Zhang Ganban was quite satisfied with the person in front of him.

This time, if he hadn't been quick-witted, he would have almost told himself to work in vain.It is all thanks to this person that he can return to the capital with a huge sum of 2000 taels of gold ([-] guan).

It is said that Jiang Menshen was beaten to death in the hall that day, and he only said that the money was robbed by strongmen who appeared out of nowhere, and the brothers also told them to do it, and they couldn't hand over the stolen money at all.Later, Zhizhou sent people to search Jiang Menshen's house, but they found only a thousand taels of silver, not even a fraction of fifty thousand guan.

At this time, Zhang Ganban subconsciously thought of the Liang Shanbo group he met that night, and his heart beat wildly. At this moment, he completely understood that Jiang Menshen was probably telling the truth.

However, I understand that Zhang Ganban couldn't hide the disappointment in his heart no matter what, and seeing Shi En's expression was a bit unkind.After all, that is twenty-five thousand coins, more than enough to buy a bright future.Now that the cooked duck flew away, it was even more difficult for him to accept than dying on Shizipo.

At the critical moment, thanks to this kindness, he was able to bear the humiliation and took the initiative to make a deal with Jiang Menshen, asking him to find out his backstage master. He admitted in court that he was instigated by Zhang Tuanlian and Zhang Dujian. They were all taken away.And the advantage of doing this is that it will be a living crime for him.

Zhizhou hesitated at first. Although Zhang Tuanlian and Zhang Dujian were dead, they were military generals under his command after all, and he would not deal with Tong Guan by himself.Unexpectedly, Shi En later made a condition that he could not refuse, which made Zhizhou's heart flutter.

Shi En made it clear that as long as [-] yuan of stolen money was copied from these two families, he would only keep [-] yuan, and the rest of the money would not be bothered.Zhizhou and Zhang Ganban discussed with each other and finally reached an agreement on sharing the spoils of [-] yuan per person.After being knocked down by the money, the Zhizhou immediately acted vigorously and won Jiang Menshen's mouth in court.Immediately, they sent people to raid the homes of Zhang Dujian and Zhang Tuanlian.

At this time, the stolen money was stolen, and the three of them also got the money, so the smiles on the faces of these two people when they saw Shi En were definitely not fake, but genuine smiles.It can't be seen that this little boy who is in charge of the camp has actually become the God of Wealth he was destined for.

But he said that Zhizhou praised him for his kindness, and turned back to Zhang Ganban and said: "My two family members are both old adults. They can take care of Ganban's daily life along the way, but we only arrived in Tokyo City. I also hope that Ganban can introduce me. Bring something to Cai Xianggong!"

There is a sequelae of copying the homes of Zhang Tuanlian and Zhang Dujian, two military officers of the imperial court, that is, the two families have seen the world, and they will not let it go. I have long thought that I am not pleasing to the eye, maybe it will bring trouble to myself.This Zhizhou can think about it, and immediately took out 800 taels of gold and went to Beijing to manage Cai Jing.As long as there is his strength, the sky will not fall.

"Sure, sure! My little brother will bring them to Mr. Cai. If you have anything to say, just tell them!" Zhang Ganban understood.I thought to myself that this man got rich and never forgets to be filial to his father-in-law. He is really a caring person, no wonder he can sit on the position of magistrate of a state.This time I built a bridge for him.It is bound to be highly regarded by the husband-in-law. Why not like this kind of thing?

Zhizhou was overjoyed to see and talk.Pull over two family members and ask them carefully.Later, the three gossiped for a while, Zhang Ganban, Shi En and Zhizhou said goodbye, and embarked on a journey to Tokyo.

Along the way, Shi En cared for Zhang Ganban with utmost care and thoughtfulness. Zhang Ganban's legs were fixed and he couldn't move. From getting on and off the carriage, to eating and washing his body, Shi En took care of it all by himself.Even the two old family members in the magistrate's mansion looked at it with embarrassment, not to mention Zhang Ganban who was extremely sensitive during his illness.

With the previous [-] yuan of money at the bottom, coupled with the five or seven days of meticulous care, and a life-saving grace, Zhang Ganban always sighed that God sent him a precious treasure, and subtly, it directly attracted Shi En to his confidantes. people.

"You have a good name, Shi En Shi En, I have accepted your favor now, and I will definitely repay you in the future!" In the past few days, Zhang Ganban has mentioned this topic to Shi En more than once.

"The villain is a quack. Although his name is Shi En, he also knows that Shi En does not want to reciprocate! This time I followed the adult to Beijing. Firstly, the adult's leg injury has not healed, and there is no one around, so I am worried. Secondly, it was the long-cherished wish of the late father, hoping that the villain would no longer eat the world, and that he would have a home sooner or later! Fortunately, the villain met a noble person, so that the old father's wish could be fulfilled, so that he can rest in peace even in the world! Shi En's reply seemed very appropriate, neither concealing nor whitewashing.

"You can rest assured that in the future, if I recommend you, you will definitely have a place in Xianggong's mansion!" Zhang Ganban said, patting his chest.

Looking at Zhang Ganban who made such a vow, for some reason, Shi En kept thinking about what his father said to him on the last night.

"When you see the truth, don't you have to rely on money to open the way?"

"I can no longer be kicked away with a light kick like your father and me!"

"Why? Don't you have confidence in me? Don't you believe in my status in front of my husband?" Seeing Shi En in a daze, Zhang Ganban pointed at him and smiled, "Little brother, you don't know something. As long as I arrive in Tokyo, I will make an appointment Great job!"

Seeing that Shi Enjian said, he secretly paid attention to it, and immediately said: "I just thought of my dead father for a while, so I was a little distracted, sir, don't blame me! Your excellency is a celebrity in front of my husband, so I need some trivial things to make meritorious deeds?"

