Water Margin Survival

Chapter 322 The Dutiful County Chancellor

In this era, as long as the family has a good environment, they will not let their children become husband servants. .

The so-called labor service, also known as labor service, was that the government of the Song Dynasty recruited men according to the number of households or the size of the households in the squares and villages, and engaged in labor such as building cities, opening rivers, building houses, building roads, mining, and transporting grain.

Basically, as long as the husbands and servants are in all the projects that require a lot of manpower in the state capital, they will be indispensable.To a certain extent, they are similar to the soldiers in the army sequence, they all belong to the category of extremely low-status people who do dirty work for the court.But husband's labor is harder, more tiring, and more fatal.Xiang soldiers are still on duty at any rate, while civilian husbands are completely free labor.

The imperial court also knew what the people were thinking, so it announced that they could pay money to avoid the difference, which is called exempting husband's money.It's just that the money is not cheap. During Huizong's Daguan period, the price was [-] to [-] guan per husband.Looking at this number, one can see that the imperial court has no intention of giving the poor households who rent or have less land a second choice. What they are eyeing is the pockets of rich landlords.

Dare to set such a high price, not afraid that no one will pay, and even increased by 50.00% from the previous 5000 to [-]. Such confidence must be based on the daunting "work" of the husbands. "Environmentally.It can be said that the more than [-] river workers at present are a microcosm of the poorest and most miserable families in the counties in Daming Prefecture.

"Did I accidentally hear what my brother said that day?" Tang Bin raised his head, thought for a long time, and finally said to the left and right: "It seems to be a brick, where does it need to be moved! I think these guys are just a brick, and the day before yesterday they were still opening the river , I became a guard yesterday, but tomorrow, I will become a soldier again!"

Tang Bin shook his head and sighed, "It's hard!"

"We don't use them in vain in our cottage. We give them a stone of grain for a day! Our village owner is good to the people, unlike the imperial court, who only knows how to exploit the people! It's a pity, if the patrol inspector is here, it would be great to see it with my own eyes! Maybe the three generals can get together!" At this time, a lieutenant general beside Tang Bin sighed in his heart, he was also an officer of Pudong, so he knew all three heroes of Pudong.Later, because he could not be tolerated by Shangguan, he asked his surname to vote for Tang Bin, and was awarded the post of commander by Wang Lun.

"Old Gao, do you think I didn't say anything? Brother Hao and I send people to deliver letters to him every now and then. If we only talk about brotherhood, then it's easy to talk about. If you say something about inviting him to go up the mountain..." At this point, Tang Bin was helpless Shaking his head wryly.

Tang Bin didn't need to say it out loud, the high commander could imagine what Guan Sheng's expression would be at that time, and immediately sighed, and directly persuaded Tang Bin a few words.Tang Bin shook his head and smiled, looking at the camp where the husbands were having dinner, but he didn't realize that he was about to meet his best friend Guan Sheng.

"Is the big guy enough to eat?" Tang Bin asked back.

"Should it be enough?" Commander Gao was a little uncertain, looked at Tang Bin and sighed: "Our brother, there is oil and water in his stomach, and it is almost enough to eat a catty for a meal. But I think these young people mean , I’ve just made a bottom of this catty! I don’t have any vegetables, can I eat it dry?”

Tang Bin shook his head and smiled, and said, "Old Gao, we were also born as soldiers to eat food, and we didn't have meat for our meals. Why, now you have your mouth in your mouth? It's no better than fighting in a cottage!"

"Brother, that's all I said! During the war, when you ate cold noodle cakes, did you see that little brother snorted?" Commander Gao said displeased.

Tang Bin laughed, then looked at the river workers who were eating, and said, "How much grain did we buy for a thousand dollars?"

"Damn! The food here is more expensive than the ones on the Liangshan side. No wonder the rich locals over there like to hoard food and wait for the merchants here to collect it! Only 550 shi of grain was bought for [-] yuan! This is directly from the If you buy it from a local rich family, it will be even more expensive if you buy it in the market!" Commander Gao is obviously from Yanzhao, but now he is talking about our place in Liangshan, Shandong.

