Water Margin Survival

Chapter 302 Song Jiang's Backhand

"If this person can be used by me, great things will be accomplished!"

Looking at Wu Yong, who is talking and laughing happily beside Chao Gai, Song Jiang suddenly had this idea in his heart for some reason. .

To be honest, this Zhi Duo Xing has a talent that is different from ordinary people in recruiting people into the group, which Song Jiang appreciates very much.Although the two have different views, are in different "camps", and sometimes even confront each other, and have a great time arguing, but Song Jiang really appreciates this person's talent.

For example, the design of trapping Lu Junyi into the gang this time can be said to be the pinnacle masterpiece of this person.I don't want him to single-handedly and use a small plan to lure the high-ranking jade unicorn of the Yanjing Daming Mansion into the hub without knowing it.

Letting Li Gu go back is such a wonderful move!Tell him to sue the government with the anti-poetry reserved in advance, and when Lu Junyi returns to the Daming Mansion, I am afraid that the world will have turned upside down long ago. But it couldn't be washed away.

At that time, the richest man in Hebei might become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in the eyes of many people, and it will be a good show.

Thinking of this, Song Jiang felt a little sad. If he had such a helper in the cottage, even if he was only half as capable, he would not be so exhausted and painstaking.

In fact, no one is born rebellious, and Song Jiang doesn't want to make himself so tired.In the final analysis, the source of the contradiction still lies in Chao Gai, who is the lord of the mountain.

Alas, my elder brother, the king of heaven, did not go on the road of recruiting security, but wanted to imitate Wang Lun, who did not know how to live or die, and wanted to fight the court to the end with all his heart, but what was he trying to do?

Life is nothing more than fame and fortune!Now that everyone is a grassroots bandit, calling people in the world to avoid snakes and scorpions, the name is naturally out of reach.As for profit, can this small profit satisfy people?Why don't you think that if the cottage recruits An, wouldn't it be good for everyone to change into official uniforms?If you have really reached the position of ten knots in the previous dynasty, when the time comes, look back, who will still value these petty gains in front of you?

According to the true thoughts in his heart, Chao Gai is good at everything, but his eyesight is too shallow!As the saying goes: "Ride against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat!" If you always have wishful thinking, aren't you making fun of your brothers' wealth and future?

Song Jiang shook his head, pulling himself back from his worries, and unconsciously, he turned his attention to Wu Yong, who was lying with Lu Junyi and the snake. At this time, his eyes could not help but have a hint of appreciation from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, you and I are the same kind of people!

Song Jiang shouted in his heart, at this time you are standing on the opposite side of me, but you have an inherent disadvantage that cannot be changed, that is, you can only do things according to others.It's okay to talk to the right person, but is Chao Gai the one who listens to your advice?

Although Song Jiang felt infinite regret in his heart at this time, the play that should be performed had to continue. He turned his head and took the plate of gold and silver from Hua Rong's hand, handed it to Lu Junyi with a smile, and said, "Some vulgar things can't be done." Respect, I also hope that the staff will accept it with a smile, and understand the admiration of my cottage!"

Lu Junyi smiled and said: "Where do the things in the cottage come from? Lu feels good? If there is no money, how to go back, Lu is good? But if you get to Yanjing, the rest is useless." After Lu Junyi finished speaking, he picked up two ingots of gold Silver, others will not accept.

Seeing this, the leaders who poured out of the stronghold next to them felt dissatisfied in their hearts. Seeing this, Liu Tang pulled Gongsun Sheng past him, and said in a low voice, "This member has such a great style! Either he doesn't accept it, or he accepts it. Two ingots will be accepted. , and make the boss unhappy!"

Li Ying looked at the stubborn Lu Junyi, smiled wryly and shook his head, thinking to himself that he was a rich man from Yanjing, who didn't know the dangers of the world, and if he showed his intentions at this time, there would be times when he would cry in the future.

Wu Yong laughed, looked around, and broke the embarrassment: "Return Yuanwai's old clothes, knives and sticks! Let's send it twenty miles away, and invite Yuanwai to return home!"

