The action of the Guards Battalion against the Dengzhou garrison encountered some troubles. About 30 cavalrymen failed in this operation, and another four were killed in battle, and the casualties were close to [-]%.This result made Han Shizhong a little annoyed. This time he went out in person to be prepared and unprepared, but it still ended like this, which made him find it difficult to explain to Wang Lun.

"Brother, have they withdrew from the city?" While the brothers were cleaning the battlefield, Han Shizhong looked at Guo Sheng with a sullen face.

"Brother Cai just called someone to inform me to wait, saying that he has won and is about to evacuate. Judging by the time, he may have left the city by now!" Guo Sheng was slightly surprised when he heard this, and replied.He was a little puzzled, why did this beloved general whom his elder brother liked changed his surname today, and also used the honorific name with everyone?Is it possible that after going overseas, can you really hold back a person's surname?

To be honest, Guo Sheng had already experienced this person's unruly surname. He felt that his surname was already stubborn enough, but after this person went up the mountain, he made himself the most polite person.Complimentary words such as empathy, humor and the like can be added to yourself.

If it weren't for this person's excellent skills and his ability to lead soldiers, Guo Sheng would have to argue with him about everything he said.After all, this Liangshan Po is a sacred place for green forests in the world, who would have thought that Brother Shangshan might not accept him!Unexpectedly, this Han Shizhong was dissatisfied, and he looked aggrieved and aggrieved.After all, there was him in the cottage, and the green-faced beast Yang Zhi, the two of them made an appointment to compare bitterness, and they had a depressed face all day long, and I didn't know who to show it to.That is to say, my brother has a big belly, and he treats them as personal characters, and asks them to be the personal leader and the other to lead a battalion of horses alone.

A person's view of another person, no matter how deeply hidden.As long as the other person has the heart, they will notice it after a long time, not to mention that Guo Sheng has never deliberately concealed anything.

"Is there any news from the brothers who are watching at the north gate?" Han Shizhong glanced at Guo Sheng who was distracted, and saw that he was in a trance at this moment. Han Shizhong grew up on the street and was used to people with cold and warm faces. There are many, but they are not broken.After all, this is not an ordinary time, the actions of this battalion.It is tied to the whole battle situation.

"Yes, there are more than a dozen horses riding out of the city. They are all dressed as gentlemen. They should have gone out of the city to ask for reinforcements!" The person in front of him, but he can still distinguish between big and small things.What's more, this time Wang Lun has already stated his priority: Han Shizhong is the main one, and he and Lu Fang are the assistants.

It's not that Guo Sheng doesn't have his own ideas about this.

Of course, he didn't think he could replace it.After all, there are many more senior leaders than him in the personal guard camp.Jiao Ting is a big mountain that cannot be avoided, even Lu Fang who recommended him to go up the mountain, he also knows that he is not as good as he is, so he feels uncomfortable.Without him, it's just that he doesn't accept Han Shizhong as a soldier.

"Okay! Packed up the horses, armor, bows and crossbows, let's go out of the city to join my brother!" Han Shizhong glanced at Guo Sheng.He ordered directly, not planning to draw out the bitterness in his heart.

Guo Sheng nodded and left without saying a word.Han Shizhong looked at his back, shook his head and sighed: "It really looks like I used to..."

Guo Sheng gathered the team and went to meet Lu Fang. Seeing that Lu Fang was comforting the wounded soldier with a sad face, he got off his horse and persuaded him, "That fellow is calling to withdraw the soldiers!"

Lu Fangjian said that he didn't reply right away, but just asked someone to greet the wounded, pulled Guo Sheng aside, and said: "We are all brothers from a cottage, and the three of us are people my brother trusts. You always call it that way, spread the word." It doesn't sound good!" Guo Sheng snorted, and said, "He's been in the army a few years longer than you and I, and he's been in awe all day long, and I don't know what kind of shit luck he's had, to make my brother value him so much!"

"Brother, don't say this again! He practiced with you and me all day long. The other leaders of the cottage don't know his abilities, so don't you and I don't know either? If it wasn't him who took the lead this time, it might be the same whether it was you or me. Can eat this battalion of defenders, but can reduce the casualties to such an extent?" Lu Fangyu said earnestly.

Guo Sheng opened his mouth and wanted to speak. Seeing this, Lu Fang didn't wait for him to speak, and said again: "He has a bad temper! But don't you hear that he is different from before recently? Look at the way Coach Lin used to be. I don’t like him at all. Yesterday when they climbed Yunshan Mountain, the two were still talking and laughing. It was Brother Jiao Ting. Didn’t his eyes look different from before? People change, we can’t look at him with old eyes people!"

When Guo Sheng was reminded by Lu Fang, he also felt strange. After thinking for a while, he finally shook his head and did not speak.Lu Fang patted the brother on the shoulder and said, "Stop the troops! Go back and think about it!"

Lu Fang and Guo Sheng withdrew from the barracks, because it was not easy to escort the captives at this time, so the officers and soldiers who surrendered were tied up in the camp. Lu Fang and Guo Sheng only took some light booty this time, and then Go to meet Han Shizhong, and walk away.

According to the agreement, everyone went straight to the east gate. Han Shizhong asked Lu Fang to lead the way, Guo Sheng led the wounded in the middle, and he himself escorted the team at the end.

