While Jin Dajian was appraising treasures in the Juyi Hall, Tang Bin was standing on Ruan Xiaoer's flagship, swaying towards the north bank of Shuibo. At this time, Ruan Xiaoer came up from the deck with a jar of wine in his hand , and handed it to Tang Bin, Tang Bin said: "Second brother, why didn't you take the bowl?"

"You drink alone, what kind of bowl are you taking!" Ruan Xiaoer threw the wine jar towards Tang Bin, who caught it firmly. Everyone in the navy is on duty here, and they dare not drink! You are different, don’t you give your brothers a rest?”

"It's Chinese New Year, look at this..." Tang Bin said blushingly.

"It's okay, as long as you are okay and don't laugh at our navy for being useless!" Ruan Xiaoer waved his hand and said.

Tang Bin raised his head and took a sip of his wine, and said, "Who dares to laugh at your sailors? Next time, who will tell him to swim back to the cottage by himself? By the way, swim back to Jeju Island!"

Ruan Xiaoer laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said, "Brother, I like your temper, you are so down-to-earth! I don't like your friend after Guan Yunchang, who was defeated and went up the mountain, and dared to show brother's face!"

"Where is that? My elder brother has always been like this when he was in Pudong. He is more serious and unsmiling. But now he has listened to his elder brother's advice. Now he is the leader of the cottage and his own brother. Second brother, what's wrong, I'll accompany him, I hope you can take care of me!" Tang Bin apologized, "No, my brother sent him to Jeju Island, and next time he will take Wulang and Qilang's boat!"

When Ruan Xiaoer saw this, his expression softened a little, and he said: "Since he is my brother, why are you so fussy? But I don't think he looks like someone who surrendered immediately, why did he surrender? What about his three lieutenants? ?”

"A person's life will eventually turn. How can it be possible to reach the end so smoothly?" Tang Bin sighed with emotion as he looked at the place where the water and mist connected to the sky in the distance.

Ruan Xiaoer smiled, and laughed at himself: "It seems that I have the most closed news. I don't even know that Guan Sheng is in the top position, and Tieniu is so big-mouthed that he is dissatisfied with copycats?"

"They're all sleeping in the backyard. After all, they fought yesterday and stayed up all night!" Tang Bin raised his head and drank a bowl of wine.laughed.

"In this way, the three of you are reunited, congratulations in advance!" Ruan Xiaoer clasped his fists.

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Tang Bin handed over the wine jar and said, "Have a sip?"

"Be cautious!"

Ruan Xiaoer suddenly uttered a very connotative sentence, which made Tang Bin smile knowingly. It turned out that Sun Foer, the military judge, would repeat this word whenever he saw the leader of the cottage, and added an explanation: "Everyone is so familiar, if you come here The Military Justice Department is in front of me. Am I going to hit you or not? It hurts to hit you, but if I don’t hit you, the village master is going to hit me! I want to be beaten for you, but look at my body, how many sticks can I block? So you Don’t let yourself go when you’re alone. Take pity on my old bones!” This saying has been widely spread, so most of the big bosses in the cottage basically remember this word, and they say it every now and then. You can appear to be very cultured.

The two were chatting, the ship had already docked, and Ruan Xiaoer was waiting on the ship with his sailors.Tang Bin got off the boat alone to greet the team. Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye saw Tang Bin as if they were relatives, and shouted: "Brother, if you don't come, you will have to collect the body for us! It's so cold, Jiang Tang doesn't even know How much did you drink? Leng used up all the ginger in Zhu Touling's hotel!"

"Soldiers, you have to obey orders! If you say what you say when an order comes, it won't be a mess? This time, let everyone remember it!" Tang Bin said sternly.However, Wen and Cui turned a blind eye to the matter of Wen and Cui cooking soup to avoid the cold without authorization. After all, they are all soldiers under their own hands.

Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye were too cold to speak, so they dared to argue with him. After getting the order to disband, they went happily. Tang Bin stood by the roadside with his hands behind his back, quietly watching his subordinates board the ship.

"Brother, it's almost time, let's go too!" Not long after, Cui Ye came to report.

Tang Bin nodded and was about to board the boat. At this time, a carriage came by the roadside. The driver was an old man in his fifties. At this moment, his brows were all wrinkled, and he was driving the carriage desperately, instead of turning around and shouting: " Girl, sit still! Old woman, please bear with me, we are here, we are here!"

