"Dao... Daoist, the villain really repented. He shouldn't have worshiped under Jiang Chen's family at the beginning, but the whole world is like this. If a villain doesn't worship Cai Jing, he won't be loyal to his ministers. The villain really has no choice! "Zhang Ganban was very anxious, thinking that the poison in his body had not been cured, so he didn't dare to delay for a moment, and from time to time he got close to Ma Ling. .

"In this way, you are quite innocent? Boy, you have to understand a truth. Since you are helping the evildoers, you must be prepared to be liquidated!" Ma Ling snorted coldly, saying contemptuously.

"Little man..." Zhang Ganban still didn't give up, and wanted to continue explaining, but at this time Tang Bin was already impatient, and shouted: "You dog thief, if you call the master and hear you barking again, Brother Dao doesn't want your little one!" Fate, I will kill you too!"

Zhang Ganban had just suffered a great loss from Tang Bin, when he heard the words, he shrank his head in fright, and didn't dare to say more.Tang Bin let out a "bah", turned his head to look at Hao Siwen who had been silent all this time, and said, "Brother, it's all over now, let's go back empty-handed, how can we explain to brother?"

"Brother, I'm going to take the blame on myself, and it has nothing to do with everyone! This time I made my own decisions, and I have hurt you brothers!" Hao Siwen looked calm, and apologized to the three brothers around him.

"What are you talking about! Treat me as a dead person, and you have to bear it alone!" Tang Bin raised his eyebrows and said.

Hao Siwen smiled wryly and said nothing more.He knows Tang Bin's personality best, and the four words of sincerity and straightforwardness are most appropriate for him.Isn't it just that he was angry at himself for making his own decisions, but now he will be punished together again.

"Today, the four of us were all present. If you say credit, you have credit, and if you say responsibility, you have responsibility!" Lu Junyi didn't say much, but expressed his position concisely.

Ma Lingjian said that he almost burst out laughing, held back for a long time, and then said: "Mr. Lu is right, it doesn't matter whether he has done it or not, anyway, the four of us will go back and suffer everything together!"

Besides Tang Bin, I didn't meet Lu Junyi and Ma Ling much in the Shanzhai. I didn't want to know these two brothers after this incident. Hao Siwen sighed and said: "So, Hao took three brothers. love!"

Lu Junyi smiled and did not speak. Tang Bin raised his head, not knowing what he was looking at, but Ma Ling suddenly made a gesture, and then fell to the ground. After listening for a while, he got up and pointed to the front to warn: "A team of people is coming, There are no fewer than thirty or fifty horses!"

Everyone looked at each other suspiciously, and Tang Bin said: "The merchants won't come out in the middle of the night, and there are so many horses. I think it's either officers and soldiers or robbers!"

As the saying goes, "A man of high skill is bold", these four people are not idle people, and they are not flustered at the moment. After discussing for a while, everyone agrees that if they are ordinary people or business travelers, let them go.If it is an officer, soldier or robber, just play by ear.I saw Lu Junyi, Tang Bin, and Hao Siwen escorting Zhang Ganban in the open, and Ma Ling alone in the dark, facing the group of people.

"You want to beg for death, just shout when you see anyone!" Hao Siwen did not forget to warn Zhang Ganban.

Zhang Ganban hurriedly begged for mercy: "The villains are judged according to the severity, and the severity is judged according to the severity!"

Hao Siwen ignored him, and walked side by side with Tang Bin and Lu Junyi. He had just experienced the blow of circumcision, and it was a very warm thing to have two caring brothers by his side. Talking about some insights, I didn't take the group in front of me seriously.

The dense group of torches stood out in the dark, and when the sound of horseshoes got closer, a group of officers and soldiers appeared in everyone's sight.

Zhang Ganban is a member of the official circle in Tokyo, so he has seen some of the world. The officers and soldiers in front of him are well-dressed and strong, and they are slowly moving forward with several carts of goods.This group of people is exactly the same as the Taoist just said, about three to fifty people, the first few general-looking men are very extraordinary, Zhang Ganban's eyes rolled, his heart started to move, and he said secretly: "It's midnight, thirty or fifty forbidden troops Escorting the box and cage at night, maybe it is to escort some official's belongings, since the official has hired him to escort the furniture, he must have some skills, if I don't run away now, when will I wait?"

