"I don't blame you, but you don't blame me either!"

Suddenly, this sudden word came from an unexpected place, which surprised the happy couple.When everyone hurried to look, they saw that Wenxiu man actually sat up, looking towards them with a look of pity on his face.

How could the woman not be familiar with this kind of gaze that seemed to be looking at a dying person?I think she looked into the sun at the lambs on the stripping bench with such a condescending look.At this time, being stared at by someone like this, the woman couldn't hold back her anger, and said angrily in her heart: "Xiaoer, Xiaosan, let's go up together, catch this guy for my old lady, and skin him alive!"

Seeing this, several cooks were about to come up to fetch people, when they suddenly heard a gust of wind coming from their ears, and before everyone could understand, they saw a companion was hit by the 62-jin water-milled Zen stick, like a kite with a broken string He flew out and hit the wall, seeing that he was dead.The rest of the people were terrified, they hurriedly turned around to get their weapons, the couple saw that the situation was not going well, they hurriedly abandoned them, and rushed to the backyard.

Lu Zhishen caught up angrily with his Zen staff, and these cooks would come up to pester him, but how could they be the enemy in front of this majestic Tijuan staff?Seeing Lu Zhishen's tricks, Wang Lun didn't show mercy, and he knew that the Buddha was really angry.

In a short while, these villains who helped the tyrants were all saved by Lu Zhishen without exception. Seeing this, Zhang San and Li Si clapped their hands to celebrate, but at this moment they saw the couple rushing out with a group of people, seeing this scene , the man hurriedly shouted: "Master calm down and forgive me, the villain has something to say!"

"If you have any last words, tell my brother!" Lu Zhishen yelled, and thrust his Zen stick into the ground, and the weapon stood firmly.

The man was shocked when he saw this, he hurried forward and said: "I would like to hear the names of the four heroes!"

Seeing that Zhang Qing's death was imminent, he still dared to be arrogant, but asked the name of the person here in a big way, and tried to control the situation. Wang Lun stood up in a dumbfounded manner, and asked him, "Is this your last words?"

The woman at the side was furious when she heard the words, and said: "You bastard, what a big tone! My man kindly made friends with you, but you died! We have opened a shop for many years, and we didn't meet a few of you that day. You are begging for death, but now many of us are willing to spare the lives of the four of you, but you don't appreciate it, and dare to speak wild words?!"

Wang Lun smiled coldly, glanced at the alluring woman, and said, "Is your story finished?"

Seeing Wang Lun's expression, the woman panicked for no reason, and then a feeling of shame and anger surged from the bottom of her heart, and she wished she could turn her face. After all, the man beside her still had some eyesight, so she knew that the fat monk standing next to the scholar was not Yi Yuzhi hurriedly stopped the woman, suppressed his anger, stepped forward and said: "This time, the small shop is wrong, but you also hurt so many of my shop's employees, so this matter will be evened out. Let the guests go, they are all sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, I will count what I say, and we will not seek revenge for what happened today!"

Hearing these words, Zhang San stood aside and couldn't hold back for a long time. He is a Beijing teacher's rogue, and he is very angry. Now seeing these people dying, he put on a show and yelled to Lu Zhishen: "Master, he said that there are too many of them. , If you want to spare our lives, if we let it go at this time, will we be afraid of them?"

I heard that Lu Zhishen laughed out loud and said, "Then let them take a good look, after all there are more people over there!".Zhang San and Li Si saw that, he smiled slyly, and then pretended to wave out of the window. Seeing this, the couple hurriedly looked out of the window, thinking that the four of them were still in ambush.

Unexpectedly, at this moment Lu Zhishen reached out to take the Zen stick, and just rushed into the crowd, the couple came to their senses, and realized that they had been fooled, they both cursed secretly in their hearts.It's just that this monk was too vicious, seeing that he was not the leader, he hurriedly hid, leaving a group of ignorant fellows hurriedly parrying Lu Zhishen's Zen stick, within a short while, the couple's accomplices were all in disorder without exception He fell to the ground, and saw that there was only air coming out, not in.

Lu Zhishen saw that there were only these two heads leaning against the corner of the wall, so he stood up and rushed forward. The woman was rather fierce and wanted to meet her with a knife, but was kicked by Lu Zhishen to the ground, and the woman lay on her back. On the ground, he shouted sharply: "The hero spare me! The hero spare me!"

The man on the side was already frightened, kowtowed his head like pounding garlic, and also shouted: "Heroic man, spare your life, good man, spare your life!"