Seeing this, Tang Bin pondered for a while, then turned around and said, "I'll take a small boat to go back later, you tell my second brother! You and Brother Wen take the people up the mountain first, and see that our cooks are freezing together, so we won't make food. , go directly to the kitchen to eat Song Wan’s big meal, and then go to sleep. During the two days of Chinese New Year, our camp has no duty duties, so everyone can move freely on the mountain and have a good New Year!”

Cui Ye also saw the carriage, fearing what might happen, he said, "Why don't I stay with you and take care of anything!"

Tang Bin smiled brightly, and said, "Are you afraid that there is some expert hidden in this car? Dare to go to Liangshanbo to beg for death!" After speaking, he patted Cui Ye on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it!"

Seeing this, Cui Ye hesitated for a while, thinking to himself that with Tang Bin's ability, there are not many people who have won him, not to mention that there is a hotel here, and there are nearly a hundred brothers hidden in it. The master said caution, turned back and boarded the boat.

Tang Bin sent Cui Ye away and walked straight to the main road in front of the hotel. The old man driving the car said urgently: "Excuse me, excuse me!"

Tang Bin stepped aside and saw the big car parked at the door of the hotel. The old man quickly jumped out of the car and opened the curtain. With the help of the people in the car, the woman was pushed and pulled out of the car. Seeing this, Tang Bin stepped forward to help them stabilize the horse. The woman who jumped off first wiped her forehead with her hand and smiled at Tang Bin to express her gratitude .

At any rate, Tang Bin was considered someone who had seen beautiful women, and he had a beautiful and refined wife at home. Seeing this girl with moth eyebrows, willow eyebrows and star eyes, without makeup, and with a face like Wodan, he felt that her appearance was still beautiful. Wanting to overwhelm Hua Zi, I was overjoyed, secretly thinking that there are such women in the world, but aren't they a perfect match with my brother?At the moment, I secretly kept my heart.

"Excuse me, my descendants, is this the Liangshanbo Free Clinic Hotel?" Seeing Tang Bin's enthusiasm, the old man who drove the car asked with a salute.

"It's right here! But because of the closing of the new year, we have greeted the common people who came to seek medical treatment in advance. The clinic will be closed for a few days during the Chinese New Year. Miss?" Tang Bin quickly returned the gift and told the truth.

The old man was shocked and sat down on the ground.She lost her voice and said: "It's over, it's over, old lady, your life is miserable, this time even a Bodhisattva can't save you!" Seeing this, the beautiful woman handed the patient over to a maid of the same age who came down from the same car last.He went forward and gave a blessing, and said: "Dare to ask brother, but the people from this hotel?"

"Forget it, the girl has something to say, but it's okay to say it! I can help as much as I can!" Tang Bin saw that the woman was well-mannered, and she seemed to be a lady of every family. Although the old couple were dressed gorgeously, they didn't look like It's her parents.On the contrary, the last maid looks very similar to the mother-in-law, she is probably their daughter.

Seeing that Tang Bin had confidence in his words, the Miaoman woman didn't hesitate at the moment.Softly said: "I suddenly had an emergency, and all the famous doctors in the Qing Mansion were helpless. Later, I was lucky enough to invite Dr. Zhao, the most famous doctor in Qizhou, but he couldn't help it. In the end, he couldn't resist us. After all kinds of requests, I was told that this disease can only be cured by the Imperial Physician An in Liangshan, and we finally found out that the Imperial Physician An is here today for free consultation, but who knows... who knows... the clinic has been closed!"

When she said this, the woman couldn't help but her bright eyes turned red, she burst into tears, and said intermittently: "As the saying goes, a doctor is a parent, since Doctor An is willing to hang pots around this pool of water to help the world. A generous free diagnosis must have a benevolent heart, The little girl Wanqiu elder brother to bring a word, see if Doctor An can make an exception once? Save my family for a while?"

Tang Bin finally understood. It turned out that a big family in Xiqing Mansion came to seek medical treatment, so he lowered his head and thought about it.Said: "There is no need to bring any words, the girl just go up the mountain with me!"

