Water Margin Survival

Chapter 338 The Hardest Battle 1


The dead and wounded men and horses can be replenished, good generals can be recruited when they are killed in battle, but if one's own life is gone, everything will stop!Deng Zongbi never believed in the result that even he could see it. Would Wang Lun, the person involved, not see it?If he had been among the four or five hundred cavalry, this battalion would never have launched a counter-charge against our own side with so many people!

What's more, Wang Lun is still a scholar!

Thinking of Wang Lun's background, Deng Zongbi felt a little queasy. The rebellious psychology under the control and suppression of civil officials for a long time suddenly burst out without warning at this moment: Those gentlemen above the temple know what is the art of war?But many times laymen commanded experts, pointed fingers at the commanding officer, and gossiped!If they were asked to bring their armor into battle and lead the charge, would they dare?If he didn't pee his pants, he, Deng Zongbi, would dare to twist the nine and a half catties off his neck, and send him to Cuju for nothing!

Unexpectedly, there are scholars in the imperial court to lead the army, and at this time in this robber's den, they copied it and made a scholar to call the shots.With a dignified body and a seven-foot man, he actually became a pawn in the hands of scholars, and merged with another pawn of a down-and-out scholar.But let the scholars on both sides stay behind the scenes, like watching a monkey show.

Immediately, a sense of humiliation welled up in his heart, which made Deng Zongbi's blood surge, but at this moment he was on the battlefield, lost his mind, and finally calmed down his upset state of mind. Deng Zongbi made a decision that he was destined to regret for the rest of his life: divide his troops.

"Wang Tuanlian, I will join you with a thousand archers to shoot and kill the bandits in front! Everyone else, turn around and come with me to rescue Tao Tuanlian!" Deng Zongbi decided to make amends, planning to resolve the battle quickly.After destroying Liangshan's four or five thousand horse army, join forces with Tao Zhenting, and then go to capture that thief and scholar Wang Lun who was hiding in the strongman's infantry.

Wang Tuanlian really didn't understand why the general's military orders were in disorder and inconsistent.Having no choice but to hear and see with his own eyes, he did not dare to question it. After watching Deng Zongbi divide his troops into Yukou with more than a thousand troops, he immediately called the rest of the troops to defend the enemy with arrows.

Wang Lun was very anxious when he saw this, and he couldn't figure out why these guys suddenly divided up?If the Enzhou army, which is already in decline, has won this thousand new troops.The situation on the battlefield may change immediately!Think about this section.I saw Wang Lun hurriedly urged the BMW under his crotch to come forward, caught up with Han Shizhong of the former army, galloped side by side with him, and said: "Liangchen, what can I do? Call these guys back to the army!"

Of course, Han Shizhong also knew the 1000 troops who were sent out.What does it mean to the fiercely fighting Liangshan Army? He thought for a while before gritted his teeth and said, "Unless... reveal your brother's name!"

"Han Shizhong, you are bold!" Jiao Ting, who had been silent just now, couldn't bear it anymore.Speak and scold.Han Shizhong didn't reply, but looked at Wang Lun with a serious face, and said solemnly: "Brother, these are the brothers I taught by hand. I know their abilities! Yes! I, Han Shizhong, used to be arrogant and ignorant! But now I I already know I was wrong, brother, I hope you will believe me this time!"

"Jiao Ting, do as Liang Chen said!" Because Wang Lun had already thought clearly enough just now, Wang Lun did not hesitate at this moment, after giving Jiao Ting his orders, he turned to Han Shizhong and said, "I will go to the Central Army, and I won't give you any money." Adding to the confusion, you just do what you think! Liangchen, my trust in you is definitely not just this time!"

Han Shizhong suddenly felt that his eye sockets were a bit blurred. He stretched out his hand and found that the corners of his eyes were slightly wet. Han Shizhong looked at the tears on his fingers in surprise. It turned out that his eyes also had this function.He put his finger to his mouth and tasted it in a rare way. It turned out to be such a feeling of being trusted.Salty but essential.

"Damn! Jiao Ting, Lu Fang, no matter how much you hate me, you have to protect my brother and me, otherwise it will not be you who are looking for trouble with me, but I will settle accounts with you!" Han Shizhong shouted sharply, Jiao Ting and Lu Fang They looked at each other and cursed in unison.

At this time, Han Shizhong was entrusted with a heavy burden, full of fighting spirit, and was about to issue an order. Suddenly, he saw that the cavalry left by the opponent to deal with him were all stationed there, bending their bows and setting arrows there. He is also willing to help, and he couldn't help but said happily: "I thought everyone in the Hebei Army could ride and shoot, but it turned out to be just a show to bluff people! Jiao Ting, let's wait until I get rid of this group of birdmen first! "

Han Shizhong bent down and took the special longbow in his hand, turned around and told the soldiers of the guard camp: "Slow down the horses, don't rush into the range of these guys, I will try the bow for you, see me Gesture action!"

I saw him urging the BMW under his crotch fiercely, standing out of the camp alone, at this time the opponent had already set up his bow and arrow, waiting for the Liangshan army to enter the range, unexpectedly, Han Shizhong had ordered to slow down and stop, and everyone in Liangshan stopped moving forward.I saw Han Shizhong picked up his bow and set up an arrow, and shot out with a swish, directly into the flagpole dozens of steps behind the officer's formation.Han Shizhong laughed loudly, turned around and yelled: "Split into three teams, and the front team comes to my position, shoot hard for me, and shoot in rounds!"

Just when the personal guard battalion was in place, the opponent's first round of arrow rain had already hit, and I saw the flying arrows in the sky like locusts falling towards Han Shizhong, Han Shizhong looked up at the arrows, hehe sneered, Jiao Ting and Lu Fang Can't help sweating for him, Wang Lun comforted the two men who had scolded Han Shizhong just now and said: "Han Shizhong's bow is specially made by Tang Long, and it has a much longer range than ordinary bows and arrows. Since he is not afraid at all, it means that the other party does not have this You can shoot so far!"

