Water Margin Survival

Chapter 375 Why Restore the Country for Tamra

My own imperial physician asked a good question, why do you want to keep the country of Tamna?

It's not just Mousuke, judging from Gao Zhengan's overjoyed expression just now, he is basically not psychologically prepared for this. The Tamna Kingdom a few years ago has become history, and it was replaced by the Tamna imposed on them by the Koreans. The name of the county. .

In history, Tamna County was renamed Jeju (Island) in 1121 AD. If you count with your fingers, it has not been a few years since now, and you can count with one slap.

Only now, Jeju Island has ushered in a new island name that will be engraved in the long river of history ahead of time, but this Jeju is no longer the same as Jeju. This big island with a radius of more than 1 miles has been landed on the island with traces. The No.[-] descendant of Daqin Xu Fu, Wang Lun from Dasong Jeju left an indelible mark.

By the way, 1121 A.D. was an eventful year. Tong Guan, who was originally going to the Jin Kingdom's "Sea Alliance" to attack the Liao Kingdom, led the elite Western Army to change the target and sent them to the beautiful land in the south of the Yangtze River. In the end, Han Shizhong captured Fang La alive, but he was called The boss took the credit.

Looking at Mou Jie, whose eyes were full of doubts, Wang Lun smiled and nodded towards him, signaling him to sit down and drink tea first, and then naturally cast his eyes on his heart, thighs and arms.

"Koryo destroys its country, and we will restore it. Above this righteousness, we will be invincible. But in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, those who go to war without a name are all defeated. Today, I stand at the pinnacle of morality, helping the weak and resisting the powerful. It can be said that he is famous as a teacher!" Wen Huanzhang felt Wang Lun's gaze, nodded slightly, stood up and explained his understanding of the matter.

Seeing Wang Lun saluting tea to himself with a smile, Wen Huanzhang took a sip of the teacup, then said to Mou Jie who was contemplating, "Even if the final outcome is the same, if the method is bright and clever, then the resistance will be the same." It will be much smaller, and our established goal will be realized ahead of schedule, after all, the time God left me for Liangshanbo is running out!"

Not a smart person, Mou Jie could not have achieved what he is today. Wen Huanzhang said it in a rough way, but Mou Jie understood what he wanted to express, that is, Liang Shanbo wanted to gain the trust of the islanders in an open and honest manner through a conspiracy. After reaching a certain degree of mutual trust between each other, we will work hard to achieve our goals.

Mou Jie shook his head, then stood up suddenly and said: "Mr. Mou Jie doesn't have much insight, and the village master and Wen Junshi are both talented and wise people. I shouldn't be the one to comment on this place, but Xiao Ke sincerely puts this place together. Baodi is regarded as the place where the elderly will retire in the future, so some words are not pleasant, but I can't help it, please forgive me!"

Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang looked at each other, feeling quite unexpected. Ever since he came out of Salmonella Island, the imperial doctor Mou had never spoken much, and he was rarely as devoted as he is today. Wang Lun was stunned for a moment, Immediately, he stood up solemnly, and said to Mou Jie: "Go to the doctor to treat the country, the imperial doctor Mou has something to say, but it's okay to say it, my husband and I are willing to listen!"

Mou Jie is a straight-forward person, he immediately said: "In ancient times, there was a joke about superimposed on a snake, I hope the village master and Wen Junshi will take it as a warning!"

Wen Huanzhang looked at Wang Lun with some sighs when he saw that there was nothing unusual on his face, so he was relieved secretly, and couldn't help sighing secretly: "I heard the rumor that Mou Jie dared to speak in the capital back then, today it is regarded as I have fully understood it!" When he thought to himself, he heard Wang Lun say seriously: "Xiao Ke will take the imperial doctor's teachings to heart and never forget them!"

With Wang Lun leading the way, Wen Huanzhang smiled and saluted Moujie afterwards.

Seeing that both of them have very modest attitudes, Mou Jie suddenly felt ashamed. After all, one should not criticize too much for those who do things with sincerity. These two are working hard for the future of the cottage and the future of all the brothers. , and I was purely standing and watching, and when my temper came up, I said the words so seriously, I felt ashamed, and said: "Who dare to say anything, even if you can't understand it for a while, it doesn't mean that what I said is right. , the village master and Wen Junshi know it well, and don't want to be affected by my hostility."

Seeing that the stubborn little old man even used Chinese medicine terminology, Wang Lun couldn't help smiling, and said: "Only by working together can the cottage have a future. If I, Wang Lun, didn't have brothers like you, I wouldn't be here today." Today! The imperial doctor has something to say, but it’s okay to say it. If we have something, we will change it, and if we don’t, we will encourage it!"

"While the lord is here, the imperial physician opened his stomach and said, if he goes back to Liangshan in two days, I will be left alone, but I will not be lonely?" The prudent Wen Huanzhang rarely joked.

Mou Jie noticed that Wen Huanzhang's name for Wang Lun had changed now, which was very similar to how he subtly took charge of the cottage!Immediately he sighed quite emotionally: "I've finished what I should say, if I have something to say in my stomach, I will find two more to confide in it!"