"Trivial matter? No, no, no..." Zhang Qianban stretched his hands to get up, Shi En hurriedly took a quilt and put it behind him, Zhang Ganban nodded in satisfaction, motioned him to sit down, and said, "You don't know , I am here on the order of Prime Minister Jun, and I will accompany Ma Xuanzan, Choujun Ma Xuanzan, the yamen defense and protection envoy, to Pudong to recruit Guan Sheng, the patrol inspector, to come to Tokyo to meet, and then the two will lead an army to conquer Liangshanbo!"

Upon hearing this, Shi En couldn't figure out what kind of unworldly contribution this was, and Zhang Ganban was so excited. Zhang Ganban saw Shi En's doubts, and explained:

"This expedition is very important to Xianggong. If he fails, it will definitely give other people in the court the excuse and excuse to attack him. This time, we can only win but not lose! It's a pity, it's a pity, I didn't expect to be placed in high hopes by Xianggong This fellow Guan Sheng actually calls himself a brother and brother with the bandit Kou in Liangshan, so there are actually two of the three heroes of Pudong who are laying grass in the mooring of Liangshan at this time. There is no return!? I was caught by Liangshan bandits that day, and rolled off the cliff, and then I met you, little brother, and saved my life!"

Shi En was shocked when he heard this, and said: "Won't this delay the nobleman's important event?"

"It's nothing! The Chinese New Year is only ten days away, and the imperial court will not send troops at this time. It will be the New Year's Eve anyway! It's just right for us to go back at this time!" Zhang Ganban laughed, and the more Cai Jing treated Guan Sheng The greater the hope, the more important his news is to Cai Jing.

Shane nodded thoughtfully.

Having said that, the itinerary will naturally be faster.It is said that everyone was in a hurry on this day and missed the post station, so they had to go on the road overnight with torches. We can go to the capital tomorrow, so we need to find some common people to spend the night there!"

Shi En took out a torch and looked around, said: "I just saw a fork in the road. It seems that there are lights, maybe there are people's villages, why don't we go back and spend the night?"

"Very good, very good!" Zhang Ganban nodded.The two family members in Mengzhou Zhizhou's mansion still pointed at Zhang Qian to do things. Of course, they said to go and stop, so they didn't have any meaning.Immediately followed Shi En and went to the path.

After walking for a while, there was still no one in sight.Zhang Ganban stretched out his head again and said, "Little brother, how long do we have to go?"

Seeing this, Shi En rushed forward, waited and watched, pointed to a place and said: "Okay, there is no need to go, we are here!"

Hearing this, the two family members were puzzled, tied up the carriage, trotted forward, looked in the direction Shi En pointed, and said in surprise: "The black lights are fooling around, Xiao Guanying is just joking!"

"Isn't it over there?" Shi En took advantage of the two people's inattention, drew out his waist knife, and slashed towards the vital point. One of them took his knife and killed him immediately. Shi En sneered and said: "Your road has come to an end, sir There is still a long way to go!"

Zhang Qianban was shocked when he saw this, he wanted to run but couldn't, so he yelled for help, Shi En came forward with a sneer, and said: "Save your energy, there is no way to go to the village or back to the store, and there is nothing wrong with shouting." Use it, it can only attract ghosts!"

Zhang Ganban's eyes widened, he looked at Shi En in horror, and said, "Shi... Shi En, I'm not mean to you, why are you doing this? After paying [-] yuan, you don't want to have a future? I... I I will pay you back, pay you back! I just ask you to let me go!"

Shi En smiled, stepped forward and raised his waist knife, as if he was about to cut it off, Zhang Ganban was shocked and confused, he called out the names of all the gods and Buddhas in his mouth, how could he stop Shi En's swing of the knife? Now, when it was too late, Zhang Ganban only felt that his face was spattered with blood, but he didn't feel any pain at all. He was stunned, and immediately shouted: "Crazy, crazy! You are a lunatic!"

Shi En's face twitched with pain, but he showed a smiling face, but this kind of smile had an indescribable distortion and weirdness in Zhang Ganban's eyes. Shi En took out the cloth strips he had prepared in advance, and gave himself a smile. Bandaged, while looking at Zhang Ganban, he asked like an arrow:

"Why don't I have a future? My future can only depend on you? You are worthy of swallowing my family's ancestral property!? Why don't I just give the [-] yuan to Cai Jing? I want you to have a hand!"

"You...you...you..." Zhang Ganban was so angry that Shi En, who had crossed the river and demolished the bridge, was speechless, pointing at his trembling right hand.

"The prime minister's job, that's all!" Shi En sneered, and said, "When you reincarnate in the next life, you don't have to trust people anymore. The Liangshan bandits colluded with the court officers, and you were killed by the Liangshan bandits. I will tell Cai Xianggong for you, and it will be a good journey!"

After Shi En finished speaking, he raised the knife and dropped the knife, sending Zhang Ganban, who was dying with regret, on his way.Shi En didn't even look at Zhang Ganban anymore, turned around and carried thousands of taels of gold from the carriage, and tied them one by one to the two horses in front of the carriage. After finishing, Shi En led the two horses loaded with gold leave the scene.

But not long after, a black shadow came back and pulled Zhang Qianban's body out of the car. With blood on his body, he wrote seven large characters on the car:

"The Thief Killer Liangshan Wang Lun!"

Thank you Qilian Kunlun heroes for your rewards!In addition, thank you for the rewards of the newpaker hero during Xiaoke's hospitalization!And I would like to thank all other heroes who care about books, thank you everyone!I wish the heroes and their wives good health and happiness! (to be continued..)

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