Water Margin Survival

Chapter 337 Don't be afraid of thousands of Lin Chong, only worry about one Wang Lun

Tang Bin, Yang Zhi, and Zhang Qing brought more than 2000 tigers to the battlefield quickly, and the morale of Lin Chong's only remaining 600 generals in the Panshi battalion skyrocketed. .

As far as Dengzhou in the east, Jinghu in the west, Jiangzhou in the south, Daming in the north, defeating the Allied Forces of the Three States, no matter whether it is the state government or the green forest comrades, what kind of scenes have the good men of the Panshiying not seen?

If it is said that all the heroes just charged against the enemy with a determination to die, then at this moment, the desire for victory instantly ignited in the hearts of every blood-stained hero.

However, Tao Zhenting, the general of the frontier army, is not an ordinary mediocre general. Despite the situation in front of him, this proud general has to admit that although his side has lost to the opponent in terms of fighting will, the Enzhou army is still outnumbered at this time. With the advantage, relying on the excellent personal combat skills of his soldiers and his strong confidence in his command art, he still did not appear flustered. He personally led more than 2000 horse archers and dealt with Liangshan's strong reinforcements calmly.

Collision, fighting, blood spattering, fall from horse.Countless young lives, for the beliefs and dreams in their hearts, are fighting for their lives on this vast land with the last capital of their lives.

When the two sides were fighting inextricably, suddenly there was the sound of thousands of hoofs rumbling outside the formation. Tao Zhenting raised his eyes to look south, and couldn't help but be overjoyed. The Tanzhou Army, who had been looking forward to for a long time, finally arrived at this extremely urgent moment.

Deng Zongbi, the governor of Tanzhou, witnessed the most tragic fight since he joined the army.

But see: the fluffy grass is withered, as cold as the frosty morning.Depressed and miserable, the wind said sadly.No expensive, no cheap, both are dry bones.Pillows everywhere.The world is worried.

"Mr. Dujian, the friendly army is already entangled with the bandits, let's go up! Hit them from behind, this battle will definitely be won!" General Bi suggested.

Deng Zongbi was not the type to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, otherwise, with Tao Zhenting's heart, it would be impossible for him to make an appointment with him.Deng Zongbi looked solemn, and was about to order a surprise attack, when he suddenly saw behind the two armies, more than [-] people were transferring to extra horses, and it seemed that they were about to enter the battlefield in a short while.A fatal blow to Tanzhou friendly forces.See this situation.The whip raised by Deng Zongbi slowly fell, looking at the big banner with the word "King" in the distance, making a choice in his heart.

"The whole army is ready, follow me to attack the small group of enemy troops on the hillside!" Deng Zongbi pondered for a while.finally gave the order.

"Ah!?" There was a burst of exclamation from the left and the right.General Pi hastily said: "My lord, don't miss this opportunity! Our army is going to defeat these hundreds of people. If General Tao's troops are completely killed and wounded, our army will have to face the Liangshan bandits alone!"

"If I'm not mistaken. That small group of people is the leader of the Liangshan bandit Wang Lun! You don't know, killing him today is better than exterminating tens of thousands of Liangshan bandits!" Deng Zongbi glanced at the general at this time, and said road:

"Liangshan Boli Village has the strength to break through the Daming Mansion in just two years! The key to this is not that there are strong generals like Lin Chong and Yang Zhi among the thieves, but Wang Lun in the end! In my opinion, this People have extraordinary means, and they are the most capable of deceiving the hearts of the people. This time, the number of people who were lured by him to go to Liangshan is no less than one hundred thousand! In this way, even if we wipe out these bandit soldiers in front of us, capture Lin Chong and Yang Zhi alive, and let Wang Lun Run away, I'm afraid another group of thieves will be born in the blink of an eye."

Seeing that the left and right seem to understand but don't understand, Deng Zongbi sighed and said: "The wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze blows again! When will there be no strong bandits in my dynasty, but there are very few people with such Wang Lun's ambition! Kill a Lin Chong, Yang Zhi, what is it? There are tens of thousands of Lin Chong in the Great Song Dynasty, but only one Wang Lun! Without Wang Lun as the leader, no amount of Lin Chong can turn the tide. Therefore, if this person is not eliminated, the country will have no peace. Say it!"

Seeing the horror on everyone's faces, Deng Zongbi gave a wry smile, and said: "For a talented scholar like Wang Lun who has landed, all he needs to do is give him a reputation, restrain him, and make him a junior official of the seventh or eighth rank. Turning around in the county town, this life will be over, how can there be today's disaster? It is really the fault of the court!"

Seeing that the Shangguan criticized the imperial court, how dare the subordinates talk too much, Deng Zongbi shook his head, raised his whip again, and said in a loud voice: "All the troops listen to my orders, the whole army assaults the enemy on the slope, anyone who dares to fear the enemy, behead! " Deng Zongbi knew very well that if Wang Lun was among them, then this group of people must be the bravest among the bandits, but he had already made up his mind that even if they wiped out all the troops, he would kill the bandits.

"Brother, retreat quickly, the officers and soldiers are coming here!" Jiao Ting saw more than two thousand cavalry men approaching aggressively, and looked anxiously at Wang Lun.

"The dog thief is very knowledgeable. I dare to bet that my brother is here, but it is not an act of capturing the thief first! I don't know who is leading the army, but he is so decisive!" It seems that this tough battle is inevitable, Han Shizhong Throwing the spear horizontally, calling for the cavalry of the guard battalion to gather.Although the enemy's army was four times larger than his own at this time, he was not easy to deal with, and he would never be able to do the thing of retreating before the battle.

