Water Margin Survival

Chapter 340 Extravagant tactics

After driving for half a day, seeing the setting sun, Xin Congzhong led his men and hid behind a hill, waiting for dark to rob the camp. .

"Tell the brothers to be careful and concealed. Don't start a fire to cook, just deal with it with dry food. After these thieves are removed, and they return to the city, the general and Deng Dujian will invite everyone to a feast!" Xin Congzhong encouraged the left and right.

A confidant commander stepped forward and said: "Deng Dujian has been away for so long, and there is no news of him coming back. It can't be...is there any accident?"

The confidant's words hit Xin Congzhong's mind, and he shook his head slowly, and said in a deep thought: "Theoretically, there shouldn't be any problem!"

Xin Congzhong slowly expressed his analysis: "Think about it, Enzhou is a large state where the forbidden army is stationed. Tao Tuanlian brought out more than 4000 cavalry this time, and nearly 5000 cavalry. Deng Dujian brought more than 4000 cavalry this time. , adding up to seven thousand cavalry! How many Liangshan bandits are there? They fight with the officials and troops of the Daming Mansion, and they cannot be supplemented. For court officers like Zhi, most of them have never even ridden a horse a year or so ago, what do you think this group of people can do in combat? They can even bully flatterers like Wen Da and Li Cheng!"

Although Xin Congzhong analyzed the situation of the enemy and us, he did not forget to say that the two lost cities in the Daming Mansion were in charge. He and Deng Zongbi were originally supposed to take office in the Daming Mansion, but I don’t know why Liang Zhongshu was blind. Wen Da and Li Cheng, two silvery wax gun heads, asked Xin Congzhong to turn this matter into a hatred in his life.

"If I knew today, why bother?" Xin Congzhong cursed secretly.At this time, there was a surge of joy in his heart, if he didn't see his confidant looking at him with concern, he would still be distracted.At this time, Xin Congzhong coughed and continued to analyze: "Is there any reason to kill four thousand thieves with seven thousand elites? What's more, we are attacking from two sides. To the morale of the bandits, it is a devastating blow. Any cavalry of 4000 men in Hebei, including Zhang Yinglei and a few people who know how to fight, has no reason to be in chaos! I don’t believe that all the bandits in Liangshan are not afraid of death. I don’t know what it means to be afraid!”

The commander said.Nodding his head, he said: "What Mr. Xiang said is true! Not only are the coalition forces of our two states much more numerous than the bandit soldiers, but we and the troops in Enzhou are all personally trained by veteran coaches like You Er and Tao Zhenting. Those who came out, how can it be compared with the poor soldiers of the Daming Mansion? Our two armies joined forces. Don’t talk about looking down on Hebei. Those Xixia people are still doing meritorious service!"

Although Xin Congzhong is proud, he is not arrogant.Hearing this, he waved his hands and said: "Don't underestimate the Western Army, they fight with the Xixia people from time to time, their morale, fighting spirit, experience, skills, and will are much stronger than us soldiers who can only train and train! In the past few years, Zhouzhou has been so idle that it hurts, and I don’t want to finally have a chance to make meritorious service this time. I really hope that this gang of thieves will not be too unstoppable!” Xin Congzhong’s words did not mention Hebei Tongpao at all. Picking up slightly, he unabashedly revealed the arrogance in his heart in front of his confidants.

"I'm afraid that my husband will be disappointed. How capable is a small jailer with a thousand mobs?" The commander laughed.

"I didn't mention this guy!" Xin Congzhong smiled, and said: "Among this group, there are two strong generals, one is Lu Da, the former governor of the old businessman, who is brave and resolute. He is able to charge into battle and defend the city from his horse. He is a rare general. He has been in the Western Army for a long time. It is estimated that the battalion under him will not be easy to deal with!"

"The young general also heard about this monk. Back then, Xiaozhong and the old general were transferred, and this person was the first choice. It is really a hard nut to crack!" The commander nodded and asked again: "Who else is there?"

"It's Wu Song who beat the tiger. This man is highly skilled in martial arts, you must not fight him one-on-one!" After Xin Congzhong finished speaking, he said to himself: "But if you beat a tiger to death, you may not be able to lead troops! "

"If you meet him, don't you know? You don't have to worry about it!" The commander said with a smile: "Our 3000 people are just teaching the 4000 people in Liangshan how to fight!"

Xin Congzhong smiled and didn't say anything. He was happy to see his subordinates have such a proud but not arrogant personality. This can suppress bad emotions such as cowardice and timidity, so that they can be on the battlefield without encountering Back off when the situation is unfavorable.

"Tell everyone to hide. After eating the dry food, it is best to sleep! When the hour of the day arrives, we will act again!" Xin Congzhong had finished talking, and he didn't want to talk anymore. He still needed time to think about his actions at night.

Seeing this, his confidant didn't dare to stay and disturb him anymore, he knew very well that this boss's surname was like this, when he wanted to chat, it wouldn't last an hour, and when he didn't want to talk, he couldn't even utter a word , so because of his strong personality, he doesn't like Shangguan very much.So even though he has a lot of ability, he doesn't get along well and get promoted quickly without other flatterers.