"Thank you so much, this is enough!" Lu Junyi cupped his hands.Mu Hong, Yan Shun and the others had long been unhappy, and when they saw it, they shouted: "Congratulations to send you off! Have a good trip!"

Seeing this, Wu Yong couldn't insist on it, and together with Chao Gai, Gongsun Sheng and other leaders, sent Lu Junyi off for a while, saying goodbye and returning.Seeing Lu Junyi walking away, Mu Hong yelled: "This guy is a strong bird, I will sue you if I tell you to go back!"

Kong Ming and Kong Liang laughed loudly, Song Jiang's face darkened when he saw this, and said: "Military master's wonderful plan, how can you wait to talk about it? I think Lu Yuanwai will go back at this time, and he will be controlled by Li Gu. We have to think about it early!" "

Wu Yongjian said that he was a little puzzled, why did Song Jiang seem to be a different person during this period of time?That day, in order to leave room for Li Gu to move around in the Daming Mansion, I suggested that the leaders of the cottage should come forward and change one of them every day for Lu Junyi to practice, just to delay the time.I don't want to say that Song Jiang is very cooperative in this matter, and he is still making suggestions from time to time. Could it be that this guy has changed his surname and is really convinced?Soon Wu Yong denied his naive idea in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel secretly vigilant, wanting to see what tricks he was going to play, and asked, "Brother Gongming, what tricks do you have?"

"I don't have any clever plan! It's just that Brother Mu Hong's words are rough and reasonable, and Lu Junyi will definitely fall into a lawsuit when he goes back! Our cottage must prepare a backup, otherwise it will make him fall into prison for nothing, and he will be thankless!" Song Jiang looked at Chao Gai and smiled.

Chao Gai didn't see any color on his face at this time. He reserved some opinions on this matter. After all, he was deeply influenced by Wang Lun before, and subconsciously felt that this matter was not fair enough.It's just that seeing Wu Yong wholeheartedly for the cottage, he can't criticize too much, so he is neither enthusiastic nor cold.Seeing Song Jiang looking over at this time, he just shook his head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Song Jiang laughed, knowing that Chao Gai's untimely sense of justice had flared up again. He looked around at the crowd and said, "Saving Lu Yuanwai is nothing more than sending people to Daming Mansion, but how many people to send is a question! That Daming Mansion is an important town in Hebei. There must be many horses. In my opinion, even if our stronghold is toppled, it may not be able to break through the city. Military division Wu, do you think Xiaoke's opinion is pertinent?"

Wu Yong smiled slightly and said, "I would like to hear the details!"

"My opinion is to send a few capable leaders, bring more gold and silver, and find connections to buy off the corrupt Liang Zhongshu. As long as they can be sentenced to assassination, then it counts! Wouldn't it be easy to deal with two escorts? " Song Jiang laughed.

Wu Yong was a little vigilant at this time, and rushed ahead of Song Jiang and said: "Brother Gongming and younger brother thought of going all the way! It is a bit difficult for us to break the Daming Mansion! This is how to bribe Mu Shou and ask him to distribute Lu The officials went out of the city, so it was delivered to us! Brother Dai Zong suggested that brothers Dai Zong go to bribe officials with gold and silver, and Brother Liu Tang bring thirty strong and strong minions to accompany them!"

As soon as Wu Yong finished speaking, he looked at Song Jiang very vigilantly, for fear that something would happen to him.Unexpectedly, Song Jiang smiled indifferently and said nothing, and the others didn't have any other opinions at this time. Chao Gai nodded when he saw this, and the matter was considered a decision.Seeing that the matter was over, he was about to turn around and go back, but was held back by Song Jiang with a smile.

Chao Gai was taken aback, not knowing what else Song Jiang had to do, but Wu Yong was a little nervous at the moment, thinking that this person really didn't give up, at this moment, he only heard Song Jiang laughing and said, "There is a perfect plan for Lu's affairs. The two leaders, Dai Zong and Liu Tang, can help you, so don't worry! But there is still one thing I don't know, how much gold and silver should I bring to bribe Liang Zhongshu?"