Lu Fang glanced at Han Shizhong, complaining in his heart that he didn't look at the time when he praised people, and said anxiously: "I'm afraid this guy is a general from Tanzhou. I have waited for several batches of scouts and there is no report. It seems that this person is quite It's not easy! My brother and the genius doctor go first, and brother Shizhong and I resist for a while!"

Can I go by myself at this time?

Since the appearance of this military horse, Wang Lun also had this question in his mind. The modern people's tricky thinking of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages also once affected his judgment.But in the end, he was rejected by him.

His current status is no longer an insignificant small executive of a state-owned enterprise, but the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army who leads thousands of troops.

The fierce battle between the evenly matched armies relied on the breath held in their chests.I fled alone, and was chased by the Tanzhou army and fled all over the field. Regardless of life and death, the Liangshan camps who were fighting for their lives with the Enzhou army would definitely be in chaos. .

Could it be that Xinliangshan, which I have worked so hard to build, is willing to watch it crumble because of this escape?At this time, many vivid and real faces appeared in Wang Lun's mind: Lin Chong who endured humiliation, Lu Zhishen who was straightforward and heroic, Lu Junyi who escaped from death, Yang Zhi who was depressed... and so on. Is it such a wordless ending?So what's the point of coming into this world by yourself?

Now Wang Lun can be regarded as a person who has witnessed it, and he has realized the difficulties of Kou Zhun's persuasion to persuade Song Zhenzong to stick to the city of Tanzhou.History, the harsh examiner, put this difficult problem that has stumped countless predecessors in front of him after changing his face.

Facing the concerned gazes of the three chiefs around him, Wang Lun tapped the breastplate on his chest, and said emotionally: "Ever since I put on this armor, I have always thought that there will be such a moment, and the three brothers can't persuade you anymore." , the three armies will never win the commander!"

Jiao Ting and Lu Fang were shocked when they heard the words, only Han Shizhong showed a proud smile on his face, "My brother, that's exactly what it should be!" He thought to himself.

"Liangchen, assemble the team. I won't say much, but everyone, remember that if we deal with the Tanzhou army for a while, Coach Lin and the others will have more room to maneuver, and we will have one more chance to win!" Wang Lun Han Shizhong, who was immersed in his thoughts, was awakened by his command, and he said loudly: "Jiao Ting, Lu Fang, protect brother! Leave the rest to me, Han Shizhong!"

Jiao Ting and Lu Fang looked at each other speechlessly, Han Shizhong, a lunatic, actually agreed with his brother to take the risk himself, Lu Fang scolded: "Han Shizhong, why did you ask your brother to go to the dangerous place by himself!"

Han Shizhong was not angry, and replied: "If my brother is here, what should I do if the officers and troops come here? Four, 500 people defend 2000 people, how can we defend? The best defense is to attack! And the safest place, It just happens to be in the army! As long as you two protect your brother in the formation and fight with me, with me, Han Shizhong, as the leader, these brothers will fight to the death, and we will never fall into the enemy's formation and cannot extricate ourselves!"

Lu Fang wanted to scold again, but was stopped by Wang Lun, and ordered: "In order to hold down the enemy army as much as possible, I can't send more troops to Miracle Doctor An. You call Zhang San and Li Si to take [-] brothers and follow San Niang to escort Miracle Doctor Let's go with a group of military doctors! Don't worry about the horses you don't need at this time..." At this point, Wang Lunyu had some unfinished intentions, but everyone present knew clearly that my brother was going to die this time. Now, there is nothing to worry about the ownership of these horses.

Lu Fang let out a long sigh, and turned his head unwillingly. Wang Lun looked at the back of this hero who was not outstanding in Liangshan, and said silently: "Thank you, brother!"

The personal guard battalion launched a counter-charge against the Tanzhou army without thinking about their own safety, which made the three parties on the battlefield dumbfounded at this time.

Although Tao Zhenting initially blamed Deng Zongbi for being cruel and ruthless and ignored him, but when he thought of the situation where he ordered the indiscriminate shooting just now, he couldn't help laughing bitterly. He could give up his troops, so why force others? Lun was in the formation, so that he would not have to bear such a big sacrifice in vain.

The soldiers of Liangshan, who knew the inside story and were fighting bloody battles, saw the village lord meeting the enemy in person, just to buy himself time, all his grievances were broken, and he wished he could swallow his opponent alive.All the heroes burst out with [-]% spirit and fighting spirit, using all kinds of means, waving the weapons in their hands desperately to greet their opponents.

This combination of courage and anger caused the Enzhou army to taste the bitter fruit. Although they are skilled in combat and have a slight advantage in numbers, they only regard being a soldier as a profession after all. It is difficult to adapt to the sending of life for life.Even with strict military law hanging in his heart, it couldn't stop the scene of soldiers fleeing.

Deng Zongbi, who focused all his attention on this small group of people, was a little confused. Hearing that Wang Lun is only a scholar, how dare he go to the battle in person?It must be known that a sword has no eyes, so this person is not afraid of being killed in the countryside?Could it be... Could it be that Wang Lun is not here! ?Could it be that he gave up the good opportunity to annihilate the enemy and ignored the friendly forces in dire straits, but finally made the wrong bet?

Immediately, a sense of panic gradually spread in the heart of the prisoner of Tanzhou. . )

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