Water Margin Survival

Chapter 341 The Best Combination of 4 Fighters

It is not without risk to use 1000 troops to pursue elite Hebei soldiers twice as large as yourself. If the current leader is replaced by Lu Zhishen, or Jiuzhilong Shijin, Xiao Jiasui will not hesitate at all.But only in front of him is Li Kui, an incomprehensible person, who is going crazy and making decisions, which has to make Xiao Jiasui worry.

But what is helpless is that his hands are empty at this time, and the only person available in his hands is Li Kui.Of course, there was an even more unreliable choice, and that was Chen Da's more than a thousand surrendered soldiers.Just using the surrendered soldiers who have just surrendered as the main force, if there is a little pressure or temptation, it is very likely that an uncontrollable situation will appear, which is absolutely unacceptable to Xiao Jiasui.

Forget it, Li Kui is Li Kui!

If the group in front of him was asked to retreat safely, it would definitely be a fatal hidden danger to the huge and bloated team in his hands.

"Brother has not returned yet, and Wudutou is under siege again. If these people are not dealt with right now, we are all in danger! Tieniu, this time it's all up to you, don't tell people in the world to laugh at brother!" Xiao Jiasui said. Li Kui, who was eager to try, warned earnestly.

"I took the ax to kill these fellows, what's the matter with brother?" Li Kui was taken aback, puzzled.

"If you lose this time, no one in the world will laugh at you! They will only laugh at my brother's ignorance, and let you be the leader of the first army! They will also entrust you with such an important burden of ending the army!" Xiao Jiasui said in a heavy tone. road.

"Do it!" Li Kui cursed, and ran towards the main road, shouting as he ran, "You all follow me to cut down those birds! If I lose this battle, I will cut off this head myself, and you Let's see!"

Bao Xu and Li Kui are the best.Hearing this, he waved the great sword of the Sangmen in his hand, and roared: "A man has a face, but a tree has a skin! Brother Hei has no face, and I have no face! This battle can be won or lost, unless you die All the good men who came down from the tree mountain are dead!"

As soon as Bao Xu's words fell, two or three hundred killers jumped out of the forest, gathered around him, and shouted: "Fight to the death! I am willing to fight to the death with my brother!"

There was a strange smile on Bao Xu's bark-like face, and he ran wildly side by side with Li Kui.The minions around them took it for granted that they were protecting the two at their core.Look down the hill to kill.

"Come on, we guys who came down from Mangdang Mountain lost to Kushu Mountain!" Li Gong shouted after rushing out of the woods on the other side.

Suddenly there was a louder noise than just now, and I saw Xiang Chong and more than 400 reckless men yelling in unison: "I can afford to lose my life. I can't lose face! I would like to fight bloody with my brother. Let me show the prestige of Mangdang Mountain !"

Li Gun screamed strangely and held up the group sign.Leading a group of people to rush past Fan Rui, Fan Rui cursed secretly, and led more than 300 normal soldiers to fall behind.Seeing him catch up with Xiao Jiasui, he blushed and said: "These two groups are used to fighting, what about the dry tree mountain and the mangdang mountain, the military commander should not take it to heart!"

Seeing the aura of these two groups with his own eyes, Xiao Jiasui's originally dignified face softened a little, and he said while running: "If there is no good fire, how can it be said that two good irons are forged and fused? If there is no bloody battle, how can it be called from the heart? Is it true that the other party is the brother who cut his head and changed his neck? Brother Fan, just wait and see, I am starting to look forward to them!"

Hearing what the military adviser said, Fan Rui felt relieved, turned around and snatched the "trapped" camp flag inscribed by Wang Lun himself, ran forward, and shouted all the way: "It doesn't matter whether it is Dry Tree Mountain or Mangdang Mountain. You bastard, you don't deserve to be called my brother in the Liangshan camp!"


Seeing the scale of the ambush in the forest, Xin Congzhong guessed that the entire fourth battalion of the infantry escorted by Liangshan was here, and then the strong man broke his wrist and led the relatively complete fourth battalion under his command to retreat.

Xin Congzhong is not a general who is greedy for life and fears death. He has always been the leader in the front and the rear in the rear, and this time is no exception. Having said that, when Xin Congzhong looked back, there were only a thousand people behind him waving their flags and shouting!

Xin Congzhong blushed so hot at this time, he couldn't help cursing inwardly: "A heroic name, three thousand elite soldiers, almost destroyed by these thousand thieves!?" He only heard him immediately order: "Go back to the army and fight again! "

The commander was single-handedly drawn by Xin Congzhong, even if he was told to die at this moment, he would not hesitate.After receiving the benefactor's military order, he immediately reorganized the team and prepared to join forces with the pursuers.

Xin Congzhong was at ease with the "Mighty" battalion, but it was difficult to implement the military order when retreating.

The original rear team was in the worst situation at this time. Even though the commanders of the two battalions shouted, hundreds of people just retreated. Xin Congzhong was furious, and mercilessly stepped forward to kill a dozen or so escaped soldiers. Sergeant, one of them is the deputy commander of the "Wuwei" battalion.Xin Congzhong beheaded him to show the public, everyone couldn't help being shocked, they all stopped, and the team stabilized.Xin Congzhong seized the opportunity and shouted sharply: "Kill a thief, and you will be rewarded with five pennies! Those who retreat before the battle, I want your head! Remember, there are only seven or eight hundred robbers, whoever did not make meritorious deeds, don't blame me for favoring one over another, and uneven rewards!" "

After Xin Congzhong finished speaking, he ordered his own soldiers to guard the way of retreat. There was no way for them to retreat. After hearing that there were only a few hundred chasing soldiers, their morale was boosted.

