Water Margin Survival

Chapter 301 Adding a New Grave to the Random Grave Mound

"Early in the morning is really bad luck. Yesterday, someone invited us to drink at Cuiyun Tower, but today they told us to go to Guangnan. We have traveled thousands of miles. I really don't know if this guy is unlucky, or you and I are unlucky." !" Xue Ba looked at Doctor Ma under the shackle and cursed angrily. .

Dong Chao saw him at the side, and shook his head. This time, it really wasn't the two of them who had agreed to have a show of red face and a show of bad face. It was because Xue Ba didn't get any trouble with the prisoner's family, and was about to scold the prisoner. Tone miles.It's just that this old man can't stand it too much. Doctor Ma's old wife is the kind of honest woman at first glance. How can she understand these routines?

Besides, we didn't really send him to Guangnan. Before we set off, the magistrate had hinted, and asked himself in a casual chat if the two of us understood what it means to "do not heal yourself"?I also asked how common it is for prisoners to get sick during escort...

Where did the two of you come from?That is a man from the emperor's feet, how could he not understand the meaning of the prefect's words!

Thinking back when the two of them didn't harm Lin Chong, they asked Gao Qiu to send him here. Although Liang Zhongshu had to stay behind and value him, they were still working under Wang Zhifu in name, and he had to give him the face of his direct superior.

The only thing I feel is that the magistrate Wang is too stingy. He said nothing and said nothing. That is, when Gao Lian wanted to kill Lin Chong, he knew that he could get 30 taels of gold. Respect this rule!Even if Wang Wancang, who doesn't pull his hair out, just puts out his mother's empty words and forgets, this person is the local prefect after all. With his knowledge, it can be seen that this life will be like this. officer.

While Dong Chao's mind was extremely active, Xue Ba had already scolded Doctor Ma so badly that he couldn't lift his head. Dong Chao was used to singing with a flattering face. There is still a long way to go, and it was like this at the beginning, how will we go all the way in the future?" After speaking, he looked at Doctor Ma and said, "Don't worry, he has such a temper!"

Xue Ba gave up, stepped forward to pat Dong Chao, and strode forward. Seeing that he had something to say, Dong Chao also rushed forward. The two of them were not worried about the prisoner escaping. After all, Doctor Ma was a weak doctor. I am old again, where can I go?

"We don't need to go south, we just see this guy off on a random graveyard outside the city!" Xue Ba lowered his voice.

When Dong Chao heard this, he hurriedly said: "We turned around as soon as we came out. The magistrate will definitely blame us for not being honest! He is a person who keeps grudges but doesn't remember well. Don't you hear that this doctor has saved his family? ! Let's not make him miss it!"

"Aren't you stupid, he doesn't have to go back immediately after doing it! Let's rest nearby for a while, why not go back?" Xue Ba said impatiently.

"Depending on you, depending on you! You are the uncle!" Dong Chao cupped his hands, walked back a few steps, looked at Doctor Ma with a smile and said, "Don't worry, take your time, you still have a long way to go!"

Dr. Ma has practiced medicine for half his life, how could he encounter such troubles in his life, now he met such a good man as Dong Chao in adversity, he was filled with emotion, and couldn't help but thank him.

Dong Chao smiled and said: "We still have to see you off, if you are always so polite, how can we bear it?"

"Old Dong, why does it feel like there are always people following us behind us?" Xue Ba leaned forward and asked.Although he is not very old, he has been a public servant for more than 20 years. At this time, his sense of professionalism makes him feel uncomfortable.

Dong Chao turned his head and turned pale with shock, "Wu that's not Hua Monk Lu Zhishen!?"

Xue Ba's first reaction was to jump up in fright, and looked sharply at the direction Dong Chao was pointing at. At this moment, there was no sign of the evil monk, and suddenly hearing Dong Chao's belly laugh, Xue Ba became furious and rushed to grab him. He grabbed his partner's collar and said angrily: "I was the one who was beaten back then, you weren't beaten, were you!? You agreed to never bring up this matter again, and forced me to turn my back on you?"

Dong Chao laughed loudly, and used some sweet words to bait Xue Ba, and the two escorted the prisoner and walked forward, never paying attention to the question of whether there was anyone following him.

