Water Margin Survival

Chapter 300 If you swing the hoe well, you will definitely fall at the foot of the wall

At the same time that Dr. Ma was imprisoned, Yang Lin and his companions rushed to Daming Mansion. Seeing that it was already noon, Yang Lin chose a hotel on the side of the road that seemed to be the largest. When everyone entered, the first floor was already full. There is still an empty table next to the stairs, how about inviting a few people to dine there?"

Yang Lin had no objection, and went up with his companions. After a while, the wine and meat came up, and everyone began to feast on it.Yang Lin had something on his mind, and after a little use, his stomach was full. At this moment, he looked at the diners downstairs, his thoughts wandering.

At this time, Shi Qian had already fled to the north, heading for Gaotang Prefecture. I don't know if he has arrived, and will his old illness relapse on the way, and he will take the sheep by the way?

Thinking of this, Yang Lin smiled knowingly, if he hadn't lost this brother this time, he didn't know what would happen.If he was taken to Tian Hu by that giant man, and the village would not be able to know the news for a short time, then this time he was really killed.

such a pity!Bian Xiang, just looking at his body, you can tell that he is a hero, coupled with his frank personality and superb martial arts, if he is cast in Tian Hu's hands, isn't it a waste?If he had met this person earlier, he would have dragged him up the mountain no matter what, then my brother would definitely be happy.

When Yang Lin was silently regretting, he suddenly heard a shout from downstairs: "Shopkeeper, come over and clean up, just bring up the good wine and meat, the master has to hurry after eating!"

Yang Lin shuddered when he heard the words, and looked downstairs, where a giant man was sitting on the seat near the door, fanning himself against the wind, leaning on his special plain knife that had fallen by the table, and there were other people's leftovers on the table. dishes.Yang Lin was startled secretly, thinking: How can there be such a coincidence in the world?Just thinking about this person, he jumped out! ?

Yang Lin tapped the table lightly with his hand. After attracting the attention of his companions, Yang Lin got up and changed places with his brother sitting next to him. Seeing that he couldn't see himself below, he just said: "Don't look down, Zijin Mountain That guy is chasing him! Don't worry, if you haven't met him face to face, that guy may not remember you!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, but they were all able-bodied men under Zhu Gui's command, so they kept quiet at the moment, they should eat and drink, but the corner of their eyes never left the giant man at the door.

At this time, a waiter brought wine and meat to Bian Xiang's table, and waited for another waiter to pick up the table. Bian Xiang took out a silver ingot from his bosom, threw it on the tray, and said, "Calculate the account first! The master eats it." Let's go now, don't look for it!"

The waiter thanked him very happily, estimated the price of the wine and meat in his hand, put the plate on the table, freed his hand, secretly stuffed the silver into his bosom, took out a few pieces of silver, saw that it was not enough, and followed The guy who picked up the table pooled the money together and asked him to send it to the counter.Seeing this, Bian Xiang laughed and didn't say anything, but asked, "How far is it from Daming Mansion?"

"It's not far away, guest officer, go out the door and walk west along the main road. You can see the city gate in an hour or two!"

Xiao Er replied very flatteringly, the guest in front of him was very forthright, which immediately aroused his great affection.Bian Xiang waved his hand, stopped talking, and started to eat wine and meat.

"Brother, this guy is not here to chase us, he is going to the Daming Mansion too!" Bian Xiang's voice was so loud that the people on the second floor could hear him very clearly, the companion who was sitting by the railing said, low soundtrack.

Yang Lin was stunned, and immediately said: "All of you, except for Xiao Wu who is following me with the pigeon cage on his back, the rest of you are following this guy, see what he is going to do, remember, keep a distance away, separate from us, Don't tell him to find out! This guy is very good, don't startle the snake by making mistakes!"

"Dele!" Everyone nodded.

After Bian Xiang finished his meal, he wiped his mouth, got up and left.Yang Lin hurriedly asked Ban Dang to follow him, and he met him face to face, so he couldn't get too close, so he left after half an hour away, following the signal left by his brothers.

Finally entered the Daming Mansion, Yang Lin Xindao has already arrived here, and he is not in a hurry, he plans to go find Xu Guanzhong again at night, first find out the intention of this person, and immediately follow the code left by his brothers, and follow all the way until he arrives On a street, seeing Bian Xiang resting in front of a house, Yang Lin stopped, and asked a companion, "How long has this person been staying here?"

"As soon as he entered the city, he asked someone for the route, and then he came here directly. There is no one in this house, so he has been sitting there until now!" said the follower.

Yang Lin nodded and asked the crowd to disperse. He continued to wait at the corner of the street until the lights came on and night fell. The person still hadn't moved.Immediately, he called everyone to come over for a discussion. He carried the pigeon coop and asked a passer-by to ask the way. The man stared at Yang Lin for a long time, and then said: "You man, are you entertaining me? This is where you want to go." Looking for a place, just a consultant?"

Yang Lin felt ashamed, thanked this person.Hiding behind the wall, according to the scene described by Hao Siwen, he counted the small courtyards one by one, and at the end of the count, he was shocked, very unbelievable, why did Bian Xiang sit in front of Xu Guanzhong's house? !

Yang Lin was so anxious that he thought to himself, could this guy be a lobbyist sent by Tian Hu to talk about Xu Guanzhong?


