Just after the torch on the top of the slope disappeared, Zhang Ganban’s body suddenly convulsed at the bottom of the slope. The severe pain all over his body and the strange smell of burnt skin made this frail scholar who had never suffered such a crime He was in pain, but he still didn't dare to stand up and extinguish the open flames on his body, for fear that the Liangshan bandits would not leave. .

After enduring the severe pain and carefully looking up for a while, Zhang Ganban was finally able to confirm that the pursuers had left.At this moment, he jumped up suddenly, and hurriedly extinguished the flames on his legs. When everything was in darkness, Zhang Ganban wanted to stand up and escape from this hell on earth, but found that he couldn't get up no matter what. The leg has already been broken.

Fear multiplied and germinated in Zhang Ganban's heart. He tremblingly thought about his situation: If he had been lying in this barren mountain, not to mention waiting for Liangshan bandits to kill him, even if he encountered wild beasts, he would not be able to escape!Even if I was lucky and didn't encounter all the above, even if I was lucky enough not to freeze to death in the end, I would die of hunger.

I don't know from which subject, despair began to corrode his sanity, and Zhang Ganban passed out when both his body and mind were hit hard.

When he woke up again, he was being carefully searched by someone. Zhang Ganban's heart beat into his throat, and he didn't dare to make a sound. Who knows if the person who came was a Liangshan thief?Lying here at this time is waiting to die, but he was found to be alive but died immediately. When faced with this multiple-choice question that seemed to have no difference in the result, he would rather choose the former.

"Finally God has eyes, so I won't lead me to a dead end!" Suddenly a male voice broke the silence of the night. According to Zhang Ganban, this person should be young, about twenty years old, and at this time Throwing the money bag found on him up and down, he estimated the weight very skillfully.

After putting away the purse, the young man continued to grope for a while, even taking some of the small things on Zhang Ganban's body, and put them all in his arms. In the end, he had nothing to take back, and he got up and left regardless of whether he was alive or not.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Zhang Ganban let go of his breath, opened his eyes to look at the man, and said to himself, "It must not be a Liangshan thief! Although these fellows are hateful, they never asked for money after arresting me. It's not like this man is greedy for money." !Since I’m not a Liangshan thief, but I wasn’t sent by God to save me? If I miss this person, wouldn’t I really be waiting to die here?”

"Strong...strong man, save me!" Zhang Ganban yelled, regardless of the pain all over his body.

The young man was shocked when he heard the words, subconsciously pulled out his dagger, hid it behind his wrist, turned around, and slowly approached the muddy Zhang Ganban in front without saying a word.

Zhang Ganban couldn't see the young man's expression clearly, but he was terrified when he heard him say nothing, and hurriedly said: "Strong man, I was killed by someone who killed me and fell into the bottom of the slope accidentally, if you can save me, Thank you Wenyin Bailiang!"

The young man paused slightly when he heard the words, as if he was thinking, and continued to approach after a while, but he still didn't speak. Zhang Ganban was a good-natured person. When the confidants in Cai Xianggong’s house were doing business, they went out to do errands, but unfortunately encountered robbers on the way, which brought bad luck, if you can send me to Cai Xianggong’s house in Tokyo, there will be great rewards!”

"Are you in charge of Cai Xianggong's mansion?" The young man finally opened his mouth and stopped to ask.

Zhang Ganban was overjoyed, let out a breath of foul air, and hit the iron while it was hot: "It's absolutely true! I have..." Zhang Ganban hurriedly lowered his head, stretched himself on his body, and wanted to find out his waist card, but where did he find it at this time? There is also the shadow of this object, Zhang Ganban almost couldn't help asking if the other party had searched it just now, but swallowed the words again, how could he dare to provoke this person at this time, and said with quick wit:

"Pogao road is slippery, I don't know if I lost it, but... by the way, the magistrate of Mengzhou here is a student of Cai Xianggong, surnamed Xu Mingshichen, who was born as a Jinshi in the first year of Shaosheng. He was originally a Beijing official. Guan, I was going to go to Guangnan to be an official, but it was Cai Xianggong who made the announcement, so I was transferred to Mengzhou as an official. I know him, and he knows me, I don’t know how well! And..."