The three of them walked to the edge of the chaotic grave, Dong Chao winked at Xue Ba, and said, "I didn't sleep well last night, why don't we go to the woods to rest!"

Xue Ba was startled and said, "Do you dare to go to Luan Grave Mound?"

"It's called a messy graveyard, but where are the graves? Besides, in broad daylight, I'm afraid he will make trouble!" Dong Chao said.

Xue Ba resentfully said: "Forget it, I'm tired of walking too, let's go in and have a rest!"

Dr. Ma saw that one of them was going and the other was not, how could he know it was a trick?At that moment, he followed them up in a daze, found a place, and leaned against a tree to rest, but at this moment Dong Chao and Xue Ba came up to wake him up, saying: "We two are about to take a nap. , there is no lock here, if you leave, we will not be at ease, we will not be able to sleep well, and we have to tie you up!"

Doctor Ma still had to deal with them all the way, so he dared not go against their wishes, so he leaned against a tree and told them to bind them. Dong Chao and Xue Ba looked at each other, and stepped forward to tie Doctor Ma tightly with his hands, feet and shackles. tree.After the two were tied, he jumped up, turned around, took the water and fire stick, looked at Doctor Ma, and said, "You have offended the prefect Wang, you should know it. He ordered us to kill you, Hugh must blame my two brothers!"

Dr. Ma burst into tears, struggled to look to the north, and said: "Wang Wancang, you dog official, I went to your house to see a doctor because I was blind, and it's thanks to you, a man in official clothes, to do such a kind thing of revenge! I... I... Even if I become a ghost, I won't let you go!"

Dong Chao and Xue Ba were not surprised when they saw Doctor Ma's hysterical appearance. There were many prisoners who died under their hands, and there were all kinds of prisoners. The man raised the water and fire stick and looked at the prisoner's head and chopped it off.It's too late, but it's fast.When the sticks of the two were about to fall, there was a thunderous sound from behind the pine tree, and a simple mixed iron knife came crashing down.I saw him dodge to the side with all his strength, but he got trapped by Xue Ba.

Dong Chao blocked his sight just now, but now he suddenly understood, but it was too late to react!Hearing a muffled sound, the saber slashed at his chest. Because the saber was very heavy, the wound was still expanding downward. Xue Ba held the saber with one hand to prevent it from sliding down, while the other hand was extremely angry. Pointing at Dong Chao, just about to open his mouth to curse, suddenly a mouthful of blood came out of his throat, it seemed that he was about to die.Sure enough, seeing that he didn't hold on for long, and before he could utter the last words in his heart, he fell to the ground and died.

Dong Chao's feet were weak, and he was shaking like sifting chaff, the giant man who threw the knife took the knife from Dong Chao's body, and walked towards Dong Chao, at this time Xu Guanzhong came out from the other side, saying: "Brother, save the doctor first! "

Bian Xiang saw that he abandoned Dong Chao, who was limp on the ground, cut off the ropes on the tree, and split the iron chains on the wooden shackles, and relieved Dr. Ma who escaped from death. Dr. Ma couldn't get up for a long time. Today's experience was scary enough, but in the blink of an eye, another person died, leaning against the tree, panting heavily.

Xu Guanzhong squatted down and said: "Uncle Ma, I don't want to talk too much about my nephew. Now there are two ways to go. One is that you take your family and fly away, and you leave the Daming Mansion from then on, hiding and hiding your name for the rest of your life. The second is I went up to Liangshan with my nephew, although I dare not call it the Sunshine Avenue, but at least I can live like a human being!"

"Where... which Liangshan?" Doctor Ma sighed.

"It's Liangshanbo, where the genius doctor An Dao has fallen, and it's under the jurisdiction of Jeju in the southeast!" Xu Guanzhong replied.

"Come on, the genius doctor is gone, and I'm in trouble now. If I don't go to him, where will I go?" With tears in his eyes, Dr. Ma looked north and cursed: "Wang Wancang, you bastard forced me to have a family." Hard to run, there will be retribution!"

