Water Margin Survival

Chapter 321 The crisis behind the great victory

Lu Junyi and Yan Qing were also attracted by Xu Guanzhong's words. Although Lu Junyi did not have a close relationship with Xu Guanzhong, he also knew that this man who was born in martial arts was full of talent, so he looked at Xu Guanzhong with concern. Yan Qing was even more aware of the abilities of this close friend, and was even more shocked when she heard the words, waiting for his next words with a solemn expression.

Seeing Yang Chun bring Lu Junyi and Yan Qing over, Wang Lun signaled Xu Guanzhong to wait a moment, and started to exchange pleasantries with them. Seeing that Yang Chun brought them here, the task was completed, and he went out to guard as usual.

"I don't know what Guan Zhong said just now?" Liang Shan is now Lu Junyi's only way out, it can be said that he and Liang Shanbo have shared weal and woe, and asked immediately.

Wang Lun nodded to Xu Guanzhong, Xu Guanzhong bowed his hands to the crowd, and continued: "To use an inappropriate analogy, we are now falling into rice jars and honey jars like rats and ants. If we eat all the food, then we will fall into it." At the bottom of the altar, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get out!" At this point, Xu Guanzhong saw that everyone was lost in thought, and then said: "I just left like this, but I am not reconciled. Anyway, the grain of 80 million shi, who can tell anyone? Just let it go? So this is something that has been worrying my little brother!"

Xiao Jiasui nodded his head in agreement when he heard the words, and said: "Wang Wancang once confessed that when Liang Zhongshu received Li Cheng's defeat, he wrote to the nearby state capital and asked them to send a large army to help, so the problem came out. Guan Zhong and I It took a long time, and when we carry these pots and jars, if we are blocked on the road, we may not be able to retreat completely, and if it is more serious, there is the danger of annihilation of the entire army!"

"When Coach Lin and Suo Xianfeng left the city, my younger brother asked them about the deployment of troops in the nearby state capitals: Xiangzhou stationed ten battalions of imperial troops, of which eight were commanded by Ma Ying; Cizhou had nine battalions of forbidden troops, of which three were commanded by Ma Ying; There are seven battalions of forbidden troops, of which 44 are commanded by the horse battalion; Bozhou, the only way we have to go back to the mountain, is okay, and the fifth battalion of forbidden troops are all infantry; Said, our tens of thousands of troops are very likely to face the siege of the [-]th battalion of horses and the interception of the fifth battalion of infantry!"

After Xiao Jiasui finished speaking, Xu Guanzhong added the details in place.

"Of course, this is the worst case scenario. We can't know the details of how many soldiers and horses are sent by each state. But Liang Zhongshu is the son-in-law of Yanjing who stayed behind and was the most powerful in the dynasty to destroy Cai Jing. It is estimated that they would not dare to obey. At that time, the imperial court will definitely pursue it, and it is estimated that with the eyes of these great masters, they will not fail to see this!"

Lu Junyi was startled when he heard the words, without the slightest hesitation, he clasped his fists at Wang Lun and said, "Lu's family still has a little money, which is more than enough for the food in front of us! Xiao Ke is willing to donate all the family money, and I hope the village owner will abandon these rough benzene thing."

Wang Lun saw that he was a little moved and looked at Lu Junyi, secretly admiring the number one rich man in Hebei, because he didn't put any pressure on him at all, and he donated his million-dollar property as soon as he said it. He came entirely out of his own will.

Now that Lu Junyi said this, Wang Lun also had something to say, and he said: "I am very grateful for the generosity of the staff! Don't worry, I have sent pigeons to send troops to the village to respond. As for the food, I have my own money." arrange!"

Lu Junyi saw that Wang Lun's words were quite tactful, and hurriedly said: "Xiao Ke has already gone up the mountain, and he will be a member of the cottage in the future. What do you need these things?"

Wang Lun bowed deeply to him, and said back: "The kindness of Yuanwai, please accept Xiaoke's respect! It is because Yuanwai is from the cottage that Xiaoke can't see him. From the beginning to the end, I, Liang Shanbo, only accept the world's heroes, but I don't Accept the traditions of the wealth of the world's heroes! Duomeng, for sharing the worries of my brothers and me, thank you!"

Lu Junyi hurriedly bowed down and returned the gift, but he still wanted to donate his family's wealth. Xu Guanzhong and Xiao Jiasui looked at each other, nodded slightly, and they both stepped forward to persuade Lu Junyi.

At this time, both of them had very far-reaching thoughts in their hearts, and felt that Wang Lun's move was extremely necessary.If Lu Junyi's contribution was accepted at this time, and the people who went up the mountain after the news had spread to the rivers and lakes would have Lu Junyi's precedent, would they donate or not?After all, Lu Junyi, the richest man in Hebei, has taken the lead, so how can he pass without donating?Originally, going up the mountain and falling the grass is a business of losing one's head. Before going up the mountain, it is too unreasonable for people to donate all their family wealth, and it is also extremely detrimental to the development of the cottage.

Although the reasoning is so reasonable, Xu Guanzhong admires Wang Lun's ability to remain unmoved in the face of millions of dollars of wealth. He immediately pulled Yan Qing over and whispered a few words to him. Before helping each other to persuade Lu Junyi, everyone pushed me for a long time, and then Lu Junyi who was deeply moved took back his good intentions.

