The three people who turned enemies into friends came out hand in hand, and everyone was extremely excited. At this time, Yan Qing saw the Savior was in sight, the torment in her heart for so many days was not in vain, and she felt indescribably relieved.

Xu Guanzhong was also happy for him in his heart. Ever since Wu Song learned that his mother was being picked up by Liangshan Dajun, the only worry in his heart was resolved.

One of these two is resourceful, the other is talented, and they are rare heroes in the world. Maybe they can be included in Dazhai together this time. Thinking of this festival, Wu Song felt happy for his elder brother Wang Lun. The Liangshanshuipo he cast in, the feeling in his heart at this moment is more warm than home.

"Dutou, it's better to meet you than to be famous. With your kung fu, no one will be able to get close to you when you are unarmed!" Seeing Wu Song walking at the end, Yan Qing slowed down his pace, and waited for Wu Song to come forward, and said.

Wu Song repeatedly said, "Where! Where!", Xu Guanzhong smiled and said nothing, only to hear Yan Qing say again: "My famous mansion is considered outstanding, but my younger brother has never met such a person as Dutou in the past!" Said Arriving here, Yan Qing shook her head and sighed: "In terms of strength, my younger brother is not as good as Dutou, but I have some dexterity left, which is not worth mentioning in front of Dutou!"

"My elder brother often said that little brother Yi is extremely intelligent, unparalleled in loyalty, clever in every way, and capable of everything. Disasters can also be turned into good luck, and disasters can be turned into good luck!" Wu Song laughed.

"The king's chief is absurd. Yan Qing is just a servant. He is highly regarded by all the elder brothers. He has traveled thousands of miles to save my master. Xiao Yi is so polite!" After Yan Qing finished speaking, he bowed down to Wu Song, who hurriedly helped him When he got up, Xu Guanzhong also stepped forward to help, and said:

"Xiao Yi, this is not the time to talk about etiquette. At this time, Wudu is taking a huge risk to go to the city to ambush. You must help him well. Although Liang Shijie is a big greedy person, he is not stupid. The public in the city has sharp eyes, you have to be careful in everything, and discuss it with the capital!"

"Little brother, remember your elder brother's teaching!" Yan Qing said solemnly.Seeing that he was by Wu Song's side, Xu Guanzhong didn't worry anymore, and was about to say goodbye to the two. Seeing this, Wu Song hurriedly asked the subordinates of the rear team pretending to be horse dealers to bring the horse, and personally chose a good horse for him. Xu Guanzhong, Xu Guanzhong did not refuse, he bid farewell to the two of them immediately, and hurried to the southeast road.

After several hours of driving on the road, Xu Guanzhong finally bumped into Liangshan's army. He reported his name and was brought by the school to meet Wang Lun. , was overjoyed, although he knew that the hermit was finally willing to go out to serve Liangshan, but he was still very excited to see him at this time, looked around the crowd and said: "I met Guanzhong, just like Liu Bang met Zhang Liang in the early Han Dynasty, and Liu Bei met Zhang Liang in the late Han Dynasty." Zhuge..."

Everyone congratulated loudly when they heard about it, Xu Guanzhong bowed his hands again and again, saying he was ashamed, Xiao Jiasui laughed from the side: "Ever since I learned that Brother Xu is going to meet you, Brother Xu has been waiting for him, and he will not delay for a moment, so he wants to send troops to the famous mansion! Hurry up and hurry up, I finally saw the real person, this time I can feel at ease!"

"Guan Zhong is an idle savage, and he has already given up his heart. I don't want to meet such a stranger as En Gong, so I can't help but want to try it. See how much this passion can add color to this world? "Xu Guanzhong said with emotion.

Sure enough, he had great ambitions in his heart, and he was really unwilling to be drowned by history like this. Wang Lun let out a long sigh of relief. He never doubted or worried about Xu Guanzhong's talent, but was very afraid of the hermit's perseverance. If it is cold, then I have the confidence to ignite this blood to the best heat.Xiao Jiasui, another hermit standing beside Xu Guanzhong at this time, is the most obvious example.

After sighing for a long time, Wang Lun talked to Xu Guanzhong about the serious matter: "It is inconvenient for the army to fight. When I first met Lingtang, I asked Yang Lin and Guo Sheng to take two hundred cavalry and send her old man and Dr. Ma's family back to the village. Ann The miraculous doctor diagnosed Lingtang at that time, and the treatment that Dr. Ma gave before was very effective. If Guan Zhong is still not at ease, I will arrange Miracle An to give Lingtang another diagnosis and treatment after returning from this battle!"

On this matter, Xu Guanzhong still prefers An Daoquan to give his mother another checkup. After all, everyone wants their relatives to have the most talented doctor to check their health, so he cupped his hands and said: "If possible, I still want Please trouble Miracle Doctor An!"

Because it was a military meeting, although An Daoquan was also the chief general of the Huitian camp, he did not attend this kind of meeting. Even if Wang Lundang asked Jiao Ting to invite him over, he pointed to several generals in the camp to do for Xu Guanzhong Introduced, a total of ten people were introduced, namely: Xiao Jiasui, Lin Chong, Han Shizhong, Tang Bin, Yang Zhi, and Zhang Qing from the Ma Jun, Lu Zhishen, Shi Jin, Li Kui, and Fan Rui from the Infantry Army.

