Water Margin Survival

Chapter 370 New City "Xu City"

When Zhao Xian and Prince Danluo were carefully thinking about the thoughts of the Song Kingdom for the future of themselves and their clansmen, Wang Lun, the "Head of the Song Dynasty" on the island, was visiting this emerging city accompanied by Wen Huanzhang. Although handling ethnic affairs well is one of the important purposes of his landing on the island, the construction of the new city cannot be ignored, because this is not only the general rear of the Shanzhai's [-] to [-] soldiers, but also the spiritual sustenance of Liangshan heroes.

"Some time ago, I was mainly rushing to build houses in the city. The first thing I built was the shops facing the two main streets, one horizontal and one vertical. I just didn't expect the Koreans to invade so quickly. At that time, I discussed with Tao Zongwang and decided to For the time being, we need to build the city wall first, so the progress in the city is slowing down, and the main efforts are put on the construction of the city wall. At present, the four gates have been completed, and the only thing left is to build a new city wall! This time, more than 2000 Koreans were captured. Use it, and relieve my employment worries!" Wen Huanzhang introduced the situation without a pause, and it can be seen that he has spent a lot of effort on this land.

Wang Lun estimated that the barley had already started to be sown, otherwise there would be no shortage of labor force given the tens of thousands of people on the island.Wang Lun thought for a while and said:

"Now the folks are busy with the farm work of each family. Even if we are short of work, we don't want to disturb the people, but there is one thing to pay attention to. Now we are in a state of war with Korea. I don't worry if he comes to fight with great fanfare. Zero, go ashore to make trouble. In this way, you ask Li Yun to station five policemen in each village, with two fast horses and a hundred simple knives. During the break, train the young people of each village, so that everyone has the ability to protect themselves in case of trouble, at least they can persist until the army comes to help!"

Wen Huanzhang nodded when he said that, and agreed: "This is a good idea! The people followed us here wholeheartedly, and we should be responsible for their safety. After all, we are in a different place, so it is better to be cautious in everything. In addition, from now on It is a great thing to kill two birds with one stone!" After a pause, Wen Huanzhang added:

"It's just that there are more than 3 people who have landed on the island. They are divided into more than 50 administrative villages. Each village has five arresters. This will divide half of his people. I'm afraid Mr. Li will not have enough arresters! "

Wang Lunjian said, "Don't worry about this. After the Battle of Daming Mansion, more than 300 disabled brothers quit the army and turned to arrest. This time I brought them all. These brothers are all disabled and mentally ill. Handicapped heroes who have seen blood, I believe they can be qualified for the post of arrester!"

When Wen Huanzhang heard this, he was relieved, and said in honor of Li Yun: "It's really not easy to catch Li Yun. Leader Ou wants to protect the safety of the whole island. The 3000 people have one radish and one hole, so the trivial matters in this city depend on Li Catcher." Sustain! I think Brother Zhu Fu is a master, it is really not easy!"

Hearing this, Wang Lun was also a little emotional. The role a person can play depends on what position he is placed in. Before Li Yun was asked to come to Jeju Island to be the chief arrester, it seemed that this move was the right move.

"It's all right now. The three leaders, Xie Zhen, Xie Bao, and two thousand brothers have come here to stay permanently. They should be able to help you a lot! In addition, Dengzhou hero Sun Xin and Mrs. Gu and his wife are also planning to transfer under the command of the husband, okay. Share your worries for Mister!" Wang Lun said while looking at Wen Huanzhang.

The four members of Sun Xin's family and Hu Yanqing met Wen Huanzhang just now, and Wen Huanzhang had a good impression of them, and he was quite excited at the moment. After all, there are more and more leaders on the island, which at least proves that this place is in the cottage. Portions are also getting heavier.

Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang laughed and chatted for a while, then remembered something, and asked, "How many unoccupied villages are reserved outside the city?"

This time, [-] households of Daming Prefecture were brought along with the ship, and how to arrange them well should not be taken lightly, especially when there is a Qiu Xian who thinks it is his duty to ask the people for their lives to watch.

"Brother, don't worry, in order to prevent unexpected needs, my younger brother has pre-built [-] villages outside the city in advance, which can accommodate two thousand households at the same time, and the land of each household has been surveyed clearly. Please bring the old and the young to move in directly!" Wen Huanzhang explained with a smile.

Feeling Wen Huanzhang's superb execution ability, Wang Lun was very pleased, and affirmed: "With you here, it seems that I really have nothing to worry about here!"

"Brother is the person at the helm of the cottage, if you worry about these trivial matters all day long, what do you want us brothers to do?"

When speaking, Wen Huanzhang looked very relaxed, but when Wang Lun looked at him carefully, he found that his chief military adviser had a little gray hair on his temples in just a few months.

"In the future, if you have Qiu Xian to help Mr., I'm afraid it will be easier." Wang Lun turned around and asked Jiao Ting to take out a "letter of appointment", handed it to Wen Huanzhang, and said: "This official report will be made by Mr. Leave it to Qiu Xian!"

