Water Margin Survival

Chapter 354 The "Tall" Man Shows Up

"This guy followed us all the way. Before he gained an absolute advantage, he fought and left suddenly, and never fought decisively. I think Zhang Yinglei in Yizhou is quite like a Liao soldier when he advances and retreats?" Xu Guanzhong was reported by Xu Ning. News, said with some exclamation. .

After this break, Xu Ning, Qin Ming and Hao Siwen's subordinates will be the main force. The soldiers of the third battalion and the Yizhou pursuers have had contact with each other, but Zhang Yinglei refuses to put all his eggs in one basket. We must find the Liangshan Army's flaws and hope to win in one battle.It's a pity that Wang Lun's army has Xu Guanzhong as the mastermind, Lin Chong, Xu Ning, Tang Bin and other former forbidden army generals are in charge, and there are a large number of war horses to replace, so Zhang Yinglei's wish basically failed.

"I have already retreated to Shouzhang County, but he is still clinging on. It seems that this person is not an idler! However, our strategic goal is no longer to wipe out as many enemies as possible, but to destroy the people and soldiers we have already obtained. , Captured and safely sent back to the cottage. So all our tactical purposes at this time must serve the grand strategy at the moment! We can say that the victory is at hand, but at this time it is the opponent who is impatient! Ten, don't think that you can relax when you have reached the foot of the mountain! When we all go up the mountain, this battle will be considered a successful conclusion!"

Wang Lun analyzed the current situation, and it would be the best if this part of the chase could be resolved.However, under the current circumstances, the four battalions of cavalry including Lin Chong who followed him before, plus his own personal guard battalion, all suffered a lot of casualties. It is not easy for the cavalry reserve army who have been on the battlefield to eat more than [-] horsemen who are not under the command of mediocre generals.

Therefore, during this period of time, the two sides seemed to have reached a tacit agreement, just like this stop-and-go seesaw, and both sides carefully controlled the scale of the conflict under controllable conditions.To be honest, these elite soldiers who fought bloody battles for the rest of their lives were treasures in Wang Lun's eyes. As a last resort, they were unwilling to engage in this unnecessary war of attrition.

Seeing that Xu Guanzhong nodded in agreement, he said: "If he wants to waste time, let's spend time with him! It depends on whose side the time is! In this way, Teacher Xu and the others can also be asked to train the team. I think that apart from General Qin who is a little angry, we That Jing Muyan is very adaptable to this kind of tactics, and his performance is perfect, even Zhang Yinglei has nothing to do with him!"

Wang Lunjian smiled and introduced to Xu Guanzhong: "Brother Hao Siwen is known as the 'Three Masters of Pudong'. He has practiced martial arts since childhood and is familiar with military books. He is a general, but he lacks a platform to perform!"

"Isn't there now?" Xu Guanzhong chuckled, and sighed: "I think that under the sky, there are great talents lurking in the grass, I'm afraid my brother will discover them all!"

Hearing this, Wang Lun was a little emotional. In the original trajectory, there were one hundred and eight generals in Liangshan, and now he has more than half of them. There are twenty or thirty people who have never been to Liangshan before, but they are definitely heroes. They are also under their own influence. Join the big family of Liangshanbo one after another.Thinking of this, Wang Lun's mood suddenly brightened, and the feeling of hard work of many days of fighting gradually dissipated.

"Brother, good news!" Han Shizhong was still far away from the camp, and he heard his loud voice yelling.Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong looked at each other, both smiling, and left the tent.From a distance, I saw a giant man behind Han Shizhong, holding a mountain axe, and followed Han Shizhong hurriedly.

This is the first time Wang Lun has seen such a "tall" person after time travelling.Of course, Lu Junyi is also nine feet tall. Although the two of them are not taller than short, but they are compared indirectly through Han Shizhong, a reference object, which makes people feel that this man seems to be slightly taller than Yu Qilin.Wang Lun subconsciously looked back at Xu Guanzhong, only to see Xu Guanzhong nodded with a smile, and said softly, "Bian Xiang!"

Wang Lun understood, it should be him!Apart from Yu Baosi and Ren Yuan who are one foot tall, this person should be the third tallest in the Water Margin, right?

"Grandmother, the villain is here!" When Bian Xiang saw Xu Guanzhong, a smile finally appeared on his serious face.

"Brother, come quickly! This is Brother Wang Lun, a well-known white-clothed scholar in the world. I have been looking forward to you for a long time!" Xu Guanzhong went up to meet him and said with a smile.

"I've heard about the name of Wang Xiushi in white clothes for a long time, and I was strongly recommended by my benefactor. My younger brother Bian Xiang is here to cast a mountain!" Bian Xiang said, bowing to Wang Lun.

"I've heard a lot about your good name and surname in Jianghu. Not long ago, I heard Yang Lin speak highly of you, my brother. It's a blessing for Xiaozhai to have strong men like you!" Wang Lun returned the gift, inviting Bian Xiang get up.The man in front of him is not only tall, but also extremely strong in martial arts. In the original trajectory, he was undefeated against Shi Jin and Hua Rong in dozens of rounds, and then he avenged Shan Shiqi by taking Feng Tai, a fierce general under Du Po. His surname is originally a rare fierce general under Tian Hu's command, and he has the strength of the five tigers.

When Bian Xiang saw Wang Lun talking about Yang Lin, he blushed and said, "If you have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, you've offended me so much!"

"Brother Yang Lin speaks of you with good words and praises! You must know that there are many heroes in Liangshan who don't know each other. Don't worry about these things!" Wang Lun waved his hands.

Seeing Wang Lun's free and easy speech, without airs, and being very approachable, he felt that he was far better than Tian Hu's direct brother, Bian Xiang felt touched, shook his head and sighed, "After all, he is a hero whom my benefactor admires! In this way, my little brother is no longer pretentious, and he is willing to go up the mountain to gather together with brother Wang Lun and all the heroes!"

