The burly man turned his head to look at his master, and said with a smile, "Of course he came prepared!"

Xin Congzhong, who was running halfway along the road, said that hope was ignited in his heart, and he said to the group of unknown people in front of him: "You righteous men, if you don't abandon the dark and turn to the light at this time, when will you wait?"

"What the hell are you throwing away the darkness for the light? It's still unknown who is the dark and who is the light!" The big man fiddled with the iron rod in his hand, and said unceremoniously: "Xin Congzhong, you are a dignified prison officer, why are you acting like this?" There is no city mansion? Look at Xiao Jiasui, the military commander of Liangshan Mountain. The Taishan Mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

After the man finished speaking, the man's master suddenly said: "Xin Dujian, I'm sorry! If you fight with others, Xiao Ke can still help you. It's just that Liangshan Wang Lun is kind to me. I came here to help him, and I hope to forgive him!"

Seeing that he was so busy, it turned out to be such a result. At this time, there was no way to advance, and there was no way to retreat. Xin Congzhong let out a sigh of relief, and looked at the thatched hut not far in front of him, feeling secretly hurt in his heart. Really want to sleep here forever.Thinking of this, Xin Congzhong couldn't help holding tightly to the only support at this time with his right hand: the Zhangba Snake Spear that had been with him for many years.

Seeing this, the burly man stepped forward and said: "Xin Congzhong, are you going to catch him without a fight, or are you struggling to the death!" This man's tone of voice was not like an ordinary strongman, but like a rich man who had studied for several years.

Just as the man finished asking, Xin Congzhong suddenly became violent and charged at the man. The man reacted very quickly and quickly greeted him with a stick, saying he was an iron stick.There is also a source, because he is strong and skilled in martial arts.Therefore, this heavy iron rod weighing forty catties was built. "Dangdang" sounded several times, but it was able to withstand Xin Congzhong's snake spear. After more than thirty bouts between the two of them, the big man was secretly startled, and said to himself: "Looking at how tired he is, I can't kill him. Can withstand him. If he is in his prime, wouldn't he be in danger? Master has eyesight, and he can tell that his kung fu is superior to mine just by watching him perform a few tricks!"

Just when the man was distracted.Xin Congzhong wielded a spear with his right hand, and secretly took out a javelin from his body with his left hand, holding it in his hand. Seeing the opportunity, he suddenly used this unique skill in his life.Suddenly, at this moment, the two shouted urgently: "Be careful of hidden weapons!"

This sturdy man was warned by two masters.Hastily dodged.Reluctantly, Xin Congzhong's technique was faster, the flying dagger was already stuck on his right shoulder, Xin Congzhong secretly cried out, it's a pity, he aimed hard at the opponent's throat, but at this time he only suffered minor injuries.

Seeing that the flying bid failed, Xin Congzhong caught up with the injured opponent with a spear, and stabbed him with a spear, obviously determined to take the opponent's life.At this critical moment, Xin Congzhong suffered a heavy blow on his left arm.However, it was the master on the horse who wanted to save his apprentice, so he sacrificed a meteor hammer and hit Xin Congzhong.

Seeing that Xin Congzhong was staggered by his master, the disciple turned around and jumped up, swung the stick with one hand, and slammed it down on the opponent's head. At this moment, both Xiao Jiasui and the master shouted: "The strong man has mercy!" , "The apprentice spared his life!"

But the arrow is on the string, it has to be fired, this big man has already jumped in the air, and he is using a heavy iron rod of forty catties with one arm, there is no strength for a while, how can he get it back?Seeing the stick hit Xin Congzhong's head straight, his brain burst and he died on the spot.It's a pity that this Tanzhou fierce general ended his life with an iron rod.

"It's a pity!" Xiao Jiasui shook his head, this person is so good at martial arts, originally he wanted to persuade him to surrender, but it turned out to be such an ending.

"Master, why are you blocking me? This fellow is abominable, he struck so fiercely that he almost killed me!" the apprentice asked, looking back at his master.

The master didn't answer, he jumped off the horse, looked at Xiao Jiasui who was walking over and said, "Master Xiao, do you still remember the villain?"

