Water Margin Survival

Chapter 427 Offering Treasures to Zengtou City

In order to avoid the siege and interception of Erlong Mountain and save the lives of more than [-] subordinates, Yu Baosi did not return to Qingzhou this time, but went to Lingzhou via Zizhou.

With the gold robbed from the Liao people as a backing, this group of people didn't have any troubles again.After more than ten days of trekking, Yu Baosi entered Lingzhou and went straight to the destination of the trip: Zengtou City in the southwest of Lingzhou.

It is said that Zengtou City in Lingzhou is very different from other towns in the Song Dynasty, because the residents here are all Jurchens, who were brought back when the Song Dynasty was established in the early days, when they sailed to buy horses in the black water and white mountains. descendants.After more than 100 years of reproduction, it became a market over time. At this time, there were about [-] households, all of whom lived by raising horses.

As the saying goes, "Snakes can't fly without a head, and birds can't fly without wings." In Zengtou City, there is also a family leader called Zengjiafu.He gave birth to five sons, named Five Tigers of the Zeng Family, the eldest son was called Zeng Tu, the second was called Zeng Mi, the third was called Zeng Suo, the fourth was called Zeng Kui, and the fifth was called Zeng Sheng.There is also a teacher, Shi Wengong, and an assistant teacher, Su Ding, both of whom are highly skilled in martial arts.

This Zeng family mansion has been the lord of the place for generations, ruling over the same clan.Because of the lack of horses in the Song Dynasty, he only made a living by selling horses to the court.So at this time, although the Zeng family gathered 7000 to [-] people, the government turned a blind eye to it, telling him to gradually develop his momentum.

Yu Bao didn't come here once or twice, no matter Zeng Nong or his five sons, they could talk to each other.At this time, he brought his desperadoes along, and went straight to Zeng's mansion without caring about the spring flowers and autumn moon.

Shi Qian, who followed far behind, was amazed at the dangerous pass, but he saw that Zhou Hui was surrounded by wild water and surrounded by high hills on three sides.The river port at the edge of the moat is like a coil of snakes, and the willows under the river are like rain.Looking from afar, the green shade is so thick that no one can be seen.Sneaking around, the blue shadows are chaotic and hidden deep in the stockade.A strong man in the village.The courage that comes out is like a King Kong.Children in the field are like ghosts when they are born.Monks and Taoists can lose sticks, but women are accustomed to using knives and guns.Sure enough, it is an iron wall and a copper wall, and it is as strong as a man and a horse.

Shi Qian secretly called out "Hello" and thought: "When I was traveling in the rivers and lakes in the past, I also heard that the heroes in the rivers and lakes carefully avoided this place. Even Shi Wengong was willing to be a teacher here. The Buddhist temple is also willing to listen to him. Presumably that Zeng also has some Taoism, but I don't know whether he dares to take this hot potato!" At that moment, Shi Qian cautiously sneaked into the city to inquire about news.

However, Elder Zeng was dozing off under the warm sun that day, when he suddenly heard his eldest son come into the yard to report that Yu Bao was congenial with others, Elder Zeng complained to Zeng Tu: "We usually recruit him a lot, But he refused to come. I heard that the Jingdong Liangshan and Erlongshan villages have put all their efforts to suppress him recently, but he came to help. If we accept him at this time, it will cause hatred between the two villages for no reason. It is unwise! My son, you Don't you know what's going on before us? What we want now is to keep a low profile, how can this one robber spoil the plan?"

"What dad said is true. My son also teased that guy at the beginning, but he said that there was a shocking treasure as a gift. I asked him what it was, but he refused to say it. He just said that he would give it to dad when he saw him!" Zeng Tu replied.

"Shocking treasure?" Elder Zeng raised his eyelids, but did not move his body. He said to his son, "He is a bandit. He lives by plundering, so what kind of treasure can he have? It is nothing more than common things. Is there any shortage of yellow and white in my village?" What? You just send him away!"

Seeing the old father's words, Zeng Tu nodded and left. When he arrived in the hall, he said to the waiting Yu Bao: "My father is unwell and can't see each other. Here is a plate of gold and silver, which is also a favor for us to meet for a while." !"

Yu Bao said that he was anxious when he saw the two roads he knew that could lead to the government. On the one hand, Dong Ping was a dead end, and only the single-plank bridge in Zengtou City remained. He didn't even look at gold and silver at the moment, but begged Zeng Tu: " I just want to see you, if your father still says the same thing after seeing my treasure, I, Yu Baosi, will take my brothers and leave without saying a word!"

Seeing his confident appearance, Zeng Tu became curious for a moment and asked, "What kind of rare thing is it?"

The white paper fan was afraid that the boss would still take him, so he immediately leaned forward and said, "A year ago, Zhao Guan's family lost a treasure..."

Zeng Tu's eyes flickered, and suddenly his eyes became blazing. He stared at Yu Bao and said, "Could it be that you were hunted down by them because you robbed Liangshan Hu?"

Zeng Tu's question was vague, Yu Baosi thought for a while and said, "You can also say that!"

Zeng Tu heard that without saying a word, he led Yu Baosi to the backyard, and the white paper fan wanted to go with him, but was stopped by the servants of the house, so he had to sit in the hall and drink tea anxiously.

"Father, he said that he robbed Liang Shanbo of the treasures he stole from the palace, and that's why he was hunted down by Liang Shan!" Zeng Tu said hurriedly when he saw his father.

