"What!? The Liangshan bandits are still here?" After receiving the military report from his subordinates, the face of a middle-aged man who looked very majestic changed, revealing a hint of disbelief.

"Yes, yes! This is the news that the scouts tried their best to find out. It is absolutely true! Huang Tuanlian, can we not cross the river yet?" General Pi asked for instructions.

"Go and call that kid up, I want to listen to him myself!" Huang Tuanlian frowned and ordered.

The general clenched his fists, turned around and went down.Not long after, he brought a soldier covered in dust to the front, and the captain shouted: "Tell the regiment what you found!"

"Msg... Xianggong, the villain crossed the river and searched all the way. He was invincible on the road until he reached the city of Daming Mansion. There were still bandits guarding the top, and the villain was almost shot to death by the robbers! Fortunately, the villain was fast and ran back desperately. Tell me, I'm afraid my husband will be ambushed this time!" After the scout finished speaking, the general who was full of hope would be able to express the information that he had exchanged his life for it, but Huang Tuanlian kept his face dark and showed no consideration for others, just Asked further: "How many thieves did you say there were in the tower?"

"Less say there are 2000 people!" The scout said with a guilty conscience. He didn't hit him in the face at that time, so he ran away with his horse. How could he know how many people were on the tower.Anyway, to Dolly, that's right.Doing their job, they are all fine.It's okay to say that the situation is more serious, how to deal with it is the commander's problem.If the situation is simplified, the general will make a wrong judgment and advance lightly, and if there is a mistake at that time, all the responsibility will be his.

"Go down and have a rest!" Seeing his boss's expression of hesitation, General Pi hurriedly dismissed his subordinates, the scout slandered a few words, then retreated helplessly.

Seeing the scouts back away, General Pi said cautiously: "Is this Liangshan bandit Kou planning to make his home here?"

"What kind of home is this? Is this a place he can occupy? Use your brains before you speak!" Huang Tuanlian said angrily, "Daming Mansion is an important town in the north of our country and one of the four capitals of the Song Dynasty. How can the court tolerate bandits? If your mind is a little clearer than yours, you won't do such stupid things!"

After Huang Tuanlian finished kissing the generals, he felt a little better in his heart. He couldn't help but think to himself: "Daming City is vast, and the walls are tens of miles long. There are not 5 or 2 people. Who would dare to occupy here? An urgent report from Liang Zhongshu It is said that there are only [-] bandits in Liangshan, and if they will guard the city at that time, wouldn’t it be a leak from all sides? What’s more, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the city. ?”

He was scolded by his superior for no reason, and the lieutenant general was puzzled, and tentatively said: "As soon as we received the urgent report, we rushed here on galloping horses, and even abandoned our luggage and infantry. Who would have thought that the murderous Liangshan bandits broke through the city for several days? I'm still hanging on, is it because I don't cry when I see the coffin?"

Huang Tuanlian was also muttering in his heart, he couldn't figure out why Liang Shanjun didn't run away.

As one of the state capitals closest to Daming Mansion, the magistrate of Xiangzhou has spent a lot of money this time. There are only ten battalions of soldiers and horses (eight horses and two steps) in the city, and seven battalions of horses were sent to rescue. When the prison was vacant, Huang Tuanlian was ordered to lead the army out.

This Huang Tuanlian lingered on the road for two days, and received the news that the city of Daming Mansion had long since fallen. After experiencing the initial surprise and frustration, Huang Tuanlian went into ecstasy, feeling that even the heavens favored him.

At that time, he deduced that [-]% of the bandits would just get a fortune and leave, and it was absolutely impossible for them to occupy this important town.At that time, with the idea of ​​winning the first prize of restoring the city, he ordered to abandon the luggage and the cavalry without horses, go into battle lightly, and lead the [-] cavalry gathered from the seven battalions of the horse army under his command to rush towards the Daming Mansion.And within two days, he rushed to Ligu Town, which is only across the river from Daming Mansion.

After crossing the Yellow River in front of us, we are only half a day away from Daming Mansion.For the Xiangzhou Army who was preparing to take the lead, everything was ready at first, and the only thing they owed was the east wind. Who would have thought that the strong man who was not covered and the land was not covered this day was still lingering, and this news was like pouring cold water on his head. , extinguished the fire of making contributions in Huang Tuanlian's heart.