Seeing the prestige first, the favor later, and finally stabilized the morale of the army, Xin Congzhong went up to the slope on the right hand, panting, and looked into the distance.

At this time, on this three to five zhang wide road, victory or defeat depends on the level of martial arts, the sharpness of the weapon and the simplicity of the armor. All cleverness cannot be used in this moment of life and death. If Liang Shan still wants to win by tricks, But it couldn't be done.

He knew what he had under his command. Even though Liang Zhongshu had chosen Wen Da and Li Cheng to serve as the governors of the Daming Mansion, he wanted to secretly transfer a few battalions of troops under his command to garrison there. If you are an official, you have to smear Liang Zhongshu. This matter was very troublesome at the time, and it was only when Tong Guan came forward to make peace that it was resolved.

"Sir, the wine is here!" Knowing his master's pre-war habits, the attendant handed over the wine bag. Xin Congzhong laughed, took it, raised his head and drank it, and gulped down most of the wine in the bag in one go. Throwing the wine bag away, he said: "Follow me to kill for a while, let out a bad breath!"

Everyone took orders and followed Xin Congzhong to rush forward. Gradually, everyone realized that something was wrong. Why did their team keep retreating?Xin Congzhong was even more surprised, the commander of the Weiwu Battalion was his confidant, how could he not know his abilities, how could he not be able to defeat the Liangshan bandits?Could it be that Lu Zhishen was the one chasing him?

With this question in mind, Xin Congzhong rushed forward, hoping to find the answer.At this time, his team was still slowly retreating. Xin Congzhong used his kung fu to climb up the slope on the right. With the light of the fire, he found that there could only be twenty people standing side by side on the five or seven feet wide road. They are concentrated on this main road because the left side of the main road is already empty, and there is a mountain stream thirty to fifty feet down, and the slope on the right is very high, and it is not easy to climb.

"Happy! Happy!" At this time, a rude voice sounded in front of the battle, and the accompanying, or interspersed, song was the mourning of the officers and soldiers before they died.

Xin Congzhong remained calm, and looked at this person, and found that the two axes in his hands were designed to greet people's vital points, and he was wearing fine armor. Even though he could escape from the blades of the axes, his body could not bear the force The invasion of the body often results in a short-term loss of reaction ability while suffering internal injuries.Next to him was an ugly man with a face like a pot of iron and exposed eyes, holding a huge Sangmen sword aloft, and he was dedicated to attacking this person.

If people from both sides attack these two people, there will be two reckless men with mission cards, one on the left and the other on the right to protect the two people. They don't just defend and don't attack. One person pierced people with a javelin, hitting every shot.Around these four people, there is a group of five big and three rough, with scary faces, who seem to be overbearing. When the elite soldiers of the "Mighty" Battalion met the bandits led by these four men, they were like sheep in the mouth of a tiger, and their prestige was gone.

"Damn! The flying knives are finished, and the children will take up their positions!" When Xiang Chong reached behind his back, he found that 24 red silk flying knives had been used unconsciously. After Xiang Chong yelled, he turned back, Immediately, two strong minions took his place, holding the barbarian card, and were responsible for defending Li Kui against swords and guns.

Seeing that Xiang Chong came back, the little guys behind had already prepared the cover full of throwing knives, and quickly tied it to his body. Xiang Chong laughed strangely and said, "Grandpa has a knife again, come again!"

Unexpectedly, before he finished his sentence, Li Gun here also yelled: "The javelin is over, fill up the seat!" Li Kui stared at him with black eyes and cursed: "You two who raised the placards, yelled and yelled! It's busier than us!" He said, but the two-handed hatchet was not slow, and fell towards the opponent's neck again, but the man raised his weapon and hurriedly blocked it, only to hear a "boom", Li Kui's ax hit the metal armor, and that force knocked the man back a step, but the crowd behind him was full of people, and he couldn't retreat even if he wanted to.

At this moment, a huge sword was chopped off from the slanting stab, causing his head to fall to the ground. Hot blood gushed out from his neck, splashing Bao Xu and Li Kui's faces. Li Kui squinted his eyes and swung the ax with both hands. After a pause, he just shouted loudly: "The one who puts on the armor is probably an official!"

Bao Xu was about to answer, but suddenly a zhangba snake spear stabbed out from the enemy's formation. When Bao Xu dodged in a hurry, Li Gun's team card also came up. With a loud bang, the snake spear pierced the regiment card, and Li Gun was shocked. He had never encountered such a situation since he was a self-taught martial artist!

When Li Gun was about to pull out the regiment card with all his strength, suddenly a huge force struck, and he saw the snake spear slamming upwards, picking up the regiment card in mid-air, and then an eight-foot man separated from the formation and came out of the enemy's formation. As soon as it came out, the snake spear came straight towards Bao Xu, and said with a very angry expression: "Return my life to love!". )

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