Water Margin Survival

Chapter 391 Is It Important To Be True?

Seeing that Yan Qing seemed to have a lot of insight into this object, Wang Lun's eyes were full of encouragement, and motioned for him to continue. Yan Qing nodded, carefully picked up this legendary national treasure, and looked at it several times , slowly said:

"The color of this seal is as green as blue, warm and lustrous. It has five buttons on the back, and there are small holes between the buttons to connect the group. I also got the first jade chi, which is as white as paste, and it is also moist. Its back also has five buttons on the back. There is also a small orifice between the plate and the button. It has no writing on its face and is the same size as the seal. It is exactly the appearance and appearance in the legend! However, my younger brother has limited knowledge of this treasure, so I can't guarantee that it is genuine... Guan Zhong said There is some research on things, go back and ask him to have a look, maybe you can gain something!"

"It was stolen from the palace, how can there be a fake!?" Shi Qian said a little unwillingly, "Brother Yi, you can see the weight of this seal just by looking at the streets of Tokyo as if it is facing an enemy! I'm afraid that the official Zhao If you lose the seal, you won't be able to seal it!"

"Otherwise, the official seal is not this one. It has the eight treasures of the Son of Heaven, namely 'Treasure of the Town', 'Treasure of Resignation', 'Treasure of the Emperor', 'Treasure of the Emperor', 'Treasure of the Emperor', and 'Treasure of the Son of Heaven'. Treasures', 'Treasures of the Son of Heaven', 'Treasures of the Son of Heaven', among them, the latter six are the six seals of the former emperor, and the combination is the eight treasures!" Yan Qing shook her head and explained.

When Shi Qian heard the words, he was immediately frustrated, and angrily said: "If I knew this, what would I do with it? Then I will go and get those eight treasures..." After speaking, Shi Qian noticed Wang Lun's eyes swept over him, and his voice stopped abruptly .

"Can one be two, how can three be three?" Wang Lun stopped Shi Qian, and said, "Even though these things are treasures in the world, you think I can do it in exchange for my brother's life?"

Shi Qian was speechless and ashamed, Wang Lun pondered a little when he saw this, and he had also heard a little about Chuan Guo Yuxi.This jade seal has risen and fallen for thousands of years, and the winners all claim to be their destiny.Even a hero like Sun Jian, after getting this seal, behaved abnormally and left.At present, this seal seems to have been obtained by the common people in the previous dynasty and presented to the court. At that time, Zhe Zong ordered more than a dozen well-educated people in the court to verify the authenticity, and finally unanimously concluded that it was the authentic seal of the Qin Dynasty.With this link, that's enough!

It doesn't matter whether the quality of the seal in front of me is real or not!As long as the public opinion in the world today believes that it is true, and this thing falls into the hands of Liang Shanbo, what benefits will this thing bring in the future.It will be of great benefit to the cottage.

Thinking about this, Wang Lun softened his tone and said, "It just so happens that I'm going to issue an edict for the restoration of the Tamra Kingdom, and I was going to ask Jin Dajian to carve a seal by himself! Now it's all right, the Great Qin Chuanguo Jade Seal is in my hand, It’s genuine, it’s justified, and we don’t need to waste our efforts!”

Seeing that Wang Lun didn't even look at the seal, Yan Qing said these words without even stretching out his hand.He was very surprised, but after thinking for a moment, he immediately understood what Wang Lun meant, and couldn't help secretly admiring him.He couldn't help laughing and said: "Search, search, let the world know that it is best for the officials to lose this treasure. When it shows up in the future, it will surprise the world!"

Shi Qian looked at Wang Lun and Yan Qing in surprise.Seeing that the two of them were calm and relaxed, as if they believed that this seal had a great use, it was somewhat comforting.He said, "As long as my little brother doesn't make a trip in vain!"

"What are you running for nothing? My brother said it was true, so it can't be fake! You boy, this meal is worth it!" Even though he was very reticent, seeing his brother got a national treasure at this time, how could he not be unhappy, and he couldn't help but He patted Shi Qian on the shoulder with a straight smile and said.

"That's right, even if the emperor doesn't use this seal, why can't my brother use it? How can the Zhao family who bullied the orphans and widows of the Chai family win a country like our brother's bare hands!" Lu Fang laughed. He thought But it's another matter, that is, if my brother gets this seal, no matter what he does in the future, isn't it justifiable?

"Okay!" Wang Lun waved his hand and said to Yan Qing, "Have you bought this place?"

"My little brother didn't intend to stay for a long time, so this place is only rented!" Yan Qing replied truthfully.

"Exactly! Dig a deep hole here and bury the jade seal, precious sword, and precious armor in it. Everyone will evacuate tomorrow, and the rent will be refunded. Then go to the left and buy another property and ask someone to monitor the movement here!" Wang Lun ordered. road.After thinking about it, he said to Shi Qian, "Go and help me choose the land!"

His vision of Shi Qian is quite confident, the treasures that the ancestors personally chose to bury, probably cannot be detected by ordinary thieves or ordinary people.

Shi Qian nodded quickly, turned around and was about to go to work, before he took a few steps, he turned back suddenly and said very sincerely: "It's not that I'm afraid of hitting the board, I still want to send Yuxi back to the cottage in person, and please brother..."

"Brother Shi, do you still want to stay? If you accidentally tell the court to follow the vine, you won't be sending yourself away!" Lu Fang tried hard to persuade.

