Water Margin Survival

Chapter 414 One person is not in a hurry and ten thousand people are in a hurry

The edge of the knife stopped just a finger away from the old man's forehead, but the old man had already fainted from fright. Tang Bin bent down to investigate, then got up suddenly, put away the knife, threw it back to the little boss, and said, "What kind of villain is that?" , no martial arts at all!"

"But he has a sharp knife on him, and the villain dare not let this group of people in!" The little boss was very casual, but he stuck to his principles at this moment.

When the two were talking, Xiaohuan and the little lady rushed forward, holding the old man's body and crying, the little lady wiped her tears while pinching the old man's middle, but unfortunately there was no response.At this time, the noise at the door caused several families in the courtyard to come out to investigate. Wu Song came out first, and Lin Chong's house also opened the door. Teacher Zhang came out quickly and asked, "What's going on?"

Tang Bin and the little boss told the ins and outs, and Jin Lian also asked her husband to intercede. Coach Zhang was in a dilemma. They are all like weak women, who knows if they have martial arts, it is really impossible to conclude that this group of people has no other intentions, so they hesitated for a while.

There were more and more people, and at this moment a strong man parted from the crowd and stepped aside to reveal a sleepy-eyed scholar. When everyone saw this man, they all shouted: "Brother!" "Brother!"

It was Wang Lun who came, and he immediately asked, "Old Tang, what's the matter?"

"A family of people wanted to go up the mountain to seek medical treatment, so I brought them up, but I didn't realize that this old man was carrying a short knife, so there was a misunderstanding. I tried him just now, and I fainted from fright. , This kind of reaction can’t be faked anyway!” Tang Bin was standing with Guan Sheng and the others talking about something, when he heard the words, he glanced at the little boss, and replied categorically.The little boss lowered his head, thinking to himself, this time he might have offended Tang Bin thoroughly.

"Go ask Miracle Doctor An to come over!" Wang Lun bowed his head and pondered for a moment.Jiao Ting didn't want to leave at this moment, but just winked at Guo Sheng.Seeing this, Guo Sheng turned around and ran away.

"Brother, I'm afraid to feint, the old man is a fake, these two women..." Xiao Rang stepped forward to warn at this time.At this time, the Shanzhai is an eventful time, and just a jade seal can make ambitious people salivate.

"Little sister, come and see, if it's really a patient, don't delay her seeing a doctor!" At this time, a woman in the crowd came out and said, it was Hu Sanniang, the female general of Huitianying.

Wang Lun nodded, and went forward together with Hu Sanniang, Jiao Ting hurriedly followed, the little lady just looked up when she saw someone coming up, and looked around the crowd.Finally, a pair of tearful eyes looked straight at Wang Lun, eyes full of grievances.

Wang Lun was taken aback when he saw this. Firstly, this woman was very beautiful. Even Wang Lun, who has seen many beauties from later generations, couldn't help being moved. Second, this woman gave him a very strange feeling.It was as if she had known herself for a long time.But Wang Lun didn't have any memory about her in his mind at all. Just when he was confused, he suddenly thought, no way! ?Could it be the old acquaintance of "Wang Lun", when he thought of this, he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Hu Sanniang looked at the girl, and then at Wang Lun.I found that the feeling of these two people meeting for the first time is very unusual, women are generally delicate in mind, only to hear her teasing: "Brother, brother! Wake up! You look at me like this, my little sister won't dare to step forward!"

As soon as Hu Sanniang's words came out, Wang Lun realized that he had lost his composure.Hmm, ah, a couple of times, and the crowd erupted into laughter. When did the always calm elder brother show such a childish and goddess attitude? Immediately, someone hid behind him and made a fuss. Wu Song patted the back of his wife's hand when he saw this.He said in a low voice, "Don't worry, it's okay!" Tang Bin was overjoyed, secretly leading them up to see if he did the right thing.

Wang Lun coughed dryly, and was just about to say something to deal with this group of brothers who had turned from being vigilant to watching the excitement. Just at this time, Guo Sheng came with An Daoquan. An Daoquan, who got up in a hurry, was still not fully dressed, so he stepped forward to help him smooth the corner of his clothes with the purpose of diverting his attention.

An Daoquan was overwhelmed by the flattery, and hurriedly said: "Come by yourself, come by yourself!" Immediately, everyone burst into laughter, and even the barbarian Jiao Ting couldn't help smiling silly at this time.