The Miaoman woman was overjoyed when she heard that, she hurriedly helped the confused old man up, and said: "You don't need to panic, you can be saved! Fortunately, this elder brother is warm-hearted. Let's listen to him, and hurry up to the mountain to find Mrs. An to heal the illness!" There was only one meaning in this woman's words, which was to praise Tang Bin, making the client sound very comfortable.

Seeing this, the old man came to his senses, thanked Tang Bin a thousand times, and was about to help his wife go up the mountain. Although the old woman couldn't open her eyes from the pain, she yelled at this time: "You old bastard, a fool, we Can the little girl go up the mountain? Even if I don’t want this cheap life, I can’t harm her!”

Hearing the words, the old man was enlightened, he hesitated for a while, and said to the woman: "Girl, why don't you just wait here, and Xiaohuan and I will take you up the mountain together, ah no, it's okay to ask Xiaohuan to accompany you here." Good to have a care!"

"Why can't you go up the mountain? There are wolves, tigers and leopards on the mountain? To tell you the truth, if I have evil intentions, your family will not be able to leave now, believe it or not?" Tang Bin said unwillingly, how can anyone who seeks a doctor dislike the doctor? Reasonable, if you don't even have this little trust, are you coming to get angry?

Seeing that Tang Bin was angry, the Miaoman woman was afraid that he would not lead the way and delay her condition, so she hurriedly said: "This elder brother is a good man, and I also heard that Liang Shanbo never harmed innocent people. We don't suspect people when we ask for help. Talk again and gather some strength." After speaking, he said to Tang Bin: "Brother, don't be offended, Imperial Physician An will definitely treat my family, huh?"

Tang Bin saw that the woman kept pushing himself into the group of good people, he couldn't help laughing and said: "I am the most familiar doctor An, don't worry, I will definitely let you meet him!"

The Miaoman woman was overjoyed and thanked Tang Bin, the old woman refused to go, and shouted in her mouth not to hurt the girl, Tang Bin just smiled, but stopped talking, the maid also advised the woman not to go up the mountain, but the woman was heartbroken Worried about his family's illness, at this moment, human life is at stake, and he can't care about other things, he said: "You, although I call you Yan, but in my heart, you are no different from my mother. If you say that your mother is sick, Can a daughter ignore it?"

The old woman was full of tears, endured the torment of the illness, held the woman's hand and said: "Here... what is this place? You are still young, and you don't know what to do. You said that you have something wrong, how can I tell you?" Your father confessed?"

To tell the truth, Tang Bin had never seen the people around Shuibo so hostile to Liangshanbo, and he hugged his chest and said, "Aren't you the family members of the official Xiqing?"

"No, no!" Seeing that, the old woman shouted, "We are ordinary people, ordinary people!"

"Your accent sounds like you're from Tokyo?" Tang Bin asked again with a smile.

"My family was originally from Tokyo, and I moved to Xiqing Mansion a long time ago!" The old man said cautiously, in the severe cold, his back was already dripping with cold sweat.

Tang Bin nodded, knowing that Yanzhou was established not long ago, and all the elderly people around here are still used to calling Xiqing Mansion as Yanzhou. From this point of view, this old man must be lying.

At this time, a woman came out of the hotel.Seeing this, he shouted: "Brother, I just want to see Doctor An for a medical treatment. Could this old, weak, women and children be spies? See how careful you are!"

Tang Bin looked back.Seeing that it was Cao Zheng's wife, he said with a smile: "My sister-in-law has spoken, so I won't say more. If you are willing to go up the mountain with me to see a doctor, let's go!"

Cao Zheng's family smiled, stepped forward to help the seriously ill old woman, turned around and said to the waiter in the shop: "What are you looking at, why don't you bring a stretcher, let's see how sick she is!"

Several of the mistresses hurried back to look for a stretcher. Cao Zheng's family comforted the family and said, "My man is from Tokyo. So I will get close to you when I see you. Don't be afraid, don't listen to my big brother scaring you. Our cottage never Bad people, if you don’t believe me, ask around! That word of mouth, even the government can’t keep up!”

"Eldest sister, you are a good person. I am always at home and rarely go out, so I am a bit stage frightened, but I am much better with you here. I have a kind request. I wonder if I can trouble elder sister to go with us!" The old man Seeing that the man in front of her was much more friendly than the man just now, the woman became more attentive and asked for advice.

