"Brother, it's not good!"

I saw Yan Qing, who was going to the big prison to deliver food to Lu Junyi, hurried back, just after meeting Xu Guanzhong, she couldn't wait to talk. .

This place is Xu Guanzhong's ancestral house outside the east gate. It is on the side of the official road out of the city. No one lives in it. It doesn't disturb other villages. It's just a good place to hide.

Xu Guanzhong was sitting under the willow tree waiting for news from Yan Qing. Seeing that Yan Qing was in a hurry, he hurriedly stood up and asked, "Xiao Yi, drink some water, and then speak slowly!"

Yan Qing took a sip of water, and recounted the news she heard: "At the third watch last night, a group of people robbed the prison, obviously targeting my master. It's a pity that the number of this group was too small, and in the end they were outnumbered. More than 20 people died on the spot, the first one was arrested by Cai Fu and Cai Qing, I heard it was called the red-haired ghost Liu Tang, I wonder if my brother knows this person?"

"But I've never heard of it. It shouldn't be the Liangshan people! It's very likely that they are the leaders sent by Erlongshan to respond!" Xu Guanzhong thought for a while, and he had already left the address to Wang Lun through the carrier pigeon. Come to rescue Lu Junyi, it is impossible to save people without meeting him.

"Those thieves from Erlong Mountain have tortured my master so badly, and now they only brought 30 people to help him! I really don't know who came up with the poisonous plan, and it's so clumsy!" Yan Qing said indignantly.

Xu Guanzhong pondered for a moment, and said: "It is estimated that they played the idea of ​​robbing Lu Yuanwai during the distribution, but because of Dong Chao and Xue Ba's incident, Liang Zhongshu might be a little surprised, so he just put Lu Yuanwai in prison. Since they were not assigned in Xunyue, these people must have been in a hurry, so they did the thing of being jailed overnight!"

Speaking of this, Xu Guanzhong suddenly yelled "Oops", Yan Qing hurriedly asked him why, only to hear Xu Guanzhong said: "Liang Zhongshu didn't kill Yuanwai earlier, it wasn't because he was out of kindness, but because the whole story was far-fetched. Afraid of telling the truth. Now that someone is really in jail, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the crime of Lu Yuan’s collusion is not proven? So Liang Zhongshu no longer has any worries, I’m afraid he will be executed soon!”

Thinking about it, Yan Qing realized that this was the reason, and said anxiously: "Liang Shijie, traitor, I swear to you that I will never give up!"

Xu Guanzhong was also very anxious at this time, he didn't know when Liangshan's reinforcements would arrive, but he saw his brother and savior's eagerness, and persuaded him: "Xiao Yi, don't worry, you have seen this man, Chief Wang, since he is willing to call Yang Lin to investigate Whoever frames Yuanwai Lu in the name of a copycat means that he will definitely not sit idly by!"

Yan Qing took it for granted, but in fact, the elder brother still had one most important thing to say, which was that Wang Lun would not just sit idly by for his sake.Yan Qing still remembered that when he first met Wang Lun at the Cuiyun Building last year, he expressed his admiration for his elder brother beyond words. position in the heart of the leader.

Yan Qing's only thought now is to hope that the reinforcements will arrive soon, otherwise it will be too late.He turned around sullenly, and was about to go back to the house, but he was attracted by the scene on the road. After watching for a while, he turned his head and wanted to talk to Xu Guanzhong, but he didn't know that the elder brother was also looking at the side of the road, thoughtful.

"Little Yi, have you noticed that there are suddenly a lot more vendors on the road at this time?" Xu Guanzhong said suddenly.

Yan Qing nodded, and replied: "It's not a year or a festival these days, why do so many vendors enter the city in just such a short period of time?"

Xu Guanzhong smiled, and looked back at Yanqing, Yanqing understood, and saw the two of them walk out of the shade of the willow tree, walking thirty or fifty steps forward, and came to the main road, Xu Guanzhong stopped a driveway: "How do you sell these dates? "

When the five or seven vendors heard the words, they all looked at the leader, but they saw him laughing and said: "Six cents a liter, if you want to buy in bulk, you can take five cents for one cent!"

"I heard that Tokyo is seven pennies a penny. When you come here, why is it five pennies a penny?" Xu Guanzhong laughed.

Seeing that the man spoke in a friendly voice, not like a troublemaker, the jujube seller smiled and said: "Guest officer, what we earn is this little hard-earned money. If you want, six pennies per penny!"

Xu Guanzhong chuckled, and while choosing dates, he asked, "Listen to my old man's accent, are you from Shandong?"

The man smiled and said, "It's from Yanggu, Shandong!"

Xu Guanzhong nodded, bought some dates indiscriminately, and took some copper coins to pay the bill.Before the jujube seller left, Xu Guanzhong stopped the pear seller and said with a smile, "How much is a pear?"

"The best Xiangzhou pears are the same price, five yuan each!" The seller laughed, "I know you want to say that the pears in Tokyo are only sold for three yuan each, but I have two legs to make a car, and it's not easy to get in and out. , the guest officer is still considerate and considerate!"

Xu Guanzhong and Yan Qing laughed loudly and said, "Okay, no bargaining, please pick some good ones!"

"Good!" The pear seller went to pick the pears, Xu Guanzhong looked at his buddy and said with a smile: "It is said to be Xiangzhou pears, but it looks like they are from Shandong?"

"I'm from Zhangqiu, Shandong. I'm a guest officer. Only people from Xiangzhou can sell Xiangzhou pears!" the guy asked back.

Xu Guanzhong laughed and apologized: "It can be sold, it can be sold!" At this time, the man in charge picked out a few pears, wrapped them and handed them over. Xu Guanzhong hurriedly counted the money with him, and the man looked at Xu Guanzhong and Yan Qing took a look, stretched her waist suddenly and said, "I'm tired from walking, let's rest!"