Seeing that Han Shizhong and Li Kui laughed the loudest, Wang Lun thought to capture the king first, and immediately shouted: "Li Kui, Han Shizhong, before the banquet at night, you both tie up the lanterns in this yard!"

The two were taken aback when they heard the words, and were immediately dumbfounded. The other leaders were all laughing. Seeing that the momentum was not good, Li Kui lowered his head and was about to slip away. If you are in trouble, you still don't talk about loyalty!"

Li Kui pulled Han Shizhong over and said in a low voice, "Let's go now, it's just to tie up lanterns now, if you hang around for a while, I'm afraid we will have to carry the sedan chair for that girl!"

Han Shizhong couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and quickly responded: "Make lanterns, let's make lanterns now!"

Wang Lun chased away the two leaders who made a fuss, but the other leaders still wanted to watch the fun. At this time, Wang Jin pulled Shi Jin and said, "Go, go back and talk about the stick method!"

Shi Jin didn't want to leave, and begged, "My little brother has already used a gun, what else can master teach me?"

"I'll teach you what it means to be a big blow, let's go!" After Wang Jin finished speaking, he walked away with his hands behind his back. Shi Jin was annoyed, and reluctantly followed Wang in.As soon as Shi Jin left, Chen Da and Yang Chun couldn't stay any longer, so they had to follow up at every step. Lin Chong and Xu Ning looked at each other and smiled, and turned back.Lu Zhishen looked at Wang Lun and at Lin Chong who was leaving, and suddenly shouted: "Everyone go to sleep, just watch the birds!"

Everyone laughed, and groups of three or four returned to their respective families. After a short while, the people at the scene finally dispersed. Wang Lun was safe and sound. He secretly thought that this misunderstanding might not be explained clearly, so he looked at the scene subconsciously. The girl glanced at her, but saw that she had lowered her head, and her cheeks were slightly red under her temples.

"Brother, little sister is also resigning?" Hu Sanniang smiled when she saw that the people had almost left.

Now the situation is clear, if this woman is an assassin, she is probably a shy assassin, Wang Lun nodded, and Hu Sanniang smiled.

At this time, An Daoquan's clothes were also tidied up, and he hurriedly stepped forward to check on the patient. Wang Lun said, "Look at the one on the stretcher first!"

An Daoquan understood, and stepped forward to take the old woman's pulse. The woman didn't have time to think about anything else, but looked at An Daoquan nervously, for fear that he would shake his head and say that the disease could not be cured.

An Daoquan took the pulse for a long time, finally stopped, and went forward to take the old man's pulse, the woman and Xiaohuan were at a loss and did not dare to disturb the doctor.Just praying to their respective gods to bless this poor couple.

The time for a stick of incense passed quickly, and An Daoquan stood up and said to Wang Lun: "The old man is fine, he will wake up naturally after a short sleep, but this woman..."

The woman and Xiaohuan hurriedly asked: "How is my mother (I am)?"

"This disease is very serious. But it's not impossible!" An Daoquan comforted the family members of the two patients, and the two women thanked An Daoquan as if they had heard the most beautiful words in the world. An Daoquan shook his head and said: "There is still a certain danger. Although I have encountered nearly a hundred cases of her case, I can't guarantee that it will be safe!" After speaking, she turned to Wang Lun and said, "Coincidentally, the disease is the same as my wife's, but it is slightly milder than hers!"

Wang Lun knew what An Daoquan was worried about as soon as he heard it, and said: "Let's make it clear to the family members, they agree. Let's do it!"

An Daoquan nodded, stood up and said to the two worried girls: "To put it simply, a part of her intestines is rotten, and she needs to take out the rotten intestines, but the diseased intestines are not easy to find. This is one of the difficulties. After the intestines are taken out, it is best not to move the person, but to stay in the cottage for observation for three to five days to more than ten days. If the care is not good, it is easy to be life-threatening. This is the second difficulty. If your family members agree, I will now Let's start treatment!"

As soon as Xiaohuan heard that he was going to have his bowels broken and his life was in danger, he was terrified on the spot. He just held the woman's hand and looked anxiously at the woman who was the only person she could trust now. It's also a mess.Her affection for this woman was not much worse than Xiaohuan's, and immediately asked softly: "Is this the only way, the imperial doctor? Can't use needles for diagnosis and treatment?"

