When passing by the Juyi Hall, he heard someone talking inside, so Tang Bin turned in and took a look, and found that it was empty, only the guard leaders Zhu Gui and Deng Fei were chatting on the chairs. He got up and said hello. After learning that Tang Bin was looking for Wang Lun, they all said that his brother was resting in the backyard.

When Tang Bin came out of the living room, he found a minion talking to Cao Zheng's wife. Afterwards, Cao Zheng's wife showed shame and said to the family who went up the mountain to see a doctor: "I'm really sorry, my man has something to do with me, and now I'm here If you want to go there, how about this, after I finish my work, I will go to An Shenyi's mansion to find you!"

The old man's face immediately turned pale when he heard the words. All the people he encountered on the way up the mountain were rough and reckless strongmen. It was hard for him to be surrounded by a kind-hearted person. Everything was expected from her to help him speak, but he had to put it aside at this time. Extremely terrified, he muttered in his mouth: "Eldest... elder sister, this..."

Cao Zheng's daughter-in-law knew what they were worried about, and said with a smile: "There are no tigers in my cottage, so don't worry, uncle and aunt, go with my elder brother, he is a kind person, he can't eat you!"

Seeing that the old man still had a terrified expression after speaking, Cao Zheng’s daughter-in-law deliberately loudly said to Tang Bin: “Brother, you were so fierce at the beginning, you scared people into thinking you’ve entered a wolf’s den and a tiger’s lair, so don’t scare people along the way. ,ah!"

Tang Bin chuckled, and said, "Sister-in-law speaks, I dare not disobey!"

Cao Zheng's daughter-in-law smiled when she heard the words, and winked at Tang Bin, telling him not to care about what she said just now, and then said to the old man: "Uncle, hurry up and go with my elder brother, my aunt's illness can't be delayed, look at him It hurts so much I can't even open my eyes!"

The old man was so anxious that he had no choice but to thank the elder sister in front of him, helplessly followed behind Tang Bin's buttocks, and walked forward anxiously.

Fortunately, Tang Bin didn't speak any more along the way, and he didn't meet any other kings on the way.Everyone came to the gate of the backyard smoothly, and at this time the incident happened again.

"Boss Tang, according to the regulations, outsiders are not allowed to enter the family courtyard of the cottage!" The leader on duty at the gate came out to stop the old man's family and said.

Tang Bin knew about this.I can also understand this rule set by Lin Chong's father-in-law, Coach Zhang.After all, Liangshan would bring thousands of people back with him every time he went on an expedition. In order to prevent the intruders from getting involved, and there were many old and weak women and children in the family courtyard, Coach Zhang made this rule specially for Just in case.

But firstly, the old woman was really seriously ill, and secondly, Tang Bin had other plans, so naturally he couldn't let them be stopped at the door, so he spoke to the leader at the door and said, "I'll be the guarantor for this family. No?"

The leader saw this.He cupped his hands and said, "Boss Tang is the guarantor, of course you can, please register! But...don't be offended by the boss, villains have their responsibilities, and they can't be asked to bring sharp weapons in. We have to search their bodies for this!"

Tang Bin laughed when he saw the talk, and said, "Brother, it's okay to search, but the problem is that there are female relatives, how do you search?!"

The leader also smiled and said: "The leader waits for a while, the villain will go ask the sister-in-law of the Lin family for help!"

Tang Bin laughed and pointed at the leader.Said: "Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot. The first few decades taught by Mr. Zhang are not for nothing! It seems that you are all smart and smart, that's all! Don't bother my sister-in-law, I will invite my wife out to help search That's right!"

"That's a good thing!" The leader cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"Wait!" Tang Bin turned his head to tell the old man's family, and went inside.In the absence of Tang Bin, the leader did not dare to search the body without authorization.She seemed to be casual, but she was standing vigilantly at the door. At this time, a woman with various shapes walked in, holding a dustpan in her arms, and met the family at the door.Unconsciously, he stopped, and looked up and down one of the women who didn't wear makeup, but was glamorous.

Seeing this, the leader hurried forward to take the dustpan from the woman, looked at the contents of the dustpan, and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law of the Wu family, why do you buy so much millet? It's so hard to get it alone, next time I have something to do Just speak to our concierge, and I'll send my brethren with ye!"

Under the guidance of Coach Zhang, the soldiers of the Family Academy developed from the initial security function to the later multiple functions, and won the unanimous praise of the family members.Now Jin Lian naturally knew that they were not telling lies, and said with a smile:

"Your second brother has been suffering from diarrhea for the past few days. I didn't think about getting him some millet porridge to nourish his stomach, so I went to the kitchen to ask for some. It's Chinese New Year, so it's not good to trouble you. Besides, I also came from a hard life. You are so delicate, when you were a maid, what dirty work did you not do?"

Jin Lian came from a bitter background, and most of the guards including this boss also came from bitter backgrounds. There was no estrangement between the two parties, so the relationship between the two parties was usually relatively harmonious. When the little boss heard that Wu Song was ill, he hurriedly said: "Then you must not go and ask the doctor An to give it to you." have a look?"

"Isn't there a war outside? Many people in the village have been injured. Doctor An has been exhausted for the past two days. The second elder brother said that he has to trouble the doctor for such a trivial matter. Isn't this messed up!" Come on, the expression on his face is distressed and loving.

