After expressing his desire to go to Liangshan, the god horse Ma Ling bowed down. Wang Lun was overjoyed. Although this man is not a warrior, he also has special skills. He rushed forward to help him up, and suddenly saw the brick in his hand. He didn't say anything else, just asked with a smile :"Golden?"

Ma Ling blushed and said: "Although this thing is called a gold brick, it's just that the inside is an iron core, and the outside is just plated with gold!"

Wang Lun smiled, turned around and told the leader: "Take the head of the training envoy of the Xiangzhou regiment! Go back and build a gold brick of 100 taels for Brother Ma Ling. The majestic Juzi and Xiao Huaguang (Ma Ling has two A nickname, Xiaohua Guangyuan comes from Huaguang Heavenly King, one of the four most holy Taoists), if you want to use gold bricks, then you must use genuine gold bricks!"

Lu Fang replied: "Good! If the weight is not enough and it is not easy to handle, I will personally add some weight to the elder brother!"

"Enough, enough! There must be a lot!" Ma Ling said pleasantly. In fact, he doesn't value money very much. Although he knew that the new leader of Shangliangshan would have a settling allowance of one thousand yuan, but the current distribution This method shows the intention of the village lord Wang Lun, and suddenly his heart is brightened.

Wang Lun was reminded by Lu Fang's joking words just now, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "As the saying goes: good things come in pairs! Brother Ma Ling traveled thousands of miles from Liao to our hometown of the Han family. I think the brothers in the cottage should all To express our sincerity, there are nearly a hundred leaders in our cottage, and each of them gets a tael of gold, and they will give Brother Ma Ling another gold brick, and when they are used in the future, there will be a rotation, right?"

Hearing the words, several leaders present laughed out loud, and all of them responded positively and applauded loudly.Seeing this, Ma Ling was filled with emotion.A man like him who is used to wandering in the rivers and lakes has never received this kind of warmth from a group. Suddenly seeing him "plop", he prostrated himself on the ground without hesitation, and said to everyone:

"Blessed by the elders, I dare not resign! Brother and brothers have given me Ma Ling face like this. In the future, even if I risk my life, I will never embarrass my brother or discredit the cottage!"

"Brothers, please stand up! Since we are a family from now on, we will not talk about each other!" Wang Lun helped Ma Ling up, turned to Zhang Qing and said, "According to the original plan, brothers and generals Gong Wang and Ding Desun will go first. Check the grain, supplies, and horses, I'm here to talk to Brother Ma Ling!"

Zhang Qing nodded tacitly at Wang Lun, and then smiled at Ma Ling: "Master, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let's discuss each other when we return to the village!"

Gong Wang also said: "Since it's my family, I don't blame you for my horse. Go back and drink!" After finishing speaking, he stopped Han Shizhong and said, "Brother, lend me your BMW for a ride!"

Han Shizhong saw that he jumped off the horse and handed the reins to Gong Wang. Gong Wang happily led Han Shizhong's BMW, thinking that this horse was used to riding in the army, but it was considered a rare good horse among horses. Yes, but compared with the top-notch BMW in the Northland under Han Shizhong's crotch, it is definitely a notch lower.

It's a pity that there are only 28 of these BMWs in the cottage, and the others are the second-class horses that Hu Cheng and Li Ying sent up the mountain respectively, and they are not much better than their own mounts.Therefore, every time I looked at the mounts of Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen, and Qin Ming, I told them that horse lovers who came up the mountain later could only open their eyes and drool.

"Brothers, let's go!" Following Zhang Qing's order, nearly a thousand knights rushed to the back camp. Seeing the majesty of Liangshan's army, Ma Ling sighed: "I have heard for a long time that there are many heroes in Liangshanpo. I don't think ordinary people are like this." It's so sturdy, no wonder the Daming Mansion can go down in one go, my little brother is really eye-opening!"

"How about the soldiers and horses of the Liao people?" Wang Lun asked with a chuckle.

Ma Ling was startled, and then cupped his hands and asked: "Brother, do you have the ambition to restore Yanyun?" Seeing Wang Lun smiling but not saying a word, Ma Ling also smiled heartily, and said: "My little brother is new here, I don't know the details, but just In terms of military appearance and military prestige, how can ordinary Liao soldiers compare with it?"

