Water Margin Survival

Chapter 355 Arrangements for the new leader on the mountain

In the end, it was Xu Guanzhong who cleared up Bian Xiang's confusion.

"When I talked about you, brother, with my brother that day, I didn't expect him to have heard of your name a long time ago, and after discussing with me several times, I wanted to entrust you with a heavy responsibility..." At this point, Xu Guanzhong gave a wry smile and paused. Suddenly said: "My brother said that you are a great general, but you were sent to be a lobbyist among the three mountains and five mountains. It's not because of your legs, but also because of your mouth!"

Bian Xiang looked at Wang Lun when he heard the words, the bitterness in his heart was drawn out by Xu Guanzhong's words, overflowing and turbulent.

Since ancient times, lobbyists have not been so easy to be.Especially when the objects of persuasion are all bandit leaders who occupy the mountain as king, the bitterness and hardship involved are naturally hard to describe.If it weren't for Bian Xiang's high martial arts skills, he might have been buried on an unknown mountain at this time.

Seeing Bian Xiang's bitter face, Wang Lun got up and refilled a cup of tea for him, and said: "A hero from all over the world, as long as he goes to Liangshan, he can always find a position that suits him best. In our cottage, both There are leaders who fly needles and threads, and generals who are invincible, not to mention pots and pans, forging iron and armor, building houses and ships, and all kinds of errands! I wanted to wait for my brother to rest for two days, and retreat the pursuers. This matter. Now that you have asked about this matter, brother, I will ask for your opinion, brother, would you like to go to the infantry and lead a battalion of troops?"

Bian Xiang was taken aback, thinking of what he saw when he came, he subconsciously asked: "Why isn't it a horse army? Brother, look at our barracks, everyone is a horse army, and I didn't see a single infantry army!"

Seeing Xu Guanzhong said, hehe smiled.He explained: "Let's put it this way! A new battalion of infantry can be roughly set up in a month. And a new battalion of cavalry can only be seen in three to five months. How can we see any effect, let alone go into battle? We have made great achievements! This time we broke the Daming Mansion and forced Liang Zhongshu to flee the city with Mrs. Cai. How could his father-in-law, Cai Jing, endure this? I guess Cai Jing's revenge should come in the next three to four months. .If you are asked to build a new battalion of horse troops, I am afraid that you will not be able to keep up with this big battle!"

Listen to Xu Guanzhong finish.Wang Lun pondered for a moment.He felt that it would be better to speak more carefully, and immediately added: "Brother, you don't know. After the army was cut off this time, four battalions of cavalry in our cottage were injured. We urgently need to be supplemented by skilled people. Although the cottage has a reserve army of [-] horses. But it was not enough for them. Furthermore, after I rescued Yuanwai Lu in Daming Mansion, I asked him what he thought after going up the mountain, and he expressed that he wanted to bring a battalion of cavalry. At that time, the military division and I both promised him, which made it even more difficult. Of course, the infantry does not have these problems! We have recruited [-] river workers in Daming Mansion, and [-] of them are from Hebei, and you can do whatever you want Go choose someone!"

According to the previous discussion with the two military divisions, the expansion plan this time is that Lu Junyi and Yan Qing lead the seventh battalion of the horse army, and Bian Xiang, Luan Tingyu, and Shan Shiqi lead the seventh and eighth battalions of the infantry.Whether it was Bian Xiang or Luan Tingyu, Wang Lun felt that the necessary words should be clearly stated in advance to avoid unreasonable estrangement in everyone's hearts. After all, in this era when cavalry is rampant, if there are two choices, who would want to lead infantry?

Luan Tingyu was easy to talk to, and agreed without thinking about it.After all, this battalion was expanded on the basis of Shan Shiqi's subordinates, and few of them could ride horses; moreover, he was a trainer, so his professional vision was naturally much farther than other leaders.Luan Tingyu can see the shining points of the cavalry, why can't he see the advantages of the infantry?Thirdly, these words came from Wang Lun, the lord of a village. They must have been carefully thought out before. With Luan Tingyu's character of knowing how to repay his kindness, it is impossible for him to go against Wang Lun's intentions, just as he did not It's like singing the opposite of Zhu Chaofeng.

At this moment, it depends on what Bian Xiang is thinking.In fact, based on his experience of being Tian Hu's right prime minister and grand master in his original trajectory, it should be more than enough to lead a battalion of horses. Unfortunately, the pattern of horses on Liangshan is flourishing and weak, and Wang Lun, the lord of the village, is urgently needed to maintain balance.This is why he arranged both Bian Xiang and Luan Tingyu in the infantry.After all, the horse army is not omnipotent. The role of the horse army in attacking the city, defending the city and guarding the fortress cannot be replaced by the horse army.

In fact, when arranging Lu Junyi, Wang Lun had to think hard.In the original trajectory, this jade unicorn ranks second among the [-] heroes in Liangshanpo. The main reason is that he became the key used by Song Jiang to unlock Chao Gai's political last words.In addition, due to various factors such as his outstanding martial arts skills, super famous name, and his family being ruined by Liangshan, the leaders of Liangshan accepted him, and they did not question his behavior of parachuting into the second position.

But the current Liangshan is far from the cottage with many hills, intrigues, and the need for foreign aid to solve the problem.If Song Jiang felt ashamed of Lu Junyi because he ruined Lu Junyi's family because of his own selfishness, then Wang Lun at this time did not have such concerns at all.