"Yes, yes, the second brother is such a person, he takes care of everything by himself and never troubles others!" The leader sighed after hearing the words.

Jin Lian echoed her smile. At this time, the sick old woman couldn't bear the pain, so she groaned in pain. Seeing this, Jin Lian hurried to the stretcher and squatted down. The girls carrying the stretcher didn't know Jin Lian at first. When they were talking, they found out that she was Wu Song's wife, so she hurriedly stepped aside respectfully. Seeing the old woman was dripping with pain, Jin Lian turned her head and asked the stretcher bearer, "This mother-in-law seems to be very ill, why don't you ask Doctor An to help her?" see?"

The four juniors dare not say that it was the boss who refused to let them in. After all, those who can guard the family courtyard have extremely high status in the subconscious of ordinary soldiers, so they just kept silent. Jinlian couldn't figure out why. Looking at the leader of the guard suspiciously, the man hurriedly said: "According to the regulations, outsiders are not allowed to enter the family courtyard without permission. We can only let them in without the guarantee of the leader Tang Bin, but before entering, they have to be searched. These are all female relatives, Tang Bin." The leader went in and asked his wife to go!"

Jin Lian was originally a person who obeyed the rules. When she was not tortured and stimulated by fate, her temper was not extreme. Now she followed the guard's train of thought and said, "Can I make it? You see, this mother-in-law is in such pain." Hurry up and ask Miracle Doctor An to take a look!"

"That would be the best!" The leader hurried forward to protect Jinlian, for fear that the other party might have bad intentions and violently hurt others.

Jin Lian smiled gratefully, first checked Xiaohuan lightly, everything was normal, and then came to the beautiful woman, the woman nodded cooperatively when she saw this, Jin Lian sighed: "I just now Know what a fairy in the sky looks like!"

The beautiful woman smiled blushingly, but because her heart was too bitter, the smile on her face inevitably carried another charm, even if Jin Lian was a woman, and she was also a beautiful woman, she couldn't help being fascinated by it at this time, that Seeing that she hadn't moved for a while, the beautiful woman called softly, "Sister!"

Jin Lian let out an "oh", came back to her senses, and hurriedly said: "Sister, don't worry, your relative, as long as you see Doctor An, you will be cured!" People, at a glance, they can see that these two are definitely not mother and daughter, and there is really too much difference in temperament.

The beautiful woman showed gratitude, and said: "Sister Duolao is very enthusiastic!"

Jin Lian smiled, speeding up her hand, and checked it. There was nothing wrong with it. She turned around and asked, "Do you want to search for patients?"

The little boss nodded apologetically, Jin Lian didn't say much, and went to check on the stretcher again. Seeing this, the beautiful woman hurried forward to help lift the quilt, Jin Lian smiled at her, and praised: "Daughter of a rich family, you are rare!"

Seeing that Jin Lian was helping to check the three people, the little leader signaled his subordinates to go to the old man's place with his eyes to save time. Seeing this, the subordinates rushed forward to search the old man. When the old man arrived, the old man quickly lowered his head, the leader became suspicious, stood beside Jin Lian, and winked at his own people, immediately five or seven people stepped forward and surrounded the old man, the old man hurriedly took out a thing from his back waist when he saw this , hastily said: "I... I have a dagger on me, but it is for self-defense, it has no other purpose!"

When everyone saw the sharp weapon, they subconsciously swarmed up and pushed the old man to the ground. Xiaohuan and the beautiful woman were terrified, but Xiaohuan was already crying and shouted: "Don't hurt my father!"

The beautiful woman quickly grabbed Jin Lian's hand, and said anxiously: "Sister! We are really not villains. We are afraid of encountering villains along the way, so we bring a dagger to defend ourselves..." When the little boss saw the woman's reaction, he was afraid of Jin Lian Being taken as a hostage by her, she rushed forward to grab someone, but Xiaohuan suddenly hissed and tried to protect her little lady, but the little leader wanted to grab someone, but was suddenly grabbed by Jin Lian behind her.

At this time, Jin Lian was also in a dilemma. On the one hand, she really liked this woman, but on the other hand, the old man was indeed carrying a sharp knife, which made her not know what to do. After a fierce struggle in her heart, she pleaded for the woman: "Ordinary people are Carrying a dagger for self-defense is also a common thing, and it doesn't necessarily mean that you have evil intentions!"

The little boss was about to speak, when he heard a shout of "Stop!" Everyone saw that Tang Bin came with his lovely wife, and the boss stepped forward and said, "This old man found a short knife!"

Tang Bin was also a little surprised when he saw this, and asked, "Who the hell are you? If you don't tell the truth, I can't help you!"

At this time, the old woman on the stretcher was about to struggle to get up, and cried: "I don't want to see a doctor anymore, I don't want to see a doctor, let me die, forget it, I can't harm you!"

When the commotion was in chaos, Tang Bin suddenly rushed forward, pulled out the little leader's saber, and shouted, "Get out of the way!" Seeing Tang Bin approaching aggressively with the saber in hand, everyone quickly withdrew and retreated. With a sneer, amidst the screams of the four women, they slashed at the old man on the ground.

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