Water Margin Survival

Chapter 428 Restless Ambition

An old servant dressed in a typical pale head nowadays took small steps in the mansion, looking for Zeng Nong's youngest son Zeng Sheng all over the world. (From Ping Nanzhi's appearance, he does not have any Jurchen characteristics at all. In fact, this can be regarded as a true portrayal of a tiny microcosm in Zengtou City. Except for a certain characteristic contained in the bones, from their appearance and language On the surface, it is difficult to find the difference between them and ordinary Song people.

"Fifth Master, the master and the uncle are discussing important matters in the backyard, and I am calling you!" Finally, he found Elder Zeng's favorite youngest son on the training ground, the old servant took a breath and hurriedly reported.

Zeng Sheng saw that he didn't ask what was the matter, threw the spear in his hand in front of the assistant trainer, and went to the backyard alone. As soon as he arrived, he saw his father and elder brother arguing about something, Zeng Sheng hurriedly greeted him Going up and saying hello to the two, Zeng Nong pointed at the younger son and said to the elder son, "If you don't understand anything, just ask your brother!"

Zeng Tu looked at Zeng Sheng suspiciously, and asked, "Old Five, you took a boat to Beidi to buy stallions last time, so tell me the truth, did you go to Liaodi?"

"Yeah! What's the matter?" Zeng Sheng blurted out his answer to his brother's question, and at the same time subconsciously glanced at Elder Zeng. Seeing his calm face, he nodded slightly to meet his gaze. Zeng Sheng instantly understood what his father meant, and bowed his head in thought After a while, he met his elder brother's puzzled eyes and calmly said: "It was indeed Liao land at that time, but now, it is probably my Jurchen's fishing, hunting and grazing land!"

Zeng Tu was shocked when he heard the words, and said in disbelief: "The Liao Kingdom has a vast territory and a population of tens of millions. For hundreds of years, the Great Song Dynasty has been overwhelmed. We pay tribute to seek softness. How many mouths can we Jurchens have? How dare we compete with Daliao! ?”

Zeng Sheng smiled contemptuously, pointed to the north side impassionedly and said:

"Brother. You have lived in the Central Plains for a long time, so naturally you don't know what's going on outside! At this time, a hero named Wanyan Aguda emerged from among my clan. The bitter days and the days when we Jurchens will be proud are coming! In the second year, our people defeated the Liao army in Ningjiang Prefecture. The general Yelu Xieshi captured the defense envoy and the great pharmacist slave while besieging the city. He also repelled Xiao Tabuye! From then on, Jiangning prefecture does not belong to the Liao Dynasty!"

"Breaking the small border states means rising?" Zeng Tu widened his eyes and said, "Not long ago, Liang Shanbo broke through the Beijing Daming Mansion, the accompanying capital of the Great Song Dynasty. Do you dare to say that Wang Lun has the strength to replace Zhao Song? The Great Song Dynasty is about to collapse. ?”

Seeing that the fifth younger brother looked at him and said nothing, Zeng Tu felt that his words just now were a bit too much. After all, it was a big victory for his distant and ethereal clansman, so he immediately softened his tone and said:

"Old fifth, calm down, don't you remember that Master once said that a small victory may not change the overall situation. The combined people of my clan are not as large as the people of a state capital of Liao Kingdom, and everyone is fighting. It is not obvious that it is really Liao Kingdom Opponent. There is an excellent example in front of you. You didn’t hear that Liangshan quickly retreated after Pode City. Master also said that Wang Lun was considered clear-headed. If you wait until the Song Dynasty takes him seriously, you will regret it It's too late!"

Hearing this, Zeng Sheng laughed out loud, until Zeng Tu was puzzled for a while.Looking at his father suspiciously, Zeng Nong shook his head and sighed: "We have been in the Song Kingdom for a long time, and our blood has been worn away. Among my five sons, only the fifth son is the most like a Jurchen!"

Hearing his father's words, Zeng Tu felt suffocated, and was about to speak up to defend himself, when Zeng Sheng said: "Brother, we were born in the Song Dynasty, have we been assimilated by the sheep-like Song people! People are so cowardly, when will our clansmen be able to stand out?"

"It's true that a small victory for a while can't decide the overall situation, but a big and crucial victory frightened Liaogou, and he never dared to look down on our Jurchen people!" Zeng Sheng said here, a sense of pride came from his heart, and he continued. : "After the Battle of Ningjiang Prefecture, Liaogou paid more attention to our people, and a few months later, he launched a large army to retaliate, but it ended in failure!" Speaking of this, Zeng Sheng saw that his brother wanted to speak again, but he didn't understand what was going on in his heart. What are you thinking?It must be known that Master Shi Wengong often talked with the five brothers about the details of the battle at the Daming Mansion in his spare time, so he immediately raised his hand to interrupt him and said:

"I know my brother is using Liangshan Po as an example! Yes, my people only wiped out [-] to [-] enemies in these two battles, and they can't hurt the vitality of the Liao Kingdom at all! But just listen to me!"

Zeng Tu asked Zeng Sheng to stop him, and he simply stopped talking, and said angrily: "Say what you say!"

Zeng Sheng smiled, and now he didn't keep it up, and said bluntly: "Afterwards, the Lord of Liao sent all the 70 elite soldiers in the country to march in person. The result! But the entire army was wiped out at the guarding post, and our army was less than 2 at that time! Big Brother , Hearing this, as a descendant of Jurchen, are you not happy?"

Looking at his brother with his mouth wide open, Zeng Sheng was very proud, and said casually: "By the way, I forgot to mention just now, just before the battle of Gubu Dagang, Wanyan Aguda has officially established the country and proclaimed it emperor, and the country is named Dajin!"

