Water Margin Survival

Chapter 373 The Secret

The official office of Xushi City was built at the intersection of two main roads, one horizontal and one vertical, which added a lot to the newly built city.The area of ​​this government office is not large, but it is very distinctive. While perfectly displaying various elements of the current Song Dynasty architecture, there are small foreshadowings everywhere that can be converted to military use at any time, which makes Wang Lun feel Tao Zongwang. He took another look at his ability, this usually quiet man really has something in his stomach.

"When my brother went to Tokyo to rescue the family of Teacher Lin, Tang Long recommended a descendant of the Mohist family. I wonder if my brother still has any impression?" Wen Huanzhang saw Wang Lun's surprise and smiled.

"Mo Shisan! Remember, remember!" Wang Lun nodded, and said in surprise, "Why, these buildings are related to him?"

"Brother went to the Daming Mansion at the time, but was not at home. Chief Tao and Tang Long borrowed his capable officer to come here. Don't my brother think that the architectural style of this city is very similar to the handwriting of the Mohists? Tao Zongwang was going to worship Mo Shisan as his teacher at that time. How could Mo Shisan accept it? The two pushed back and forth, and in the end Mo Shisan had no choice but to accept his deceased father's apprentice, and he accepted Brother Tao as his apprentice!" Wen Huanzhang laughed.

I see!Wang Lun had long felt that Tao Zongwang's achievements did not match his legend, and he didn't want such a story in it, so he laughed and said: "It is his good fortune that he has this opportunity! The Mohist culture is extensive and profound. It is my good fortune to carry forward my body!"

Wen Huanzhang nodded in agreement, and expressed his feelings: "Everyone has their own good luck, but I don't know if our son has good luck to carry it on! My brother didn't disagree with the old master of Tamluo Kingdom. On the other hand, from my observation, compared with Shizi, this person is much more depressed and deep, maybe he can live in peace with us, but he is by no means the kind of person who is willing to put all his eggs in one bet and join his family! "

"How do you say that?" Wang Lun frowned slightly, looking at himself, the number one military adviser, and waiting for him to tell the basis of his judgment.

"This old lord, surnamed Gao and named Rulin, was very assertive. When Goryeo wanted to abolish the title of Tamna, he refused to accept the result. In the end, he fought with Goryeo on the island, killing and injuring more than a thousand people. The young male surnamed the islanders, and the Koreans also suffered a lot. Gao Rulin’s performance made the Koreans realize that the island can only be occupied by killing all the islanders. This is obviously not the result they want to see. They created wealth? In the end, both parties had to sit down and negotiate, and Koryo recognized and guaranteed the previous rights of the Gao family, but the Tamna Kingdom had to be abolished and become the territory of Koryo.”

"Although Gao Rulin is tough, he is not someone with countless hearts. Just when both sides were unwilling to continue the fight, he took the initiative to reach an agreement with the King of Koryo and sent his youngest son Gao Zhengan to the capital of Koryo as a hostage. Nian tried her best to meet the requirements of Goryeo. Two years ago, Gao Zhenqian was released and brought back a Goryeo woman. I heard that she was the daughter of the royal family. The two even gave birth to a child, a boy. Gao Zhenqian, the eldest son, has been married for many years and still has no heirs, and his health is not very good, so in the eyes of Gao Rulin, his status has plummeted! However, Gao Zhenqian and Zhao Siam are both teachers and friends. People who have lived in the outside world are quite prestigious among the islanders, so compared to the majestic Gao Rulin and Gao Zhengan, the son-in-law of the enemy of Goryeo, the islanders are more willing to get close to Gao Zhengan, the elder son of Zimin!"

Wen Huanzhang expressed it very clearly, and Wang Lun heard some unusual things from it, and said with a pun: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes!"

"Little Jeju Island, with only [-] islanders, there are so many stories between an old king and his two sons!" Wen Huanzhang sighed, and suddenly saw Wang Lun looking at him with a smile that was not a smile, and raised his beard. With a smile, he said, "What instructions do you have, brother!"

"When Gao Rulin came to talk to you, why did you avoid it?" Wang Lun said with a smile, he had already authorized Wen Huanzhang, and when he was away, the military and political power on the island would be decided by him on the fly.It is estimated that Wen Huanzhang did this not simply to avoid suspicion.

"When I retreat, and when he advances, many things will naturally be exposed, allowing you to see more clearly. To be honest, the elder brother puts this burden on the younger brother's shoulders, and the younger brother is afraid that he will go too far. Hurry up, I'm a little too preoccupied with the future, and when the time comes, I'll mess up my errands, not to mention disappointing my brother's high expectations, and even cut off the future of my brothers!" When Wen Huanzhang said these words, his usual cloud was missing. The wind is light, and there is a little more prudence in seeking the country.

"Mr. Wen is none other than my Xiao He!" Wang Lun sighed without hiding his thoughts.Wen Huanzhang can be so vigilant in the smooth water, what else can he worry about?