Wang Lun introduced it very carefully, and Xu Guanzhong was very surprised when he heard it. Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen went up to the mountain early, and the rumors spread all over the world. Although Xu Guanzhong was happy to see the real person this time, he was not surprised. He had also heard of Yang Zhi's name. After all, he had stayed in the Daming Mansion for a while, but it was the first time he had seen Xiao Jiasui, a descendant of the royal family. At this time, the two military advisers looked at each other and cherished each other, but it attracted everyone's attention.

While the two military advisers were laughing, Jiao Ting invited An Daoquan over. Seeing this, Xu Guanzhong cupped his fists to Xiao Jiasui, expressed his apology, and knelt down to An Daoquan. An Daoquan hurriedly went to help him, but there was no help Li Kui said with a deep smile to Lu Zhi: "After all, he is from a big county. He is so polite. When Doctor Ma saw Lao An, he also knelt down and wanted to be a teacher!"

"Tie Niu, Doctor An has cured your mother's eye disease!" Lu Zhi looked at him deeply and said.

Li Kui was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly said, "It's my fault!" Brother Li, what are you doing?"

"You healed my mother's eyes. At that time, I thought it was the right thing to do. I didn't know that it was not easy when I met the doctor and this young man of the Daming Mansion, Lao An! I didn't know beforehand, but it's not because I didn't want to kowtow to you. Don’t forget I’m not! If you want to blame, blame brother, he knows everything, but he just doesn’t teach Tieniu!” After Li Kui finished speaking, Chao’an Daoquan kowtowed countless times until everyone shouted enough. climb up.

"Tie Niu, you really didn't know your blessings because you were born in the midst of blessings. You blame your brother for taking good care of you, right? Well, this time, you don't want to go back with us. You are a hero, so just go to the rivers and lakes alone. , I guarantee that some people will come up to teach you!" Tang Bin opened his mouth when he saw the words.

Hearing this, Li Kui got up from the ground and said, "That's all, it's better as usual..."

After Li Kui made such a fuss, the atmosphere became much more relaxed. Wang Lun stepped forward and helped Xu Guanzhong up with An Daoquan. Xu Guanzhong smiled and said, "This iron bull is a straight man!"

Wang Lun said with a smile: "Don't tell this guy to pretend to be a fool. This man is not young, but he has the surname of a naughty boy. Which naughty boy can be named by a straight name? It's just pretending to be evil!"

Xu Guanzhong laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said with hilarity: "Your benevolence sees people with a three-pointer!"

"The military division is still called Engong. How can we get along like this?" Wang Lun replied with a smile.

Xu Guanzhong smiled blushingly, returned to the subject, and asked, "Why did my brother and the soldiers from the village come so quickly?"

"Brother Yang Lin is very careful in handling things. After he broke up with you, he immediately released a carrier pigeon, so I brought the army down the mountain!" Wang Lun praised.

"The ancients flew slaves to pass on the book, and you don't deceive me! Today, my younger brother has fully understood. If the carrier pigeon is popularized, the information from thousands of miles away will be known in a day. What an unimaginable thing has come true in the hands of my elder brother. My younger brother is convinced." !” Xu Guanzhong sighed, obviously he has been keenly aware of the decisive role that this means of communication will play in the future battlefield.

Xu Guanzhong sighed for a while, and then asked: "I heard from Wu Dutou, my brother brought nearly ten thousand people down the mountain this time, who is guarding the village at this time?"

Wang Lun said, he smiled knowingly with Xiao Jiasui, and then listened to Xiao Jiasui's introduction: "At this time, there are three battalions of horse troops in the village. Army. In addition, there are two battalions of infantry, led by the fierce generals Yuan Lang and Yan Ji, with a total of [-] people. In addition, there are more than [-] people in the third battalion of Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, and Zhang Shun. In addition, there are many leaders The [-] reserve soldiers led by them are extremely powerful, brother Xu, don't worry!"

When Xu Guanzhong heard that there seemed to be 4 soldiers in Liangshan's family, he secretly said in his heart, "When we met last year, there were less than ten thousand soldiers in Liangshanpo. Now the number has increased by four times. There is such a big change in a year. It seems that this benefactor is really a genius!"

Xu Guanzhong sighed a little, but he didn't know where to start.Slowed down, received all the surprises in my heart, and prepared to experience it slowly in the future. At this time, I concentrated and began to introduce the geography of Daming Mansion to everyone:

"Going west from here to Daming Mansion, there are three important places on the way, named Yujiatuan, Feihuyu, and Huaishupo. Each of these three places has camps, and these villages have been built for decades, and they are easy to defend and difficult to build. The attack is extremely solid. Fortunately, at this time, there are some miscellaneous soldiers stationed in the Xiang army. The younger brother suggested that the elder brother can take down these three villages first, and finally rest at the Huaishu slope 25 miles away from the city. , is in line with the mystery of the art of war!"

Seeing Wang Lun say this, he looked at Xiao Jiasui very relievedly, and both nodded secretly. This military adviser was very brilliant in his first military meeting, which made Wang Lun's expectations of him increase a lot, and he said immediately: "Brother Wu Song It is estimated that we have already entered the city at this time, so let's just let go! Order Yang Zhi, Tang Bin, and Zhang Qing's three battalions to be the front team, and go to seize the stronghold with lightning speed! Try to capture the pagoda tree before the officers and soldiers in the city react Slope!" (To be continued.)

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