For the past few days, he traveled day and night, bumping all the way, causing the two people in the car to fall into a deep sleep.

Fortunately, Zhang San and Li Si were traveling together, they were used to driving and knew the way, and the two of them joked on the road, which added a lot of joy to the monotonous journey.

Seeing how high the sun had risen, it was about noon, and the carriage drove up to a hill. Zhang San stopped the carriage, opened the curtain of the carriage, and said to the inside: "Officer, master, it's just this time. There's a hotel here, why don't you just get off the car and have some wine and dinner, and go on your way in the afternoon?"

Wang Lunjian said that he stretched out his head and looked out of the car. He saw that the slope was deserted and deserted, and there was not a single family in sight. On the soil slope not far ahead, there were about a few thatched huts. Picked out a wine curtain, and seeing it, Wang Lun nodded to Zhang San. After Zhang San got the order, he put down the curtain and woke Li Si up. The two cheered up and drove the horse to the place The restaurant drove away.

After a while, the car came to a steady stop. Wang Lun called out to Lu Zhishen, who was still sound asleep, and the two jumped out of the car with their stiff limbs moving.

I saw a big tree in front of the hotel, but it was different from the other trees withered, it was very lush and enchanting.The trunk of the tree is thick, and there are no four or five people who can't hold it together. When Wang Lun looked down the tree, he saw a dark red that was wet and greasy at the root of the tree, which was dripping like human blood. Drip into the soil.

Wang Lun saw it in his eyes and was shocked in his heart.Suddenly I saw a woman coming out of the hotel, holding a wooden basin in both hands, which was full of unknown things. Seeing Wang Lun and others, she couldn't help but panic, and then she said happily: "Guest officers, please, I'm coming!" After that, he took the basin and hurriedly turned around and went in.

"It's weird!" Wang Lun whispered to the three of them.

Seeing that, Zhang San and Li Si couldn't help but looked at each other in horror, while Lu Zhishen nodded without changing his face, and only tightened the Zen stick in his hand.The four of them walked towards the hotel without saying a word.

As soon as he walked to the entrance of the hotel, Wang Lun saw a small sign beside the window sill, which read, "There are few words in the crowd, and you will return early if you don't have anything to do. Chang Yi left home when his parents brushed their backs. When crossing the bridge, you must get off your horse." , there is no way to sail. Find a place before it is too late, and look at the sky after the rooster crows. Those who have been wronged in ancient times are all on the side of the road..."

Before I finished watching, I saw the woman who had just entered turned out again. At this time, she had empty hands and a smile on her face.When everyone looked at her, they saw a yellow hairpin on her head and some wild flowers on her temples.The green gauze shirt is exposed on the upper body, a bright red raw silk skirt is tied underneath, the face is covered with rouge and lead powder, the breasts are opened, and the peach red gauze main waist is exposed, with gold buttons on the top.Regardless of the threatening cold, he only cares about showing off his flesh.

At this time, the woman came up to her with a charming smile, and said, "Guest officer, rest your feet, I have good wine and good meat, and when you want snacks, there are really big steamed buns!" The pair of peach-blossom eyes stared straight at this young and elegant man.

With Wang Lun's prior reminder, everyone was silent at this time.Wang Lun smiled and said, "Just serve good wine and good meat, we have to hurry after eating!"

Seeing this, the woman responded with a "Dele!", and courteously invited the four of them to sit down. When everyone was seated, the woman first carried the wine jar and poured a bowl of wine in front of everyone. He couldn't help but glance at Wang Lun before turning in.

Taking advantage of this time, Wang Lun poured all the muddy wine in the bowl under the table, and when everyone saw this, they all poured out the wine like him.Wang Lun smiled slightly, and chatted loudly. Zhang San and Li Si saw each other and followed up very cooperatively.Lu Zhishen just sat upright, with a playful sneer on his face.I don't want to see a yaksha head appearing at the door of the inner hall at this time, secretly watching this side.

I saw the fat monk sitting on the head pouring the wine on his own, the woman's face showed joy, she turned around and gave a wink to the inside, only to see three or five men coming out of the shop at this time, with hands full of wine. Take the meat and place it on the table.After all the dishes were served, these strong young men didn't go back, they just sat scattered at the door of the hotel, didn't speak, but kept glancing over here.

