Water Margin Survival

Chapter 371 A Leopard Out of a Dead Man?

When Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang talked freely on the streets of Xushi, they attracted the attention of many people. .At this time, the families who can be allocated shops on the main road are either members of the military martyrs or relatives of the leader of the cottage. People don't know Wen Huanzhang.

Although Wen Huanzhang is elegant, gentle, and approachable, the aura that surrounds his head has to make people subconsciously look up.But now this powerful figure who holds the military and political power of Jeju Island is respectful in front of a young scholar, which makes people daydream.Reminiscent of the news that the Shanzhai sailors docked this afternoon, many smart people have already guessed that this scholar who has never met may be the key person who brings them a new life.

The awe contained in their gratitude prevented them from rushing forward, especially what this engong was concentrating on and what Military Master Wen had to say.Everyone was afraid of delaying his important event, so they just stood at the door of their own house and watched the benefactor go all the way. This strange balance lasted for a long time until it was broken by a man in his 30s.

"Wen Xianggong, you must help the villain. The villain really can't sleep well every day!" The man had been standing in front of his hotel for a long time, and it was easy to see that Wen Huanzhang was not talking as frequently as before. , Only then did he summon up the courage to come forward to ask for help.

As usual, for this kind of uninvited guest, Jiao Ting would go forward and intercept him at a certain safe distance, but he saw a rather familiar expression from the brow of this person, and he was quite puzzled, but in the end he didn't Make a sound, just take a few steps forward, and control this guy within the range of your shot.

"Old Jiao, this is Li Kui's elder brother, surnamed Li Mingda!" Wen Huanzhang signaled Jiao Ting to relax, Jiao Ting suddenly understood, and then took a step back, only to suddenly remember that Li Kui and his brother were not on good terms, and still He looked at Li Da warily.

Wen Huanzhang looked back at Wang Lun, saw Wang Lun nod his head slightly, and asked Li Da, "Li Da, what's the matter with you?"

Li Da frowned, cupped his hands and said: "Mr. Wen, please forgive the villain's abruptness! You are a very good man. I don't know who to ask for help with this matter. I really have no other choice, so I took the liberty to ask!" At the end, Li Da Da Fei quickly glanced at Wang Lun, then lowered his head.

Wang Lun looked at this brother of Li Kui's compatriot with great interest, guessing from his glance, he probably guessed his identity, and seemed to be asking Wen Huanzhang for help at this time, maybe he was talking to himself Listen.

"Li Da, your brother is the leader of the cottage, and you are also a family member of the cottage. Since you have settled on this island, feel free to talk to me if you have anything to say!" Wen Huanzhang's tone was very kind, after all, it was his logistics to ensure the lives of many leaders' families. The job of the housekeeper.

"Although the family ugliness should not be publicized, the villain has not been able to eat well and sleep well these days. Now the villain's mother is still in Liangshan Dazhai, and there is no one to take care of her. I am afraid that she will not get used to it, so I want to invite her When I came to live here, I asked Li Dutou to talk about it not long ago, and asked Dazhai Ruan to lead a leader to go back to give a message to my brother, but I was scolded by Li Kui when I came back, and even the leader was wronged. At this time, Xiao I am separated from my mother by thousands of miles, so it is difficult to sleep and eat, so please ask my husband to be the master for the villain!" When Li Da complained about his suffering, his expression was quite excited.

Seeing this kind of family matter that cannot be resolved by an upright official, Wen Huanzhang was a little bit dumbfounded, shook his head and sighed: "It is a shame in the world for brothers to push back and forth and not adopt a mother, but it is a beautiful thing for your two brothers to compete for a mother! Since you are determined to invite Lingtang over, why don't you go to the cottage with the boat and explain it to Lingtang and your brother in person?"

"I'm poor and short-sighted. I'm a useless person. Now that I've been honored by my brother, I've been begging for a family. I don't have to worry about food and clothing. Now I'm living in his house. I'm going to beg my wife with him. How can I say anything?" .Besides, even if I open my mouth, my brother will not take what I say seriously! I used to say that he talks too much, and he will be annoyed when he sees me!" After speaking, Li Da couldn't help sighing.

"Are you married?" Wang Lun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

Wang Lun expected it well, Li Da had already guessed his identity, and it was for this reason that he stepped forward rashly. In the past few months since Shui arrived on Jeju Island, he had already found out that this incompetent brother had some kind of shit luck. Offend him for his own family affairs.

It is precisely because the person who needs to tie the bell to untie it, Li Da mustered up the courage to seize the rare opportunity in front of him.Just as he was wondering about Wang Lun's attitude, he didn't expect Wang Lun to speak in such a tone of concern for him. Li Da was a little caught off guard, and his heart brightened instantly.

