Water Margin Survival

Chapter 393 3 Ying Hou 1 Jie

I have to say that walking with this boring old Jiao beside him made the boring journey even more boring.Fortunately, the distance from Tokyo to Xiqing Mansion is only five or six hundred miles, which is not too long. In addition, Ling Zhen's heart is full of the mysterious old army and the mysterious gunpowder formula, so he can't care about these things.

"Old Jiao, I don't think we should hurry in the afternoon. Let's go to Jeju City to rest for a day, and get up early tomorrow and go to Qingfu through Rencheng?" On airs, talking to Jiao Ting at this time is also in a negotiating tone.

"Why? It's not close to go to Liangshanbo and take the waterway?" Jiao Ting said in a low voice.

Ling Zhen shook his head, pointed to the north side, and said, "You live here, don't you know that there is a green forest village in the water pond in the north? His white-clothed scholar Wang Lun is also a registered figure in the court, and now Cai Xiangzheng is going to send an army Kill him, it's important for us to hurry, it's better not to mess with him!"

Jiao Ting sneered and said, "What are you afraid of for a traitorous official? Do you have a ghost in your heart? Just ask around and see which of the people here is afraid of him!"

Jiao Ting is a savage man. After speaking, he strode to the middle of the road, looked at the official road with people coming and going, and shouted: "The whole gang of Liangshan heroes is here!" Seeing this, Ling Zhen was stunned, including Jiao Ting His entourage, including his entourage, all opened their mouths wide. I really don't know where Brother Jiao Ting is singing?

Seeing this, the people passing by on the road stopped without knowing it, and looked at Jiao Ting very curiously, only to see that there were two groups of people on the road at this time, and a group of people surrounded them very naturally. Talking about something.Another group of people from other places mostly stood in place and watched the excitement from a distance. There were some people subconsciously trying to escape, seeing everyone's reaction.The herd mentality prevailed, and they did not run away at this time.

Someone asked aloud: "Thanks to the Dazhai in Liangshan, our government is well-organized and the people are harmonious now in Jeju, and the villains are either dealt with or restrained. But I don't know who the good guys will go down the mountain today?"

"I don't take anyone. I have an official from Tokyo. I'm afraid that the copycat hero will find him trouble. I ask everyone to give him a reassurance pill!" Jiao Ting pointed to Ling Zhen, whose jaw was about to drop from shock. .

"Hey, it turns out he's not a Liangshan hero!" A disappointed voice came from the crowd, and most of the people who watched the excitement dispersed in twos and threes. Suddenly, a rather old man stepped forward and pointed at Jiao Ting and said:

"You man is so ignorant, how dare you pretend to be a hero of Liangshan? If it gets out, the kings of the village will not punish you. If you meet some young people with straight tempers, you will break your legs if you beat them. Who among us people in Jeju has not received their kindness? Can you watch your nonsense for nothing?" The people around who hadn't left stopped when they heard the words, and they all echoed, accusing Jiao Ting of being too Meng Lang.

Ling Zhen was afraid that the old Jiao, who was big and rough, would clash with the people, and signaled Jiao Ting's followers to come forward to fight, but Jiao Ting just smiled and didn't reply. The old man saw that Jiao Ting was a fool, so he came to look for Ling Zhen, he looks like a leader.Immediately said: "Take care of your partner, don't play tricks on this matter! You come to Tokyo? Just rest assured all the way, the king of the cottage will not trouble the people, if you are not guilty, just rest assured all the way!"

Seeing the seriousness of the old man, Ling Zhen didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly said: "My boy is always dividing people all the way, so I don't dare to do anything wrong. Thank you for your teaching!"

Seeing this, the old man discussed a few words with the passers-by around him, and was about to leave.Not wanting Ling Zhen to be curious for a moment, he stepped forward and clasped his fists and said: "Dare to ask, old man, just now you said that the people around you have received a lot of kindness from Liangshan, what do you mean?"

