Water Margin Survival

Chapter 374 The Joy from Heaven

As the saying goes: "Kick the coffin horizontally, and the dead will know it in their stomachs!"

Gao Zhenqian is not a dead person, on the contrary, he is a living person with flesh and blood, thought and soul. When the imperial doctor who came to Shang Dynasty showed his skeptical attitude towards the medicine he was taking, Gao Zhenqian felt a "thump" in his heart. Suddenly, a clear figure appeared.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps outside the door interrupted the complicated thoughts of the former heir of Tamra Kingdom. Seeing that it was Grand Marshal Song Jinghai entering the hall, Gao Zhenqian got up quickly, imitating Song Li and cupped his hands and said: "The villain is trivial. This matter, let the adults bother!"

Wang Lun saw that although his pronunciation was not standard, he was still a little particular about his diction. It seemed that this person was really yearning for the Great Song Dynasty. Otherwise, a prince from an overseas country would not know how to deal with someone who would be hard at work if he put his heart into it. Wang Lun couldn't think of any other reason besides being fascinated by the language and culture of the world's largest country (except for the military).

"Meeting is fate. For us, this matter is nothing more than a little effort. If you can give your son a healthy body, why not do it?" Wang Lun cupped his hands and returned the salute. Seeing Gao Zhengan's expression of gratitude, Wang Lun said again:

"Back then, the Great Qin Emperor sent Xu Shi to take three thousand boys and girls to the East China Sea to collect celestial medicines and grasses. Now there are his relics on this island. Who can say that we have nothing to do with each other? I heard a legend once, It is said that when Xu Shi left the island to the east, he left behind three men here, and later he sent three women to turn back from the east to find the missing man, and after these three women arrived on the island, they did not leave. People live and thrive on the island..."

Wang Lun hadn't finished speaking yet, but Gao Zhenqian's breathing became more rapid the more he heard it, and he couldn't help but said: "Little... There is also a legend in the villain's clan, saying that the three princesses of the Ariel Kingdom in the East China Sea brought cows, Horses and grains came to Bi Island, and then...then there were our ancestors! Could it be...could it be..."

Gao Zhenqian suddenly felt that his face was burning hot, and he was already flushing unconsciously. Although this legend was widely spread on the island, the activities of the tribe were basically limited to this island, and even the frequent Koreans were not familiar with this legend. Know (or disdain), not to mention the legendary kingdom of heaven thousands of miles away?

Reason told Gao Zhenqian that it was impossible for the adult in front of him to fabricate such a thing.

With the lessons learned from the Koreans, Gao Zhenqian deeply understands that in the face of absolute strength, the strong disdain to play such small tricks, and everything is justified with big fists.In recent years, Goryeo has never failed to conquer Tamna, and they do not consider the feelings of the conquered at all.And if you want to please others, you must spend more than they think is unnecessary. No matter how you look at it, this is a thankless thing.

Does Song Dynasty need to curry favor with the declining Tamna Kingdom?

When this idea just surfaced in his mind, Gao Zhenqian couldn't help laughing wryly. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for a strong man who defeated the high and mighty Koryo country to ask for anything from his small tribe of 3000 people.

Under such a major premise, there is no possibility of falsification of the legend that the Marshal of the Song Dynasty just mentioned.So what does he mean by this?

These two legends seem to be different from each other, but they fit together very well. After thinking about it carefully, Gao Zhenqian couldn't help feeling a little ecstasy in his heart. A down-and-out person suddenly meets a rich family with billions of dollars. Not only does this person not discriminate against him, but he beats up the evil neighbors who occupy his land, and at the same time, his words reveal his recognition of his blood. Also recognize relatives.For the down and out, this is really an indescribable joy from heaven.

Wen Huanzhang quietly observed the conversation between the two. In a few words, his lord was very excited about this prince who didn't look like he had no city mansion. He was so impressed by Wang Lun's profound knowledge.Although the conversation between the two sides has not entered the substantive stage, such a rather smooth beginning, even if it is me, I don't necessarily have this skill.

He continued to scrutinize Gao Zhenqian's reaction, only to see a lonely and melancholy expression suddenly appeared on the face of this young man after the ecstasy, and he heard him say after a while: "I don't want a savage on a deserted island to have such a relationship with Shangguo, it's really amazing." A villain would not even dare to dream about it! Such a villain will be able to see clearly even if he dies today!"

"There is a saying in my Song Dynasty, which is called doctors who heal the disease but not the life. If the son's life is like this, the gods may not be able to save it, but if the son's life is not worth it, now that I am the imperial doctor of the Song Dynasty here, I will definitely not." Sit and watch!" Wen Huanzhang suddenly said, "At that time, the king of Koryo was critically ill, and there was no one in the country who could cure him, so he asked me, Da Song, to help him. Imperial physician Mou took the order in danger and went to Koryo, and finally he recovered and saved the king. If the disease is caused by humans, as long as the cause is found out, there is no cure, so please rest assured!"

Gao Zhenqian was surprised and delighted when he heard the words, this is a matter of life and death, and he can't be blamed for not being calm, he immediately got up and saluted Mou Jie: "If he can recover, the imperial doctor will be a villain to regenerate his parents!"