Xu Guanzhong saw Doctor Ma's dejected appearance, and heaved a long sigh. Seeing Bian Xiang standing beside him in a daze, Xu Guanzhong looked at him and said, "Brother, go up the mountain with me!"

After the conversation last night, Bian Xiang felt a lot more relieved, but when Xu Guanzhong brought it up, he still felt a little uncomfortable, and frowned, "I have some problems with Shi Qian and Yang Lin in his cottage, I'm afraid it's... "

"That's right! You must not go to Liangshan. If you go to Liangshan, Shi Qian and I will force you to death!" At this moment, a voice came from the place where he was on duty.

Xu Guanzhong was not surprised, just now he found that several people came after the escort, but they never showed up, and Xu Guanzhong didn't point out.At this time, I was both happy and surprised to hear that they said that they called themselves Liangshan people.

Unexpectedly, when Bian Xiang heard this voice, he was furious immediately, and shouted at the visitor: "Yang Lin! What do you and that time play tricks on, what do you mean by putting a winter melon on the master's bed in the middle of the night!"

At this time, when Bian Xiang told the truth, Yang Lin knew the content of Shi Qian's prank, and he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "Bian Xiang, you lock me up once, and I scare you once, what a fair thing, why bother?" Get angry!"

Bian Xiang was speechless when he heard this, Xu Guanzhong smiled and said, "So it's Yang Lin, the brocade leopard from Dazhai in Liangshan, please be polite, Xu Guanzhong!"

"The last time I came to the Daming Mansion with my brother, I didn't visit the small officials, what a pity! At this moment, if my brother hears that the small officials come to vote, I don't know how happy I am!" Yang Lin cupped his hands in return, and then turned to Bian Xiang and said: ""Hero, we don't know each other without fighting, you won't be so stingy, you still remember me? "

Xu Guanzhong chuckled, looked at Bian Xiang and said, "How is it? Those who have had trouble with you are so forthright, let alone other leaders who have never met before? Brother, are you going or not?"

Bian Xiang sighed, and said: "Go, go! It's just that I'm going to collect a few more cottages and send them to Tian Bao. This is what I promised him in advance, and I can't break my promise! After this, I won't owe him any more. , and you can walk with peace of mind!"

Yang Lin was stunned for a moment, then sighed again: "One thousand gold promises, a good man!"

Bian Xiang sighed and remained silent. Apart from joy, Xu Guanzhong still had a trace of worry in his heart. He immediately asked Yang Lin, "Brother, why did you come here? Did elder brother Wang Lun ask you to come?"

Yang Lin nodded with a smile, and told the ins and outs of the matter. Xu Guanzhong listened carefully. After Yang Lin finished speaking, he thought that this matter really had nothing to do with Liang Shanbo, so he felt relieved, but he couldn't help sighing: "Lu Yuanwai really went to Liangshan! It's a pity that he hasn't returned after such a long time, where is he at this time?"

"Maybe it was delayed on the way! Little officials are relieved, auspicious people have their own destiny!" Yang Lin said with a smile, and saw him clasping his hands with the two, then walked up to Dong Chao who was limp on the ground, and put his hands together Stretching out, his own companion should hand over the sword, Yang Lin looked at the innocent man in front of him and said: "Are you Dong Chao who was sent here from Tokyo?"

Dong Chao nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, and said: "Since a good man knows a villain, Wan Wang spare my life!"

Yang Lin let out a "bah", then turned to Xu Guanzhong and Bian Xiang and said, "These two were the ones who murdered Coach Lin in the wild boar forest for Gao Qi! I don't want the dog to be able to change and eat to death, and now he is here to kill people!" Immediately the conversation changed, looking at Dong Chao who was begging for mercy, he said, "I will greet you on behalf of Instructor Lin and Lu Tiha, hurry down and accompany Xue Ba!" Suddenly, there was another lonely ghost on the chaotic graveyard.


Almost at the same time, outside the east gate of the Daming Mansion, a man was seen riding a pony, desperately rushing towards the city. Several officers and soldiers guarding the gate almost hit him with the horse under his crotch, and they all cursed: " This guy surnamed Li is only in charge of a mere member of Lu Yuanwai's house, so he is so arrogant!" (To be continued.)

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