After listening to the patient's monologue, Mou Jie and Dr. Ma were speechless. Both of them are people who have read the vicissitudes of the world, and they can probably guess the "he" in Gao Zhengan's mouth. It is really unexpected that this tribe, whose population can't even catch up with a slightly larger village in the Song Dynasty, is even worse than that. The secrets of the court of the Song Dynasty are even more complicated, more direct, and more ruthless.

But as doctors, these secrets are not something they can care about, so after giving the patient as much comfort as possible, they can only devote themselves to the research of Gao Zhenqian's condition. The victim must do his best to live up to Wang Lun's trust.

"My lord, if it is true as you said, there is nothing we can do now. The two of us still need time to discuss and discuss it, and we will visit again tomorrow morning! So please rest early, don't worry about anything!" Looking at the dim oil lamp Swaying left and right, Mou Jie sighed secretly in his heart, and said goodbye.

Gao Zhenqian struggled to get up, and was about to get out of bed to see him off, but Dr. Ma turned around and stopped him, saying: "Your Majesty, rest early, let's have a long life, and when your son recovers, it's not too late to talk about etiquette!"

Gao Zhenqian refused to stay, and insisted on sending the two of them out. When the three of them were talking, they suddenly heard a sound coming from the door, and then a man with a broad face and thick brows pushed open the door. Seeing the two doctors here, he cupped his hands and said: "I don't want the two medical officers to be here. Just now, some islanders gathered at the door and said they would come to visit the prince. The younger brother asked the marshal for instructions. He said he wanted to ask the two medical officers to see if the prince's current condition can meet the guests. ?”

Seeing this, Mou Jie lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then saw the eager expression on Gao Zhenqian's face, and finally glanced at Doctor Ma, seeing him also nodded secretly, and said, "It's better not to delay too long, after all, the son needs to rest now!"

Gao Zhenqian showed a grateful expression on his face, and raised his hands in thanks: "Thank you Marshal for your kindness, I dare not violate the teachings of the imperial physician!"

Seeing this, the two medical officers bid farewell to Gao Zhenqian, and went out with Li Yun.Mou Jie and Li Yun were unfamiliar, and Dr. Ma met Li Yun on the first day. Li Yun was not a talkative person, so the three of them did not say anything along the way. Li Yun silently sent the two famous doctors to the hospital. Temporary residence, and then left.

"I heard that this is the original head of Yishui County? He is a bit majestic, but he doesn't seem to be very clever?" Doctor Ma from Dajun asked curiously. totally different.

"He is the master of the visit leader Zhu Fu, and he had a bit of a festive relationship with the village owner's former relatives and Li Kui, but the village owner didn't seem to take it to heart. He sent thousands of soldiers to save him that day, not to mention, now Jeju To build a city on the island, you need a skilled hand in the yamen, and the village owner thought of him first, and this person is a blessing in disguise!" Mou Jie told his future assistant, the inside story, very detailed.

Dr. Ma nodded, Li Kui also saw him, he looked like a person in the village who would not buy anything except the village owner, but it was strange that this Dutou, who went up the mountain later, did not.It seems that this white-clothed scholar who can make Xu Xiaoguan fall in love with him, when using people, he has a sense of meritocracy.Thinking of this, before closing the door, Doctor Ma glanced thoughtfully in the direction where Li Yun was leaving.

Li Yun, a taciturn person, is quite maverick in the eyes of others.Since he landed on the island, he has conscientiously led their five hundred apprentices to fulfill every decree issued by Wen Huanzhang. Except for official business, he is rarely seen at the private gatherings of the island leaders. , Even Ou Peng and Tao Zongwang's several invitations failed.

Gradually, Li Yun's image in Liangshan old man's heart gradually became fixed, but Wen Huanzhang believed that he had a strong sense of responsibility and excellent skills. What's more rare was that his individual consciousness was weak and he didn't drink at all. He was cultivated in the current officialdom. An outlier, he made no secret of his respect for him on many occasions.

The journey to the gate of the mansion was not far away, but Li Yun did not rush and walked very slowly. This period of time was eventful, and he had already caught the spy who had sneaked into the mansion twice, which further prompted Wen Huanzhang to make up his mind. Determined to build the city wall first.At this time, all the heads of the cottage were staying in this official office, which made him dare not take it lightly.

"Boss, why don't you rest so late?"

A voice from the darkness made Li Yun frowned, and he turned around and said, "He Lao Liu? Why did you come out?"

The man smiled awkwardly, came forward, and said: "The brothers in the personal guard camp said that they are responsible for the security inside, and Brother Li Si, the green grass snake, has sent the younger brothers back!"

Li Yunjian said that his complexion softened now, but he suddenly felt something wrong and said: "Li Si, the green grass snake? Could it be that the Tokyo city is splashing... Could it be that he is in charge of the security inside? Where is Chief Jiao?"

Seeing this, He Laoliu hurriedly looked back, and said anxiously: "Boss, you don't slap someone in the face, so what are you doing to expose him?"

"No, I'm worried, I have to go in and have a look! Go to the gate of the government office for me, and take the islander's deceased son's room!" Li Yun shook his head, and after speaking, he took a big step and walked inside.