Seeing that his confidant had left, Xin Congzhong took dry food to satisfy his hunger. After eating, he took a sip of wine very restrainedly, then sat down and fell asleep.

Time passed so slowly. When he felt movement around him and opened his eyes, all six commanders under his command gathered in front of him, but no one dared to call him. Xin Congzhong got up from the ground, chuckled, and said: " It's Haishi? Looks like I overslept!"

"Xianggong has worked so hard for the country!" Everyone said one after another.

Xin Congzhong smiled wryly, he was able to pull out these things even if he overslept, what a good tongue, if he was so eloquent, he would not be where he is today.It seems that in this troubled world, you can't just rely on your ability, you can bend your waist and lower your head.

Xin Congzhong got on his horse and said, "Let's go quickly, tell the two battalions 'Zhenwu' and 'Allegiance' to lead the battle with me!"

Everyone was ordered to leave, and after a while, this 3000-strong infantry team was marching in the dark night under the moonlight. Everyone was holding on to the armor of the brothers in front. Fortunately, the hill was not steep. Because it is on the official road, the road is flat and wide, and there is nothing wrong with it along the way.

The crowd walked for nearly an hour. Xin Congzhong and the former army came to the mountainside. He vaguely felt that there were several thatched huts on the side of the road not far ahead. , build a few thatched huts, hunt and drink, but not happy!"

He came to this hut with longing, and was about to sigh, when suddenly his eyes lit up, and hundreds of torches were lit in the woods on both sides of the road. Before the officers and soldiers could react, these torches were thrown to the roadside. On the huts, a raging fire suddenly ignited. It seemed that these huts had been poured with oil in advance.At this time, this unusually hot fire not only illuminated the Tanzhou army on the road, but also burned Xin Congzhong's extravagant hopes.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" Zhenwu and the commanders loyal to the two battalions yelled loudly, but unfortunately the sound didn't last long, and then stopped abruptly, because the arrows shot by the two divine arm bows had already pierced through. their armor.

The fall of these two people seems to have kicked off the prelude to the frenzy of arrows. At this time, in the woods on the high ground on both sides of the road, there are nearly 500 people hiding in the darkness, holding bows with good arrows in their hands, Turn on the light, and start shooting towards the area you are allocated.Seeing that they shot one arrow, they hurriedly threw it aside, took another bow and crossbow that had already been wound and placed, and continued to shoot towards their target.

After Li Kui shot five bows that were already full of bows, he began to pull Zhang Xian, and said: "Your official, you are so stingy, I can't enjoy myself, why don't you bring more bows?" ?”

Xiao Jiasui, who was not far from Li Kui, shot arrows at the officers and soldiers, and replied, "Five thousand is not enough? I brought all the magic arm bows on the cart, and the rest were taken away by Master Lu and Shi Dalang. !"

"Unlucky!" Li Kui cursed, then fell silent.Bao Xu shouted from the side: "Brother Hei, you are still a high-ranking official! It's really novel to come up with such a game!"

Such an extravagant shooting method was considered a novelty for the Liangshan army in ambush, but it would be hell on earth if it was replaced by the attacking Tanzhou army.

The two vanguard battalions led by Xin Congzhong were all trapped in a fire belt several tens of feet long, and they were in a disadvantageous state where the enemy was dark and he was clear.At this time, everyone didn't say that Zhang Nu fought back, even if they wanted to find a place to avoid the arrows, they couldn't find it.Because for the enemy ambushes on both sides, there is no shooting dead angle on this road.If you can't shoot here, you can do it there.In the same way, if you can't shoot over there, this side is also happy to do it for you.

Unlike ordinary soldiers who died in panic and confusion, Xin Congzhong immediately retreated after discovering that the opponent had a magic arm bow. After paying the price of killing more than 50 soldiers, Xin Congzhong retreated to the central army with all his tail. He was picked up by his subordinates.

As soon as Xin Congzhong got out of danger, he immediately ordered to shoot blindly into the woods on both sides, but it was a pity that the trees in the forest were dense and the counterattack was ineffective. Instead, the Liangshan army in the forest shot towards the dark road, causing disastrous damage to Xin Congzhong's Chinese army. Less casualties.

"All into the woods!" Xin Congzhong shouted.Although the two sides couldn't see each other very clearly, but he was at a disadvantage on the main road, so he immediately took the lead and flashed into the woods to shoot at the thieves.

I don't know how long it has passed, when the wailing of the two battalions of Tanzhou forwards gradually calmed down, Xin Congzhong finally ordered to retreat.The short distance of tens of feet is covered by tens of thousands of arrows. Even if the 1000 men and horses are alive, they will never exceed 2000%. Hand, the situation is not irreversible, it is better to go back and make plans in the morning.

When you came here, you came in the dark to rob the camp. When you escape, you naturally have to light a torch to light your way. Otherwise, if you go downhill in a black light, it's not a bad thing to fall with a black nose and a swollen face.

Seeing hundreds of torches moving down the hill, Xiao Jiasui said: "Tie Niu, if we tell these fellows to run away, we will not have a peaceful journey! Brothers, please work hard and follow me to hunt and kill for a while!"

Li Kui threw away the magic arm bow in his hand, took down two broad axes from his back, and shouted: "I waited all night, just this time! I still like to fight face to face!". )

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