The world has changed, good fortune has made people, for Lu Junyi in Liangshanbo now, there is only love and no debt.And the one who feels guilty has quietly changed without knowing it. At this time, in the heart of Lu Yuanwai, the richest man in Hebei, there is no resentment towards Liang Shan, but only gratitude.

But then again, although there is no ranking in the Shanzhai now, and they perform their duties according to their duties, the core is still established, that is, the combination of Wang Lun and several military advisers.Moreover, in the Juyi Hall, their seats are also different from those of the leaders. They are placed under the plaque of Walking the Way for Heaven, facing the gate facing south, and form a similar pattern with the leaders sitting in rows along the aisle. "Product" character structure.

If at this moment someone is suddenly added to the rostrum, and this person is not a military adviser, nor does he have any special merits. Regardless of what the leaders below were thinking, even Lu Junyi himself might not be able to sit still.In fact, being famous doesn’t mean that one can eat all over the world. In the past, he was famous as Chai Jin, but after going up the mountain, he only took the tenth place in the end, ranking behind the four tigers.

At this time, Lu Junyi obviously didn't know his own destiny in the original trajectory, so after deciding to join Liangshan, he was secretly thinking about his own position, so when Wang Lun, Xiao Jiasui, and Xu Guanzhong came to ask for his opinion, he immediately voluntarily Please be a deputy general of the Ma Jun, and you can assist the leader as you like.

Regardless of whether this was a polite remark or not, Wang Lun would not arrange for Lu Junyi as a lieutenant general, otherwise it would be a joke that he slipped from one extremely high position to another extremely low position, after all, his identity was there.Seeing that Lu Junyi was determined to join the horse army, Wang Lun did not stop him.It's just a pity that Yan Qing, the embryo of this top ace spy, went to Lu Junyi's side to become a lieutenant general, and he didn't know if he could adapt. Wang Lun really couldn't imagine the scene of the prodigal Yan Qing wearing armor and fighting bloody battles among thousands of troops.

It's a pity that Lu Junyi's surname is too reserved and self-confident, and Wang Lun can't rest assured that he has no one to help him.In the original trajectory, after the recruitment, Zhu Wu, who was also on the fringes of the Shanzhai, often went out together as Lu Junyi's military adviser, and the two cooperated quite harmoniously, but now Zhu Wu is not what it used to be, and not only is there no one in the Shanzhai to suppress him , but gave him sufficient room for development. At this time, as one of the four major military divisions with military power in his hands, he was too busy with the affairs of the cottage, so how could he stoop to become an assistant general in Lu Junyi's camp?

These are all Wang Lun's concerns, and he needs to work patiently one by one, and try to listen to his leaders' plans for his future. If it is within the controllable range, Wang Lun is still willing to try his best to satisfy them.After all, there is still a long way to go. If you force a pair of inappropriate shoes for your subordinates on a long journey, kicking your feet is a trivial matter. After a long time, you will stumble.

At this time, Lu Junyi's going to Ma Jun was a certainty, and the loyal Yan Qing naturally had no problem.Luan Tingyu also agreed that Shan Shiqi, who has not met yet, as Luan Tingyu's apprentice, probably has no problem.Bian Xiang in front of Dudu made Wang Lun a little worried.

"Brother, to be honest, the horse army is not the leader as you imagined. My Liangshan infantry army also has room to play! This time escorting the people back to the village is mostly due to the infantry army. Going forward indomitably, Shi Dalang of Shaohua Mountain was in the middle to support, Wudu, who was fighting tigers, raised food for the army, and even Li Kui, the black whirlwind, defeated the Tanzhou elite soldiers three times his own. These are the great contributions made by the infantry In the future, when attacking the city and defending the land, how can there be no infantry? Are you afraid that there will be no stage for making contributions?" Seeing that Bian Xiang was still thinking, Xu Guanzhong persuaded him.

"Aren't I in a daze? At the beginning when Tian Bao didn't talk about anything, I went out to recruit a good man for him! Now that my brother and the military adviser are so kind to persuade me, I'm still hesitant? The infantry is the infantry Is it possible to let them ride horses to attack the city?" Bian Xiang slapped his thigh, got up and said, "My little brother lost his mind for a while, so don't take offense to the two brothers!"

It's too late to rejoice at this moment, how could Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong meet this strange general?Both of them laughed and said, "Brother can think like this, it's really a blessing in the cottage!"

Bian Xiang looked at the two of them and laughed, and said, "When are we going to choose people? I can hardly sit still! I have wasted so many years, and now I have some hope, and I feel how much time was wasted!"

"Brother, if you are in a hurry, you can go to the lake to look for Military Adviser Xiao Jiasui first. He knows everything about you. I will send Lieutenant General Qingcao Snake from the personal guard camp to accompany you there!" Wang Lun said with a smile.

Bian Xiang was a person who spoke his heart out, so he was rude immediately, and hurriedly said goodbye to the two. Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong looked at each other and smiled, sent him out of the tent, called Li Si over, and explained in detail, Li Si nodded and accepted the order, met with Bian Xiang, and was about to leave when Han Shizhong came to report: "Mr. Lu came with a thousand reserve troops to report. I just heard that Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye from Erlongshan A leader also came with more than 400 people, and Sun Xin from Dengzhou, Mrs. Gu and his wife were also among them!"

Wang Lun was startled when he heard the words, he was not surprised that Sun Xin and Mrs. Gu came over, why did Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye also come here, and they brought soldiers and horses?Could it be that Erlong Mountain has changed? !

The family is broken, this chapter is coded out, and then the next chapter will be coded, it will probably be very late, good guys can go to bed first, and read it tomorrow. . )

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