Water Margin Survival

Chapter 342 An Unexpected Troop

Li Kui, Bao Xu, Xiang Chong, and Li Gun, among the generals, are nothing more than mediocre talents, and Wang Lun did not place his hopes on them to make contributions on the battlefield , just borrowed from Tian Ji's simple truth of horse racing horses and horses, in order to gain an advantage on the battlefield. .

The biggest advantage of these four people is that when facing the enemy soldiers, they have a super-class fighting spirit that is not afraid of death, and their personal combat skills that completely explode the opponent's soldiers.Therefore, when facing ordinary or even elite soldiers, they can be like a fish in water, with ease.

It's a pity that at this time, facing the military general Xin Congzhong, who is highly skilled in martial arts, he was helpless and finally a little powerless.

Bao Xu's Sangmen epee failed to resist Xin Congzhong's snake spear. Seeing the spear coming, his life was hanging by a thread. Suddenly, Li Kui next to him yelled loudly. A long bloodstain suddenly appeared across Li Kui's wild cowhide shoulder.Li Kui suffers from pain and provokes fierce surnames, and he is not afraid to go forward to fight Xin Congzhong, but at this time Xiang Chong has already held up the regiment card to block Li Kui, shouting: "Brother, don't go, you are not his opponent!"

Li Kui is a person who admits death but never admits defeat. Where has he suffered such a big loss in his life?Now holding the double axes tightly, he was about to push Xiang Chong away, but suddenly he saw that the group card in Xiang Chong's hand was also lifted by a strong force.

Xiang Chong was shocked, subconsciously took the hidden weapon from his back, and rushed towards the person who was approaching. When Li Gong saw this, he also flew out the javelin. Unfortunately, Xin Congzhong is also a master of hidden weapons. ?I saw him dodge quickly, dodging the hidden weapons of Xiang Chong and Li Gun.It's a pity that the two pro-armies behind him were in a hurry to dodge and both died.

Xin Congzhong gritted his teeth, roared, and rushed forward.At this time, he personally went into battle, not only to avenge his confidant, but also to remove obstacles for the whole army.After all, with such a small range of engagement, the superiority of one's own numbers could not be revealed at all. A group of four with the thieves as the backbone collided with the same number of troops as one's own.I'm afraid it's really hard to be their opponent.If it goes on like this.Not only can't break the opponent's four-person kill formation, but it has become a fueling tactic. If it continues like this, it will strengthen the morale of the fight.I have to vent for it again.

"That guy Wang Lun. Where are these savages? No wonder this little jailer is the leading general. I underestimated him before!" Xin Congzhong cursed in his heart, "If you don't keep his arms, get rid of these four A few of them. This battle is hard to win!"

After making up his mind, Xin Congzhong made up his mind with a snake spear, and stabbed Xiang Chong at the front. The pawns next to him were all killed or injured by the scourge of fish in the pool, and gradually there was a small space for the corpses under Xin Congzhong's feet.

At this time, Xiang Chong had been forced by Xin Congzhong to have nowhere to retreat, and when he went back to take the throwing knife, there was nothing behind him, Xiang Chong was shocked, and thought to himself: "Is it possible that I will die in this person's hands today?"

When the situation was critical, a long spear came out in time and entangled Xin Congzhong's snake spear. Xiang Chong looked back and saw that it was the military adviser Xiao Jiasui who made the shot. Xiang Chong was overjoyed and rolled on the ground. Helping him up, Xiao Jiasui saw that he was out of danger, and shouted: "Go to the side and kill, I will deal with this guy!"

At this moment, Xin Congzhong screamed from behind. It turned out that Fan Rui was leading three hundred crossbowmen, grasping the god arm bow, and shooting down from the high ground on the left side of the road. The crossbow arrows of the bandits on the high ground continued to flow without stopping, as if they could never finish shooting, and the officers and soldiers in the middle were immediately overwhelmed and suffered heavy casualties.

A few officers took the lead and wanted to follow the example of the thieves to climb up to the high ground, but they didn't know that the place was very steep, and whoever could climb up in a hurry, it would be easier than Liangshan's army directly turning over from the woods.

Li Kui was overjoyed when he saw this, and shouted: "Come on, come now, I think you are going to supper!"

Li Gun and Xiang Chong laughed, taking advantage of this rare time, turned around to replenish hidden weapons, and then took the group card.At this time, Bao Xu led five or seven brothers to block the enemy army in front of him alone, and shouted: "Bandage Master Hei!"

Li Kui pushed away the minions around him, picked up the axe, and stood side by side with Bao Xu before going into battle, shouting, "What the hell is going on! I have waited so hard for this opportunity, how can I miss it!" After speaking, he yelled loudly. , broke into the enemy's formation, Bao Xu had no choice but to lead his people to rush up, at this time Xiang Chong and Li Gun also caught up, and immediately the four gods of killing gathered again, in this dark night, continued to join the army without doing anything. End of nightmare.