"550 shi means 5000 jin (Song jin). Now there are more than [-] people here, and this meal is only just finished for one jin per person... Well, the [-] guan money I just spent is called them one." It's gone after a meal!" Tang Bin was really a little bit agitated, and told the high commander:

"I still expect to have two meals no matter what! Forget it, it's getting late, and that's all for today. Let these brothers eat better, and give them the dried meat and bacon we brought with us. Go! Get up at four o'clock and hurry, tell everyone to enter the city before eating!"

"Okay!" The commander-in-chief clasped his fists to accept the order, and was about to go down to deliver the order, when he suddenly saw two grain trucks not far away being pushed towards this side with all his might, and behind him a young civil servant dressed as a low-level court official was lowering his head to help push them. Che, urged in his mouth: "Hurry up, hurry up, work harder! You guys haven't eaten for a day, and there are more than 3 people here. If you are not careful, there will be chaos!"

Tang Bin vaguely heard the man's words, looked at Commander Gao and said, "Didn't all the officials run away? Why are there still people coming forward?"

"There are so many strange things these days!" Commander Gao smiled, and asked Tang Bin again, "Shall I ask him to come over for a chat?"

Tang Bin nodded, and said only one sentence, "This man is quite responsible!" After hearing this, Commander Gao understood Tang Bin's meaning, called the Deputy Commander, and told him to go collect dried meat and cured meat immediately. The husband sent it.After finishing speaking, he rushed over with Wuqiqi and surrounded the two grain carts.

The high commander stepped forward and sang, and said to the young civil servant, "Up and down, my general welcomes you!"

The civil servant was very vigilant, as soon as the horse's hooves sounded, he sensed that something was wrong. At this time, he was very vigilant in his heart, but his face remained calm, and he said, "Excuse me, who is your general?"

Upon hearing his accent, Commander Tang smiled and said, "Hey, did you come from Shandong?"

The civil official did not hide anything, nodded and said: "Xiao Ke is originally from Qingzhou!"

"That's just right! Please move up and down!" The high commander laughed.

The civil official saw that this man was very kind to the Shandong people, and his heart "thumped", and he thought that he might have guessed it. He stepped forward and said to Commander Gao: "Since it is a good guy from Liangshan who invites you, Xiao I don’t dare to refuse, but the carts are all from my county folks, and I hope to let them go back!”

When the dozen or so people pushing the cart heard this, they sat down on the ground in fright, and said in shock, "Dada Da Da...the Liangshan that broke the city...Chou Xian Cheng, don't scare us!"

The high commander stared at the civil servant for a long time after hearing the words, and then said: "Chou County Prime Minister has good eyesight! We Liangshan heroes will not embarrass these people, but we can only release them tomorrow morning, and please let them suffer for a night!"

When Qiu Xiancheng heard about it, he frowned slightly, and turned his head to comfort the people who came with him. It didn't take long for everyone to calm down. It seems that this county magistrate has a high status in the hearts of these people.

After bringing the young civil official to Tang Bin, Commander Gao whispered a few words to the general, Tang Bin nodded, and said to the man, "Chou County Chancellor? Other officials can't wait to see me. You escaped, but you returned to the dangerous place, why?"

"This is Xiao Ke's duty. The court ordered me to assist in the management of the river works. As long as I can't be relieved of my errands, I must continue to do it!" Qiuxian Chengping said flatly.

Tang Bin immediately became interested in this person, and said with a smile, "You are a county magistrate, why do you do the drudgery of managing river workers?" Tang Bin glanced at the grain on the cart, and nodded secretly, "But it seems that you It's not bad, when did Liang Shijie become so knowledgeable and responsible?"

Until then, Qiu Xiancheng's young face showed a hint of self-mockery. What is Liang Zhongshu who knows people and is good at responsibility? , In fact, he found the most difficult bone to crack and sent himself away.

In the Song Dynasty, it was hard to be a county magistrate. This official position was abolished and restored by the imperial court for more than 100 years. Even the imperial court was so entangled, it can be seen that this position is not so easy to sit.In terms of his own power, the county magistrate conflicts with the county magistrate at the top, and overlaps with the master Bo at the bottom. The county magistrate.