Wen Huanzhang took it and opened it to see that it was the official notice of the official appointment of Qiu Xian as the county magistrate of Xushi.Wang Lun watched Huanzhang carefully, and said with a smile: "When we came to this island, we either fought war with this country, or incorporated that country. We are under the watchful eyes of everyone. We can no longer be as anonymous as we were in the cottage. Well, as the saying goes, if the name of the Tao is not right, the words will not go well, and if the words don’t go well, things will fail, and this loss is unbearable!"

After Wang Lun finished speaking, he took out Wen Huanzhang's official report and said with a smile, "Congratulations to Prefect Wen!"

Wen Huanzhang did not pretend to be false, bowed to Wang Lun, and suddenly sighed, and said: "I didn't expect Wen to have today. This is all thanks to my brother. I dare not do my best to repay my brother's kindness." !"

"Meeting each of you is a blessing that I, Wang Lun, have cultivated in several lifetimes!" Seeing Huanzhang's true feelings, Wang Lun also felt it.At this time, many vivid characters could not help appearing in his mind. These heroes who had originally become legends were his brothers in this life.Thinking of this fact, Wang Lun's heart warmed like spring.

Wen Huanzhang sighed with emotion, took his official notice from Wang Lun respectfully with both hands, and put it in his arms carefully, only to see this gentleman who has always been calm, his hands could not help trembling slightly at this moment.

Wang Lun can well understand the feelings of this Confucian scholar who has been depressed for more than [-] years. He understands that this cannot be simply attributed to the reaction of officials and fans, but when a person achieves great success through his own efforts and seizing opportunities. Brief "dizziness".

Wang Lun didn't disturb Wen Huanzhang's brief "dizzy" moment, but just turned his head to look at the two vigorous and powerful pre-Qin Xiaozhuan "Xu Shi" on the tower. However, some skills are easy to pass down, such as the skill of literacy. Compared with Xiao Rang, who can imitate kung fu, the two characters of Wen Huanzhang in front of him have a more self-contained atmosphere.

Just when Wang Lun was looking at these two words, Wen Huanzhang came back, smiled at himself, followed Wang Lun's gaze, and sighed: "I don't know when he landed on the island thousands of years ago, , do you know that future generations will build a city with his name?" (Xu City is also known as Xu Fu)

"It doesn't matter whether you know it or not. What's important is that his actions have educated future generations well. When you go to a place where there is no human habitation, it is very important for future generations to leave some traces that cannot be erased. It's good!" Wang Lun laughed.

Wen Huanzhang and Wang Lun looked at each other when they heard the words, and they both smiled knowingly.

This senior who searched for the immortal medicine and fairy grass for Qin Shihuang really helped Liang Shanbo a lot by accident.With his old man's naughty behavior of "coming here for a visit", Liang Shanbo's activities on this island have completely risen to the moral high ground of restoring the old land, nailing the Koreans on the opposite side of the aggressors, calling They suffer from the dumb loss of "they can't fight, and they can't win".In addition, when communicating with the islanders, everyone shows their previous origins to each other, and the sense of identity when a fellow meets a fellow may arise spontaneously. This kind of benefit is self-evident, and it can often achieve twice the result with half the effort.

"I heard that my brother encountered a Korean naval officer again on the way. As the saying goes, there are only those who can be thieves for a thousand days, and how can there be those who can guard against thieves for a thousand days? These Koreans come and harass them from time to time. It's so annoying!" This kind of brown sugar style method is a bit outrageous.

"It's necessary for him to remember his last name once! Otherwise, he will play cheer tactics with me once, twice, three times with great enthusiasm. Even if we win a big victory, we can't do anything. We'll just play with him!" Wang said. Lun frowned slightly, looking north.

Wen Huanzhang nodded, and said: "Let's say that if we don't separate from Gaoli, the islanders on this island will not feel at ease. Even if they vote for us, they will feel uneasy. I am afraid that one day we will leave and stay behind. They have nowhere to escape. Therefore, no matter how the islanders contacted us before, no matter how I entrusted others to bring words, the old lord refused to show up. He didn't show up until our navy defeated the Koreans. But it seems full of doubts and indecisive. These are all actions that have no confidence in us!"

"It doesn't matter if one or two people don't have confidence in us, even if he is the lord of the country, our ultimate goal is to win over the majority of people. Mr. has been doing very well before, through a fair and even a slightly disadvantaged material exchange, Show and release our goodwill, let most people know that we are friends, can get along with them in harmony, and take them out of the predicament of life. It can be said that we need to be patient with these islanders, after all, the island has Included in our sphere of influence, and they are the aborigines who have lived on this island for generations, we must not blindly use force when we expand overseas, or we will not be able to stop troubles in the future!"

Wang Lun waved his hand. The effect he wanted was definitely not to be regarded as an "occupation army" by the locals. The domineering and short-sighted Western colonial model of the occupation army has proved through countless failures that they can never live in peace with the aborigines. In the end, they could not escape the fate of falling apart.Therefore, Wang Lun tried his best to give the islanders a sense of "the People's Liberation Army", to liberate them and the shackles in their hearts, in exchange for their inner approval.

"Overbearing can be strong for a while, but only the kingly way can last long." Facing Wen Huanzhang's admiring gaze, Wang Lun sighed softly. (To be continued.)

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