wang Lun, "Brother, brothers are all ready! As soon as the time comes, you can grab it by hand." The city is gone!"

"Sit down!" Wang Lun nodded, stood up and asked Lu Fang to sit down.Seeing that Wang Lun was a little restless, Lu Fang couldn't help being secretly surprised. After all, such a situation is rare, so he hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern, "Brother has something on his mind? Do you think there is something wrong?"

Wang Lun brought Lu Fang a glass of wine, and sighed: "With your brothers by my side, what's wrong! I thought of the Zong Tongpan who was at the gate of the city this afternoon, so I was a little bit emotional! "

Lu Fangjian said that he sat next to Wang Lun, thought for a while, and said, "My small village in Dengyun Mountain is right under the eyes of Dengzhou City. It has grown from two hundred people to 600 people now. From my point of view, I'm afraid this general sentence is nothing special!"

Wang Lun shook his head and smiled, and said: "The general judgment of this dynasty is here to restrain the prefect, and the actual power is not much. If this Zongze is the prefect here, climbing Yunshan may not be so safe, so the Xie brothers will not I won't be wronged!"

Lu Fang listened to Wang Lun's explanation for the official, and thought that his elder brother might be interested in talents, so he hurriedly said: "Since my elder brother loves his virtuous name, why don't you invite him up the mountain?

Hearing this, Wang Lun gave a wry smile, looked at Lu Fang and said, "I also heard about his name when I was rushing for the exam in Tokyo! If this person is willing to fall into the grass, there will be no loyal ministers in the Song Dynasty! We are beside the water. Zhang Shuye, the prefect of Jeju, can be said to be a good minister in the world, but in front of this person, he must be given the upper hand!"

Seeing that Wang Lun had such a high opinion of this person, Lu Fang was shocked and said: "The wasp stinger in Yunzhou has been dereliction of duty for several years. It's already the dying years, why is it still just a general sentence?" After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at Wang Lun and said, "My brother must have a way to tell him to come to Liangshan too!"

Ever since he went up the mountain, he had never seen anything that made Wang Lun difficult.Seeing that Wang Lun had a high opinion of Zong Ze, he also had the intention of loving talents.After all, Liangshanbo is no longer a bandit in the general sense, and urgently needs all kinds of talents to join.Especially after Wang Lun found a piece of overseas foundation, everyone was amazed, and there was a little more expectation in their hearts.

Wang Lun sighed desolately, drank the remaining wine in the glass in one gulp, and said, "Everyone has his own aspirations, so don't force them! Only when the stones rot and the pines wither, and the stars turn, there may be a glimmer of hope! Let's go, let's deal with the things in front of us first." good!"

Seeing that Wang Lun had his own considerations, Lu Fang didn't say much at the moment, but nodded heavily, and then led the way ahead, asking Wang Lun to go downstairs, and Yang Lin himself waited downstairs with his people.

Lu Fang has been with Wang Lun for almost half a year, and he handles things in a very orderly manner. He was told to make arrangements for the following matters, and immediately went out to contact Jiao Ting and Han Shizhong. Not long after, Han Shizhong and Jiao Ting came with people, and after meeting Wang Lun , I saw the mighty four or five hundred people rushing towards the city gate aggressively.

There is only one infantry battalion under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Army Infantry Division stationed in this city. How tight can the defense be?At this time, the officers and soldiers guarding the gate were disarmed by Liangshan heroes before they could figure out what was going on.The door was wide open, Lu Fang lit a fire at the gate of the city, and sent a signal to the outside of the city. Not long after, he saw Guo Sheng leading the [-] cavalry in ambush outside the city rushing towards him.

According to the original plan, Wang Lun, Jiao Ting, and Yang Lin took hundreds of minions from Dengyun Mountain to rob and rescue people, while the three leaders of the personal guard camp, Han Shizhong, Lu Fang, and Guo Sheng, led five hundred cavalry. To deal with the defenders in the city, after leaving more than a hundred people to guard the gate, everyone parted ways here, and saw Yang Lin leading the way in front, and the brigade went to Dengzhou Prison to kill.

It was already the third watch, and the prison gate was locked. Wang Lun had told Le He to avoid trouble, so there was no need to worry about accidentally hurting him at this time.At this time, everyone rushed to the gate of the prison, but Wang Lun didn't call the door, and told the minions to break in.

Suddenly, a group of fierce and strong men broke in, and the small prisoners on duty in the prison were all panicked and ran away with their heads in their hands. One, the rest met, no matter how brave they were, those who could hide found a place to hide, and those who had nowhere to hide had to kneel down and beg for mercy.