Zhang Ganban confessed all the secrets of the officialdom he knew in front of this stranger, in order to make him believe that he was really a confidant in front of the prime minister, and he didn't know that he was bluffing by talking about lotus flowers. The other party, or some other reason, in short, Huangtian pays off, the young man listened to him for a long time, but he didn't show any impatience, so much so that he finally returned all the property that was found from him with both hands.

"Take it, take it all! As long as the strong man can rescue me, I will be thankful in the future!" At this time, life and death are at stake, and Zhang Ganban dare not make a big show of it.

"The villain doesn't want money, he just asks the officials to help the villain to avenge his grievances. The villain not only rescues the adult, but also offers a big gift!" The young man put away the dagger, respectfully placed the property in front of Zhang Ganban, and put it in front of Zhang Ganban. He got up and said.

When Zhang Qianban heard this, he felt more confident. Since this person asked for himself, he was relieved. He hurriedly said: "What is the grievance of the strong man? Just go to the Mengzhou Yamen to ask, and I will make the decision for you!"

The young man was overjoyed, bowed down and said: "The villain's surname is Shi, and his name is En. His father used to be in charge of the prison camp in Mengzhou here. He resigned recently. He wanted to live in Tokyo, but he was robbed and killed by bandits on the way." The dead father and all the family members robbed more than [-] yuan of ancestral property, if the officials can help me get justice, these ancestral villains are willing to share half with the officials, and will never regret it!"

When Zhang Ganban heard it, his eyes were filled with gold stars, and this guy's ancestral property was more than [-] yuan! ?But he is not a young child, after the initial shock, he thought about it and shook his head secretly, if this old man has such a huge sum of money since he was born, but he doesn't spend money to become an official, he is only willing to be a manager who can't get on the stage Camp, who would believe it!Ten to one is the oil and water scraped in this life!I don't think this prison officer in this little Mengzhou can earn so much money in half his life. It seems that this job is really not ordinary fat!

Now that the situation has finally become clear, Zhang Qianban heaved a sigh of relief. Since the other party is the son of a corrupt official, he immediately felt a little more intimate. After thinking about the key points of this matter, he opened his mouth to point out the key point: "You have such grievances on your body. How can I just sit idly by? I will go and talk to you at the magistrate of Mengzhou! But you have to be prepared, after all, if the thief robs the property, if he hides far away, it may not be easy to recover!"

"The villain knows the name of the robber and murderer, and this happened tonight, so he won't be able to escape for a while. Let's act faster, I'm afraid we can recover the villain's wealth! Wan Bu said, this thief also has property in our Mengzhou territory, even if three renminbi is worth less than two renminbi, he can still sell thousands of guanwen, the villain will not let the benefactor's work be in vain!"

Shi En was afraid that Zhang Ganban would lose his interest, so he kept trying to trick him into baiting him.Just like what my father said about Gao Qiu today, these people who turned around and ungrateful, even if they saved him themselves, when they asked him to help in the future, they would probably push him back and forth.

"Come on! What's the money? Xiao Guanying has just experienced the pain of losing his father. If I ignore it, am I still human? Tell me, who robbed you halfway?" Zhang Ganban said in a high-profile manner with an indignant expression.

"It's Jiang Menshen, who dominates the market in the happy forest outside Mengzhou City. He led a group of gangsters and robbed and killed me halfway. The place where the crime was committed is a dozen miles north of here. Officer, if you can still catch this fellow, you can recover all your belongings!" Thinking of the hope of recovering the [-] yuan, Shi En, who had been ashamed, came back to life.