Seeing this, Xiao Jiasui thought to himself, in such a narrow place, any strategy will lose its charm in a hurry, and only by wrestling with strength and fighting spirit can the final victory be won.At this time, when he saw these four people re-entering the enemy line, he felt a sense of peace and security, and saw a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he let go to fight Xin Congzhong.At this time, all the minions who were trapped in the camp bypassed the two fighting, and followed Li Kui and the other four to rush forward.

At this time, there was a strange smell of a lost torch roasting the corpse in the air, which made people sick.Xin Congzhong wanted to get rid of the long spear in Xiao Jiasui's hand, but he was very strong, so there was no way he could get rid of him for a while.Hearing the sound of killing gradually getting farther and farther away from him, Xin Congzhong realized that he had fallen behind the enemy, and was so anxious at the moment. At this moment, his team was leaderless, how could he block those four killing stars?He has clearly seen the prospects of his subordinates in the near future. If he continues to fight like this, he will definitely lose!

Xiao Jiasui resisted the smell in the air. At this time, he firmly forced Xin Congzhong to turn around and escape. It's just that this man's martial arts are very strong, and he can be called a fierce enemy that is rare in his life. Spirit, fight with him.

The tighter he is, the more pressure on Xin Congzhong. Seeing the sound of gold and iron horses gradually disappearing, leaving only himself, the lonely general, struggling here, he felt a complicated feeling in his heart. One bite, before Xindao can solve the opponent, all the thoughts are empty, and all the emotions are useless, so it is better to decide the outcome first.

The two fought hard for an unknown number of rounds, both of them were sweating profusely and exhausted.Suddenly a group of people drove up from behind, and the two people who were fighting were shocked.

Xin Congzhong was horrified, secretly thinking that the bandits' reinforcements had arrived?Xiao Jiasui's mood at this time is also difficult to calm down, how can he not be clear about his background?Apart from the group of surrendered soldiers, he had no reserve troops in his hands, and he could conclude that these people were definitely not in his army.

So, where is the comer?

"Damn! There are corpses all over the place! Hey, why are they all from the officers and soldiers? There are no gun wounds, and they were all shot alive! Master, we are late!" A burly man at the front of the queue jumped down to check After exploring, turn around and ask your fellow travelers.

The man was fully armored, with a helmet covering his brows, his face could not be seen clearly, but he did not speak, he just pointed his horsewhip at the place where Xiao Jiasui and Xin Congzhong were fighting hard, signaling to his disciples.

The burly man smiled when he saw this, and didn't get on his horse, he just swung the iron rod in his hand and asked, "Master, which one to hit? The one with the snake spear, or the one with the iron spear?"

"These two, which one, you are not their opponent!" The man on the horse stared at the two fighting for a while, and said slowly.

The sturdy man couldn't help clicking his tongue when he heard the words, he knew that his master was a man of few words.But whatever comes out of his mouth can often hit the nail on the head.

Xiao Jiasui secretly felt that he had heard this person's voice somewhere, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before. Suddenly, his opponent shouted: "I am Xin Congzhong, the military commander of Tanzhou. This is to kill Liangshan bandits! If the righteous men in the past can help me get rid of this group of strong men, I will play to the court and promise you to be officials and officials, and you will be rich and rich!"

"Master, call us to be officials!" The sturdy man laughed, and shouted at Xin Congzhong: "I was framed in my hometown and committed a serious crime. Can I be an official?"

Xin Congzhong thumped in his heart, secretly thinking that it was not good, judging from the meaning of his words, could it be that he was some kind of bandit?Fortunately, the situation is not at its worst yet. At least this person and the Liangshan bandits don't seem to know each other. This makes the man with the gun not react at all, which is enough to prove that the two people are not together.Immediately shouted: "If you are a righteous man from any village, anyway, here, make great contributions, I will guarantee you to be recruited by the court, and then I will naturally pardon your past sins!"

Xin Congzhong only wanted to persuade the man, but Xiao Jiasui took advantage of his distraction, saw a flaw, and stabbed the spear in his hand at that place.Hearing the sound of "铛", Xiao Jiasui's shot hit his helmet, and he saw the hair dancing wildly in the wind, which made Xin Congzhong sweat coldly.He didn't fight back at the moment, and ran towards the back.

Seeing the ambiguous words of the visitor, Xin Congzhong had the idea of ​​recruiting this group of people in his heart.Although he hates strong men who make trouble, he is not an old-fashioned person who does not know how to adapt. The hatchback is flanked, and there is no need to worry about the bandits and soldiers not being broken.

Xiao Jiasui didn't chase after him, after all, the origin of the people in front of him was unknown, if Liangshan was a strong enemy, it would be useless to chase after him.Now that the camp is in a tough battle, the first thing he needs to figure out is whether this team is an enemy or a friend!At this moment, he thrust his spear into the ground and said loudly:

"I am Xiao Jiasui, the military commander of Liangshanbo, and I am fighting a bloody battle with the officers and soldiers here! I don't know which hero you are? Are you passing by this time, or are you coming prepared!". )

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