Wang Lun sneered again and again, and said: "Who dares to pass by the cross slope of the big tree? The fat is made into steamed bun stuffing, and the thin one is used to fill the river! Zhang Qing, Sun Erniang, you two regard human life as worthless, and murdering your life for money is nothing more than nothing." Beast, have you ever imagined that today will happen?"

"Since the hero knows our names, my husband and I are willing to join the hero and serve the hero! In fact, we are not the ones who kill innocent people indiscriminately. Four heroes must know that we will not kill three types of people in the villain shop... "Speaking of which, Zhang Qing saw that the four people were looking at him, and he made up his mind, and then said: "The villain will not be killed when he meets the monks and Taoists in the past, the women who are registered in the court will not be killed, and those who are married to criminals will not be killed. It's not easy to rush to the state, and the villain has pity on them..." After speaking, his tone became more and more steady, and his eyes became more and more determined. At this time, a ray of sunlight shone on his face through the broken window , to set off the upright face of this black shop owner who wanted to make money and kill him.

Wang Lun and the other four did not move after listening to his words, Zhang Qing waited anxiously, staring at the scholar anxiously, hoping that the previous experiences would show up again, just waiting for this person to say words of appreciation and affirmation , Then everyone turned hostility into friendship, and stopped fighting.

Seeing him like this, Wang Lun couldn't bear it for a while, and laughed angrily: "What? You expect me to be moved by your nonsense, so I will be sworn brother with you by beheading chicken heads and burning yellow paper?"

After finishing speaking, ignoring Zhang Qing's stunned appearance, Wang Lun took another step forward and scolded angrily: "You two dogs, killing people is just like a child's play, and after robbing people's money, you still want to use people's bodies to do things wrong! You have harmed countless people, but you are hypocritical! They proclaim everywhere that they don’t kill three things. They really want to erect archways even if they are beasts! Let me ask you, the passer-by owes you money and should be killed by you. If I don’t take the lives of both of you today, I will burn you This black shop, God will not allow me!"

Zhang Qing is even more detestable than that Erniang Sun, who is purely a butcher, needless to say.It's just that Zhang Qing still wants to play tricks to confuse the straight men in the Jianghu, and even spread a good name for these two beasts, which is really popular.

Lu Zhishen was bewitched by Zhang Qing's words at the beginning, and he felt that he was quite a principled man, but when he suddenly heard Wang Lun scolded these two beasts, his heart felt as if enlightened, and he held up his Zen staff and shouted: " How dare you two beasts talk so cleverly, if it wasn't for my elder brother being here, I would have almost hidden the truth from the Sa family, and I will give you a stick!"

Seeing this, Zhang Qing's face turned pale, and he muttered to himself, "How could this be...how could this be..." Suddenly, Lu Zhishen walked up to his wife and beat her brains out amidst Erniang Sun's screams. Zhang Qing just yelled like crazy: "You are not moral! You are not moral!!" Lu Zhishen sneered: "Let's tell the difference in front of the Buddha!" ​​Another stick directly punished him.

Zhang San and Li Si looked at it from the sidelines, feeling very happy in their hearts, and shouted: "Officials, let's burn down this black shop with wildfire!"

Wang Lun was about to nod his head when he suddenly remembered something, and said: "Listen to the words of his two beasts, two lives fell into their hands in the morning, let's go and search, if you can save these two people, it will be considered a meritorious deed." !"

Zhang San and Li Si listened, nodded repeatedly, and ran into the courtyard. Wang Lun and Lu Zhishen looked at each other, nodded slightly, and followed immediately.

"Officer, master, there is a bluestone slab here, it is very strange!"

Hearing Zhang San's report, Wang Lun and Lu Zhishen hurried to a dark room, and saw that there were piles of clean buckets, with a bad smell, and a smooth bluestone slab inside, which did not match the environment. Lu Zhishen stepped forward to lift the stone slab with supernatural power, and threw it aside, only to see a dark hole exposed in front of everyone.

Seeing this, Wang Lun wondered: "Could it be that they threw them in when they were upset? Let's go down and have a look!" After speaking, he slid towards the passage, but saw a thick hand blocking him at this time.When Wang Lun looked back, he only heard Lu Zhishen say: "Brother, let's go down first!" Without waiting for Wang Lun's reaction, he slid down the hole with his Zen stick. Hurriedly rushing in, Zhang San and Li Si looked at each other, and they all followed.

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