"Although iron is strong, it has already decayed, but gold lasts forever!" Elder Zeng's high-pitched voice sounded in the eardrums of the two, making the best footnote for this conversation.

"Really...there are 70 Liao troops?" Zeng Tu was still immersed in the shocking news just now and couldn't extricate himself. At this time, he looked at his little brother who was arrogant but never lied, asking for proof.To be honest, it doesn't matter to him whether to build a country or not, and it's not that shocking. After all, there are countless emerging forces that perished in a blink of an eye in history.The most important thing is, do you have the strength to protect this new country.

"It's not all the Liao army, it is estimated that there are many vassals of the Han Dynasty! But in any case, there is no doubt that the field elites of the Liao Kingdom were completely lost in this battle! Since then, they have been as exquisite as the dishes on the dining table of the Song Dynasty. The dishes, when and how to eat, all depend on our emperor’s wishes! Since then, North Nvzhi, Nannvzhi, Changbaishan Nvzhi, Yalu River Nvzhi, Binhai Nvzhi, Huanglong Mansion Jurchen, Hesu Restaurant Jurchen, Jurchen of Hue Kingdom, Huiba Jurchen has her own true master!"

Zeng Sheng looked at his elder brother with a smile on his face. At this time, the emperor of our family he was talking about, no one would think of the player emperor in the Song Dynasty.

Elder Zeng nodded to his youngest son with a smile, and said: "It is not easy for our people to survive, and we are scattered in a vast area between black water and white mountains. So we have to hug each other to keep warm, so we can go further! Boss, do you understand what I mean?"

Zeng Tu recovered from his shock at the beginning, and when he heard his father's question, he said in a daze, "We are separated by thousands of miles, how can we keep warm? We have been out for more than 100 years, and they still think It’s still the same thing if you don’t recognize us!”

"How did our ancestors get here, we can go as we want! This is a trivial matter! Let's say that there are about 7000 households in my market, with a population of no less than [-]. I have never intermarried with Han people, and all the blood of the Jurchen ! And there are [-] soldiers and horses gathered. Since Wanyan Aguda is a generation of heroes, he can naturally weigh our weight! I hadn’t thought about the reason for the contact, but now it’s not that Yu Baosi sent it up ?”

Elder Zeng chuckled, and calmly told his youngest son about the origin of the jade seal. Zeng Sheng was overjoyed, and held his father's hand and said, "Daddy, is this thing authentic?"

Zeng Tuhu said: "Why don't you invite some scholars to appraise it?"

"Students know what, but leaked the news!" Zeng Sheng shook his head and vetoed.

Elder Zeng waved his hand and said: "Although I am not sure whether this thing is true or not, I also don't believe it is a forgery! But this matter cannot be judged by my layman's judgment. Dedicated to the emperor of the Great Jin Kingdom, if we make a mistake, it will ruin our family's future!"

"Then what should we do? Fifth, Master said that you have the most ideas and are more capable than the rest of us, hurry up and find a way!" Zeng Tu said anxiously.

Zeng Sheng didn't want to find a clever plan to solve the current predicament, but he really didn't have a clue at the moment, but kept silent. Zeng Tu was a quick-tempered man, and seeing that he was wrong, he couldn't help complaining: "We have raised and sold horses for the Song Dynasty for generations. But Shu Tan, you have to be smart and go to the north to buy horses. Now that you are better, your vision has been opened, and there are many things to do, making us like dogs eating hedgehogs, and we have no choice! If you want me to say, give it back to the Song Dynasty emperor! We still raise horses, what to do with so much leisure, we will talk about it when Wanyan Aguda comes to Song Kingdom!"

"If it weren't for Liangshan's wanton harvesting of horses in the past two years, and the sweeping of several horse prisons in Daming Mansion, would we be short of good horses for breeding? I went crazy and traveled thousands of miles to that barren land? Besides, we both With the intention of returning, do you think it is better to add icing on the cake, or to give charcoal in the snow? Even if you take ten thousand steps back, just as you said, we return the jade seal to the emperor of the Song Dynasty, and we have to debate the authenticity first? The people of the Song Dynasty have too many legal principles , Send a fake one up, it is called the crime of deceiving the emperor!"

Zeng Sheng was still full of grievances and had nothing to say, he couldn't bear the pain in his back when he heard his elder brother standing up and talking.

Seeing this situation, Zeng Nong scolded the boss for being ignorant, and comforted his younger son, Zeng Tu said helplessly: "I'm a rough man, I don't have the long-term thinking of the fifth son, can I count it as mine? But the key is to find a way now." , this Yu Baosi has just stayed at our house, and it won’t be too long to hide this matter!”

"Yu Baosi and his group first greeted each other with food and drink, and said that Liu Zhizhou didn't come back, so he delayed it first! In addition, don't tell anyone about this, including your master and Su Ding!" Elder Zeng set the tone.

"Master is also hiding it?" Zeng Tu was taken aback. Over the years, Shi Wengong and the Zeng family had a very good relationship. His father had never ordered him to keep his mouth shut so solemnly, and he was immediately puzzled.

"There is a saying among the Han people that people who are not of our own race must have a different heart! We used to rely on the state of Song to live, and there was no fundamental conflict. He was naturally safe and sound, but if..." Elder Zeng said halfway, He sighed, but didn't finish his sentence.

When the two sons heard about it, they had different reactions. Compared with Zeng Tu's unacceptable, Zeng Sheng seemed much calmer and thoughtful.Elder Zeng collected the box himself, carried it back to the house, and his two sons also left.At this time, a figure on the roof stood up, with a sneer on his face, and calmly left the Zeng's mansion.

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