"From Daming Mansion to the nearby prefectures, the distance is three, five, or seven days. It will take some time for the prefectures to receive the official documents, and it will take some time to dispatch troops and generals. Therefore, in a short period of time, we are still in a safe situation, but at the latest three days Within a few days, we will set off! Food can be ignored, but other armor, weapons, raw silk, satin, horses and other items must be packed and taken away!" Wang Lun said with a hammer.

It's okay to give up food, but these treasures can't just be thrown away in vain. They are directly related to the important guarantee for the future development of Liangshanbo, and food can't be said to be giving up. How to maximize their value is already in Wang Lun's mind. Make a good draft.

Xu Guanzhong has no objection to these. After all, compared with nearly 300 million shi of grain, these things are not only much lighter, but also more valuable. When the time comes, they will all be put on the carriage and will not affect the speed of the team.

"Report! Brother Tang Bin has returned to the city and brought back more than 4000 mature horses and foals!" Yang Chun had not been out for a long time, and came back very happily to announce the good news.

"Among the three battalions of horsemen who went out, he was the fastest to return if he didn't want to!" Wang Lun smiled and asked Yang Chun, "Where are Brother Tang Bin?"

"He is coming here, he first sent people to come over to announce the good news, saying that he wants to make the brothers happy!" Yang Chun said with a smile.

"Go, go out to meet him!" Wang Lun smiled at everyone, Lu Junyi and Yan Qing saw that it was a happy event, so they didn't rush to leave, but Wang Lun asked him if his injury was serious, Lu Junyi shook his head and said: "This small injury is not a problem , I'll go see Miraculous Doctor An in the evening!"

Seeing what he said, Wang Lun felt relieved, and said to Yang Chun: "It is estimated that our third battalion of troops and horses will return before evening. By then, our own horses plus the captured horses may not be tens of thousands. I think there are also some horses here." Horse grain reserve, tell the brothers to get ready, I'm afraid someone will come to fetch grain soon!"

"Don't worry, brother, little brother will prepare to go in person!" Yang Chun bowed his hands and accepted the order.

Wang Lun was still very relieved of Yang Chun. He was also Shi Jin's deputy general, but his surname was more stable than the stronger Chen Da, and his execution ability was also strong. He immediately stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and said a few words of encouragement, He asked everyone to go out together.

"How can you be so troublesome, brother, waiting for me here, but it's not breaking my brother's fodder!" Tang Bin blushed, and when he saw the people talking in front of the granary, he quickly jumped off the horse.His own soldiers came forward to hold the BMW for him.

Everyone greeted them with smiles, Wang Lun introduced Tang Bin with Lu Junyi and Yan Qing beside him, and when Tang Bin stepped forward, he said with a smile: "The jade unicorn Lu Yuanwai, whom you wished to see in the past, is right in front of you now! "

Tang Bin laughed and said: "I've heard for a long time that Lu Yuanwai is unparalleled in guns and clubs, and Xiao Ke admires him very much. When Lu Yuanwai passed by the cottage the other day, he missed the opportunity, and now he finally meets the real person!"

Lu Junyi sighed when he heard the words, and said: "What kind of spear is Wushuang? It's not that I have fallen so low. If it weren't for the loyalty of the village master and all the heroes to save me, my life..."

Seeing what Tang Bin said, he quickly interrupted and started talking.Later, I only heard him say: "Brother, when I came back, I found a camp with more than 3 river workers. Originally, Liang Zhongshu wanted them to help defend the city, but our army was destroyed so quickly. In the city, they stayed twenty miles outside the city and could not advance or retreat. At this time, the superior ran away again, and they came out in a hurry, and they had no food and rice to cook, so they were panicked!"

Speaking of this, Tang Bin clasped his hands to Wang Lun and said, "Brother, I have seen these river workers. They are all strong, obedient and good. At that time, my younger brother copied more than 1 coins from the racecourse, and kept a Qian Guan sent people to buy food, and stabilized these people first! Since it was too late to report this matter to elder brother, younger brother made his own decisions, and I hope elder brother will forgive me!"

"The general is outside, and the situation on the battlefield is extremely changeable, so you need to be the leader and general to adapt to the situation. Since you have a public heart, you are all thinking about the copycat, what is your fault?" Wang Lun waved his hand, communication is inconvenient in this era, and it is impossible to have instant messaging. The condition is that homing pigeons cannot become an all-weather means of communication. Because of this, Wang Lun does not intend to curb the subjective initiative of the generals of each battalion on the battlefield.If everything is done step by step, not seeking merit but seeking no faults, then this cottage will become a pool of stagnant water, no different from a lifeless imperial court.

Tang Bin laughed. It is precisely because Wang Lun is so open-minded that he has room to display his talents. Otherwise, he would not be nosy. Anyway, no one believes that the Sanwanhe Union will take the initiative to attack the city.

"In this case, come here..." Wang Lun pulled Tang Bin towards him and instructed him for a while.After Wang Lun finished speaking, Tang Bin smiled and said, "Don't worry, brother, brothers are still holding on! I will hand over the horse supplies captured from the racecourse to Brother Zhang Qing, and then I will leave the city!"

Seeing this, Wang Lun didn't keep him, but told him to be careful all the way.Although these river workers have no military training and are unarmed, the more than 3 people are a force that should not be underestimated.Tang Bin laughed, patted his chest in agreement, bid farewell to the heroes present, and then got on his horse very neatly, and walked away gracefully.

"I don't think so soon, my brother has a solution in his mind!" Xu Guanzhong said with a smile, "So little brother is looking forward to tomorrow coming soon!" (To be continued.)

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