Water Margin Survival

Chapter 331 Goodbye, Daming!

"Then divide the troops into two teams and ask Brother Chen Da to lead people to manage the carts of the whole army, transport the supplies and seize them. The rest of the river workers will be handed over to Jie Zhen and Jie Bao brothers to assist the people to evacuate!" Naturally, Wang Lun could not refuse the request of Xiao Jiasui, the commander in chief of the march.

Although these river workers are also from common people, they have been under militarized management, and most of them are young and strong. Not only can they take care of themselves during the march, they don't need to be distracted by the cottage, and they can even assist in managing the people.Moreover, many of these people brought their family members up the mountain together, and let them share the common people. There is a natural intimacy contained in it, which is just right.

And in this way, Shi Jin's battalion was completely liberated. If there was any emergency during the march, they could immediately go into battle.

"That would be the best!" Xiao Jiasui laughed, with Shi Jin's battalion and Yang Chun's more than a thousand surrendered troops as mobile forces, his heart was much more relaxed.

The forwards, central army, and defenders were all arranged, and there was one more important task, which Wang Lun decided to hand over to Wu Song.

This time, in the ten suburban counties of Daming Prefecture, plus Yuancheng County where the prefecture is located, after two days of mobilization by Liang Shanbo, there are a total of more than 900 households (not all counties can attract more than 1000 households like Zhou Jin's results) Up the mountain), nearly 5000 people were willing to go up the mountain with the army, which put great pressure on the logistics supplies of the Liangshan Army.

Although these people only accounted for about half of the total population of Daming Mansion, the food consumed in a day is not a simple figure. It is calculated on the basis of two Song Jin per person per day (it is impossible to compare with the standard configuration of the cottage at this time when marching in a hurry), 17 river workers plus [-] people, plus [-] battalions of troops and [-] surrendered soldiers, the total number reached more than [-] people, and the food consumed a day was more than [-] catties. About seven hundred stones.

This time from Daming Mansion to Yunzhou on the north bank of Shuibo, the distance is more than 300 miles. This time, he led the people to march. Even if the old and weak women and children have horses and carts to travel, Wang Lun dare not be too optimistic. He can arrive within 20 days. Thank goodness for that.

Calculated on the basis of 20 days, you have to bring 1 shi of grain, which is enough to eat along the way. Unfortunately, the cart is already full at this time, and only the more than 30 horses captured by the Daming Mansion carry 50 catties on their backs. Grain (the rest of the transport capacity needs to carry enough horse grain and the elderly and children who are inconvenient to walk), plus 80 catties of grain carried by some river workers and some young and middle-aged people. The total of [-] catties of grain has been called this baggage The transportation team has reached its limit, but it can barely sustain the army for five days.

In this way, the task of raising food is arduous, and it can be said that it is related to the life and death of the entire team.Wang Lun can only feel at ease if this kind of matter is handed over to Wu Song, a fine brother.

"Brother, in fact, in this Daming Mansion, food is easy to raise. We have reserved several counties along the road to keep him from moving, just take his food storage along the way. When we arrive in Bozhou, try to raise food and grass from the people, even if we spend a little more money. Let's get through this first, and if it's really a last resort, you can attack the county seat as appropriate. It will be much easier to deal with in Yunzhou, and we have our own cottage to provide food and grass. So the most difficult time should be when you leave the Daming Mansion, and you don't have any During the time when Shanzhai was connected to the top, brother, you should discuss things with Lu Yuanwai and Yan Xiaoyi more often, and think twice before you act!"

"Brother, don't worry, but with my younger brother here, we can't let the army run out of food and grass!" Wu Song resolutely said.

If he was worried about this brother, how could Wang Lun entrust him with such an important task.I saw Wang Lun patted Wu Song on the shoulder, and said to the leaders present: "Brothers, you still have to work hard. When you get to the mountain stronghold, I will give you a celebration banquet. But before returning to the mountain, I hope you all be careful. Be careful! This way, Military Division Xiao’s military order is my military order, and anyone who violates it will be severely punished!”

"What do you want me to do..." Li Kui muttered with his head down.Seeing this, Fan Rui teased Li Kui below.