"It's done, it's done! Not long after the villain arrived on the island, Li Dutou was the matchmaker for the villain, and he married a girl from a fellow villager in Yishui County who had defected to the cottage!" Li Da hurriedly replied, "Dare you?" Ask the old man, but he is the owner of the king's village!"

"I'm not old yet?" Wang Lun smiled and looked at Li Dadao.Wang Lun should be more aware of the situation in Li Kui's family than anyone else.

Of the two brothers, the elder brother Li Da is an honest man who has worked hard since he was a child and desperately worked hard to support his family. When Li Kui beat someone to death and fled, he was implicated and put on a shackle to show the public, and he took care of his mother alone. But this old lady made mistakes that many old people would make. The eldest son who took care of her in front of her was not a son. As soon as the old lady saw Li Kui, her heart disease healed immediately, and she didn't forget to complain to her younger son that her elder son was incompetent and couldn't support the family.If Li Da hadn't bumped into Li Kui when he came back with food after working hard outside for half a day, he might have been in a hurry when he found out that his mother was gone.

"I also know a little about your family's affairs. Although Li Kui is a little out of tune, he has no bad intentions. Lingtang follows him, but he will not be offended. In fact, after Lingtang went up the mountain, I also visited her old man several times. , Seeing her living in the cottage is quite comfortable, after all, her eyes are healed now, and her son who hasn't been seen for many years has been found. She can't be cold in winter, and can't be hungry in disaster years. There are many old people around her age. Every day, I have a companion when I talk and chat." At this point, Wang Lun saw Li Da's face full of helplessness, shook his head and said:

"Don't think that I'm partial to Li Kui. It's just that Ling Tang is living quite comfortably now. I've said all the reasons above. I think it's better to treat the elderly according to her wishes. If she doesn't feel sympathetic If you don’t want to, if you insist on taking her over, will the effect be good? You have devoted 20 years of filial piety, and you should have your own life!”

There is a saying that Wang Lun didn't explain clearly. This old lady just likes her younger son and despises her older son. What can she do?She is so old, can she be forced to change?

"Of course, if Li Kui treats her poorly and she doesn't want to stay in Liangshan anymore, then you have to take her here to enjoy the blessings. Just come to me. If I'm not here, you can also find the prefect Wen. We will make the decision for you! "Wang Lun looked back at Wen Huanzhang, and Wen Huanzhang immediately said: "Okay, my village head has spoken, what are you worried about? If you want to make Lingtang, you can go back by a boat from the cottage, one round trip It’s only about 20 days, and when you arrive at the cottage, you can live long or short if you want!”

Li Dachang sighed, didn't say yes or no, just bowed to Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang respectively, and turned around silently.Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang looked at each other and shook their heads. Many things in this world are so unreasonable. Reasons sometimes do not make sense in front of feelings.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Li Da turned back suddenly, bowed to Wang Lun and said, "Since my mother is now being taken care of by my brother, there is nothing that the villain can't figure out. It's just that no matter how capable I am, I'm still a dignified man, and I can't rely on my brother." I live under the shadow of the villain, the villain is bold, I ask my husband to let me support myself! When I was with my boss in the past, I did all kinds of work, and I was not afraid of hardship or tiredness. !"

Wang Lun was slightly taken aback when he said that, this little person who was so unknown that he was almost ignored by everyone (even his mother and brother) actually had such thoughts in his heart, which is really impressive.

Hearing him talk about working as a long-term worker in the rich man's house, Wang Lun thought of Li Kui's troubles in Jiangzhou in the original track, and the government wanted him to pay for the crimes of his brothers according to the precedent. It is a miracle to make money and take the initiative to manage money up and down.Judging from this incident, Li Daping should have quite a reputation in the past, at least to make others willing to give him a hand when he is in trouble.

"This matter is easy to handle! You go back and think about what you are good at. Now Mr. Wen is in need of manpower to share your worries. When you think it through, come to him directly!" Wang Lun gave it a try. Li Da gave a clear answer.

dong dong dong...

As if he felt that actions were more powerful than words, Li Da kowtowed to Wang Lun three times, then turned and left. Wen Huanzhang looked at his background and sighed a little: "Hei Xuanfeng has such a brother, what a shame!" miracle!"

Not to mention that the scene on the street was causing a lot of discussion among the nearby neighbors. At this time, two short and thin islanders were squeezed out from the crowd. The person is Lord Wang Lun, Generalissimo of Song Jinghai? I really want to invite you to meet me by chance, this is the eldest son of my family, and I have admired Lord Wang's demeanor for a long time!"

Wen Huanzhang nodded, said a few words to this person, turned his head and whispered to Wang Lun: "This person is Zhao Xian, the son he mentioned is probably the eldest son of the old lord!"

Wang Lunjian said that he looked at the young man, and found that his face was pale, without a trace of blood at all, and he looked terminally ill. (To be continued.)

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