Water Margin Survival

Chapter 323 What is missing is people

The torches replaced the dawn and shone on the wilderness in the southern suburbs of Damingfu. More than 3 river workers who were full of anticipation were excited and apprehensive, without anyone's urging, they all spontaneously got up from the rotten mats and cushions under them, and packed the simple and pitiful bags beside them.

Waking up from a sweet dream, many young people are blinking and looking around, hoping to have another great luck.It's a pity that the expected smoke did not rise, which made them feel a little disappointed, but they couldn't help but miss yesterday's most satisfying and delicious gluttonous meal in their lives.

"Xiao Si, what are you only looking at? Didn't you say you're going to the city for dinner? Hurry up and pack it up, don't make everyone wait for you, ah!" Seeing his nephew's gluttonous expression, a middle-aged man patted him pitifully. He patted his head and enjoined.

"Second Uncle, after sleeping all night, my stomach growled again!" said the young man with a blushing face.

"Your father is right, you are a foodie! You were the one who ate the most yesterday, but today the big guys haven't been hungry yet, why are you hungry again?" The second uncle said helplessly.This nephew of my family is so good at eating. Yesterday, he kept refilling food again and again, so that as a family, I was too embarrassed to refill it.

"I didn't eat any meat! I was too full in front, and when the big kings brought over the meat, I couldn't eat anything!" Xiaosi scratched his head and asked with some expectation, "Uncle, what are you eating?" Say we go back to the city, can we still have such a feast?"

"Who knows?" The second uncle sighed, looked at his nephew and said, "Do you know how much grain we ate yesterday? It's five or six hundred shi of grain! That's not counting the ones that were delivered later. There are hundreds of catties of meat! With the way we eat, the gold and silver mountains will be empty for others! I reckon that it will be enough to get three or four full after entering the city. I only hope that these kings can eat as much Our food is distributed, thank God!"

"What!? Five or six hundred shi? My dear, how many acres of land will be harvested!" Xiaosi said dumbfounded, "Didn't this meal ruin a small landlord? Just the big old Liu's family at the entrance of our village, His family doesn't even have that much food!"

"Isn't it so? Just the food you and I ate yesterday is enough for our whole family to eat for a few days! If you can take it back to your aunt and sister, you will not be happy for half a month? What a waste!" , the already deep wrinkles on the second uncle's face appeared more layered, and it could be seen that he felt sorry from the bottom of his heart.

This kind of emotion in him unconsciously infected the nephew around him, and Xiaosi also regretted a little: "I really shouldn't eat so much, if only I could bring some back to my mother, so that she can also have a full meal." Two meals!"

"Don't talk, pack up your things quickly. If the kings are really like the rumors, they can give us food, why do we care about the chewing in our mouths?" Seeing that the nephew was a little sad, the uncle sighed and stepped forward. Patted him on the shoulder.

Xiao Si nodded half-understanding, turned around to leave, and suddenly stopped and said, "Uncle, you are the only one with knowledge in our village, these kings won't have any ill intentions towards us, will they?"

The second uncle was taken aback when he saw this, but he didn't expect this kid to be not only tall, but also very discerning.In fact, it's not that he hasn't thought about this problem, but if the king on Liangshan wants to harm these penniless, poor poor people like himself, what are they planning?Besides, they don't need to use knives and guns, just watch them starve to death if they don't care.

After all, this kid in front of him is his own nephew. I saw that the second uncle was very patient and told him all his analysis. The young man listened and nodded in response from time to time. Finally, he dispelled his worries and said, "Then We have to work hard, and after eating other people's food, we should work hard for them for a few days! That's... that's... the last promised food for us, we will give it in half, and we will accept it!"

It can be heard that this young man is young, but he has suffered a lot.Despite this, he can still look forward to a dark future with the heart in his chest.

The second uncle felt sour, patted the child on the shoulder, followed him forward, and silently packed his bags.

Qiu Xiancheng, who hadn't slept all night, shook his slightly numb head, trying to make himself more awake, but it was a pity that he was exhausted after a night of deep thinking.

At this time, I suddenly saw a few elderly river workers approaching, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Qiu, you are an official after all, so don't go with us. If the good guys on Liangshan treat you as a corrupt official and destroy you, then you will be killed." But it's wrong!"

"Thank you for your generosity, elders, I'm going to book this Daming Mansion! Everyone, don't worry about me, go clean up, try to follow their orders along the way, and don't offend them!" Qiu Xiancheng cupped his hands at everyone.

The river workers saw that the gentleman was as hard-hearted as a stone, so they couldn't persuade him any more, they just secretly made up their minds that if there was such a time, they would rather not have food, and ask these kings to show mercy.


"It smells so good! Just by smelling it, I can tell that these people must be better than our kitchen!" Chen Da smiled and looked at Shi Jin.