Wang Lun saw all this in his eyes and couldn't help sighing secretly.At this time, the trapped camp is like a wild horse, which cannot be separated from the rider who subdues him. This time, I let him go out to take charge alone, which is really unstable.

In fact, the original intention of Wang Lun to build the camp was to give full play to the strengths of the leaders under him, and to use Li Kui and his three lieutenants with similar surnames to form a trap camp. Count on the other utility of this battalion.Fortunately, Wang Lun still kept back at that time, leaving Fan Rui in the camp as a supplementary means to Li Kui who had no overall perspective.Even so, Wang Lun was still a little worried. If it weren't for the fact that the cottage's troops were stretched, and Yuan Lang and Yan Jiao in the infantry had just separated, and the two battalions were newly built, he wouldn't have this trouble at this time.

The reason is that there are too few infantry generals, resulting in insufficient battalions.

Fortunately, Bian Xiang was persuaded by Xu Guanzhong, and he had another general under his command. This general under Tian Hu's command who was originally on the track, this time I am afraid that he will be positioned as the leader of the infantry.When he came back, they planned to use him as the general of the infantry to form the seventh battalion of the infantry.

There is no way, who said that the cottage has always been a pattern of strong horses and weak ones.

"Let's go get ready, everyone, finish it earlier and go back to rest! Tomorrow, the fifth watch is over, and I will practice it for everyone outside the east gate!" Wang Lun said to everyone, clasping his hands.

Everyone said their goodbyes one by one, and saw that Lu Zhishen and Wu Song had gone back first, Shi Jin stayed here with Xiao Jiasui because he wanted to hand over to Lu Fang, Fan Rui dragged Li Kui back, and bumped into Xu Guanzhong and Han Shizhong who were taking them back to Tianying When Wang Lun saw that it was An Daoquan and Hu Sanniang, he guessed their intentions and said, "Master An, as I said beforehand, you and Sanniang will retreat with the infantry with the wounded. Immediately, this place is about to become a dangerous place, and it is inconvenient for you two to stay here!"

An Daoquan turned his head to look at Hu Sanniang, Hu Sanniang understood, and said: "Brother, our camp is named by you personally, called Huitian Camp, and it is our mission to save the dying and heal the wounded! Just because the war is coming, the younger sister and the genius doctor must not leave. Otherwise, where will the soldiers be!"

Seeing that Hu Sanniang was dressed in red armor at this time, she was heroic and heroic, not as sluggish as she was when she first went up the mountain, and she looked much more cheerful.

It seems that time is indeed a good medicine to cure all heart diseases!Wang Lun secretly sighed, and was also happy for her in his heart, so that Hu Cheng could completely relax.Immediately said: "Sister, this time is different than usual, the enemy and us are very different, I can't rest assured that you and Doctor An are here! When you return to Tianying, only twenty military doctors who can ride horses can be with the team, and the two are still with the army. Withdraw! Remember, lead the team to gather at the east gate before the fifth watch tomorrow!"

"But..." Hu Sanniang wanted to argue, but An Daoquan sighed and said, "Since brother is thinking of us like this, what else can we say! Sanniang, let's go back!"

Hu Sanniang was startled, but saw An Daoquan turned his back to Wang Lun and blinked at her. Although Hu Sanniang didn't understand what he meant, but out of respect for An Daoquan, he no longer insisted on his opinion. The two saluted Wang Lun and turned around. leave.

Wang Lun felt that An Daoquan was a little abnormal today, but before he had time to think about it, he was interrupted by Han Shizhong. Wang Lun waved his hand, stopped Han Shizhong temporarily, and told Xiao Jiasui: "Dear officials, pay more attention to the sky on the way. Ying, the people here are the treasures of our cottage!"

Xiao Jiasui nodded and smiled, and nodded in agreement. At this time, Wang Lun asked Han Shizhong what was the matter. Han Shizhong looked at Xu Guanzhong, and said with a smile: "The red-haired ghost Liu Tang from Erlong Mountain has not been idle for the past two days. A team of 2000 people came out, and he heard that the army was leaving, so he offered to stay and fight side by side with his brother!"