"Okay, okay!" Wang Lun rejoiced in his heart, and invited the two of them to the tent. Xu Guanzhong nodded to Bian Xiang in relief. Now! There is no more ties at this time, and we can finally do great things together with benefactor! The matter of Liang Shanbo in the Daming Mansion! My little brother has heard about it, when did we, the green forest hero, make such a great achievement?"

Speaking of this, Bian Xiang suddenly remembered something, and said: "Brother Wang Lun, Gong Gong, and younger brother, when they came all the way south, the road was peaceful, but early this morning, they found a large number of court officers and soldiers heading north. Those who went were all Ma Jun, I was afraid that there might be some urgent military situation, so I came here in a hurry!"

Hearing this, Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong looked at each other, only to see Xu Guanzhong pondering for a moment, and said: "Could it be that he followed all the way, but he couldn't say anything and decided to give up?"

"It's possible!" Wang Lun nodded and said, if this is the case, then Xu Ning and the others should send back relatively detailed information soon after verification. Wang Lun thought about it and told Jiao Ting beside him Said: "Go and invite Coach Lin, Yang Zhishi, General Tang and Zhang Dujian to discuss military plans!"

Jiao Ting took the order and went, Wang Lun asked Han Shizhong, "How is Suo Xianfeng doing today?"

In the Battle of Yukou that day, the vanguard Suo Chao was the most injured. Fortunately, the genius doctor An Daoquan was by his side, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.Wang Lun originally planned to send Suo Chao back to the cottage to recuperate, but because An Daoquan couldn't leave for a while, just to be on the safe side, he was temporarily placed in the Huitian camp to recuperate.

"He's rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and he still talks about getting on a horse early in the morning. A group of doctors can't stop him, which makes the third lady angry. She wants to take the sun and moon swords and kill him. This guy is just gone!" Han Shizhong laughed.He and Suo Chao had some quarrels in the Daming Mansion that day, but after the Battle of Yukou, the two survived the catastrophe, and their relationship has at least improved greatly, not to mention the stage of calling them brothers and sisters.

While talking, I saw Lin Chong and others enter the account one by one. Wang Lun got up and introduced Bian Xiang to everyone. Everyone came forward to salute very enthusiastically. The etiquette is thoughtful and the heart is also happy.On the one hand, there is the new leader who is just new here, and on the other hand, the old leader who is happy with the newcomer. After a few words, everyone immediately became one.

After a while of excitement, Wang Lun signaled Xu Guanzhong to inform everyone about the military situation brought by Bian Xiang, and everyone fell into deep thought, only to see Yang Zhi said: "It may be a real retreat, or it may be a feint, and then kill the carbine! But no matter what, we must not let our guard down!"

After Yang Zhi finished speaking, everyone spoke in agreement. Wang Lun nodded and said, "Let's stay the same and see what tricks Zhang Yinglei plays! Taoist Ma Ling has gone back to the mountain to contact the Truth Listening Camp. It can be thrown out. Zhu Gui’s brothers are not idle. But our battalions must be more vigilant and send more scouts to investigate. We must not fall into a passive position at our own door, we cannot afford to lose face!"

When everyone heard the words, they all bowed their hands and took orders. Wang Lun said again: "I know that everyone under your command has suffered a lot of casualties, but Teacher Xu and his three battalions, plus [-] inexperienced reserve troops, and the Yizhou Army It's still a bit strenuous to carry it hard! If you persevere, we can rest in peace when the people and our luggage are all up the mountain!"

Lin Chong took the lead and said: "Brother, don't worry, brothers understand the difficulties of the Shanzhai. I am here to express my opinion on behalf of the brothers. The Panshi Camp will never hold back the army! At this time, everyone is waiting for the battle, waiting for the order of the brother, galloping on the battlefield, Nothing to say!"

Everyone knows that the Panshi Battalion was the battalion with the heaviest casualties in this battle. Lin Chong's statement stimulated everyone, only to hear Tang Bin, Yang Zhi, and Zhang Qing expressed their determination to drink all the water in the river, and they will never fall in this last battle. Bowl of water.

This scene made Bian Xiang look pensive, and when everyone left the account, Bian Xiang was puzzled and said, "Grandfather, Liangshanbo, do we assign all the minions directly to the leaders? And Lin What does the instructor mean by the Rock Camp?"

"The general must know the soldiers, and the soldiers must know the general! If the general does not lead soldiers, how can he know the strength of the soldiers? Our cottage is divided into horse army, infantry army, navy army and garrison army. Each army has field battalions under its jurisdiction. Appoint a general, this general must be a person who can take on a great responsibility, and not everyone can take on the role. After choosing a general, you will train troops on weekdays, and you will lead troops in wartime. People who want face, when fighting, they are not useful in battle. If they miss a major event on the battlefield, it is not trivial to make people laugh, but it is even more serious to be dealt with by the military law! However, at present in Liangshanbo, we have not found that people who are afraid of making mistakes And those who dare not lead the army alone!"

Xu Guanzhong patiently explained to Bian Xiang: "Also, when brothers call me in the future, just call me by my name!"

That’s how it is. No wonder when the old leaders talked about their subordinates just now, the kind of pride can’t be faked by just pretending. Bian Xiang pondered for a moment, a little excited and a little hopeful: "Grandm... What do you do next, can you also lead a battalion alone?"

When Xu Guanzhong heard this, he looked at Wang Lun, the village lord who was quite optimistic about his brother, and the two couldn't help but smile knowingly.Bian Xiang, who was left confused, looked at the two of them back and forth, a little confused. (To be continued.)

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