"Success! I'm about to go back to the mountain! Let's go, we will go together, if my big brother doesn't take you, I will take you to find An An Shen doctor directly!" Cao Zheng's family is a warm-hearted and pungent person.Nodding and laughing.

Tang Bin chuckled and didn't speak at the side, when the stretcher came over, Cao Zheng's family helped the old man carry the patient onto the stretcher, the Miaoman woman was careful.Hurriedly got off a quilt from the carriage and put it on Yan Dong's body. Seeing this, the old man said to his daughter: "Your mother and I are only worthy to give birth to you, look at my sister!"

Seeing this, Xiaohuan's face flushed with embarrassment, and she stepped forward and grabbed the woman's clothes, the woman squeezed Xiaohuan's hand tacitly, comforting her, Tang Bin smiled when he saw this, and said: "I am a wicked person, my sister-in-law is a kind person , are you at ease now? Let’s go up the mountain!”

The whole family dared not speak, and followed Tang Bin tremblingly. Everyone got into the boat. Tang Bin chatted with Cao Zheng's family and asked her why she came down the mountain. What's wrong, I'm too busy to be in charge, so I'm sent down to help him run errands!"

"Dare to order my sister-in-law to come down to run errands, Brother Cao Zheng's courage has grown!" Tang Bin joked, only to hear a few of the stretcher-carrying mistresses covering their mouths and laughing.

Cao Zheng's family also laughed, and said: "Just like me, with a long face and thick arms, isn't it just a material for running errands? On the contrary, big brother, your Huazi sister, with her small appearance and figure, you have to coax her well!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she subconsciously glanced at the patient's family members, not to mention that men like to look at beautiful women, even when women meet beautiful women, no matter what their mentality is, they will never ignore it. The little lady is also too beautiful to speak of. If it is true, even the stunning women like Huazi and Jinlian, compared with her, I am afraid that they will be slightly inferior.

On the waterway, everyone was chatting one after another, and after a while, the boat had already arrived on the golden sand beach in the south of the cottage, and everyone got off the boat, only to see that Cao Zheng's daughter-in-law kept her promise and went with the stretcher. Going up the mountain, just after arriving at the first pass, I saw Song Wan and his garrison brothers putting up lanterns and festoons, wearing red and green. Tang Bin smiled and said: "The work of these few days has been squeezed into one day. Are you too busy?" Come here? How about I bring someone over to help in a while?"

Song Wanyi said with a smile: "Our garrison can't even do this, so we might as well be grooms for your camp!"

"You said that, but I didn't say that!" Tang Bin clasped his hands and laughed.

Song Wan waved his hand and said, "Let's go back to our relatives, let's be clear. Now we have separate businesses in each battalion. It doesn't matter if you come to my place to eat, but we have to report the consumables!"

"Success, success!" Tang Bin replied with a smile.Song Wanjian nodded and said hello to Cao Zheng's family. Seeing the people around them, he asked, "Hua Zhizhai's relatives?"

It was strange for Song Wan to ask this question. Tang Bin was startled, but before he could speak, he heard Cao Zheng's family laugh and say: "The people who seek medical treatment down the mountain, see how handsome the little lady is, she looks like a beautiful girl. no?"

"That's right! Don't tell me, I thought Brother Tang Bin and his relatives came!" Song Wan stared at the woman again, quite agreeing with Cao Zheng's wife's point of view. In fact, he wanted to say that the girl was more beautiful than Hua The posture is even more beautiful, but in the end he swallowed the words back.

Tang Bin saw that this family was terrified by Song Wan, and shouted: "What's the mess, by the way, old Song, where is brother now? You need to inform him about this!"

"Let's stay in the family courtyard, this time I'm probably resting!" Song Wan replied, "If you see a patient, you can just go to An An Shen doctor. Why do you find your brother? Is this a thing?"

Tang Bin secretly said in his heart, "You don't understand", and immediately replied: "What's wrong with Shanzhai that I don't know, brother?"

After Tang Bin finished speaking, he nodded towards Song Wan, and took the inexplicable Cao Zheng's family and the bewildered patient's family to pass the test.Only the Miaoman girl panicked for no reason when she heard that she was going to see some village owner first.Last year's New Year's Eve, the scene that happened in Huangzhou came to mind again.

The [-]-word chapter has been updated.

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