"What!? Jiang Menshen who runs the hotel in Happy Forest? I used to dine in his shop during the daytime. I don't think this fellow would dare to engage in such a business of killing people and stealing goods! Brother, my leg is broken, let's go You have no way out, and you carry me behind your back, let's go to Xu Zhizhou overnight, and uphold justice for you!" When Zhang Ganban thought of the [-] guns in front of him, his heart became more motivated. It's all worth the fright and suffering.

After all, Shi En is a martial arts practitioner. Although the old wounds on his body have not healed, Zhang Gan can barely do it on his back. The two walked down the cross slope in the dark in the middle of the night, and finally arrived in Mengzhou when the sky was slightly bright. Under the city, when the city gate was opened, the two went straight to the government office.

The magistrate of Mengzhou is indeed Cai Jing's protégé, and he also has a relationship with Zhang Ganban on several occasions. Although Zhang Ganban's rank is very low, the kind people around this kind of boss are absolutely too late for every lower-level official who dreams of making progress. Yes, the Zhizhou listened to Zhang Qianban's words and asked Shi En for details. He immediately called Sandu to arrest the envoys, ordered a quick investigation of the murder scene, and at the same time rushed to Happy Forest to arrest Jiang Menshen.

After the important matter was finished, Zhizhou became concerned about Zhang Qianban's injury, but Zhang Ganban was vague. He wanted to show his merits when he met Cai Jing. If you secretly wrote a letter, wouldn't your sin be in vain?In the end, Cai Jing still had a bad impression of not being able to handle errands.

Xu Zhizhou saw that he was unwilling to speak, so he stopped asking immediately, and hurriedly invited a famous doctor in the city to treat Zhang Qianban. The doctor saw Zhang Qianban's injury and said, "Broken bones are easy to heal, and they can be recovered in three to five months." As usual. Only the burns are hard to heal, I'm afraid it will leave scars for the rest of my life!"

Zhang Ganban was prepared in his heart, but he just let the doctor treat him.Then he pulled Shi En and said to Xu Zhizhou: "This sufferer is a relative of my family. Mr. Zhizhou will uphold justice for me no matter what. That's right!"

Xu Zhizhou laughed and said, "If Zhang Ganban doesn't see you, you can ask for it!"

The case that Zhizhou intervened in person was naturally at an astonishing speed. There was nothing difficult about this case, and it was a criminal named by name. It didn’t take long for the scene to be investigated clearly. There was a slight discrepancy with what Shi En said, that is, the soil where people were buried. In addition to the corpse of the victim, there were more than a dozen corpses of criminals in the pit.

When Jiang Menshen was arrested and brought to justice, he was panicking in the hotel. Knowing that Shi En had sued him, he calmed down and asked someone to inform Zhang Tuanlian, while he followed the official to the government office in a big way.

At the court, waiting for Zhang Tuan to fail to practice, and waiting for Zhang Tuan to fail to practice, Zhizhou will use torture again, Jiang Menshen still wants to have a relationship with Zhizhou, who knows that Zhizhou is ruthless and determined to seek justice for Shi En, Jiang Menshen Only then did he panic, and said that his background was the training envoy of the Honzhou regiment.

Zhizhou groaned slightly, thinking that it was not worth it for Zhang Qianban and his military officers to turn against each other, when he suddenly heard that Zhang Dujian's family came to report, crying that his master and Zhang Tuanlian, who visited last night, were killed in the study room. There are still seven bloody characters left: Liangshan Ma Ling, who killed the thief!

For a moment, everyone in the room was shocked, but Shi En was secretly happy, thinking that evil people will suffer from evil people.Jiang Menshen's blood surged for a while, and he lost all his capable men at Shizipo last night. Who knows that the nightmare is not over yet, for a while, even his own backer and the backer's backer suddenly disappeared. What kind of blow did he have? I can stand it! ?Suddenly Jiang Menshen felt a sweetness in his throat, couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood, and spurted it out on the spot. (To be continued.)

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