When Guo Sheng was leaving, he happened to bump into a general from a fork in the road, leading dozens of people to flee in a panic.When Guo Sheng saw it, he thought about it, and thought to himself: "Could it be that the prefect ran away and let himself hit him?" He immediately ordered: "Stop it for me!"

Seeing this, the group of people shouted "Bitter", and hurried back, Guo Sheng bumped into this group of people with difficulty, he was not willing to let them go, so he rode his horse to catch up immediately, the leader of the general shouted: "Master, let's go first, and the general will stop this fellow at the end!"

Guo Sheng was furious when he heard the words, and he came to confront the general with Fang Tian's painted halberd upright, and shouted, "First catch you, the bird general, and then catch your bird master!"

The man was very annoyed when he heard the words, and shouted: "See what you are capable of. If you are timid, just come and fight me!" I have fought against masters many times in the cottage, and my vision has grown. I didn't pay attention to this wild general of Dengzhou. I saw that he didn't want help. Surprised in my heart, I said to myself: "Where did this guy come out, but he has some tricks!"

The general of Dengzhou fought with Guo Sheng for five or seven times, and when he had the confidence, he let go of his hand, and saw that his gun made the clouds flow smoothly.Guo Sheng fought with him for thirty or twenty bouts with all his strength, and gradually he couldn't bear it any longer. Seeing that Zhizhou and others ran away, he became anxious. The other party saw the flaw and stabbed him with a gun. Guo Sheng dodged anxiously, but still shot him on the shoulder.The blood soaked through the armor, causing him to be thrown into chaos.

The general was overjoyed when he saw this, he drew his gun, and wanted to kill Guo Sheng again. When the surrounding soldiers saw it, they were very anxious. At this time, they hurriedly urged their horses to come forward to rescue Guo Sheng, but who I understand.No matter how fast your own horse is, how can it be as fast as the gun in the opponent's hand?At this time, everyone was frightened, secretly thinking that if the main general is lost here, how can they explain to the big boss when they go back?

It's too late to say.At that time, Guo Sheng yelled, he ignored the spear, and used the halberd with one hand.Swing it at the general's head, the general was secretly startled when he saw that he played the same attack.It's just that Yigao is bold, he turned his spear and used his brute force to block the opponent's halberd, and immediately attacked Guo Sheng again.

Guo Sheng's weapon had fallen to the ground, he was unarmed at this time, the gun was coming so fast, he couldn't dodge it, he knew he had no way out, so he closed his eyes very sadly, a trace of unwillingness welled up in his heart at this moment, He had just seen a glimmer of light in his life, but he didn't think about it, but he was no longer blessed to enjoy it. If he was reincarnated in his next life, he didn't know if he would meet a group of good brothers like Liangshan again.


Just when Guo Sheng was in despair, there was a hiss of war horse, and then there was another loud noise. Guo Sheng, who closed his eyes and waited to die, was surprised. At that time, he had already fallen to the ground, suddenly there was an arrow in the vital part of this person's mount, and it seemed that he was not alive.

"Under Lao Tzu's eyes, I dare to be brave!" The voice that once made Guo Sheng extremely disgusted was undoubtedly natural at this time. Standing on a street corner.

"Turn over here, I'll meet him!" Han Shizhong said.At this time, the task assigned by Wang Lun has been completed, and Han Shizhong has no pressure in his heart. Seeing that this person can completely defeat Guo Sheng, he has some skills, so he immediately became interested, and hurried forward, saying to Guo Sheng: "Brother retreat!"

Guo Sheng had mixed feelings in his heart, he turned his horse back silently, just walked a few steps, suddenly Zhu Ma whispered: "Brother, be careful!"

Han Shizhong laughed loudly, without turning his head, he just waved his hands back. Seeing this, Guo Sheng sighed, and went back to the team. Everyone hurriedly helped him off the horse, some unarmored, some bandaged.

"Are you dead? If you're not dead, get up and continue fighting!" Han Shizhong shouted, looking at the Dengzhou military general struggling under the horse, and did not take advantage of the situation to sneak attack.

Hearing this, the man was furious, struggled up, picked up his gun and wanted to fight Han Shizhong, Han Shizhong jumped off his horse, thrust his spear into the ground, drew out his saber, and said, "I won't deceive you, let's meet face to face! "

The general said that he stared at Han Shizhong for a while, and instead of picking up his iron spear, he just drew out the iron whip. Han Shizhong saw that he was using the spear and the whip, and his martial arts skills were quite good, so he immediately paid attention to him, and only He felt that this person was quite like Sun Xin's direct brother. When he remembered Sun Xin's proud expression when he mentioned this brother, Han Shizhong was aroused to fight. group.

"Maybe a bone is injured, so I need to call a military doctor to deal with it quickly! Brother Guo should withdraw first!" An experienced personal guard looked at Guo Sheng's injury and said worriedly.

If Guo Sheng hadn't heard of it, he seemed to have forgotten the pain in his body. He stared at the two people fighting fiercely in the formation, with an increasingly serious expression on his face.This enemy general has a good iron whip. It can be seen that he has practiced hard for many years. His proficiency is not inferior to the spear on the horse, but even so, this person can't take advantage of Han Shizhong's hands. .

Only at this time, Guo Sheng really felt Han Shizhong's bottomless depths, and thought to himself that Han Shizhong might not be able to show seven points of his skills during daily practice, only when he is fighting for life at this time, can he be considered to have seen it. His true weight.

Other authors gathered together in the hotel, I can only code words, sigh, this is a sad reminder that the manuscript has not been saved... )

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