Zhang Zhang is also a vigorous and resolute person, he does what he says, without any sloppiness, he takes a long breath, sees the timing, and runs towards the officers and soldiers with all his strength, warning while running: "I was a confidant in Cai Xianggong's mansion, and I was held hostage by four thieves. Save me quickly!"

In fact, Zhang Zhang still has some brains in his work. He was afraid that Liang Shanbo's reputation would scare the officers and soldiers, so he only talked about thieves without mentioning their origins. What they wanted was that they thought they were ordinary bandits who were easy to deal with.

When the first handsome general saw the shout, he looked back at the general in surprise, and after receiving the signal from the general, he stepped forward and shouted: "Where is the thief, who dares to hold court officials hostage, and eats the heart of a bear, and a leopard would never dare!"

Lu Junyi and Hao Siwen looked at each other, they both stood with their chests folded, and did not answer, only Tang Bin said: "What's the point of catching someone? The gentlemen are all Liangshan heroes. Sooner or later, Cai Jing himself will be arrested, and he will go to the cottage to see him." Horse guard!"

Seeing this, General Na Xiao was surprised and said: "Ah! He turned out to be a well-known Liangshan hero. My general talked about it every day, and wished to see him! The three of you look like heroes, why don't you go to Tokyo with my general! The one with a loud voice should take the place of Gao Qiu, the tall one should take the place of Tong Guan, and the one who doesn't speak, just push Cai Jing! Employed as a protector of the country!"

The nonsense that the brave general uttered in a serious manner sounded like a lightning strike to Zhang Ganban, and he sat down on the ground all at once, and said, "It's wrong, it's wrong! What's wrong with this world?"

Suddenly he heard a person coming out from the darkness behind him, and said with a smile: "Hey, you want to invite me to be the national teacher, this good deal can't be missed!"

The three of Tang Bin couldn't help laughing, the depression in their hearts was swept away for a while, everyone didn't even look at Zhang Ganban, they stepped forward and clasped their fists and said, "When did brother come back?"

"Not long after returning!" The general jumped off the horse, saw Lu Junyi wearing single clothes in the cold winter months, and Hao Siwen's coat was torn, Tang Bin's brows were filled with sadness, he guessed something, and said: "Meet Guan Sheng?"

"I met him, brothers Tang Bin and Hao Siwen tried hard to persuade him, but he still refused to go up the mountain. The four of us made our own decisions and let him go. Brother, please punish him!" Lu Junyi rushed ahead of Tang Bin and Hao Siwen. report.

"It's all because of the younger brother's wish to end his old friendship and let Guan Sheng go back. It has nothing to do with these three brothers! One person does the work and the other is responsible, and the younger brother is willing to be punished!" Hao Siwen said unwillingly.

Tang Bin and Ma Ling were in a hurry, scrambling to confess in front of the village owner, Zhang Ganban felt as if his heart had fallen into an ice cave in the sound of his words, wishing to slap his mouth, seeing the general sneering towards him, Quickly got up and ran outside, General Na Xiao chased after him and scolded: "The brothers kindly spared your life, you don't cherish it like this!"

Zhang Ganban wanted to cry but had no tears. He thought that there would be no good end if he turned around and asked for forgiveness, so he had to run forward desperately. Unfortunately, the road was dark and steep at night, and he suddenly tripped over a rock in the mountain, lost his balance, and rolled It went downhill.

The Xiao general secretly called bad luck, and took a torch to the bottom of the slope to illuminate it, but he couldn't see it, so he yelled for his subordinates to come and light it. A dozen people heard the sound, and some of them threw the torches in their hands down, saying it was a coincidence , A torch happened to be thrown next to Zhang Ganban, and the open flame burned along the trousers, Zhang Ganban remained motionless and did not respond.

"Boss Lu, did this guy fall to his death? With such a fire on his body, even if he faints, he should wake up!" Zhang Thirty, the mouse crossing the street, judged expertly.