Mou Jie, who was stopped by Wang Lun and did not go into the Yamen, waited with great interest for Wen Huanzhang's reaction.Based on his decades of experience in the palace court, Wen Huanzhang was afraid that he would kneel down to thank Long En, and no matter how bad he was, he would break his heart and say something from the bottom of his heart according to the situation.Unexpectedly, Wen Huanzhang and Wang Lun just looked at each other and smiled knowingly, but such artistic conception was "wasted" in silence.

Although Mou Jie was an imperial doctor, he was also a scholar. Seeing this scene before him, he couldn't help feeling a little moved, and sighed in his heart: "May this scene start well and end well!" I understand, this leader is not the kind of person who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges, unloads mills and kills donkeys.Maybe this good story can become a legend admired by future generations.

It was impossible for Wen Huanzhang to guess what Mou Jie was thinking, but the trust and encouragement he received from Wang Lun was not in vain. He pondered for a moment, first broke the silence, and continued the topic just now:

"Gao Rulin must be in quite a complicated mood now. After the painful experience with Gao Li, he will never relax his guard against outsiders. From the previous transactions between the islanders and us, we can see that It can be seen that Gao Rulin will get a lot of what the islanders get from the exchange. This can be seen from Zhao Xian's complaints. Judging from his actions in the past few months, he wants to He got benefits from communicating with us, but he didn't want to get in touch with us too deeply. This person puts his desire for power above the well-being of the islanders. If we hadn't broken the Koryo Navy, he wouldn't have rushed away Come out and ask for an audience!"

Wen Huanzhang paused, and then said: "This kind of person is too deep in the city. He has to bow his head under heavy pressure. Even if he bows his head, he will not be sincere. He is not our first choice to contact. As for his youngest son Gao Zhen No matter what kind of political demands he has, his identity as a Korean son-in-law is difficult to wash away, which makes the islanders quite disgusted. In the war that year, almost every household on the island lost relatives and friends at the hands of the Koreans. , it can be said that if Gao Zhenqian does not have the strong support from the people behind the scenes, there will be great resistance in wanting to commit suicide."

"Gao Zhenqian, who seems to be in the worst physical condition at the moment, is the most worthy of our contact. He is the eldest son of Tamra Kingdom, the candidate for the future king's successor, and he is quite friendly with Zhao Xian. They all have a very friendly attitude towards me, Da Song, and are quite loved by the islanders, so there is a basis for cooperation between the two parties! Therefore, compared with Gao Zhenqian and Gao Rulin, we can have in-depth discussions with him. Talk! Of course, the premise is that he can survive!"

When Wen Huanzhang said this, he looked at Mou Jie and said, "Emperor Physician, I'm afraid our key this time will fall on you!"

From Wen Huanzhang's introduction to the situation on the island, Mou Jie heard that Gao Zhengan, the heir of Tamra Kingdom who was resting in the government office, might be the key to breaking the situation in Wen Huanzhang's eyes. From Wang Lun's attitude, I'm afraid It also supports this judgment.

"Actually, based on the current situation of this prince, I can roughly judge what he has taken. But this prescription is really difficult to prescribe. After all, he is now weak to a very dangerous point, and no misdiagnosis is allowed. Taking a detour, I need to know more." Mou Jie didn't hide anything, but just opened up the words.His current sense of identification with the Shanzhai is far different from the stubborn imperial doctor who admits defeat in the past.Everything he does now is done without the slightest reluctance.

"When you get the prescription prescribed by the Korean people, there will be results!" Wen Huanzhang thought for a while.

At this time, Wang Lun suddenly had a thought, and asked, "Could there be a situation where the Korean prescriptions are all right? But..."

Wen Huanzhang and Mou Jie were startled at the same time, and they both felt that this hypothesis was very possible. After all, if the things written on the paper were leaked in the future, they would be presented as evidence in court. Low level wrong.

When everyone was at a loss, Mou Jie suddenly patted his head and said, "By the way, the prescription can be faked, but the dregs of the medicine can't be faked! As long as we can get the dregs of the medicine that the prince boiled, the truth will be revealed. I can also be sure of my next move!"

Wang Lun knew that Mou Jie was a prudent surname, and he said that it was likely that he was very sure, so he immediately asked Jiao Ting to invite Zhao Xian out, and Wen Huanzhang told him the important surname of this matter, Zhao Siam was startled, and said, "Could it be that someone around Shizi wants to kill him?"

This is a question that does not need an answer. After Zhao Xian was awakened by a single word, he understood the complexity of the situation in his clan better than anyone else. Regarding the future of the three thousand clansmen, all influential figures including the helmsman People are always thinking about their own little calculations.

It can be said that Dashizi’s political views are the person who is closest to the actual needs of the islanders, and he is also the person who is most likely to lead the islanders to bid farewell to the difficult living conditions of lack of medical care and food. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change fate, if missed, Zhao Xian felt that he would become a sinner for the whole family.

"I'll go back in person, and I will get what the imperial physician needs no matter what!" Zhao Xian volunteered. He felt that since he could see farther than ordinary clansmen, he had the obligation to lead everyone through the fog and into the light. . (To be continued.)

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