When Chao Gai heard this, he felt a little impatient. Originally, it was because he robbed Liang Zhongshu's birthday outline that he fell for it. Now he wants to bribe this person. How can he feel better?Immediately said: "These matters, my virtuous brother will discuss with the two military advisers!" After finishing speaking, he was about to go back to the mountain, but he didn't want Song Jiang to stop Chao Gai with a smile and said: "Brother, don't worry, let me finish my sentence!"

Chao Gai sighed, looked at Song Jiang and said, "My dear brother, please tell me!""

"When Li Gu goes back, he will definitely take the family wealth of Lu Junyi, the richest man in Hebei, as his own. In this way, how can he not punish the officials like wolves in the city? Just to satisfy the greedy appetite of Liang Zhongshu, the estimated money spent There are not a few of them! When Lu Junyi returns, Li Gu has a ghost in his heart, how can he just sit and watch? I guess this person must put the old master to death. If our village has less gold and silver, I’m afraid we won’t be able to keep the lives of other members!” Song Jiang looked at Chao Gai and smiled.

Seeing that Song Jiang's words were reasonable, Wu Yong sighed, and said to Chao Gai: "That day, the leader of Liangshanbo King bought the life of Xu Ning, the golden gunner, in Mengzhou, and spent 1000 taels of gold. According to my younger brother, I just brought this amount. Go to the Daming Mansion! Lu Junyi is a good man, and I think it's worth the price!"

Hearing this, Mu Hong couldn't help but said: "This 1000 taels of gold, that 1000 taels of gold, does the Shanzhai have such a foundation!? Just hand over all the brothers in the Shanzhai to the government, and ask for some rewards to exchange for Lu Yuanwai of your family!"

Wu Yongjian said that he was furious. Anyway, he is also the fourth leader of the Shanzhai. How could he allow the people below to dismantle the stage on the spot without losing face? It was the big plan set by the Shanzhai. Military division Wu went to the Daming Mansion regardless of the hardships and dangers to complete this matter. He did his best for the Shanzhai and made a great contribution! But what do you know, how can you speak disrespectfully and offend him? You still don’t want to apologize to the military division! "

Seeing Song Jiang's words, Mu Hong couldn't figure out his true attitude for a while, so he bowed his head to Wu Yong.Wu Yong snorted, but it's not good to have another attack, but he really can't figure out what kind of medicine is sold in Songjiang's gourd. Could it be that he wants to use these little tricks to win him over?Wu Yong sneered in his heart.

"But at the end of the day, 1000 taels of gold is not a small amount...Of course, my younger brother is very supportive of paying this money. Even if you can't solve the problem, you must first get through the difficulties in front of you! Brother Dai Zong, you will get the money when you go back , accomplish this great event as soon as possible, and let the world hear about my name in the cottage!" At this point, Song Jiang changed the subject, and said: "It's just a fact that the cottage is short of money and food, so Wu Junshi only needs to use his talents, these trivial matters of finding money , let Xiao Ke figure out a way!"

Since Song Jiang opened his mouth, a group of little brothers naturally made noise and made noise, and the new leaders such as Li Ying and Lei Heng couldn't help echoing their words.

At this time, Song Jiang looked like he was working hard, and he didn't allow Wu Yong and other leaders who were specially restraining him to express other opinions, so he said without me: "Now there is a golden opportunity in front of our Shanzhai! Everyone knows A few days ago, the leader Wang Datou of Liangshanbo showed his prestige, wiped out the Dengzhou defenders, and returned with a full load, which made us envious. Didn't King Chao Tian also get a few treasures from the country he sent? In my opinion, right now This is when Dengzhou is empty, even if the imperial court is not so eager to dispatch troops, we can just take advantage of this opportunity to take down Dengzhou in one go, and fear that there will be no gold and silver in the account? In this way, even ten Lu Yuanwai will save Already! Military division Wu has no worries about making suggestions for the cottage!"

"In addition, I heard that there is a mighty general in Dengzhou. His surname is Sun Mingli. He is nicknamed Sick Weichi by people in Jianghu. A good thing for two harvests?" (To be continued.)

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