After Mou Jie finished speaking, he was about to leave, but Wang Lun stopped him. In fact, Wang Lun had more considerations about the restoration of Tamra, not only the benefits mentioned by Wen Huanzhang. They are all gone, and there is no need for him to keep him in the dark. Although this matter is confidential, it will not be kept secret from the leader of the cottage. It is unnecessary.

"As far as I know, Tamra has been established for at least five hundred years, which is longer than my Song Dynasty. Although the surrounding countries have no relationship with this Tamra country, they still have heard of its name." Wang said. Lun invited Mou Jie back to his seat, and said emphatically, "And this name is exactly what I, Liang Shanbo, need right now!"

In fact, for Wang Lun, from the beginning of his journey to Jeju Island, this is an important question he has been thinking about, how to deal with this declining and weak ancient country, so as to achieve a win-win result.

After much deliberation, Wang Lun thought of a term that only appeared in the era before he traveled, which can solve the current problem very well, that is: backdoor listing.

In that era, backdoor listing was defined as a private company acquiring a certain degree of controlling interest in a listed company (shell) with a lower market value by injecting assets into the company, using its status as a listed company to make the assets of the parent company to be listed.

Eventually, the shell company is usually renamed.

No matter how small the country is, it is still a country. Don’t underestimate the title of Tamra. Anyway, it has 500 years of accumulation. In various exchanges with other countries’ officials and people, it can avoid many unnecessary troubles.

And the most important point is that Wang Lun does not want to expose Liang Shanbo's hidden strength prematurely in this troubled world that is about to start, and the Tamra Kingdom that can be used right now is an excellent cover and cover .

Firstly, standing at the pinnacle of morality, hoeing the strong and helping the weak, is to be famous as a teacher.The second is to reap the gratitude and friendship of the subjugated people, and lay a solid foundation for the integration of the islanders in the future.The third is to provide Liangshanbo with a national background that is familiar to all countries in its early overseas activities. While receiving many conveniences, it does not show the mountains and does not show water.

As for what Mou Jie was worried about, it fell into the category of control.How to hold this country of 3000 people firmly in the palm of your hand will test the political wisdom of yourself and Wen Huanzhang.

After listening to this, Mou Jie stood up suddenly, without paying attention, his rather agitated arm knocked down the teacup You didn't know it, and let the tea drip down, moistening the fertile soil under his feet.

"Brother is far-sighted, making Mou feel ashamed and dare not speak up!" Thinking of his heartbroken appearance just now when he only knew one thing but didn't know the other, Mou Jie felt his face burn.It's not because he regretted speaking out, but because he talked nonsense without knowing the ins and outs of the matter, which made this noble former imperial doctor feel ashamed.

"Speak boldly, if the imperial physician stops talking, Mr. Wen will be lonely again!" Wang Lun stepped forward to straighten the teacup by Mou Jie's table, teasing the two of them.

Mou Jie gave a wry smile, cupped his hands towards Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang, and said, "Then I won't disturb the two of you discussing important matters. I'll find Dr. Ma and go down to see Gao Zhenqian. It's best to make a total plan, so I can't spoil brother's important matter at the critical moment." !"

Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang sent Mou Jie to the door, they looked at each other and smiled knowingly.Before Wen Huanzhang changed his name to himself, Wang Lun also noticed it. It’s just that there are people who call him anything in the cottage. It mainly depends on the origin and relationship between each person and himself, but no matter what everyone calls, Wang Lun will accept it with a smile. After all, this kind of tacit understanding should be there anyway.

When Wang Lun was thinking about it, he only heard Huanzhang say: "Emperor Mou said that there is indeed some truth. As the saying goes, 'Give first, then take', but what kind of 'give' and how 'take', there is a slight difference. It's a thousand miles away, I think the protagonist has a plan in mind, so I don't know if I can reveal one or two things?"

This matter will not be clear for a while, Wang Lun thought for a while, turned around and said with a straight face: "Except for the brothers who are on guard, everyone else is doing activities independently. It is good to see the beautiful scenery of this island, but remember to be on time at night." Come back and have a meeting meal, so I can recommend it to the military division!"

Jiao Ting left after hearing the words, while Wang Lun followed Wen Huanzhang to the back room and discussed carefully.


"Two imperial physicians, don't have any worries. Just like what Master Wen said in the daytime, if I am destined to be like this, I can't blame anyone! I don't think there is any need to wait for Zhao Xian to come back. He will definitely not get what you want. Things!" Gao Zhenqian waited for the two imperial doctors to finish their examinations, struggled to get up, and pleaded with them.

"Your Majesty, your physical condition can't tolerate any mistakes. This wrong medicine may cause irreparable losses. As a doctor, the imperial doctor and I can only draw conclusions when we are as sure as possible!" Doctor Ma emphasized.

Gao Zhenqian gave a wry smile, and sighed quietly: "There are always two or three days in a month, he will come to make medicine with me in person, I was so touched at the time, but now that I think about it, it turned out that he gave me a life-threatening talisman... two imperial doctors, For the last four or five days, I have been brewing the medicine myself, and getting the dregs of the medicine won’t have much effect, if there is a secret in the prescription, he can rest easy and watch me die, so why bother to take the risk of brewing medicine with me?” ( To be continued.)

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