Lu Fang stared at the corpse for a while, then nodded, and said: "Since God wants to accept him, there is no need for us to go through our hands!" After speaking, he called everyone to go back.

Seeing Lu Fang coming back empty-handed, Tang Bin was shocked and said, "Where's that servant!?"

Lu Fang recounted what he saw just now, and Zhang San also added on the sidelines. Tang Bin was still a little worried when he saw what he said, and said, "Is he really dead? This guy saw us contacting Guan Sheng, if he is told to go back , but harmed this brother!"

Wang Lun also realized from just a few words that Zhang Ganban couldn't ask him to go back to see Cai Jing, otherwise it would really be that Liang Shanbo deliberately framed Guan Sheng. , but the action he made to lead Tang Bin and the other four brothers just now is undoubtedly severing himself in Liangshanbo.

"Such a high slope, even if he can't fall to his death, he will be burned to death!" Zhang San said, patting his chest.

Seeing that he was so sure, Tang Bin was relieved and turned the topic back to the matter of pleading guilty. Wang Lun shook his head and stopped everyone from saying:

"Everyone has their own aspirations, and it's useless to force them. Liangshanbo never does this kind of kidnapping! Besides, even if Guan Sheng goes up the mountain, Cai Jing will still transfer another general to attack the cottage. The problem we have to consider at this time is not this, but How do you deal with the imperial court's conquest? I think the matter is over, and you guys hurried back to the mountain to train troops and horses to prepare for the battle!"

The four looked at each other speechlessly, sighed deeply, and finally expressed their opinions: "Don't dare to do your best to share the worries for brother!"

Shi Qian, who had been silent all this time, said with a smile: "Then let's leave it at that, the brothers just happen to be able to travel by water from Mengzhou!"

"Brother, don't you guys go back?" Tang Bin asked puzzledly, looking back at the three of them.

"We have to go to Tokyo to pick up some things by the way! Besides, someone gave me a small fortune on the way, so I don't feel at ease if I don't spend it!" Shi Qian laughed.

Then everyone turned their attention to the cages of the carriages in the team, and hurriedly asked about the situation. Lu Fang laughed loudly and said, "There is a management camp in Mengzhou City, and the dirty money that was boiled down by prisoners for half a lifetime was missed by thieves on the way. It’s a black hole, and it’s just that I’m waiting to meet them, none of these thieves is innocent, the dog bites the dog’s hair, and the fart doesn’t fall in the end, isn’t it God’s eyes?”

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, and they all felt that there was still God's will in the dark.

"Damn it, there's still our 1000 taels of gold in it!" Jiao Ting said in a low voice.

Tang Bin thought that this place was Mengzhou, and suddenly remembered something, and asked hurriedly: "But the management camp of the prison camp in Mengzhou was framed by Teacher Xu by Gao Qiu and sent here, but was rescued by my brother with money." come out?"

"It's this guy! He did evil in the prison camp, and his son ran outside to bully the market. In the end, Jiang Menshen, a thug raised by a corrupt official, drove him out of Mengzhou Happy Forest and took away his old business. This guy is going to Tokyo spent dirty money to buy a future, and Jiang Menshen thought about it, so this happened!" Lu Fang said.

"None of them are good things. If I meet them, I will definitely kill them!" Tang Bin hated this kind of local tyrant the most, and immediately aroused his indignation.

"Then Jiang Menshen's lair is in Happy Forest? Let's go back to the mountain by water, and we have to pass through here anyway, why not..." Ma Ling blinked, looked at Wang Lun and said.

Reminded by Ma Ling, Wang Lun's heart brightened. He thought to himself that Zhang Tuanlian and Zhang Dujian were not just corrupt officials in the general sense. The victim's life ended up on the way to escort, and such a person staying is also doing evil.Just at this time Ma Ling mentioned it, so he was wiped out, and there were no good housekeepers in the two people's homes, and Jiang Menshen was the one who could do it best, and immediately said:

"That's good! The backstage of Jiang Menshen is Zhang Tuanlian and Zhang Dujian in Mengzhou. If only Jiang Menshen is eliminated, these two people will find new thugs. If this is the case, let's eliminate all evil and return the people to peace. Let the world know my reputation as Liangshan!" (To be continued.)

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