Water Margin Survival

Chapter 372 Prescriptions

"I am Wang Lun!"

With a gentle smile, Wang Lun looked at the heir of Tamra Kingdom in front of him and said. He knew that a few years ago, Goryeo officially annexed Tamna Kingdom, but out of consideration of encroachment, although the title of Tamna Kingdom was abolished, the corresponding rights of the king were temporarily retained, and he was forced to go to Korea in Jeju The position of spokesperson for the interests of the island.

This kind of experience must be very painful. In the words of the Han people, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.No matter how small a country is, it is still a country. No one wants to be imprisoned and find a father to take care of themselves.Therefore, as long as the top officials of Tamna Kingdom are not hard-core prostitutes, they must have an irreconcilable conflict with Goryeo.

The reason why Wang Lun did not act rashly to disrupt the original power order on the island, but rashly mobilized the lower class people was based on this judgment.After all, Jeju Island is by no means the last step in Wang Lun's expansion plan. If he uses the big killer weapon of abandoning the opponent's superstructure at every turn, it will only make the latecomers take a warning and resist desperately. This is by no means what Wang Lun intended to see. .

So now there are many choices before Wang Lun, and what tests his political wisdom the most is how to use the best way to control the situation on the island. The "translation" of Song Dynasty, Zhao Xian, is a good focus.

"Gao Zhengan, a widow from the lower kingdom, pay my respects to the Marshal of the upper kingdom!" After Tan Luo finished speaking, he didn't know what etiquette he should show to Wang Lun. Thinking of the scene he had just seen with his own eyes, he hesitated for a moment, and finally imitated Li Da and went to Wang Lun. The ceremony of kneeling.

When Zhao Xian saw the prince bowing down, he didn't dare to trust him, so he bowed down together with the prince. Seeing this, many islanders watching from the outside quickly dropped their Shanghai goods, and followed the big men in their own clan to do the same.

At this time, the surrounding Han people saw this, and I don't know who shouted: "We are able to have what we are today, thanks to the gift of Wang Xianggong. Today, people know how to be polite, and we are not as good as outsiders!"

This shout had the effect of echoing everyone. Whether it was the new immigrants who came to the city to sell vegetables, or the military martyrs in the shops on the street, they all knelt down in unison, calling Tong Wei, who had just finished packing and came into the city, Tong Meng, Hu Yanqing, Hu Cheng, Sun Xin, Gu Dasao, Mou Jie and others were amazed.Not long after Dr. Ma went up the mountain, he didn't have as much acquaintance with Wang Lun as the other leaders, so his legs were a little weak at the moment, and he was about to kneel down with the crowd.

"Old Ma, don't you think it's not lively enough? The village master doesn't like this!" Mou Jie stretched out his hand to help the number one genius doctor in the Daming Mansion, and only then did the latter get rid of the embarrassment.

What Mou Jie said was correct, as expected, Wang Lun stepped forward to help a young man with a rather pale face, Doctor Ma let out a "huh" when he saw this, and turned to Mou Jie, "Prince doctor, this young man's face is not normal! "

Mou Jie was also looking at Gao Zhenqian at this time, seeing Doctor Ma pick up the topic, he said solemnly: "This person seems to be seriously injured, but I don't know why?"

"I have to remind the village master when I turn back!" Dr. Ma whispered, Mou Jie nodded and stopped talking, but kept his eyes on Gao Zhenqian.

The two famous doctors communicated in a low voice, which did not attract the attention of the people around them. At this time, Sun Xin and Mrs. Gu's wife looked at the natives on the island curiously, and said privately: "Although we live in Dengzhou, where do we see each other?" Having lived with these people? Seeing that they are born just like you and me, except that their bodies are a little shorter, you really gained insight!"

At this moment, Hu Yanqing pulled an islander along, chattering for a while, it turned out that although Hu Yanqing was born as a general, he was eloquent and loved to learn eloquence.Here Hu Cheng was amused, he stood aside and listened, and when Hu Yanqing spoke for a while, the islander was stunned and at a loss, causing Hu Cheng to laugh and say, "Brother Huyan, they are Tamra Chinese people, if you can speak Korean dialect and Khitan official dialect, how can they understand it?"

Hu Yanqing was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and laughed at himself: "It is said that the first person in Dengzhou City who can speak is me, and the bird prefect Wang Shizhong wanted to send me to be an envoy to Beidi Fanguo, but fortunately he didn't go, if That Jurchen language is also similar to this Tamra language, I have never heard of it, and I will be ashamed when the time comes!"

"Brother Huyan, don't blame yourself. My younger brother has traveled to many places, but he can't understand the Tamla dialect. There are only three to 2000 of them in total. Who can I learn from? Anyway, we will be here for a short time in the future. No, if brother is interested, wouldn't it be the same to learn more?" Hu Cheng persuaded.

Hu Yanqing was relieved after hearing the words, and continued to look left and right, visiting the rear of the cottage.Like many leaders who came to the island for the first time, Hu Yanqing did not hide the joy on his face.

When Gao Zhenqian met him for the first time, he bowed down to himself, making Wang Lun feel that an excellent omen appeared in front of him. This kind of behavior showed that this son was a little different from his father, who was so wily and calculating. , at least he did not reject his own arrival. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Lun felt that it would be better to figure out what this Gao Zhenqian was thinking, and immediately said: "My son is too polite, how can I, Wang Lun, be able to be a Such a great gift from the prince!"