"If it came early, I could still use acupuncture to control the disease and even recover. But she has been dragging on for a long time now, and her intestines are rotten, and this is the only way to rely!" An Daoquan replied.

"We hired a lot of good doctors, and we also used acupuncture first, but we didn't dare to use it at all. We listened to Dr. Zhao's advice in Qizhou, so we came here to ask you, genius doctor, please help me!" After the woman finished speaking, she bowed down with Xiaohuan.

An Daoquan asked the two to get up, and said, "I also know Doctor Zhao, but he saw me use a knife once before!"

Seeing this, the woman hesitated for a long time, and then asked blushingly: "Genius doctor, you said that you have encountered nearly a hundred patients like this, please forgive me for being rude, they...they...finally..."

An Daoquan smiled and said, "It's a fluke that they were all cured in the end! But the risk is high, so I must warn you before the treatment!"

Seeing that she was overjoyed, the woman looked back at her sister, but unfortunately she still didn't dare to make this decision for her mother, so the woman had to squat down and whispered in the ear of the half-conscious old woman for a while. , only to hear the old woman snort: "If you die, you will die. If you cure it, you may not die. Let it be cured... Let it be cured. If it dies, don't blame anyone! I won't drag you two poor girls!"

With tears in her eyes, the woman nodded towards An Daoquan, took out a piece of pendant from her body, handed it to An Daoquan, and said, "I hope the imperial physician will use his magical skills to save my life!"

An Daoquan didn't even look at the jade, but said to the four young men carrying stretchers: "Carry me to the camp...forget it, just carry me to my house!" Go back first and lead the way ahead.

Hearing the words, the four quickly lifted the stretcher and followed An Daoquan. Wu Song picked up the old man on the ground and followed with Jinlian. Not too much! You two should rest in my room, there should be news soon!"

The two girls had no choice but to go with Huazi, but before the girl left, she couldn't help but glance at Wang Lun again, and when Wang Lun noticed it, she quickly retracted her gaze, and followed Huazi with a blushing face. up.

"Brother, how are you?" Tang Bin asked Wang Lun.

"How about what?" Wang Lun asked back.

Tang Bin chuckled and said, "This girl comes from a wealthy family, and she looks like a lady from a famous family. Not to mention being knowledgeable and polite, her appearance is stunning in Tokyo, and she is worthy of my brother. I say..."

"Brother!" Wang Lun interrupted Tang Bin's words. He always felt that this woman seemed to know him. This feeling made him a little weird, but he didn't know how to say this to Tang Bin for a while, so he just went to him without saying a word. go forward.

The more Wang Lun was like this, the more Tang Bin felt that something was going on. He took big strides to catch up with Wang Lun, and said to himself, "But this woman's background is a bit special, she doesn't look like an ordinary family, even if she is a young lady from an official family. In this way, things get screwed up!"

"Whether it's screwed or not, let's talk about it after people are saved!" Wang Lun waved his hand.After thinking for a while, he said again: "Brother, I appreciate your kindness, but some things are about fate. This girl is filial, sensible, and beautiful, but we didn't even know her before. Now let's talk about other things. Is it early?"

"Cheng Chengcheng! I understand, I understand!" Tang Bin raised his hands in surrender, "Let it be, let it be!"

Wang Lun felt helpless, subconsciously glanced at Tang Bin's house, and shook his head.Pushing open the door, An Daoquan saw Wang Lun coming in, and said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, how about guiding the younger brother again?"

"You have practiced hundreds of cases, and you are already the most accomplished person in this technique. What else can I teach you?" Wang Lun shook his head and smiled, and said to An Daoquan, who was busy cleaning the house, "Sister-in-law, disturb me!" It's your New Year's Eve!"

"What my uncle said is that doctors are parents. I marry a doctor, so I have to cultivate a little kindness in these years!" An Daoquan's wife is a quick-witted person, and they can't stop collecting.He laughed while doing it.

"Sister-in-law is in a good mood!" Wang Lun also laughed and chatted with the two of them for a while. Wang Lun cleared out everyone in the house, and then he came out and saw Han Shizhong and Li Kui pretending Move ladders and hang colored silk there.Wang Lun didn't think it was funny, he folded his chest and looked at it for a long time, and said: "Hurry up, it will be dark in less than an hour!"