"Order the whole army to hurry up and station in Li Guzhen!" Huang Tuanlian said angrily.

"Tuan Lian, it's not even noon at this time, are we here for a long time or a short stay?" General Pi asked, puzzled.

"How long we stay here is up to us!" Huang Tuanlian sighed, and when the general saw this, he immediately understood. It seemed that the boss was determined to only take the empty city, and he was secretly relieved, after all, he had only two thousand horses. The others were all behind, so how could they be the opponents of the bandit army who broke the Daming Mansion?So heroes like Wen Da and Li Cheng were defeated by others?

"Wait a minute!" Huang Tuanlian stopped the lieutenant general who was about to turn around to deliver the order, and ordered: "Put the camp on the edge of the town, and collect supplies from the town. Remember, our army is the vanguard of recovering the Daming Mansion. , the food and grass collected will not only be used by our army, but will also be supplied to the reinforcements of the states in the future, do you understand?"

General Pi understood it, and it seemed that the regiment could not win the military merit this time, so he wanted to make a small fortune, and flattered him: "The young general understands! Do you want to contact the buyer now!"

"You do it quietly, don't make a fuss!" Huang Tuanlian was noncommittal, and then urged: "Send someone to lock up all the boats on the Yellow River for me, and then tell us who are behind to come quickly, and, Contact the three battalions in Cizhou and tell them to move closer to our army!"

Hearing the words, General Pi only thought that the first two were easy to handle, but he encountered difficulties in contacting the Cizhou people. He thought for a long time, and asked carefully: "Tuan Lian, our states are not affiliated with each other. Maybe we call them, they will Are you willing to come over? Besides, we don’t know where they are now!”

"If you don't want to come, you have to die. Our [-]-horse army is watching. He has less than [-] horses in the third battalion. How dare he go forward to die? If you want to die, I won't stop you. If you don't want to die, come and follow us." It’s good to stay together! Cizhou troops don’t need you to look for them, you go to Commander Wang. They captured a spy early this morning, who was a scout from Cizhou. Just say we found out that we caught the wrong one, and he Let it go, and ask him to bring the message back, it will be safer for us to join forces together!" Huang Tuanlian ordered.

That general nodded quickly when he saw that, and glanced at Huang Tuanlian, who was not angry but mighty, and secretly sighed in his heart: Ginger is still old and hot, it is true!

The scouts of his own friendly army knew his identity, but they regarded him as a special prisoner. They must have been afraid that if he was released, the news would leak and his position would be exposed, so that the Cizhou army would enter the city first.

Now that the thief has not left, there is no need to rush into the city. Instead, he is still worried that the thief will come and attack him. It is safest to hold a group like this.At this time, the "Jian spy" can be used, and he has turned back into the "scout" of the friendly army, which is really indescribable!

Seeing that Pi was about to leave, Huang Tuanlian rode on the horse and walked forward slowly. He was no longer excited before, and finally rushed to the town. He saw that this town was extremely prosperous and prosperous. It is worthy of a famous name One of the towns where the government set up a separate point of taxation, the scenery in Xiangzhou City is no worse than that in Xiangzhou City. Seeing the prosperous scene in front of him, Huang Tuanlian is in a better mood. Let's talk about some money.

The Xiangzhou army set up camp on the edge of the town, and after a while, no one came to ask questions in the town, Huang Tuanlian was furious, thinking in his heart, "The officials of this famous mansion are all dead", and scolded "The people in this town are so ignorant!" He wanted to go to the town in person, but he was afraid of losing his dignity, so he suppressed his temper and waited for the general's news.

Fortunately, I didn't ask him to wait for long, and saw the general running back happily, announcing the good news: "Tuan Lian, this Daming Mansion is really rich, and the poor families in this town don't have much property. The granaries are full, and every family has no less than ten shi of grain! We really came to the right place this time!"

"Go, collect all the food from their families, just don't touch the rich families, these people are inextricably linked, don't offend people who can't afford it!" Huang Tuanlian warned.