More than 300 people beat a state prison, which is a matter of course. At this time, there is no need for Wang Lun to worry. to the prison.

Seeing the commotion outside the cell, the Xie brothers were overjoyed, but remembering Lehe's instructions in advance, both of them held back their joy and kept silent.Just waiting for Wang Lun and others to break into the prison, the audience shouted: "Whoever has a grievance, please speak up! I'm waiting for the heroes of the world to see injustice, and I'm here to save people!"

When the prisoners in the prison heard this, they felt joy from the sky, and they all shouted loudly, calling for grievances. Yang Lin rescued all the prisoners who really had grievances according to the information he had obtained from Lehe in advance. , winked at the two of them, and the two of them immediately shouted, "Hero, we were ruined by corrupt officials too! If we stay here, we will die, and we hope the hero will save us!" Jiao Ting saw this , broke the lock, went in and rescued the two of them.

Wang Lun saw his hand, so he didn't stop for a while, turned around and walked out the door, suddenly heard a young man in the innermost cell shouting: "Hero, I hope you can help me and save my father and son!"

Seeing this, Wang Lun paused for a moment, and looked inward by the light of the fire, and saw a young man in a prison cell inside, holding a pillar and stretching out his hand.But sitting behind him was a middle-aged man, not wearing a prison uniform, but dressed as a general, Wang Lun was secretly surprised when he saw this, called Yang Lin, and asked, "Who are these two?"

"Looks like a military general from Dengzhou, who didn't match his civil and military skills. He hated Zhizhou and was temporarily detained here! Brother, these people have no good things. If a dog bites a dog, what do you want to do with him?" Yang Lin replied.

Wang Lun looked at those two people for a while, thought for a while, and said: "This is not a place to talk, let's take these two people out first!"

Seeing what Wang Lun had said, Yang Lin didn't say much, and went forward to break open the cage to rescue the two people. The young man was overjoyed when he saw this, and was full of gratitude to Yang Lin, but the middle-aged officer was surprised , and suddenly shouted sharply: "Don't smash it! You go on your own, I don't want you to save it!"

I saw that the military commander ignored Yang Lin who was bewildered after he finished speaking, and said to the young man in a rage: "Nail! I am a minister of the imperial court, and Wang Shizhong would not dare to destroy me in leisure. You tell them to rob me, so it is not a capital crime." It is also a death penalty!"

"Father, don't I know the consequences of this matter? It's just that we are locked here without any news, and we don't even have a chance to distinguish. Why don't we take advantage of the chaos and go to the court to argue and speak out clearly what we need to say? , no matter what happens in the future, we should at least have a clear conscience!" The young man was unmoved and tried hard to persuade.

Seeing that one of them wanted to leave and the other didn't, Yang Lin became impatient and shouted: "I told you whether you want to leave or not, the master doesn't care if you don't!"

"Let's go, let's go! It's convenient for a good man, and he will be rewarded in the future!" The young man hurriedly cupped his hands to Yang Lin.

Yang Lin looked at the officer again when he saw that he was still angry, but he didn't speak anymore, Yang Lin was not angry, he just felt that he was kind enough to save people, but the rescued people still looked unwilling, where is this kind of arrogance? feel good?Subconsciously, I went to see Wang Lun's reaction.Wang Lun listened to the conversation between the father and the son, who seemed to have some hidden feelings, and secretly paid attention to it. Seeing Yang Lin looking over again, he ordered: "Let's save these two people and go out, but talk again!"

Yang Lin saw that he smashed open the prison door with an axe, and walked out. He really didn't want to pay attention to the father and son of the officers in the prison. He didn't want Wang Lun to pull him over and said, "These two people are a little weird! Tell people to follow them, don't tell them to go away." Take it off, I still want to talk to them!"

Yang Lin was taken aback, seeing Wang Lun's tone was very serious, he didn't hold back immediately, and said: "Since that's the case, don't worry, brother, younger brother will follow them personally!"

Wang Lun nodded, and glanced at the prison cell again. It happened that the young man was also looking at him at this moment. When the two eyes collided, the young man neither avoided nor evaded, neither arrogant nor humble, just slightly turned towards Wang Lun. Jishou, thank you for your help.Seeing his posture, Wang Lun became more and more sure that this person might not be an ordinary person. He nodded slightly at him, turned around and called everyone out.

There is a meeting in Changsha, and Jianghu was lucky enough to be invited to participate. The train will be early tomorrow morning. The update will be unstable in these few days. Try to update as much as possible. Jianghu is a newcomer, and it is necessary to charge. Please understand. (To be continued.)

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