It is said that when Bian Xiang came to Xu Guanzhong's house, he knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered, so he sat at the door and waited for people not to come back.I don't know how long I slept, but suddenly felt someone patting me, and then woke up, and subconsciously went to get the simple knife, but after seeing the person's face clearly, I got up and said happily: "Little official, do you still remember my brother?"

When Xu Guanzhong saw his tall body, he was pleasantly surprised: "Brother Bian Xiang, you met at the foot of Feiyun Mountain, didn't you?"

Bian Xiang laughed loudly and said, "It's fortunate that the little official still remembers me!"

"Why don't you remember? How can ordinary people forget your body? Please come in quickly!" Xu Guanzhong smiled, stepped forward to open the door, and invited Bian Xiang to enter. Where do you make a living?"

"Since I was rescued by the petty officials that year, I have only been wandering in the rivers and lakes. Seeing today..." Bian Xiang was interrupted by Xu Guanzhong before he finished speaking: "What rescued him? Why did you mention that matter?" very?"

When Bian Xiang heard this, he waved his hands again and again and said: "You can't say that! If the little official hadn't discovered that the shop was a black shop that day, and I stumbled into it in a daze, wouldn't it be a stuffed bun? Bian Xiang will remember my life-saving grace in my heart, and I dare not forget it!"

Xu Guanzhong shook his head and said: "It's too far, it's too far! By the way, brother, where did you make a living just now?"

"My younger brother voted for King Tian Hu not long ago, and recruited heroes for him in the rivers and lakes. Not long ago, I just arrived in Bozhou, and I remembered that the small official lived in the Daming Mansion. This time, I came here to pay a special visit. If the small official is interested, we Wouldn't it be nice to go to the cottage to enjoy the blessings together?" Bian Xiang laughed.

Seeing Xu Guanzhong said, he thought about it for a while and said, "Brother, is it Tian Hu's words, or brother's kindness?"

Bian Xiang blushed a little and said: "But it's just my own idea. But King Tian Hu has a broad mind, and with the recommendation of his younger brother, the little officials just feel free to go. I'm afraid the king will give me the face!"

Xu Guanzhong heard something from Bian Xiang's words. It seems that this person is not very trustworthy by Tian Hu, even Tian Hu has never heard of Tian Hu's repeated attempts to ask him to be a military adviser, so he immediately asked: "When did you vote? Tian Hu?"

Bian Xiang regarded Xu Guanzhong as a benefactor, so he said some things that were inconvenient to say in front of outsiders, "To tell you the truth, I have never met King Tian Hu, but I just joined the second king Tian Bao. They are not in the same village. So my little brother hasn't seen King Tian Hu yet!"

Xu Guanzhong saw that he couldn't laugh or cry, Tian Bao just casually asked him to come out to collect small fish and shrimps for a strong general like Bian Xiang, he really has extraordinary eyesight!

Xu Guanzhong shook his head, asked Bian Xiang to sit down, made tea himself, and served it in front of him, Bian Xiang quickly got up, Xu Guanzhong invited him to sit, and said: "I will tell you my brother, I didn't know which friend was in front of Tian Hu before. When I mentioned my nickname, I asked him to recruit me to be a military adviser over and over again, but I refused!"

Bian Xiang was shocked when he heard this, he thought to himself that this time he really made a fool of himself, he originally wanted to invite his benefactor to go to enjoy the blessing, but he didn't know that he didn't care about it long ago, he explicitly refused, his face turned red immediately, he was quite embarrassed.Seeing this, Xu Guanzhong said: "Brother, don't ask me why I don't go to Tian Hu's place?"

Bian Xiang was taken aback, and said, "But why?"

"This person has great ambitions and talents, exaggerates the truth, is ambitious, but does not know it. Although he has the ambition to rebel, he does not have the strength to rebel, and he does not have the mind and vision that a person who does great things should have. His future defeat is just around the corner. As the saying goes' A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall', what do you think my little brother is going to do with him!"

Hearing this, Bian Xiang was stunned for a while, before he said: "Young officials are very knowledgeable, if I knew it earlier, I would come and ask you! Now I have voted for him, if I leave, I will be so disrespectful!"

Xu Guanzhong saw that Bian Xiang's mood was fading, thought for a while, and said, "Little brother has a big event tomorrow! I hope brother will help me!"

Sure enough, Bian Xiang was overjoyed, and asked, "What is this little official going to do?"

Xu Guanzhong told this straightforward man about his plans for tomorrow, only to hear Bian Xiang scold: "This bird prefect is abominable, if I have 2000 troops in my hand, I will destroy this bird city and kill this bird prefect , vent your anger on those who have been wronged! Now I have to kill those two gentlemen to vent my anger!" After cursing, he said with concern: "Why don't you see the old lady? Where are you at this time?"

"I've settled down outside the city, and I've asked a few servants to take care of it. I just came back from outside the city, but I told you to wait for a while!" Xu Guanzhong got up and said, "Brothers haven't eaten yet, I'll go to the street. Order some wine and meat at the hotel and come back, let's chat while eating!"

Unexpectedly, this chat, but we talked about the first rising of the red sun, and its great light, so that another dragon gathered in Liangshan Po in the coming day, and another hero was added to the gathering hall. (To be continued.)

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