"It's inconvenient to say anything about Shangguan's matter! I just want to ask the leader, I have heard that Liang Shanbo loves the people, so I don't know why I am detaining the 670 three river workers in the Daming Mansion at this time? Is the behavior at this time not worthy of you? The big flag of the cottage?" Qiu Xiancheng asked suddenly.

Tang Bin smiled and said: "You civil officials like to talk nonsense! Which of your eyes saw that I forcibly detained these river workers? Didn't you see that my own camp was set up outside? Look at them eating happily , where does it look like being held hostage?"

At this moment, dozens of soldiers brought the collected dried meat to He Gong's residence. Qiu Xiancheng watched them enter the camp intently, and thought for a while, "I wonder if the leader will also detain Xiao Ke?"

Seeing the question, Tang Bin pondered, "This man is not ordinary, but rather talented. He didn't forget to raise food for the peasants even in the chaos of war. Judging by his behavior, he probably wouldn't leave these people and run away alone." But even if this person escapes, it’s nothing. At most, it proves that I have bad eyesight and misjudged the person, and it will not affect the overall situation at all!” Thinking of this, Tang Bin nodded secretly, and said to Qiu Xiancheng: “After tomorrow, you If you want to leave or stay, you can listen to me!"

Seeing that he said the same thing as the high-ranking envoy just now, Qiu Xiancheng secretly became suspicious. Tang Bin pointed to the opposite side and said, "If you go now, you can still catch up with a meal, otherwise you will have an empty stomach at night." Go to sleep!"

Seeing that Liang Shan had provided food for everyone, Qiu County Prime Minister felt even more complicated, saluted Tang Bin indiscriminately, and then went to the Hegong camp, but after walking a few steps, he turned back and asked, "Aren't you going to send someone to follow me? Aren't you afraid that I'm leaving?"

Tang Bin laughed, and said, "I, Liangshanbo, always guard against villains, not gentlemen!"

Qiu Xiancheng gave a wry smile, and bowed his hands to Tang Bin. Only then did he realize that the other party didn't take him seriously at all. That's right, how could he, a small county magistrate, break the Daming Mansion and drive away Yanjing in these places? To stay in the eyes of the flying robbers?

For people like Liang Shanbo, Qiu Xiancheng had his own ideas. Seeing the rare opportunity, he thought about observing the group of people at close range, and gave up his plan to escape.Since they didn't take themselves seriously, they naturally had no reason to take their own lives for no reason.

After figuring it out, Prime Minister Qiu walked towards He Gong without hesitation.

It can be seen that Qiu Xiancheng has great prestige in the hearts of these river workers. As soon as he entered the camp, he was immediately embraced by hundreds of river workers, all of whom were asking for warmth. Qiu Xiancheng waved his hand and asked in confusion: " How long have I been gone, when were you caught by them? They didn't guard them strictly at all, why didn't everyone escape?" When everyone saw this, they all talked in one go:

"Chou Xianggong, why did we run away? They are heroes on Liangshan Mountain! We can't even hope for it all day long!"

"Yeah! How did we run away? When we met, they spent money to buy food for us! Mr. Qiu, they really bought it from Liu Dahu in Liujiaping! Xiaowu went with them, so it's obvious." It’s true! It’s no different from the legendary Liangshan hero! No, he’s bringing us meat again!”

"That's right! Starting tomorrow, they will ask us to work hard for a day, and the reward is a stone of grain! A stone of grain, we have worked hard for a year on two acres of land, and the rent is deducted. It’s not worth earning this day!”

"The king on the mountain said that this is just a reward for working hard. Afterwards, he will give us food!"

"After waiting for so long, we finally waited for a good man from Liangshan to send us food. Why should we leave? Mr. Qiu, although you are an upright official, but since ancient times, officials and thieves have always been at odds with each other. You should take the opportunity and leave!"

After hearing this, Qiu Xiancheng felt more and more heavy in his heart. He looked in the direction of the Liangshan camp on the opposite side and remained silent for a long time. (To be continued.)

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