Although Xiao Jiasui felt a little sorry for Xin Congzhong's good martial arts, there was still a lot of things that he didn't understand, so he cupped his hands and said, "Please forgive me, I don't know who is a righteous man?"

The master shook his head and smiled, and said: "At that time, the villain was as panic-stricken as a bereaved dog, how could he get into the military master's eyes, but the military master still recognizes this horse?"

Xiao Jiasui's attention was always on the person, and when he heard what he said about the horse, he raised his eyes to look it up carefully, and couldn't help being shocked, and said: "This is brother Wang Lun's former mount, your Excellency is Luan from Zhujiazhuang... "

"That's right, it's a villain!" Luan Tingyu sighed, and when Xiao Jiasui said the three words "Zhujiazhuang", the scenes from the past appeared one by one in his mind. In exchange for his surname, he bought two sons who were blinded by hatred. After leaving themselves behind, these two indirectly killed Hu Taigong, and in the end they could not escape the fate of both dying at the hands of the Hu family brothers and sisters.After he found out all these things, he left the sad place of Jingdong and came to Hebei.

"Why did the teacher come to Hebei? Who is this hero?" Xiao Jiasui asked.

Luan Tingyu sighed, looked at Xiao Jiasui and said, "It's a long story. I left Zhujiazhuang and came to Hebei. I hoped to go to the frontier to join the army and fight for my future with one sword and one gun. But when I was passing through the suburbs of Tangyi County, I met My apprentice led the minions to block the way, and later we didn’t know each other. He worshiped me as his master, so he stayed with him for the time being. Recently, I heard that Liangshan Po broke the Daming Mansion, and the officials and troops from several states were coming. To besiege, the leader of the king was kind to Xiao Ke and had to report it, so he told him about it, and he was very supportive, so he ordered seven or eight hundred young people to come with me!" After listening to him finish talking about himself, he pointed to his apprentice and said:

"My apprentice, surnamed Shan, named Shiqi, is a son of a wealthy family in Qinzhou. He has extraordinary physical strength and is good at using a stick. Because he was framed, he killed someone in a fit of rage and then ended up in the rivers and lakes. He fell into grass in Mingzhou!"

"Little brother Shan Shiqi, I've heard a lot about the gathering of heroes in Liangshanbo, I don't want to think that the military advisers in the cottage are so skilled, it's really admirable!" Shan Shiqi cupped his hands.

If Wang Lun were here, he would definitely recognize this character who would have secretly applauded Lin Chong for his martial arts in the original trajectory. Unfortunately, Xiao Jiasui had never heard of Shan Shiqi's name, and he didn't make many greetings. Xiao Ke is extremely grateful for the two of you who are willing to draw their swords to help, but Teacher Luan is dedicated to joining the army. At this time, he will follow us to kill officials, and there is no doubt that he will rebel..."

"Enmity can be forgotten, but kindness can never be forgotten!" Luan Tingyu sighed.Seeing this, Shan Shiqi said: "If Junshi Xiao has any orders, he must say it clearly, and it will fulfill my master's wish!"

Xiao Jiasui saw that these two people were very sincere.He also made a powerful move to attack the capital prison of the imperial court, so he stopped talking about it now, cupped his fists and said: "At this moment, our Shanzhai army is fighting bloody battles with Xin Congzhong's subordinates at the downhill, please ask Teacher Luan and Brother Shan to draw their swords to help!"

"Let's go!" Shan Shiqi got on his horse and gave orders to the young man behind him, Luan Tingyu borrowed the light of the fire.Seeing the corpses here, he shook his head and said, "Shiqi, let's go on foot! Those who died in battle must not be disrespected!"

Shan Shiqi rather listened to the words of this master who had known him for less than two months, and immediately jumped off the horse, Xiao Jiasui took a look at Luan Tingyu.Nod secretly.Immediately lead the way in front, in fact, the speed of this team is the same whether they are riding horses or not, Xiao Jiasui roughly counted, and the total is less than forty riders.

