Water Margin Survival

Chapter 333 Water Margin No. 1 Fast Foot

The drunken Huang Tuanlian returned to his camp contentedly with the help of the general, and his confidant helped him to sit on a chair, then took a cup of strong tea and put it on the table, and he was about to leave . .

Unexpectedly, Huang Tuanlian stopped him, breathed out alcohol and said: "The gold and silver that honor me in this town, have you counted them? Report the number!"

General Pi saw that he was so drunk, and he was still thinking about the profit tonight, he could be regarded as a model for his generation, and hurriedly said: "Two hundred families came to the banquet, and the total amount of congratulatory gifts brought was no less than 3000 taels of silver!"

"Bah! The average family is only less than a dozen taels of silver, and they are rich households in Daming Mansion, these iron cocks!" Huang Tuanlian hiccupped and couldn't help cursing.

The lieutenant general shook his head and said, "I don't know about the regiment training. If we hadn't played a big role in the town during the day, I'm afraid these fellows would still be worthless! I think we are not the garrison of the Daming Mansion, and we will return to Xiangzhou in a short time. , They don’t have much to do with us in the future, who do you think will be filial to us? Are you afraid that we will even borrow their family’s food?”

"Forget it, the money is a little less, but there is no future trouble, and no one will sue for this small amount of money, and it will be difficult for you and me! Take it, you order 1000 taels, keep some for yourself, and give the rest to the brothers Let’s divide it up. In addition, when the food is sold for money, leave half of it, and you can dispose of it yourself. Don’t let people say that I only care about fishing for myself, but I don’t remember my subordinates!” Huang Tuanlian was still drunk at this time, and he did not forget that eating alone Difficult to last.

General Pi was overjoyed, thanked him again and again, and suddenly asked: "How do you send the two commanders who came from Cizhou?"

"If you are interested, you can pay 100 taels per person. If you don't know what to do, you know what to do!" Huang Tuanlian picked up the strong tea, took a sip, put down the teacup, and made a wish to his confidant: "Follow me well, this position will be sooner or later It's not yours?"

General Pi fell to his knees with a plop, and was about to express his loyalty when he heard a cold voice from outside the tent saying, "You two thieves go to hell and follow Hades!"

Huang Tuanlian was startled and shouted for the guards. The general was a military commander after all. Subconsciously, he pulled out his saber and looked around, only to hear a chirping sound from one side of the camp. The dressed-up man stepped in and said with a sneer, "They've already been on their way, and they're waiting for you two before the gate of hell!"

"Niaodao, where did you come from? What do you want to do?" Huang Tuanlian yelled for a long time, but seeing no one responded outside, he wondered if the guards really called him out, terrified in his heart, and couldn't help asking sharply.

The Taoist just sneered and sneered, and ignored the two dead-like fools in front of him. He was furious, and stepped forward with his sword, but he didn't know that this person was like a ghost, and he was so fast that he bypassed the opponent in an instant, with only one sword , and sent this promising man to the west.

Suddenly, the cheeks were covered with bright red liquid from the neck of his confidant, Huang Tuanlian was so frightened that he sat on the ground paralyzed, and said indiscriminately: "Okay... good man, spare your life, I have no grievances or enmity with you, and I hope Let the villain live! Me, me... how much is my life worth, I will buy it!"

The Taoist smiled contemptuously, and asked back: "Let you live? Why don't you let the people in the town have a life? They finally hoped for a few stones of grain, so they asked you to grab them like bones and oil! I If I forgive you, even if God doesn't blame me, Liangshan Wang Lun will also blame me!"

Huang Tuanlian saw that this Taoist couldn't make sense of life or death, he didn't know where the strength came from, he rolled and crawled on the ground and fled outside the tent, the Taoist laughed strangely in his throat, and forced him up step by step with his sword in hand.Huang Tuanlian desperately climbed out of the tent, and was about to shout loudly, but at this moment a strange scene appeared in the sky:

I saw hundreds of torches descending from the sky, instantly making the camps of the coalition forces of Xiang and Ci prefectures extremely red, and the row of "Tingzi", "Xiaowu", "Wanjie", and "Arima Jinyong" The battalion flag was swept away by the fire, and many mindless soldiers emerged from the tents, all of them were disheveled and barefoot. After a while of panic, they subconsciously searched for fire-fighting equipment and came to fight the fire.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the thunderous shouts came to mind, and I don't know how many people rushed in, only to hear the horses neighing and people shouting, and the shouts of disarming and not killing filled all directions.

Huang Tuanlian turned his head in despair, looked at the Taoist standing behind and shouted, "You...you are a Liangshan bandit!?"

Unexpectedly, this sentence became Huang Tuanlian's unparalleled song in this life. The Taoist who was watching the strange scene in the camp was reminded by him, and he used a killer move, locked his throat with a sword, Huang Tuanlian fell limply on the ground, and the Taoist stepped forward to cut his throat. He lowered his head, pinned it to his waist, looked at his bloody corpse and said, "Not for the time being!"

Seeing that the fire was getting more and more fierce, only the sound of crackling and explosions could be heard, and the blazing flames covered the sky, and suddenly the waning moon and dawn stars were all colorless. The Taoist said "Oops", and said inwardly: "Have you ignored the food and horses? You can't waste money even if you are rich. Ah!" I saw him put his toes on the tent, use his strength to jump high, use his lightness kung fu skills, and fly away to the camp, on the way, he saw that the surviving officers and soldiers in the camp had no desire to fight, and there were crooked people everywhere. Standing upright kneeling full of people.