Maybe it's because I've seen this kind of scene a lot, Mou Jie just waved his hand and said: "We have to wait for Zhao Xian to come back to see the situation. I will try my best to make a diagnosis and treatment, but whether it succeeds or not depends on God's will! If God wants to delay The good relationship between Luo and my great Song will definitely protect the son!"

Wang Lunjian looked at Mou Jie in surprise, this imperial doctor was famous in the cottage for his indifferent surname, he usually only cares about the treatment of diseases, and doesn't ask about other things, he didn't expect him to say such a thing at this time Come on, Mingyan shouted for the Shanzhai. It seems that this imperial doctor's recognition of the Shanzhai is getting higher and higher.

"Although our country is dead, the tribe is still there. As long as Zhenqian is in the world, I would like to do my best to form a good relationship with the Song Dynasty and never betray!" Gao Zhenqian was also a rather decisive person, and he stood up and said.

"My son, please sit down!" Wang Lun decided to give him a reassurance first, then pointed to the north side and said, "I don't admit that Gaoli took Tamra by force, so I won't count it! From now on, you Tamra It is still a country, if anyone refuses to accept it, tell him to come to me and argue!"

Gao Zhenqian couldn't believe it when he heard the words, and was immediately overjoyed, Da Song... Da Song was willing to come forward to restore the country to his family, the cowardice accumulated over the years had now found an outlet, and immediately knelt down and said: "Recover The grace of the country will never be forgotten! Zhenqian kneels on behalf of the king to thank Marshal Long En!"

Mou Jie, who had just become enthusiastic, was a little confused about Wang Lun's thoughts for a while. Since the village owner wanted to integrate the three thousand islanders on the island, why did he restore the country for him? Did a slap?

Mou Jie couldn't help looking at Wen Huanzhang, wanting to get a hint from him, but seeing him smiling and not saying a word, Mou Jie knew his ability very well, so he calmed down a little and watched the development of the situation quietly.

"I'm going to leave this island to return to the country in a few days. I will leave the affairs of this place to the prefect Wen. The edict of restoring the country will be reported to the emperor after I return to the country, and then it will be issued here! But don't worry, my son. Since I have promised you , Naturally there will be no change, when you go back, you can boldly tell your tribe!" Wang Lun said again.

"Marshal is leaving!?" Gao Zhenqian was startled when he heard this, and hurriedly asked.

Wang Lun knew what Gao Zhenqian was worried about. It was nothing more than the fear that Gao Li's revenge would come soon after the restoration of the country. He comforted him and said, "Although I have left, I heard that the prefect and the people of Song Dynasty are here. I will stay here." With [-] elite soldiers and ten generals here, the Koreans would not dare to look at each other directly."

Hearing this, Gao Zhenqian was relieved, unlike his father, Gao Rulin, who distrusted foreign forces very much. Gao Zhenqian did not reject the Song people in his heart, but felt a little close to them, especially after this meeting with the Marshal of the Song Dynasty. exchange.

From now on, since the people of the Song Dynasty will settle down on the island, the Song Dynasty will definitely not abandon this place lightly, so the safety of the tribe will be guaranteed. Anyway, the island is mostly wasteland, and the Tamra people have never had a complete meaning. Occupying this island, even when the population was at its peak, there were only more than 8000 households and tens of thousands of people. For this big island with a radius of more than [-] miles, it was not enough to fill it.

Moreover, according to the practice that the two sides have formed before, when there are more Song people on the island, the demand for seafood will also increase, and your own tribe can also sell seafood that cannot be stored for a long time to the Song people in exchange for their own All kinds of daily necessities needed, for the islanders whose life is difficult and not much better than drinking blood, it is nothing more than an eye-opening and joy from heaven.

Having said so many things in a short period of time, and having so many unforgettable experiences, Gao Zhenqian was sweating profusely, and frequently wiped his sweat with his hands. Seeing this, Wang Lun said: "Your Majesty is not feeling well, and it is not suitable for a long talk. Please go down and rest first. When Zhao Xian comes back, I will come to visit with Doctor Mou again!"

Seeing this, Gao Zhenqian hurriedly stood up and thanked him. The amount of information he had received today was too great, and he couldn't fully comprehend it for a while.

"This son is better than his father. He knows how to judge the situation without talking about it, and he has few selfish distractions. I think it is worth getting in touch with!" After Gao Zhenqian entered the back hall, Wen Huanzhang said.

Wang Lun smiled and said: "It seems that this trip has been quite rewarding. Among the four most important figures in Tamra Kingdom, there are already two in front of us, and these two are the ones who broke the situation on Jeju Island. The key point. As for the old lord and the son-in-law of the Goryeo Kingdom, it doesn’t matter whether they meet or not. I don’t need to be on the front line in the future, Mr. Wen has his own strategy in mind, so do it according to your idea!”

Seeing Wang Lun's trust in him, Wen Huanzhang quickly got up and thanked him. The two looked at each other and smiled. At this moment, Mou Jie expressed his doubts and asked, "Why does the village master insist on restoring the country for him?" (To be continued.)

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