By the time the host and guest arrived at the scene with eight hundred minions, the fight had already come to an end.Shan Shiqi walked all the way, with surprise all the way, only to see that the density of the corpses was so dense that it was difficult for human legs and horseshoes to get off their feet, and the blood gushing out from the body of the deceased had already dyed the road down the mountain red with blood.The earth seemed to be unable to absorb any water anymore, allowing the blood to flow to the bottom.A big man with a dark complexion was sitting on the blood-stained boulder by the side of the road, letting his subordinates bandage the wound.There were three big men lying beside him, all of them with joy after victory on their faces, but at this moment they were all limp on the ground, unable to move, even if the blood soaked from their backs, they didn't care, or didn't have the energy to care at all .

Seeing the results of the bloody battle in the camp, Xiao Jiasui suddenly found that when his expectations became reality, he suddenly felt an unimaginable panic, and felt that the scene in front of him was really unimaginable.After all, this is Li Kui's trap camp, not Lu Zhishen, Shi Jin, or Wu Song's Fuhu camp.

Seeing the scarred and exhausted appearance of Li Kui and the other four at this time, Xiao Jiasui began to show a little respect for this black man who can only mess around on weekdays.

If it was considered his own plan to shoot and kill the two battalions of the enemy army in ambush earlier, but to kill two thousand elite officers and troops with a thousand troops, it was entirely due to their own efforts, and there was no water involved.

It seems that compared with brother Wang Lun, whether it is himself, Wen Huanzhang, Zhu Wu, or Xu Guanzhong who is new to the mountain, I am afraid that none of them have his unique vision for seeing people.

Later, Luan Tingyu and Shan Shiqi couldn't figure out the situation of the two armies, but seeing the tragic scene in front of them, they also guessed that the victory should be hard-won.Luan Tingyu is fine, he has seen the strength of the Liangshan army, and he can still remain calm at this time.It's just that Shan Shiqi couldn't help but turn around and teach his subordinates:

"Look, look, usually everyone is coaxing, staring into the sky, my master said a few words to you, but you still come to me to complain, saying that you are under strict control! Look, now you are called You come to fight this battle, how many of you can survive to the end?"

In the purgatory-like scene, who would dare to speak big words?I saw that everyone lowered their heads, and they were speechless.After all, they are just playing tricks in the forest on weekdays, and there is no life experience in which the two armies confront each other and fight each other with their lives.

Fan Rui, who was cleaning the battlefield, saw Xiao Jiasui approaching, and hurriedly greeted him, saying in a low voice, "Three brothers around Tieniu lost 290 people in battle, and more than 400 people remained, all wounded. I have 57 crossbowmen here, 40 people were killed and more than 500 people were injured! Except for more than [-] people who surrendered, the rest are here!" Fan Rui pointed to the scene where the corpses were everywhere.

Xiao Jiasui patted Fan Rui on the shoulder, and introduced the visitor to him. Li Kui and the other four needed to rest, and Xiao Jiasui didn't bother them. Shan Shiqi heard that Fan Rui was the leader of this strong army, and he admired him very much. Fan Rui smiled helplessly, and pointed to the four most lively people on the roadside on weekdays, but now he said like an old monk in meditation: "The poor are not worth mentioning, tonight belongs to them!"

Shan Shiqi was amazed, at this moment, a Taoist priest rushed over from the hill, it was Ma Ling, the god horse. Seeing this, Xiao Jiasui was worried, afraid that he would bring any bad news, so he immediately led everyone to meet him , I saw Ma Ling coming to the crowd, and he didn't care about being polite, and said directly: "Brother has already defeated the En and Tan coalition forces from the north and the south, and rushed here overnight. It will take an hour or two to arrive here. !"

Even though he was as calm as Xiao Jiasui, he couldn't help shouting "Okay!" at this moment. The unlucky camp in front of him broke through the strong enemy and the siege of the Chinese army, and his brother broke the coalition forces of En and Tan, and returned safely, but not Double happiness?After he introduced Luan Tingyu and Shan Shiqi to Ma Ling with great joy, unexpectedly Luan Tingyu bid farewell to everyone, "Guizhai is safe and sound this time, it is really gratifying! Xiaoke's heart is also at ease, since this is the case, Xiao Ke doesn't bother me, so I'll take my leave!"

Xiao Jiasui was startled, why are you leaving now?Quickly persuaded: "The owner of the village will be here in a moment. If Teacher Luan leaves like this, brother must blame me. You two are good and righteous people. Don't worry about it!". )

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