He Laoliu hurriedly grabbed Li Yun, and said: "The security inside them is stricter than ours outside. The boss doesn't know that they have a clear whistle every three steps, and a secret whistle every five steps. The secret whistle is an ambush by itself. Knowing where he is hiding, it looks like it was arranged by an insider, much smarter than us, I just met a brother from the previous battalion leader, so I just heard about it, boss, don’t worry!"

"Really?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"It's absolutely true, who dares to joke about this? Our village master lives in it!" He Laoliu wished he could swear to the sky.

Li Yun then gave up, and said to He Laoliu: "Find some time, talk to your old brother, and see if they have any good tricks, so we can learn from them! There will be a lot of things happening on this island recently, that is, the village owner has gone back. , Mr. Wen's vigilance must not be relaxed!"

"Success! In a word, I didn't take care of that kid when he went up the mountain? Now I will go to him, it will be no problem!" He Lao Liu patted his butt and said.

Li Yun nodded, and told He Lao Liu to go down to rest, while he went straight out of the mansion, and brought in the representatives of the islanders who wanted to meet Gao Zhenqian. After entering the house, Li Yun did not leave, but retreated to the room Sitting in the corner, without saying a word.

Gao Zhenqian was secretly moved when he saw this. The Dutou lord obviously didn't come to monitor him. After all, he couldn't understand everyone's local language. The only explanation was that he didn't worry about his safety, so he stayed and didn't leave.I am not close to him, but he is so caring, and he is the best doctor to see a doctor, and the best nurse in the capital, which only makes Gao Zhenqian feel flattered.

"Your Majesty, everyone heard that you are seriously ill, so you specially begged us to come and visit you. With the help of the imperial doctor of the Great Song Kingdom here, we must treat your illness well!" Only the oldest old man among the islanders said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the other islanders all chattered: "That is, the Koreans were able to cure the son's illness at the beginning, but the one who came back is the imperial doctor of the Song Dynasty. How can the Koreans compare?" !" The disdainful look on this person's face when he spoke was full of hatred for the Koreans, after all blood feuds are not so easily forgotten.

"How can people from the Kingdom of Heaven mess around with the Koreans? When the Koreans took our things, did they say thank you? It was always for nothing! But the Song Dynasty is a state of etiquette. Exchange good things with us!" At this time, a young man took out a bunch of copper coins and proudly showed off to his compatriots around:

"This is the hard currency of the Great Song Dynasty. How long can you keep food if you take it back home, but I can keep it for hundreds of years! You can come to Xushi City anytime and exchange it for what I want!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and someone prodded him: "Come whenever you want, people understand what you say?"

"It's enough if you don't know how to learn it. Didn't Uncle Zhao learn Chinese after a visit to the Song Dynasty? Besides, even the Koreans learn the characters of the Song Dynasty. What does that mean? Don't you think so?"

"Korean people? I heard from Zhao Xian that they look like grandchildren in front of the officials of the Song Dynasty, and they put on a face in front of us. These bullying thieves even copied the characters of the Song Dynasty, but none of them learned it. The minds of the Song people, no wonder the Song Dynasty wants to send troops to teach the Koreans a lesson!"

"When we entered the city, didn't we see thousands of Koryo thieves outside the city doing coolies for the heavenly soldiers to repair the city, what a retribution!"

"These Koreans bully the weak and fear the strong. I saw the army of the Celestial Dynasty guarding them. One person controlled four or fifty people. No one dared to resist. It seems that everyone is not good at doing things on weekdays, but when it comes to food, they eat more than animals. !"

"That's right, that's white rice, which can last much longer than the fish we catch. It's a waste to feed such a precious thing to these beasts!"

Gao Zhenqian saw that they were talking about the topic in a wrong way, stood up reluctantly, and asked: "Everyone didn't go back tonight, where did you live? It's freezing cold, don't catch cold!"

"Don't worry, my son. Every time we come, we live in the wooden barrel building on the edge of this market. The people of Song Dynasty are really amazing. They can use trees to make such a big boat. One boat can't wait to reach our hundred or ten fishing boats. It is much more comfortable to build such a solid and gorgeous house, and it makes a loud thud when you step on it, which is much more comfortable than living in a cave!" Everyone rushed to answer.

Seeing the sincere smiles on everyone's faces, Gao Zhenqian guessed that his compatriots were probably just like himself, enjoying the treatment of food and housing. Thinking of Song Guo's sincerity, Gao Zhenqian felt a little restless. If you can survive, you can try your best to harmonize the relationship between the two clans and improve the living conditions of the clansmen who are very backward.

But he was afraid that he would not be able to survive this time, and there would inevitably be friction between the conservative father and the majority of islanders represented by Zhao Siam, not to mention that there was a younger brother who coveted the position of Star Lord and was always afraid of the world Not messy.

Therefore, the more excited the clansman was at this time, the more hesitant Gao Zhenqian felt in his heart. They had already seen the prosperity and prosperity of the sky beyond the sky, would the old father's old tricks still work in the future?

Thinking of this, Gao Zhenqian subconsciously glanced at Dou with closed eyes and resting his mind. For some reason, he suddenly had an "illusion". He seemed to see the future of the Tamra people in this popular fan in front of him. . (To be continued.)

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