"Then what. I want to promote that one is not afraid of suffering, and the other is not afraid..." Li Kui recalled the words in the military training code, and recited on the ladder.

When Han Shizhong saw the nondescript words coming out of his mouth, he laughed so hard that his whole body trembled, and even when he saw the ladder shaking, Li Kui was unsteady, and cursed on it: "I know you are the one who threw Han Wu!" You have no good intentions to coax me up the ladder, you are hurting me..."

Seeing that the two were swearing again, Wang Lun shook his head and left. When he reached the door of his house, he suddenly turned around and said, "Call some people to clean up the empty room next to Wei Dingguo. When the patient comes out, he will settle there. !"

Jiao Tingjian laughed and said, "I'll take someone to do it myself!"

"What are you going to do?" Wang Lun asked in surprise.

"Anyway, I can't stay at home, so I want to help clean the house, I feel at ease!" Jiao Ting said naively.

"You can't go to Teacher Lin's house if you feel uncomfortable, why do you have to clean the house?" Wang Lun wondered.

"In short, I feel at ease, brother, don't worry about it!" Jiao Ting ran away straight after finishing speaking, Wang Lun was dumbfounded, what happened to these people today, one or two were as excited as chicken blood.

Wang Lun stood helplessly in the family courtyard, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. The courtyard was strange at this moment. Except for Han Shizhong, Li Kui, and Jiao Ting who ran into Lin Chong's house and couldn't come out, there was no one else in the huge courtyard. They all closed the door tightly, and I don't know if it was caused by the severe cold weather or something else.

"Jin'er, come on, come clean the house with me!" Jiao Ting greeted the coach Zhang and his wife, as well as Lin Chong and Mrs. Lin, and then expressed his intention to come. It turned out that when he said he wanted to bring someone, he meant to bring Jin'er.

"Is the village owner's house dirty?" Xiao Jin'er was sitting on the edge of the brazier warming up the fire, a little confused.

"It's cleaning the empty house. The house next door to the new leader's house is for the woman who went up the mountain to seek medical treatment!" Jiao Ting explained.

Jin'er didn't come out of the house just now, and Lin Chong and Coach Zhang were tight-lipped people, so she didn't know what happened outside the yard just now, so she couldn't understand at all, and asked Jiao Ting very curiously: "What woman?" Seeing that, Jiao Ting scratched his head and didn't know where to start. Seeing this, Lin Chong smiled and said, "You child, if you tell you to go, you can go. We have a lot of people here, so it's not convenient for him to tell!"

Jiao Ting chuckled, cupped his hands at Lin Chong, and then kept waving at Xiao Jin'er.There was no other way, the master had already spoken, so Xiao Jiner rubbed her hands, went to the back to get a broom, a rag, and other tools for cleaning the house, followed Jiao Ting out the door in confusion, and hearty laughter from Lin Chong and Coach Zhang came from behind.

On the way, Jiao Ting had heard a lot of miscellaneous things, and Jin'er suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "Oh! So you want to marry the village master!"

"Exactly!" Jiao Ting laughed, "You're still smart! You'll know it once you hear it!"

"What kind of person is that woman?" Jin'er asked curiously.

"I don't know how to describe it. By the way, sister-in-law Jinlian said she is a fairy in the sky!" Jiao Tinghan said with a smile, and then told everything he saw just now, and finally said: "I found that the woman always Peeking at brother! As soon as brother looked up, she lowered her head!"

Jin'er chuckled and said: "If a woman becomes curious about a man, then she will be miserable!"

Jiao Ting couldn't understand, and hurriedly asked: "How miserable will it be?"

"It's worse than others, I'm going to clean the big house with you in the cold!" After Jin'er finished speaking, she ran away with a smile, Jiao Ting patted her head and laughed silly.

"What a couple!" Li Kui, who was on the ladder not far away, saw this scene and said angrily.

"Usually I tell you to read more and get more connotations! You just don't listen, and now you speak so badly that I'm ashamed to be with you! What do you mean by a dog and a girl?" Han Shizhong glanced at Li Kui and said disdainfully.

"How many words do you know? Then tell me, they don't call them men and women, what are they called?" Li Kui said angrily.

"The adulterer!" Han Shizhong said with a smirk.

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