The old man came to leave. Seeing that Ling Zhen was very polite, he stood still and said, "There is a big flag on Liangshan Po. What is written on it, you guests from Tokyo must not know!"

"Do justice for the heavens?" Ling Zhen was not an ignorant person, so he blurted out.

The old man looked surprised, and said: "The name of Liangshanbo has spread to Kaifeng Mansion? If our Zhao family can learn from the king..."

The old man's companion hurriedly tugged at him, the old man immediately understood, shook his head, and said: "It's far away, it's too far away, I can't control this mouth when I'm old, stop talking, stop talking..."

Looking at the old man who was staggering away, Ling Zhen sighed, everything in this world can be faked, except word of mouth.It's quite ironic that the official family who symbolizes the destiny, in a place three or five hundred miles away from his capital, has a reputation that is not as good as that of a strong man occupying the mountain, and he doesn't know whether to laugh or cry when he speaks out.

"Let's go, it's up to you, take the water!" Ling Zhen looked at Jiao Ting and gave a wry smile, and strode forward after speaking.Jiao Ting grinned and raised his hand, everyone hurriedly followed, and they couldn't help laughing secretly, this official from Tokyo really convinced Master Jiao.

Everyone walked another five miles, passing a hotel, Jiao Ting looked at the wine flag, and shouted: "Everyone is tired from walking, let's go in and have a glass of wine!"

Every time the food and lodging bills were settled along the way, the old Jiao next to him rushed to come. Ling Zhen was embarrassed for a long time, and immediately stood still and said, "Everyone eat whatever you like at noon. Although I don't have much money, but You can still afford a meal!"

Everyone smiled, and they were not polite, bowed their hands to Ling Zhengong, and went into the store first. Ling Zhen shook his head and followed in. At this time, a few waiters turned around from the back of the house, and hung a signboard outside the door saying that it was full. Stay outside.

As soon as Ling Zhen entered the hotel lobby, he saw that Lao Jiao and the others were talking to Xiao Er, and he didn't pay attention. He just looked around the hotel, and suddenly his eyes swept over a table.

"Let's go, Deputy Envoy Ling, let's sit upstairs!" Jiao Ting called back.

"Come on, come on, you guys go first, I'll pay you a respect!" Ling Zhen waved to Jiao Ting, Jiao Ting went upstairs without urging him.

Seeing that Jiao Ting went up, Ling Zhen walked up to a table, stared at the person on the table, and thought to himself, "Isn't this person dead? How can he still sit here and eat wine?!"

The middle-aged man who was watched by Ling Zhen for a long time put down the wine glass in his hand suddenly, and smiled at the people at the same table with a smile: "Coach Lin, the famous Hong Tianlei in Tokyo used our table as a toilet!"

Ling Zhen was startled when he heard the words, looked at Xu Ning's tablemate, and said after a while, "Is it really Lin Chong, the 80 coach in Tokyo, and Teacher Xu from the Imperial Golden Spear Class?"

Both of them smiled, got up and invited Ling Zhen to take a seat, and said, "Since we are old friends in Tokyo, why don't we sit down and talk?"

Seeing that they saw him in this village hotel outside Jeju City, he was not surprised, he was calm and relaxed, and Ling Zhen was not a casual person.At this time, I had already guessed something in my heart, sighed, and said: "Boss Lin and Teacher Xu were bright and upright heroes in Tokyo back then. When it comes to names, who doesn't admire them in the world? It is fate that Ling met here. The two invite you, how dare you refuse!" Having said that, Ling Zhen was still worried about the safety of the old soldier whose life was hanging by a thread, and was afraid that he might not see him for the last time if he went late.But the situation in front of him made him feel overwhelmed.I am very confused at the moment.

Seeing that Ling Zhen put on top hats for the two of them as soon as he opened his mouth, Xu Ning smiled, exchanged glances with Lin Chong, and said, "Vice Envoy Ling, don't misunderstand me, I have no malicious intentions, I just want to invite you to When you see someone, you will never force them to stay after you finish seeing them!"