"Brother, I can assure you that I didn't leave any traces during this journey. If my case is to be solved, the Kaifeng Mansion may not have such a thing! I will stay here and never make trouble again. I just keep an eye on these three treasures and wait for the limelight." Once it's over, I'll definitely hurry back to the village! Big brother, little brother, even though he's got a problem all over his body, but the seriousness can still be determined!" After finishing speaking, Shi Qian met Wang Lun's eyes and nodded firmly.

"There is no need to rush the time. Send these three treasures back to the cottage while ensuring your own safety!" Wang Lun rarely saw Shi Qian so solemn, thought for a while, and agreed.

Shi Qian was overjoyed, nodded quickly, nodded to the three people around, and hurried down, Wang Lun said to Yan Qing: "Notify Le He to come back, tell him about the situation, and then you and I will go back to the village together!"

Yan Qing went there in person, and when she left, she still couldn't forget to glance at Yuxi's position, feeling extremely excited.Wang Lun ordered the two entourage leaders around him: "Lu Fang goes down to clean up, and we will leave the city when Yan Qing comes back! Jiao Ting and three or five brothers will wait for Ling Zhen tomorrow at Shilipu outside the east gate. This man is very fond of the Shanzhai. It's important, don't neglect it!"


Almost at the same time, in a hotel in Mengzhou City, a young young man invited two servants to the private room, invited them to sit in the upper seat, and said: "The two elder brothers are sensible people, and the younger brother's regrets are all in the world now." On the two of you, Wanwang and the two are kind enough to wash away this blood feud for the younger brother!"

"Little Guanying, you are also a respectable person in this city of Enzhou. You are also deeply saddened by what happened to your father! It's just that you solve this Jiang Menshen on the way. When the time comes, Zhizhou will blame you, and the villains will not be able to explain it!" Among the two servants The older one made a very difficult expression and said.

The little Guanying chuckled, took out a bag of silver and put it on the table, and said to the two of them: "You two are not outsiders, so you must be clear in your hearts. If Jiang Menshen couldn't find the dirty money, force him to reveal the Zhang Tuanlian and Zhang Tuanlian behind his back." Zhang Dujian, Lord Zhizhou sentenced this guy to death in court! Now that he has been sentenced to eighty sticks and stabbed with Shamen Island, Lord Zhizhou has done his best. If something happens on the way, it has nothing to do with Lord Zhizhou! The younger brother and Zhang Ganban apologize, he will never blame the two of you! Here is 200 taels of silver, twice the price! If the two of you are willing to do it, you will be my kind friends. If you don’t do it..."

"Just do it! Old Qian, no matter what, the little Guanying has a filial piety towards the old official camp. How can you and I not understand? Jiang Menshen is a damned person, and we are also the people to eliminate harm!" Another slightly younger The guard hurriedly got up and said.After speaking, he looked at Shi En with some fear, with a flattering smile on his face.This guy used to be a tyrant in Mengzhou, but now, although his backing has fallen, he has become a celebrity in Cai Jing's mansion, even the Zhizhou has to give three points of face, it is not worth it for the two of them to offend him.Anyway, I'm used to doing this kind of thing, so I'm afraid that I have the wronged soul of Jiang Menshen?

"The two of you are friends, so we don't come here halfway beforehand and halfway afterwards. Right now, all the 200 taels of silver are here, you two just take it! I just want to take something from Jiang Menshen, and I will escort Zhang Gan to do it." When you arrive in Tokyo, send someone to pick it up at any time!" Shi En is an expert, so he is not willing to use things outside his body as tokens, and only expressly wants to buy things that grew on Jiang Menshen since he was a child.

"Don't worry, little Guanying, we both know!" The two guards looked at each other and nodded. One took the silver from the table, and the other quickly poured the wine and handed it to Shi En. Just wait for good news from my brothers!"

Shi En took the bowl of wine, drank it down, then put down the bowl, bowed his hands to the two, got up and said goodbye: "I won't accompany you two, I'm leaving for Tokyo now, the table has already been paid for." , Enjoy it, both of you!"

"I wish Xiao Guanying a bright future in Tokyo, and prosperity in the future, don't forget about the villains!" The two hurriedly got up and said.

Shi En smiled low-key, said a few polite words to the two of them, and left downstairs.

When Shi En returned to the yamen, Zhizhou had already prepared the carriage and was saying goodbye to Zhang Ganban in the hall: "According to me, we'd better recover from the injury before leaving. There's no rush for anything at this moment!"

"Thank you for your kindness, my lord. I really can't stay here any longer. I'm on a business trip. It's hard to explain why I'm going back after a long delay! The doctor has already said that, as long as the road is not too bumpy, there's nothing wrong with it!" Zhang said Thank you for doing it.

Zhizhou didn't really want to keep customers at this time, and immediately sighed pretendingly, and was about to order his subordinates to carry the Ganban out, when seeing Shi En came back, Zhizhou and Zhang Ganban looked at each other, with smiles in their eyes, and said: "Zhang Ganban is still talking about Mr. Shi, and he really made him read it back!"

Shi En looked down on this man in his heart, but he didn't dare to be negligent on the face, and went up to pay homage: "You two adults have been waiting for a long time, the little man has finished his affairs, and there is nothing to commemorate in this Mengzhou city. Now let's go!"

Zhizhou pointed to Shi En and said to Zhang Ganban: "He is a capable person, and following him is considered to be the right person, and the future is boundless!"

Zhang Ganban smiled and nodded, the more he looked at Shi En at this time, the more pleasing to his eyes. (to be continued..)

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