As if confirming Wang Lun's words, the round of arrow rain fell powerlessly five or seven feet in front of Han Shizhong, Wang Tuanlian was shocked, and wanted to ask his brothers to go forward and shoot again, but he didn't know the other party's revenge Arrived as expected, the opponent was able to shoot arrows at places where he could not shoot, Wang Tuanlian felt incredible, but unfortunately he did not have time to think about this issue, because dozens of people died under the arrow attack, Wang Tuanlian was so angry that he shouted: "Go forward ten feet, step forward ten feet!"

It's a pity that the arrow formations of the Liangshan Army did not strike one after another with gaps in them, but fell from the sky like raindrops in turn.The distance of ten feet seemed to be an insurmountable gap in life. People kept falling from their horses, and many of them didn't understand until their death. How could a bandit draw a bow farther than elite officers and soldiers like himself?Also, why those arrows can never stop falling.

"Okay!" Lu Fang couldn't help applauding seeing the meritorious service of the personal guard camp's divine arrow.On Liangshan, if you compare horseback riding and archery, if you compare your head, the guard camp dare not say that they can beat Tang Bin and Yang Zhi, but if they can shoot farther than anyone else, that is a hard word that neither Tang Bin nor Yang Zhi dare to say .After all, the soldiers of the Guards Camp are all selected from the strongest and most outstanding Shandong Han in the Shanzhai, and there is Han Shizhong, the head professor with outstanding archery skills (Han Shizhong has special talents in bows and crossbows. , is his masterpiece), at this time it finally came in handy.

"Maybe, it's time to learn archery!" Lu Fang thought silently.

"Mr. Du... Prime Minister, more than half of the brothers we left behind were killed or injured!" Deng Zongbi's assistant general, who had been trained with Wang Tuan, couldn't help telling each other when he saw the heavy casualties on his side.

Deng Zongbi hurriedly waved his hand to interrupt him, and shouted: "Don't talk! Listen to what's shouting behind you?"

"Liangshan...Wang Lun...here! Tanzhou...children...come quickly...see you!"

Hundreds of people shouted in unison, and saw Wang Lun's real body at this time. Deng Zongbi looked back and sneered, "You want to lie to me? Don't worry about these guys!"

Seeing that he didn't return to the army, Wang Lun realized that he might damage his armor. Just as he was about to burn his eyebrows, he suddenly saw that the horses on the slope started to stir, and hundreds of horses suddenly crashed into the center of the battlefield. .

This kind of movement naturally caused Deng Zongbi to look back, and suddenly saw a man dressed as a Confucian scholar dodging on the slope. Deng Zongbi suddenly straightened his back as if he had been shocked by an electric shock, and continued to wait and see. He saw that there were three or forty guards beside the Confucian scholar with him.Deng Zongbi slapped his head with both hands, fearing that his intestines were green with regret at this time, he subconsciously steered his mount and turned towards the slope.

Deng Zongbi's soldiers have been dizzy by the commander today. They want to destroy a small group of enemy troops, go to the battlefield to rescue the Enzhou army, and now they want to kill among the horses. No one is in the mood to ask questions.He just silently followed the coach and made a sharp turn. Because the slope was too steep and the turn was too sharp, a dozen horses stumbled and fell to the ground. lump.

Except for this small episode, the other knights turned around quite normally. If you can look down from the air, you can definitely see a perfect curve passing the edge of the battlefield, and go far away, so that you are trapped in the battle formation. The poor morale of the Enzhou Army in the middle of the war was exhausted by Deng Zongbi, who was determined to kill Wang Lun.

The whole line collapsed, the soldiers fled, and Tao Zhenting wanted to cry but had no tears. He had a very good chance of winning the battle, but he was so easily ruined by the friendly army.If they didn't come, I'm afraid that the battle would have been won by their own strength.

Looking at the four or five hundred archers behind him, Tao Zhenting said angrily: "What evil did you do in your previous life to let me meet such an allied army!? Brothers, retreat, the uncle will not serve you, come back to the Daming Mansion with me!" Fortunately, when they came, the horse soldiers who had no horses were sent to rob the city by themselves. Even if they lost soldiers and generals at this time, the merits of restoring the city should be able to make up for the loss of soldiers and generals.

No one cares about the departure of the Enzhou Army.Deng Zongbi's thoughts were all about fleeing to "Wang Lun" who was hiding among the small group of cavalry, while the four battalions of Lin Chong, Tang Bin, Yang Zhi, and Zhang Qing were all gathering their troops. This time Lin Chong's Panshi Battalion suffered the most casualties. Under the dilapidated flag of the Panshi Battalion, there were only more than 400 soldiers left. Lin Chong was covered in blood, and he couldn't tell which part belonged to him and which part belonged to his opponent. Suo Chao even had three arrows stuck in his body. On the armor, I didn't feel pain just now when I was fighting desperately, but now I relax a little, I only feel the pain in the injured part.

"Military Master, Brother Suo Chao will leave it to you!" Lin Chong said to Xu Guanzhong, who seemed to be in good spirits, and immediately stepped forward, grabbed the incomplete military flag with one hand, and held it high to kill in the direction of the Tanzhou Army. .Seeing this military flag, everyone in the Panshi Battalion who could still ride a horse chased after their own flag.

Tang Bin moved.

Yang Zhi moved.

Zhang Qing, Ding Desun and Gong Wang also moved.

Gradually, under this fierce battle flag, more than [-] galloping warriors gathered to charge towards the final opponent. . )

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