Seeing this, Xu Guanzhong winked at Yan Qing, the two of them didn't stay any longer, they just walked down the main road, seeing that they were far away, Yan Qing said: "I'm afraid these people are going all the way!"

Xu Guanzhong nodded, frowned, and said, "Xiangzhou came to my Daming Mansion. If you go by land, you enter by the west gate, and by water, you enter by the south gate. There is absolutely no reason to go by the east gate..."

"These people are also vigilant. You and I are not allowed to investigate calmly. I don't know which kind of god it is?" Yan Qing shook his head.I saw these two people talking and walking, and they were almost at the old house at this time, Yan Qing who was walking behind suddenly flashed, and shouted: "Who is it!?"

I saw a long man rushing over to subdue these two people, who is Yan Qing?Since elementary school, he has good fists and feet, and has never met an opponent with bare hands and fists. Now seeing this person's good posture, he feels a little excited.

I saw this long man rushing close to Yan Qing, punching him, Yan Qing is an expert, he saw that the punch was strong, and he didn't take it hard, he dodged it quickly, and the man did it in one go, punching him several times again and again. Come on, Yan Qing sometimes dodges and sometimes catches his punches, secretly thinking that this person's boxing skills are very good, fearing that his kick skills are not as good, so he looks for a space to turn from defense to attack, and throws out several kicks in succession. Experts, Yan Qing's combo was instantly resolved by this man.

Yan Qing couldn't help being terrified in her heart, she thought that she had encountered a hard problem this time!At the moment, he was just guarding the door carefully, looking for an opportunity to defeat the enemy with one move, but the long man became more and more courageous, one move after another, pressing towards Yan Qing, Xu Guanzhong who was watching was very surprised, he had never seen this before. Yan Qing was forced to this point.

Seeing that Yan Qing was forced to the corner at this time, she was not discouraged. At this moment, the man kicked him, and Yan Qing was overjoyed. Isn't the opportunity she was looking for right in front of her eyes?He bent his legs, shoulders towards the opponent's thigh, and stretched out his hand to grab the man, ready to lift him up, but the man was very vigilant, so he used Yan Qing's left leg as a support, violently Borrowing his strength, Yan Qing spun his right leg over. Yan Qing was shocked, and hurriedly threw the man upwards, avoiding the kick. The man spun in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

The two looked at each other and didn't make any more moves. Suddenly, they both said at the same time: "Spinning Pigeon!?", "Mandarin Duck Legs?!"

"Isn't the one you're carrying Yanqing the prodigal son?" the long man stared at Yanqing and asked.

Yan Qing didn't answer, but said: "I used to fight against a good man in the past, and when I saw him use mandarin duck legs, I asked him who his teacher was, and he gave a name. At that time, this man was not well-known. I’ve never heard of it before, but I don’t think this person will kill a big worm with his bare hands on Jingyang Ridge in the future, making him famous all over the world! I think it’s Your Excellency!”

The long man nodded and said: "I am Wu Song, just because the two of you peeped at my car, for safety's sake, I had to come and have a look!"

Xu Guanzhong was overjoyed and said: "Xiao Ke Xu Guanzhong, this is the prodigal son Yanqing, dare to ask Wu Dutou, where is the king?"

Wu Song has seen Yan Qing's skills, how can he still doubt the identity of these two people?Hearing this, he was overjoyed, and said: "So it's Junshi Xu and Yan Xiaoyi! It's really a destiny that I meet them here!"

Xu Guanzhong and Yan Qing were startled when they saw what they said, Wu Song smiled brightly, and explained: "Mr. Xu didn't know that my brother led the army and met Brother Yang Lin, Lingtang, and Dr. Ma's family on the road! Immediately in front of everyone, I worship Brother Zun as a military advisor!"

Xu Guanzhong said "ashamed" when he heard the words, Yan Qing was worried about his master's safety, and asked Wu Song, "The head of the Wu capital is here, is it because he wants to enter the city and rob him?"

Wu Song chuckled, thinking that this man is also a good man, so there is no need to hide it from him, and he said bluntly: "At this time, my army of ten thousand on Liangshan came here, if it is only to rob a prison, but it is not to catch a mosquito and draw a sword? Brother Yanqing, To be honest, I brought a group of brothers this time just to sneak into the city and wait for an opportunity to seize the door!""

Yan Qing nodded with emotion, her heart was overwhelmed, she originally thought that Liangshan sent hundreds of people to rob the prison, but this time tens of thousands of people came, which was dozens of times higher than what she expected, mixed with excitement at the moment A touch of emotion.After all, the stay-at-home of the Daming Mansion was not an ordinary official, but the son-in-law of Cai Jing in the current dynasty. Offending him was no different from offending Cai Jing, but Wang Lun still came. This is kindness, and this is courage.

No wonder the elder brother who would rather die of old age in Shanlin is also willing to help him.

Xu Guanzhong sighed, and said: "Dare to ask Wu Dutou, where is the king at this time?"

"Because there is time for my younger brother to sneak into the city, the army did not get too close. At this time, we are staying fifty or seventy miles away to the southeast! It is estimated that we can reach Feihu Valley tonight. If there is no obstacle, we will be able to enter the city tomorrow!" Since the king Lun had already worshiped Xu Guanzhong as his military adviser, and Wu Song did not treat him as an outsider, and immediately notified him of the battle plan.

Xu Guanzhong pondered for a moment, and said: "Wudutou, Xiaoyi is familiar with the reality of the city, he can disguise himself and take you in, and move the camera. I will rush to the army right now to meet the leader of the king!" (To be continued. )

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