Seeing that Ma Ling's words were reserved, Han Shizhong said from the side: "This army has only been in the army for more than a year. After the careful teaching of my brother and the leaders, it has begun to look like an elite soldier. Wait patiently for a few more years, and then we will see how the elite soldiers of the Liao Kingdom will fare!"

Seeing Han Shizhong's dignified body, Ma Ling looked dignified and did not look like an idler, so he hurriedly looked at Wang Lun, only to hear Wang Lun say with a smile: "My brother is surnamed Han, his name is Shizhong, and his name is Liangchen. He was originally from the Western Army of the Song Dynasty The outstanding heroic man in the movie, don't you think that although he is young, he has fought dozens of bloody battles with Xixia, and he is very well-known!"

Although Ma Ling came from the Liao Kingdom, he also knew that the Western Army was the most elite army with actual combat experience in the Song Dynasty. These years, it had beaten Xixia to the brink of death. Since this Han Shizhong came from this army, he must be a relative of Wang Lun The leader of the guard must have good skills, so he didn't dare to be negligent at the moment, so he hurried forward to salute.

Han Shizhong returned a salute. At this time, Wang Lun introduced Jiao Ting and Lu Fang to Ma Ling. Everyone bowed to each other and chatted for a while. He reported to Wang Lun: "The coalition forces of Xiang and Ci have been broken, and there is nothing to worry about in the west! It's just that Huang, the highest commander of the battalion and the training envoy of the Xiangzhou regiment, is left with a headless corpse. I don't know if he is in the camp with Fang Cai. Is it related to the galloping Taoist?"

Wang Lunjian said that he invited Ma Ling to come forward, and told Xu Guanzhong about his background with a smile. Xu Guanzhong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and clasped his fists at Ma Ling and said, "I don't want to be able to get a Taoist leader to vote, it's really a blessing for Xiaozhai." It's just that the war is urgent, Xiao Ke can't stay with him for a long time, and after returning to the cottage, he wants to have a restless drunk with the Taoist priest!"

Hearing this, Ma Ling hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Military affairs are important, the military commander will go by himself, Xiaodao is already a member of the cottage, and everyone will be brothers in the future, the military commander should not be polite!"

Xu Guanzhong saw that he was very capable and knowledgeable in general, so he was delighted. He bowed his hands to return the salute, and bid farewell to Wang Lun in a hurry. You go here to tell the brothers to put out the fire, so as not to spread the fire and cause damage to the elders of the town. This time, they have informed us that we can go so smoothly! At this time, it is dark and the waves are rough, and it is inconvenient to cross the river. I think the army will Rest here for a while, wait until dawn, and then go east with the whole army to catch up with Officer Xiao!"

"I'll let my little brother do the little things, brother, please don't worry! I'm here to accompany Daoist Ma!" Xu Guanzhong clasped his fists and replied.

At this time, Ma Ling said: "These officers and soldiers are forcibly collecting grain and grass in the town during the day. Should we return the grain and grass to the villagers at this time, so that they will have something to look forward to in the future!"

Seeing what Ma Ling said, Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong looked at each other and laughed, which made Ma Ling at a loss. He only heard Wang Lun laughing and said: "Brother Zhang Qing is handling this matter, brother, don't worry! In this way, it's better I'll go over and have a look together, how about it?"

After receiving Wang Lun's words, Ma Ling suddenly realized that the food was originally sent by Liang Shan, how could he take it away this time?I saw him laughing at himself, and went immediately.

Seeing this, Xu Guanzhong bid farewell to everyone, and went to deal with the military affairs that Wang Lun had entrusted to him.These hundreds of people went back to the military camp in a mighty manner. Seeing that Ma Ling was in high spirits along the way, Wang Lun thought immediately:

"Ma Ling is unparalleled in lightness and skill. It is reasonable to assign him a position as a visiting leader, which is suitable for him to use his strengths. However, Zhu Gui's subordinates are smart and capable, and they also have the advantage of pigeons. It is a bit repetitive to arrange Ma Ling in this way. What kind of position is suitable for him to arrange?"

As Wang Lun walked, he suddenly thought of Shi Qian's Di Ting Ying.Shi Qian and Ma Ling are both masters of lightness kung fu, but Shi Qian is more skillful, while Ma Ling is better at speed. If Shi Qian is asked to travel long distances, it will be difficult for him. It is also unrealistic to ask Ma Ling to steal things and get treasures. .It just so happens that these two people have extremely similar and complementary characteristics, so why not arrange Ma Ling in the Listening Truth camp as the commander-in-chief with Shi Qian, this will be extremely beneficial to the future development of the listening camp.