"We stand here, you can smell it too?" Shi Jin asked in disbelief.At this time, the two were standing on the tower of the south gate of Daming Mansion, looking into the distance.At this time, the sky was gray and white, and the two of them were waiting for Tang Bin to bring Hegong to meet up.

"It's so fragrant, brother, can't you smell it?" Chen Da froze, suddenly patted his head and said: "I forgot, before you went up the mountain to find Teacher Wang, you traveled a lot, you must eat good things. It’s not like me, I followed Brother Zhu Wu up the mountain in a daze, and a lot of things went into my stomach, but I’ve never tried that kind of taste!”

"I think our kitchen lacks such a flavor!" Chen Da finally added unwillingly.

"Let me tell you, this is brother Song Wan who is not here. He wants to be here. If you say that, he must fight you hard!" Shi Jin laughed and said, "You didn't hear that he found him in the cottage some time ago. Personally, I wish I could pull you to talk a little bit, it's not because Xiaoqi's old mother always said that the things made in his kitchen are tasteless!"

"In front of him, I don't want to touch this bad luck, haha!" Chen Da laughed, and then invited again: "Tanma hasn't come back yet, let's say at least half an hour, let's ask the brothers to eat first, so as not to Wouldn't it be a waste to let the good things cool down!"

Shi Jin thought for a while, and said, "That's fine, let's not start a business ourselves, let our Yinglei brothers have a taste of the skills of this famous chef!"

This time, after receiving the news from Tang Bin, Wang Lun invited two military advisers to discuss it. Since this batch of river workers in large numbers is of great significance to the cottage, the three of them together agree to ask for their surnames and make a big scene. The effect is much better.Maybe when the participants are gray-haired in the future, they can proudly reminisce with the descendants on the small bench.

This is inconvenient, local celebrity Lu Junyi came forward and invited nearly a thousand chefs from hundreds of the best restaurants in the Daming Mansion to the south gate overnight to open this extremely rare open-air banquet.

Now the most effective talker in the city is Liangshan Wang Lun, and he came here this time to rescue Lu Junyi, so he even drove away the left-behind gentleman. face?What's more, the Liangshan people are very polite, and the invitation is not for nothing. Whether it is the ingredients or the chef's commission, there is a full scale of food to offset the account. The transaction is fair, and there is no deception.

At this time, Chen Da saw that Shi Jin agreed, and he was overjoyed, and he called out to the brothers to take turns to eat.After Chen Da shouted, he was about to go down the tower, but seeing Shi Jin standing still, Chen Da wondered, "Why didn't brother go downstairs?"

"When the soldiers are away on an expedition, if the soldiers haven't drunk, I don't drink first. If the soldiers don't eat, I don't eat first!" Shi Jin turned back.

"Is there such a thing? It's written in the military training rules!?" Seeing this, Chen Da quickly took off the pamphlet he was carrying and flipped through it.After more than half a year of extremely painful literacy career, although I can't say that I can read all the characters on this pamphlet, at least one-fifth of the characters are no problem.

"It's not written like that in the rules, Master told me!" Shi Jin replied.

"Teacher Wang?" Chen Da was stunned, and said: "You didn't say it earlier, you made me so hard! Forget it, if you don't eat it, I will eat it!"

Shi Jin looked at Chen Da and smiled knowingly. Chen Da shook his head, sniffed the fragrance that wafted into his nostrils, and asked, "Why do you value these river workers so much, brother?"

"According to my brother, I saw a lot of shortcomings in the process of breaking the Daming Mansion this time. Fortunately, there are not many troops in the Daming Mansion this time. Otherwise, even if we take down this city, we will not be able to hold it! The standard of people is actually a little less. Our battalion is much better than other battalions. It can be considered that there is not much reduction in personnel, but guarding this south gate, I really have no idea. One person has to defend a field of more than ten zhang, and if there is a large army to attack the city, I really don’t know how to fight this battle!” Shi Jin sighed and continued:

"Brother means that we intend to expand our battalions, but where do the people come from? We have six infantry battalions, six horse battalions, as well as the Panshi battalion and the personal guard battalion. If we expand to 2000 people, we will have 1 There are more than [-] people, we all know the foundation of the cottage, and the navy was strengthened not long ago, where can we gather these people now?"

Chen Da saw and sighed: "No wonder my brother heard Tang Bin say that there are more than 3 river workers, and his eyes are shining! It turned out to be because of this consideration! In fact, our cottage is not bad, with more than 4 soldiers. Looking around, the Song Dynasty Which mountain can reach us?"

"What's the point of comparing it with other hilltops? Have you ever seen a cottage that dared to fight and was able to take down Daming Mansion?" Shi Jin shook his head and said, "Not long ago, Brother Zhu Wu told me during a chat that too much wasted in the past Time, I didn’t come to Liangshan sooner, I think so, if I nest in that place, I’m afraid my life will be ruined!” (To be continued.)

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