Elder Zeng's hands trembled when he heard the words, he stared at Yu Bao four times, trying to get a clue from his face, but after looking at him for a long time, he suddenly said: "I am confused! Liangshanpo's plan to cause disasters to flow eastward, don't you? can not tell!?"

Zeng Tu asked his father to wake him up, grabbed Yu Bao and said, "Tell me, how can I, Zengtou, be sorry for you, and you want to cooperate with Liang Shanbo in harming my Zeng family like this?"

Yu Bao remained unmoved by the menacing Zeng family's big tiger, and said coldly: "More than 100 of my brothers died at their hands, and there is a mortal enemy, what good is it for me to frame you together with him? Since the two of you doubt me, it is useless to talk too much, I will go to Cangzhou Chai Daguan's house to offer a treasure!"

Elder Zeng rolled his eyes when he heard the words, he thought to himself that although this guy was born as a thief, he has some loyalty, and he would not do such things that hurt others and benefit himself, so he immediately stopped him and said: "Even if you have never participated in it, if you don't do it unintentionally It is not impossible for Liang Shan to use Zhong Zhong!"

"My treasure, I didn't get it from Liangshan at all!" Yu Baosi said with a sneer, and then told the whole story about the Liao people stealing treasures, blaming Liangshan, contacting ships in Qingzhou, and meeting with his family by chance. He was dumbfounded, Zeng Tu gloated from time to time, and laughed at Wang Lun's fate, Yu Baosi said again: "Those two Liao people are real at a fair price. Dedicated to the imperial court, when the time comes, the world will know, why are you still afraid of Liang Shanbo's so-called plan to divert disasters to the east?"

Elder Zeng heard what he said in every detail, it didn't seem to be fabricated, he made a preliminary judgment in his heart, he laughed dryly, and said: "You are so rude just now, don't be offended by the heroes of the Yu family! This, if it is really the legendary Jade Seal , my family will naturally offer it to the court, but I don't know where it is now?"

Yu Baosi took off the cage on his back and opened it in front of the two of them. Zeng got the jade seal and almost jumped out of his heart. Zeng Tu was young after all, but he was more interested in the armor. He fiddled with his hands left and right, couldn't bear it for a while, and said in surprise: "Could it be that golden gunner Xu Ning's Yanling Golden Ring Armor, it's really a good one!"

"By the way, where's the knife?" Zeng Tu suddenly remembered something, greed was nothing.

"Tell those two Liao people to run away, and Yang Zhi's family heirloom sword is probably in another box!" Yu Baosi replied truthfully.

Zeng Tujian said that he was extremely sorry, and wanted to complain about Yu Bao, but he finally held back the words, and just cursed: "This pair of Liao dogs have really long legs!"

Elder Zeng tossed and fiddled with the jade seal, even though he was old and shrewd, he couldn't help but blush at this moment.Originally, I suspected that there was something wrong with this matter, but after seeing this jade seal, I was [-]% relieved.After all, he is also considered a rich man, with good knowledge, and he can tell at a glance that this jade is definitely not ordinary, and it is definitely not a product of this dynasty, so he suppressed the joy in his heart and asked Yu Bao four times: " If the strong man has any ideas, just speak up!"

"I heard that the elder has always had a good relationship with the Lingzhou government, so I ask the elder to return it to the court on behalf of the younger brother, so that the 33 brothers around me can have a prosperous future!" Yu Bao clasped his fists and said.

"It's simple! It's just a matter of raising your hands. I will never erase your contributions! It's just that Liu Zhizhou of Lingzhou went out to conquer Liangshanbo recently, and the hero of the Yu family stayed at my house for a few days. How about waiting for the Zhizhou to come back?" Zeng joked.

Knowing that what he said was the truth, Yu Baosi immediately nodded in agreement, Zeng Nong changed his indifference at the beginning, and started talking to Yu Baosi very enthusiastically, and after a long time he ordered someone to send Yu Baosi to rest, at this time Zeng Tu came up Said: "My master is an invincible hero, if this armor is worn on him, he will definitely be like a tiger with wings added!"

"You are destined to make wedding clothes for others all your life. With this treasure in your hand, you never said to keep it for yourself, let alone for your younger brothers. You miss your master!" Elder Zeng looked at his son with a complicated expression.

Zeng Tu was not happy, and argued: "The five of us used to make small troubles and thought we had great abilities. If Master hadn't come here, we would have become a laughing stock! Besides, am I the only one in the world who makes wedding dresses for others? At this time, don't say that the treasure in my hands is the treasure in your hands, Daddy, would you keep it by yourself?"

At this time, there was no one else in the courtyard, only to hear Zeng jokingly say: "You five children have such a stubborn temper, and I don't know who to learn from, so I can't even say it! The Jade Seal of Chuanguo in my hand is the same as the treasure in your hand. Armor, there is a world of difference, how can we generalize it? Leaving treasure armor is nothing more than a few thieves coveting, if leaving jade seal, I am afraid that my Zeng family will soon suffer disaster!"

"Didn't Yu Baosi say that the jade seal should be returned to the imperial court! Let's keep the treasure armor, and say that the whereabouts of it and the knife are unknown!" Zeng Tu said casually.

Elder Zeng took a meaningful look at his son who had no political talent, and consciously pointed him out: "It is necessary to dedicate it to the imperial court! But the crux of the problem is whether this important national treasure related to the destiny of the country should be dedicated to it. The court of the Song people is still the court of our Jurchens!" (To be continued...)

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