"Just let these wealthy households go like this?" General Pi asked.

"Go, in the name of our Xiangzhou reinforcements, let's pay homage to each family, and invite these rich families to come to the camp at night, and let's treat them to dinner!" Huang Tuanlian laughed, "Let's rush to rescue them at night and save them from the fire and water." Among them, it is impossible for these fellows to be ungrateful and come empty-handed!"

Hearing the words, General Pi said yes again and again, turned around and greeted thousands of people in the camp, and followed him into the town to collect food. Not long after, the market, which was still lively just now, was disturbed by chickens and dogs screaming, women and children crying. After a while, no one was seen on the street, and every household closed their doors, praying to their respective gods and Buddhas to drive these bereaved stars out of the town.

"Master Daoist, the shop is about to close, please help me!" A Taoist sat on the second floor of the hotel by the window, watching the strange scene in the street without saying a word. He was the only guest left, and stepped forward to persuade him.

"Second brother, let me ask you, who are these rebels? Could it be Liangshan bandits?" The Taoist turned his head and smiled, and asked calmly.

Xiaoer originally wanted to drive him away, but when he heard what he said, he said angrily: "Master, although you are a wandering expert, if you want to insult a Liangshan hero, don't look at me as a waiter. You're nothing but, I'll spit on your face even if I spit!"

Not only was the Taoist not angry when he heard the words, but he burst out laughing and asked, "What good did Liang Shanbo do to you, asking you to speak for them like this? I'm not afraid of being found out by the government and causing lawsuits!"

"Master Dao, I don't know when you came to our Daming Mansion. Haven't you heard such a big news?" Xiao Er asked back.

"You asked me about it!" The Taoist laughed and said, "Pin Dao just came from Mingzhou early in the morning, and only heard that the Liangshan people broke down the Daming Mansion, but he didn't know about the others, so I hope the little brother can clarify! "

Xiao Er was a little confused. He was the one who received the Taoist when he entered the shop, and he didn't have an animal to travel. How could he walk dozens of miles in the morning?This Taoist must have lied, so he didn't want to say more right now, he just said: "If the Taoist priest doesn't leave, I will have the door closed!"

"Your thin door panels can only guard against gentlemen, how can they guard against these rebels?" The Taoist shook his head, put down a piece of silver, and said, "What do I ask, what do you answer, this piece of silver is yours !"

Xiao Er looked at the silver, with eager eyes in his eyes, just thought about it, and said: "I really want to take this money, but I just want to speak ill of Liang Shanbo, I am afraid that taking your money will make my tongue sore! "

The Taoist laughed loudly and said, "It doesn't matter if you say good things or bad things, I just need to listen to the truth!"

"That's what Taoist Ye said!" The little girl grabbed the silver in her hand and shouted downstairs: "Close the door, this one has to stay away in our shop!"

"I didn't hear what news you just said?" the Taoist asked.

"You old man said that I'm not afraid to let the government know and sue you when I speak good things about Liangshanbo, right?" Xiaoer looked at the Taoist and asked, seeing the Taoist nodding, Xiaoer said disdainfully: "When will the prison in Daming Mansion be closed for 10 When there are tens of thousands of people, I will keep my mouth shut!"

The Taoist laughed loudly and said, "What do you mean, is it that everyone in Daming Mansion has been saying good things about Liang Shanbo?"

Xiao Er shrugged his shoulders and said: "If you don't believe me, just go and ask him, but anyone with a conscience will not scold him!" At this time, the commotion in the street outside became more violent, Xiao Er stood at the window and looked at it for a while, Spit and said: "This group of officers and soldiers said they were here to catch the robbers, but the robbers didn't see them, and they made the people restless first. The thieves took it!"

"Has Liangshan distributed food to the people again? Such a big city, with a population of 10,000+ households, how much is Liangshan this time?" the Taoist chief asked with concern.

Xiaoer only looked at the situation outside the window, and gestured with both hands. When the Taoist saw it, he stood up and jumped out of the window. , Where can I still see the shadow of this Taoist, leaving only his sigh floating in the air: "Officials are like bandits, bandits are like relatives, what kind of world is this..." (To be continued.)

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