"The marshal extended his kindness to my people first, and then defeated the Koreans. This is a great virtue! Although he has the strength to defeat the Koreans, he still treats me with sincerity. Although Tamna is small, he also knows how to show kindness. Report!" Gao Zhenqian said humbly.In front of Wang Lun, or in front of absolute strength, he didn't intend to play tricks at all, he said what he had to say, and he didn't hide anything.Firstly, these people are the best leverage for the Tamra Kingdom to wash away the hatred of destroying the country, and secondly, these people in front of them are more powerful than the Koreans, which can make Tamra beyond redemption.

The posture is very correct!

Wang Lun thought to himself, and was about to speak, when he suddenly saw bean-sized drops of sweat oozing from Gao Zhengan's head, with an extremely painful expression on his face, and he could hardly stand upright. "Marshal, Marshal, if you still want to save my family's eldest son!"

In terms of medicine, even Wang Lun is a layman. When he first saw this son, he found something wrong with his complexion. Who would have thought that he fell ill so quickly? Wang Lun just became interested in him, so how could he refuse to save him? Mou Jie and Dr. Ma consulted Gao Zhenqian. They took turns to take the pulse. After the diagnosis, they all looked solemn. Finally, Mou Jie said to Wang Lun:

"It's not difficult to help him escape for a while, but he is almost exhausted. I don't know what he ate, but he is so weak. It's like the medicine of tigers and wolves killing and fighting in the body, ruining his body. look!"

Zhao Xian was shocked when he heard this, and said: "Impossible, my family's son has been taking high-quality ginseng bought from Korea every day for the past six months, how can he still be so weak?"

"Should I eat ginseng alone, or use ginseng as medicine?" Dr. Ma asked.

"It's all used as medicine. Half a year ago, my family's eldest son had a serious illness, and no one could cure it. The star master was so anxious that he had no choice but to ask the king of Korea. Later, the king of Korea sent an imperial doctor. This doctor is really good at medicine. So he cured my family's senior son, but said before leaving that my family's senior son was weak and needed tonic, so he left a prescription..."

As soon as Mou Jie heard it, he had an idea in his mind, and immediately said: "I will control your elder's illness first, you quickly send someone back to get the prescription, let me have a look!"

Zhao Siam was taken aback, before he could answer, Tong Wei couldn't help cursing at the side: "If there was a good doctor in Korea, my family doctor Mou wouldn't have to go to Korea to see a doctor for the bird king! What a quack doctor kills." , if it is cured, it will be cured, what kind of prescription is left!"

Zhao Xian was shocked when he heard this. It turned out that this person in front of him was the imperial physician of the Emperor of Song Dynasty. He had also treated the King of Korea. He didn't dare to doubt his words immediately. He turned around and called a relative, and said in local dialect: "Hurry up!" Go and inform the Star Lord that the son fell ill on the Dao, and the imperial doctor from the Song Dynasty is treating him, and ask the Star Lord to send someone to bring the prescription over for the great Song doctor to preview."

The man hurriedly ran out of the city, at this moment Hu Yanqing saw Zhao Xian's eyes were bright, and said to himself: "From now on, you can only deal with this islander through these two people in front of you. If these two people are in the way, why not Didn't it ruin the important matter of the Shanzhai!?" Now he thought about it and decided to learn the language of this country diligently, so as to relieve Wang Lun's worries.

While Hu Yanqing was thinking, Jizhou Shuangli got the news and rushed over with the medicine box on his back. He hurriedly greeted Wang Lun and Mou Jie. Mou Jie took the medicine box, looked at Doctor Ma and said, "You come, it's me Come!"

Doctor Ma cupped his hands and said: "The imperial physician should please, although I know his illness, but I have never diagnosed it myself, presumably this is not the first time the imperial physician has seen such a disease when he was in Da Nei!"

Mou Jie shook his head in a self-deprecating manner, and stopped talking. He just took needles from the medicine box and inserted them into Gao Zhenqian's key points. After a while, Gao Zhenqian found that the discomfort gradually disappeared, and his face recovered a little Bloody, Zhao Xian was overjoyed, and was about to kowtow to thank Mou Jie. Mou Jie shook his head and said, "It's only under control temporarily. If we want him to fully recover, it will take at least a year or two!"

Gao Zhenqian said that his heart was full of elation, he was the most aware of his illness, but after half a year of suffering from the illness, he had already looked down on it, but suddenly someone said in an affirmative tone that the illness could be cured, how could he not hold back the joy in his heart? and Musuke.The two managed to persuade him, and Mou Jie warned him that he hadn't got rid of it at all, so Gao Zhenqian calmed down a bit.

After this kind of incident, it is not appropriate for everyone to stop on the street. Now Wen Huanzhang led the way and invited everyone to the official office. Wang Lun smelled a hint of conspiracy from the conversation between the two doctors, and deliberately After falling behind the crowd, he asked Mou Jie, "What is the secret of this disease in this person?"

"I have also been taught by the imperial physician of Korea. Although there is no special talent, they will not make such low-level mistakes!" Mou Jie bowed his head and thought hard after speaking, and said to himself after a while: "The prescription is more than [-]% Something that shouldn't be!" (To be continued.)

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