Wang Lun knew about this, the number of captives amounted to 4000 to [-], and it was a huge burden to carry them on the road.It's just too exhausting.

When disposing of the captives before, the two military advisers suggested that they should be dismissed immediately. If they were locked up for a long time, when the officers and troops from various states arrived, these people might be recruited and become the force to pursue themselves. The gain outweighs the loss!If they are dismissed immediately, these people will not dare to stay near the city for a long time if they escape from death.

Wang Lun was very pleased that neither of these two highly talented and wise military advisers was a bloodthirsty person. Although these forbidden soldiers were soldiers and horses of the imperial court, they could not escape the word "compatriots" after all.On the battlefield, it is impossible to fight to the death, but when the fighting is over, Wang Lun doesn't want to go too far when dealing with his own countrymen.

At that time, when this group of people was about to be dismissed, each of them was paid five taels of silver as travel expenses. At that time, there were almost 2000 people who wanted to vote for Liangshan on the spot. To be on the safe side, Wang Lun asked Yang Zhi, Suo Chao, and Zhou Jin to screen them out. In the end, there were more than 200 people left.Unexpectedly, at this time, Liu Tang somehow found out the news that Wang Lun was going to release him, and he desperately wanted to recruit these captured soldiers that Liangshan didn't want.Wang Lun was tortured to no avail by him, and he pitied him that he was only trying to repay Chao Gai's kindness, so he didn't stop him.

Things in the world are just such a coincidence. It's really Cao**, Cao** is here.Han Shizhong mentioned Liu Tang on his front foot, and Liu Tang rushed over on his back foot. When he saw Wang Lun, he rushed forward and said, "My brother is personally serving as the rear of the army, and my younger brother is willing to help!"

There are no outsiders here, so Wang Lun is not shy about speaking, and said to Liu Tang: "Brother, I appreciate your kindness! You are all newcomers on your side, and they can't stand the battle. It's good to retreat before the battle, just be afraid." Fight back!"

Liu Tang was shocked, and quickly looked at Xu Guanzhong. After these two days of contact, he found that this military adviser was really a military adviser. Compared with Wu Yong from his own cottage, he really couldn't be compared together.As the saying goes, goods are more expensive than goods, and people are more expensive than others. This is the truth.

At this moment, Liu Tang was shocked, and looked at Xu Guanzhong as if asking for help. Seeing this, Xu Guanzhong nodded and added: "I didn't want to accept these surrendered soldiers at first. I was afraid that there would be trouble halfway, and my nearly ten soldiers would be killed." If the Wan Dajun made a mistake, it would really be a small mistake!"

Liu Tang was startled and said, "Then what should we do? Let's be honest, my elder brothers said that since Brother Wang Lun handed it over to us, Xiaozhai has been plagued by many disasters and disasters. It has been so long. Up and down, there are no more than 2000 people in the end, these [-] people are of great importance to our cottage, if we can bring them back safely, Liu Tang's life will be worth it in exchange!"

Everyone at the scene looked at each other, Liu Tang, everyone more or less knew him, and knew that he was not a casual person, seeing him willing to work so hard for the cottage this time, they all lamented to each other.

This is what Liu Tang talked about, so Wang Lun was not at ease in any case and asked him to lead the two thousand surrendered soldiers alone. If this group killed Liu Tang halfway and broke up and fled, wouldn't he feel guilty? lifetime?

Thinking of this, Wang Lun glanced at Xiao Jiasui. He was the commander-in-chief of the marching army. Wang Lun wanted to hear his opinion very much. It goes without saying which is more important than two thousand surrendered soldiers. It’s just that my Liangshan’s loyalty is the most important, and my brother is like a brother to you. At this time, I have a suggestion, do you think this is good?”

Liu Tang listened attentively to Xiao Jiasui's slow talk, and as he listened, he couldn't help showing a very grateful expression on his face. He immediately bowed to Xiao Jiasui, and bowed down: "If this time succeeds, everyone will be the rebirth of my Liu Tang. Parents!" (To be continued.)

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