"Brother Ma Ling, I see that you know my Liangshan brother quite well. If you don't know it, you can tell me about Brother Shiqian?" Going together will cause internal friction at that time, which is not beautiful.

"It's the hero who wisely changed his birth date?" Ma Ling was surprised, and felt uncomfortable. He looked back and said in a low voice, "Isn't Commander Yang here?"

Wang Lun was taken aback. Although this matter was not considered a secret among the leaders of Liangshan Bo, it was not spread outside. He didn't want Ma Ling to know about it. Wang Lun couldn't help gaining some new understanding of Ma Ling. He opened his mouth and said: "Where can brothers find out such secrets? Brother Yang Zhi leads an army alone, and he is with the military division. He is not here at this time!"

Ma Ling also smiled, and said: "Cats have cat paths, and rats have rat holes. The little brother only found out about this by coincidence! As far as facts are concerned, Brother Shi Qian was able to change under the commanding officer Yang who is so meticulous. The birth date outline, so that no one knows it, such a method, I admire it very much! If it were me, I’m afraid I can’t do it!”

Wang Lun was overjoyed. Seeing that Ma Ling did not reject Shi Qian, he invited him: "After Brother Shi Qian went up the mountain, I ordered him to set up a camp called Di Ting Camp. To spy on the military situation, to do secret things that ordinary people can hardly do. If my brother does not give up, what I mean is that I ask you to share this battalion with him. I wonder what brother will like?"

"My little brother is an idle Taoist. I didn't expect to be in charge of the detailed operation camp named after the spirit beast "Ting Ting" with Brother Shi Qian. It makes people feel emotional!" Ma Ling shook his head and laughed.

Wang Lun was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn't expect this reason. He shook his head and said, "It's because I didn't think carefully, Brother Tangtu! So, after returning to the mountain, when discussing matters in the Juyi Hall, discuss changing the camp flag!"

"It's not a problem, it's not a problem! I heard that Lu Tiha, the general of our cottage, once became a monk on Wutai Mountain. Is it possible that my younger brother has avoided him when he went up the mountain?" Ma Ling waved his hand and smiled, "If you talk about such a big move as changing the name of the camp, It’s better to ask the younger brother to return to vulgarity, so it’s better to keep everything as usual, don’t make everyone uncomfortable because of the younger brother. Brother, relax, we children of the world don’t pay attention to these things!”

Seeing his open-mindedness, Wang Lun sighed with emotion, cupped his hands and said: "I don't think my brother can have such a broad mind, it is really a blessing for me in the cottage!"

"The older brother treats the younger brother with his heart, and the younger brother will repay the elder brother with his heart! Besides, this matter is not a big deal! Don't worry, brother, the younger brother will definitely work with Brother Shi Qian to take care of this battalion in the future. I have already reported to my elder brother to take care of me." !" Ma Ling bowed his hand to return the salute, and asked with a smile: "By the way, I wonder if Brother Shi Qian is accompanying him?"

"He went back to Gaotang Prefecture to pick up his family, and he didn't join the army at this time. After returning to the mountain, I will ask you two to meet each other!" Wang Lun said with a smile, "Among the two or three thousand army horses captured here, Find a good horse for the Taoist priest to ride on, and the Taoist priest will accompany me in the guard camp for two days!"

Ma Ling nodded, suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly reminded him: "When my younger brother came from the north, he found that the army and horses in various states were abnormally mobilized. I am afraid that it will be unfavorable to me. Brother, please be careful!"

Wang Lun sighed when he heard the words, and said: "What brother said is very true, not only the officers and soldiers of Yi and En in the north, but also Tanzhou in the south. Fortunately, at this time, the chasers from the Xiang and Ci states in the west have ended. Let my army have no worries!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Lun frowned slightly. At this time, he didn't feel the joy of a big victory in his heart.The two states to the west are the two states closest to the capital of Daming Prefecture, and they are also the weakest in terms of military strength.For the emerging Liangshanbo, the real test is still in the pursuit of soldiers from the north and the south. (To be continued.)

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