"I, who makes fireworks for the officials, can also get into the eyes of the leader of your cottage king?" Ling Zhen smiled wryly.Said: "Dare you want to celebrate the New Year, do you want to add some atmosphere to the cottage?"

Lin Chong and Xu Ning laughed when they heard the words, only to hear Xu Ning say: "In Tokyo in the past, I heard a lot about the name of Deputy Ambassador Ling. I don't want to see him today, but he is so humorous!"

"Where is it... To be honest, two dear friends, I came to Jingdong this time to meet someone..." Ling Zhen explained his intention of coming with a slight abridgement.It didn't say clearly that he was seeking a gunpowder formula for breaking mountains and cracking rocks, but only emphasized the urgency of time.

"Deputy Envoy Ling, don't be nervous, just ask you to go up the mountain to explain. I, Lin Chong, hereby guarantee that I will never delay your meeting with that old soldier!" Lin Chong smiled and spoke to comfort him.

"Instructor Lin and Teacher Xu's people, I can still trust you! Just go there, but I have a few companions who came with me, I will go tell them and tell them to stay here!" Ling Zhen Only then was he relieved, and got up and said.

At this moment, a big man with a big face and a green mark walked in outside the door. Hearing Ling Zhen's words, he only heard him say: "Vice Envoy Ling, why don't you invite those people to go together?"

Hearing this, Ling Zhen stared at the blue mark on the face of the man for a long while, sighed, and said, "What is the virtue of Ling, who can ask Teacher Lin, Teacher Xu, and Yang Zhishi to come down the mountain, the owner of Guizhai Village?" I really look up to my little brother!"

Thinking that these three people were quite well-known figures in Tokyo back then, Wang Lun actually sent the three of them down to "invite" him at this time. Regardless of his final intentions, it is undeniable that this strong man still worked hard of.After all, if you want to force a request, if any one of these three makes a move, you are not an opponent.After thinking about this point, Ling Zhen couldn't help feeling a little curious about this man he had never met.

"The owner of the village is sincere, and Deputy Envoy Ling will know when he goes up the mountain!" Yang Zhi was not surprised when he saw that he recognized him, after all, his birthmark was too obvious.

Ling Zhen nodded, and was about to consult Lao Jiao and the others, but Jiao Ting was lying on the railing on the second floor looking down, and said, "I'll see you all the way, I can't give up halfway!"

"Let's go then, there is an old friend of Deputy Envoy Ling waiting in the cottage, don't tell him to wait too long!" Yang Zhi said at this time.

Ling Zhen was taken aback, and asked, "Yang Zhishi, who are you talking about?"

"We'll know when we meet!" Yang Zhi smiled, took Ling Zhen's burden, carried it on his back, and went out first.Lin Chong and Xu Ning were afraid that Ling Zhen would be cautious, so they stepped forward and walked together.

These three are officers of the Imperial Army, and they have a lot of common topics. When talking about Tokyo affairs, Ling Zhen felt a lot calmer, and asked Xu Ning, "I know the old things about Coach Lin and Yang Zhishi. It's just that Mr. Gao Qiu was framed and died in Mengzhou, why at this time..."

Xu Ning shook his head, and then told the story of how he went to Liangshan. Ling Zhen was so ashamed to hear it, and sighed: "One piece of armor has almost killed an admiral of the country. Only Taiwei Gao can do it!"

However, Ling Zhen immediately cheered up, and said to Xu Ning: "However, Captain Wang will not be rewarded for harming others. In the end, he is still busy! Before my younger brother left Beijing, it was rumored in the official circles that he robbed Teacher Xu and Mr. Xu by force." Yang Zhishi's precious armor and sword were all stolen overnight, and I don't know where the masters are!"

Seeing it, Xu Ning said, "Ah!", and couldn't help but stumbled: "My family's treasured armor is in Wang Duwei's mansion. There will always be a place to find it in the future! It was stolen at this time, but where can I find it?" (unfinished to be continued..)

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