When the Taoist was greedy to watch, he suddenly noticed something wrong with the wind in his ears, he hurriedly saw a flying stone passing by, the Taoist secretly called out "ashamed", turned over, stopped his body, and looked ahead by the light of the fire , I saw a handsome general reining in his horse, and shouting: "The battle is dangerous, don't be abrupt! What is the origin of your Taoist, report your name quickly!"

The Taoist smiled grimly under the firelight, the blood on his face and the head on his waist were very scary.The young hero was afraid that the person he killed was his own brother, so another stone flew out immediately, this time the Taoist was prepared, he used his body skills, dodged quickly, and praised: "What a flying locust stone! What a featherless arrow! "

Seeing that he told his background, Zhang Qing refused to send him a stone, and replied: "If the Taoist priest is my friend in Liangshanbo, I hope to report his name!"

Unexpectedly, the Taoist didn't follow the ancient rules, and didn't reply, but took out a square thing from behind, and said: "Come and don't go indecently, there is no feather arrow, take my trick!" This "hidden weapon" with a yellowish-yellow appearance and bigger than a fist flew straight towards Zhang Qing. Seeing this, Zhang Qing made a clever move with his right hand and flew the stone out. Hearing a sound of "clang", the flames shot out, and the flying stone hit the hidden weapon. At the bottom of the horse, he told it to change its trajectory, and bounced to a horse next to it. The horse suffered from pain, and suddenly raised its hooves, hissed sharply, and almost threw the knight above it off.

"It's broken, it's broken!" The Taoist jumped and said, "It's my fault for hurting a good war horse for no reason!" He jumped into the air and flew towards the horse.

Seeing that this Taoist is unparalleled in his lightness kung fu and his hidden weapons, Zhang Qingzheng didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend, seeing him like this, he couldn't laugh or cry.At this time, Gong Wang suddenly heard yelling: "Wild way! If you are a good friend, let's drink a big bowl and share our loyalty! If you have a feud with me in Liangshan, everyone will fight swords and guns, and see the real tricks in your hands!" Why are you hurting my mount for no reason!"

The Taoist priest picked up the hidden weapon on the ground and apologized to Gong Wang with a smile: "A good horse should be galloping on the battlefield, but it didn't want to be hurt by my gold brick. It's really wronged! I don't know if you are a tiger with an arrow or a tiger with a flower neck. How offending you are." !"

"I'm Gong Wang! The one over there with scars on his face is Ding Desun!" Gong Wang saw his good voice, although he felt sorry for the horse, he pressed down.

"I hope the Taoist priest will tell you your name!" At this moment, Zhang Qing got off his horse, stepped forward and cupped his hands.

At this time, and Ding Desun and Gong Wang also looked at him, the Taoist no longer concealed his origin, and said to himself: "Ma Ling!"

"You know Brother Ma Lin?" Gong Wang was stunned for a moment.

"I'm not an iron flute fairy, and I'm not a vegetable gardener without a feather and arrow. I was born with the name Ma Ling!" the Taoist laughed.

Zhang Qing, Gong Wang, and Ding Desun all felt that this person knew the situation on Liangshan very well, and they were afraid that he was not someone to be taken for granted, but they had never heard of this name before, so the three of them were afraid of being cold and embarrassing each other, so they looked at each other. With one glance, they clasped their hands together and said: "I have been admiring for a long time..."

Ma Ling said with a smile: "The three are indeed life and death brothers, and they really don't have a tacit understanding! My name and surname, to be honest, I really don't have much fame in Song Dynasty!"

"Shen Juzi Ma Ling!" Suddenly there was a loud shout from behind the crowd, and everyone turned their heads to look. In fact, they didn't need to look to know that Han Shizhong's loud voice was well-known in the Shanzhai. Ma Ling, a native of Zhuozhou, is good at making gold bricks... um!? You are a Taoist from Liao!?"

"The sixteen prefectures of Yanyun have always been a treasure land for the Han family to thrive. Shi Jingtang, a thief, ceded it to the Liao Kingdom. The Song Dynasty did not live up to it, and could not take back these homelands! I was only born in Zhuozhou, not a Khitan. It's still the blood of the Han people!"

Unexpectedly, Han Shizhong's words made Ma Ling blush suddenly and have a thick neck.It seems that this nationality issue is probably an intractable knot in his heart.

Ma Ling's words aroused everyone's awe, and they all thought in their hearts: If all the Han people in the north were thinking like him, I'm afraid the foundation of the Liao people would be unstable.

Wang Lun nodded secretly, and looked at this Taoist again, thinking that he is the fastest foot in the Water Margin!Even Shenxing Taibao is inferior to him in terms of legs and feet. I don't want to meet him here and now, but is it not fate?

"Master Daoist Gongsun Sheng, who entered Yunlong in Erlong Mountain, is also from Jizhou! But whoever regards him as a Liao man is a hero in the Jianghu? Don't be angry, Daoist Ma, we are not bureaucrats. "Wang Lun clasped his fists and laughed.

Ma Ling saw a white-clothed scholar on the opposite side speak, and no longer entangled. He stepped forward and saluted solemnly, and said in a loud voice: "I thought that the situation of the Liao Kingdom was weak, and it was a good opportunity for us Han people to regain the lost land. Who would have thought that a group of emperors and ministers in the Song Dynasty , compared to the Khitan people, he is really the eldest brother Mo Xiao and the second brother. I am also disheartened now, and I don’t want to go back to the Liao Kingdom. I just want to find a shelter here and live happily for a few years! Hearing the name of brother Wang Lun's benevolence in Liangshanbo, this time I heard that Liangshan's army broke through the Daming Mansion, Xiaodao came to join us, and now there is a head of Xiangzhou Huangtuan Lianren, who has the right to vote for the name, and hope that brother Wang Lun will include it!" (To be continued! .)

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