After a while, the woman also turned around, walked to the table, and said with a smile: "Guest officer, does my wine taste a little bit?" Seeing that everyone's wine bowls were empty except for the fat monk, she was overjoyed, so she went again Going forward to pour wine for the three of them, Wang Lun thanked each other with a smile and said: "The wine served is good, but it has some taste! The proprietress..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the wine bowl in his hand drop, fell to the ground and shattered, then lay down on the table unconscious.Seeing this, Lu Zhishen breathed a sigh of relief, thinking, "Brother wants to play, so I have to accompany him for a while!" He also patted his bald head, in a daze, and soon lay down on the table and couldn't wake up.

Seeing the reaction of the two brothers, Li Si didn't dare to be negligent, and then imitated the example, leaned back, and fell to the ground.In the end, Zhang Sanyi was left, and he was not far behind. He leaned exaggeratedly to the side, not wanting to get too involved, and pressed his whole body weight to the side of the bench, only to see that the bench was pushed straight up, but fell heavily to the side of Li Si's. On the leg, he was hit so hard that half of his body was sore, and tears were about to come out of his eyes, but he was suffering so much that he couldn't scream, and he only greeted Zhang's family thousands of times in his heart.

"It's true, it's true!" the woman clapped her hands and shouted, "There are four rammed goods, but it's not enough to sell for a few days? It's a pity that this Wenxiu scholar is born with a good skin! Sell him as dog meat Now, I am really reluctant for a while!" After speaking, seeing a few cooks waiting for her to finish with a smile, he said angrily: "What are you guys doing in a daze, you are doing something!"

The four or five men who blocked the door came forward with a smile and wanted to carry the four inside.At this time, a man turned into the door, and everyone stopped their movements when they saw him.I saw this man with a green gauze four-face scarf on his head, a white shirt, knee pads on his legs, eight-tone hemp shoes, and a wrap around his waist. He was born with three fists and a forked face, with a few mustaches. look like.Seeing the scene in the store, this person put down the burden he was carrying, and said with a smile: "My lady, the business is good! Hey, why is there a monk?"

"These four stupid birds bumped in without thinking at noon..." Seeing this, the woman smiled at the man, "At the beginning, I saw that the monk held a Zen stick in his hand, it was very heavy, and I was afraid of it." He has three points, but he is an idiot! It will save my mother a lot of trouble!"

The man approached, looked at the four bewildered guests for a while, and said with emotion: "Monk, it's not that the master broke the rules today, it's really your destiny to be with these three licensed guests. If I let you go, I have to let the three of them go, it's really not worth it, so you just accept your fate!"

The woman saw him talking nonsense this time, and said coldly: "You can use your words to coax people, and you dare to pretend in front of my old lady? Let me ask you, what you choose to sell in the village is not human flesh." , would you like to sell it here?"

When the man saw this, he put out a flattering smile on his face, and said to the woman: "Ma'am, it's not what you said, you have to look at the long-term. If you meet a hero, let one or two go. How tight is it?" First, you can pass on the name of our chivalry, and second, I will give up this job in the future, and I can have his care when I run around in the rivers and lakes!"

The woman snorted coldly, and said: "You have to pretend, I don't care about you! But when the old lady wants to kill someone, you don't want to bother me! Just at this time, this group of people, plus the shop bumped into this morning The two rammed goods, once I slaughtered them, it will be easy to trade for a few days!"

While talking, the woman rummaged through everyone's luggage, and suddenly felt something hard wrapped, and she was surprised, "These four thieves are surrounded by a lot of things!" Then she dumped all the items in the package. When I came out, I saw the yellow and white things falling on the table with a thud, dazzling everyone's eyes.

The man opened his eyes, took a deep breath, rushed forward, twisted a piece of gold, laughed at the woman, and said, "If there is such a benefit, then I will obey the lady and let you do what you want!" I went forward to collect the gold and silver, and asked the cooks to come forward to carry the four broilers, but at this moment, he couldn't help but act obediently and said: "You guys are so blind, don't blame the master for being cruel! I The door of the store clearly says, 'Those who have been wronged in ancient times are all on the side of the road', you four mindless people still come in, no wonder I am!"

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